"I'm Xiao Yunshuang, I'm in People's Garden Square in Ninghai City.

Now the group, mainly Bai Shixiong and his gang, are trying to overthrow the current order of the survivor base in Ninghai City. They have betrayed their original promise to establish the survivor base, and they will not hesitate to slaughter their compatriots for their own interests! Now Ninghai City is still willing to join me, Xiao Yunshuang. Those who are fighting together, please come to the People's Garden Square, and let us witness the fate of Bai Shixiong, a group of traitors!"

Bai Shixiong frowned and stood up: "Where is the movement coming from?"

"Xiao Yunshuang is back! Xiao Yunshuang is here!"

The group of people who swore their promises just now, at this time, subconsciously showed their timidity.

"Give me quiet, a bunch of rubbish.

Yun Shuang's words frightened you like this."

Bai Shixiong couldn't see it, so he shouted angrily, and then the group of people settled down.

At this moment, a soldier entered the door.

"Not good, not good.

white man,

Your sister just took our fifth special team to the central square to encircle Xiao Yunshuang who suddenly appeared! But the whole army was wiped out, and Miss Bai Jie is now stripped naked and hanging on the tallest clock tower in the central square."

Soldier's Report.


Bai Shixiong's expression changed.

"How is it possible, Bai Jie took away the fifth special team, there are hundreds of awakened people.

How could Xiao Yunshuang win!"

The soldier swallowed: "I heard that Xiao Yunshuang brought back reinforcements!"


"Could it be the reinforcements of Tianhai City!"

"It's over.

She Xiao Yunshuang really invited reinforcements from Tianhai City, and now we are finished."

The group of people who had just calmed down immediately.

Like ants on a hot pan.

"Shut up for me, no one dares to cry anymore.

Lao Tzu killed him first!"

Bai Shixiong couldn't help but scolded angrily.

The scene calmed down.

"You all use your brains to think about it.

Tianhai City has just been attacked by a group of zombies. Even if we send reinforcements, how many people can we send here? It is Ninghai City, not Tianhai City! Don't people dare to fight against us in this apocalypse, and even if we do against us, we won't be cowardly!"

Bai Shixiong's words sound reasonable to everyone.

"Boss Bai, what should we do now?"

one person asked.

Bai Shixiong twisted his neck: "The fifth special team is gone, we still have four 44 special teams and more than [-] awakened people.

It's just that we took this opportunity to let those centrists understand.

Starting today, there will be no Xiao Yunshuang in Ninghai City, only me, Bai Shixiong!"

Bai Shixiong walked to the window, opened the window and looked in the direction of the central square.

"Pass my order and assemble the first, second, third, and fourth special forces.

All go to the central square, I don’t care if he is Xiao Yunshuang or someone from Tianhai City, he will die for me today!”

Bai Shixiong waved his hand.


In a basement, there were over a hundred people crowded here.

"How can you be sure that the news is reliable, Master Xiao is really back"

A man came down the steps, and immediately.

surrounded by others.

"The news is reliable. Just now, Lord Xiao Yunshuang had fought a battle in the central square, and he captured Bai Jie and hung it on the clock tower to show the public! Is the so-called king of Bai Shixiong, the traitor, the fifth special team annihilated! Now the angry Bai Shixiong brought My cronies and four special forces are all rushing to the downtown square!"

The man reported the news account he got.

"What should we do now to support Lord Xiao?"

"It goes without saying that we must support Sir Xiao and get rid of the traitors Bai Shixiong."

"it is good.

You guys right now.

Go to the other shelters and get to the town square within twenty minutes.

We will fight side by side with Lord Xiao Yunshuang, and we will break the net with Bai Shixiong's gang of traitors!"

"it is good!"

"The fish is dead and the net is broken!"

The city of Ninghai was boiling, and even the gang of centrists sent people to investigate the situation in the central square at this moment.

This battle represents whether Ninghai City will be surnamed Bai or Xiao in the future! But they don't know, in Lin Hao's opinion, whether Ninghai City is surnamed Bai or Xiao is what he says!

Chapter 158 If you laugh enough, you can die

Chapter 159 Ice and Fire Two Heavens 【Customize】

The battle has begun.

The flame spirit took a step forward, and the flames wrapped her whole body.

Originally a hot and sexy hot girl, the next moment from the fire became a fire dragon with a height of four or five meters.

"Hoo ho ho ho."

The fire-breathing dragon howled, and then spewed out raging flames from its mouth.

The temperature of the jet flame can melt the wall and the steel plate of the tank, and the ground is burned with black marks wherever it passes.

Anyone who is touched by the jet flame becomes a burning man.

The fire-breathing dragon felt that this was not enough, and it directly screamed in the sky.

Then a raging flame emerged from the whole body, and the flame formed several lines along the ground and emanated towards the surroundings.

"Flame, here comes the flame! Get out of the way!"

Those people saw the flames strike again, and they all fled.

This time no one was touched by the flames, but this was just the beginning.

All the flames exploded, and the power was even greater, and the entire square seemed to be caught in a fire.

"Explosion Flame"

Lin Hao was a little amazed at the power of this move, and at the same time he said helplessly: "Fire-breathing dragon, you should leave some opportunities for others to perform."

The fire-breathing dragon's explosive flames must not be underestimated.

Xiao Yunshuang, who was beside him, felt the heat wave at this moment, and sweat appeared on his forehead.

This is the first time she has felt the heat after awakening the ice element, what a scorching temperature it must be to make her, an ice beauty, feel the heat.

With this move alone, Bai Shixiong's gang would be hard to resist.

The soldiers who were originally ambushed in the house turned into burning firemen one by one, dropped their weapons and ran out from the inside, and the people on the defense lines were even more defeated.

"Help, help."

"fire Fire"

"Don't come here, don't come near me!"

Xiao Yunshuang suddenly came back to her senses at this time, she found the fire that was starting to spread, and she hurriedly looked at Lin Hao: "Mr. Lin!"

"I know I know.

I'll get it done."

Lin Hao understood what Xiao Yunshuang meant.

If this fire is allowed to spread, it will soon ignite the entire Ninghai City.

August summer,

The battle has begun.

The flame spirit took a step forward, and the flames wrapped her whole body.

Originally a hot and sexy hot girl, the next moment from the fire became a fire dragon with a height of four or five meters.

"Hoo ho ho ho."

The fire-breathing dragon howled, and then spewed out raging flames from its mouth.

The temperature of the jet flame can melt the wall and the steel plate of the tank, and the ground is burned with black marks wherever it passes.

Anyone who is touched by the jet flame becomes a burning man.

The fire-breathing dragon felt that this was not enough, and it directly screamed in the sky.

Then a raging flame emerged from the whole body, and the flame formed several lines along the ground and emanated towards the surroundings.

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