Everyone gives it to me, whoever catches Xiao Yunshuang, I will reward her as a slave!"

Bai Jie desperately wanted to destroy Xiao Yunshuang.

It even caused her not to consider the threat of Lin Hao's existence.


Lin Hao had a lot of Poke Balls in his hands.

He wants to make these people in front of him understand.

Are zombies scary?

Are mutant creatures scary?

But he, Lin Hao, is even more terrifying! "I gave you a chance, if you want to blame it, you choose death yourself."

Chapter 156 Not a level of slaughter 【Customize】

"Thunder spirits use [-] volts! Minas uses water guns! Leaf spirits use flying blades! Fairy spirits use psychic shocks!"

Four elves appeared at the same time.

The golden-yellow Thunder Spirit was the most dazzling, and all around it radiated electric light, and the [-] volts it released directly electrocuted a piece of it, and even directly electrocuted all the people in an armored vehicle.

Minas' water gun can directly penetrate the body of an awakened person below level [-] or even a wall, and its power is terrifying comparable to a missile.

The Leaf Elf's Flying Leaf Knife, a seemingly fluttering leaf, flutters in the air but is constantly reaping life, this leaf is sharper than a bullet, and it has no trajectory to speak of.

The spiritual shock of the fairy spirit made those who tried to shoot and attacked directly into a concussion.

"The fire nine tails use the flame vortex, and the ice nine tails use the frozen wind!"

The two nine-tails who coexisted with strength and beauty appeared, showing the charm of flame and ice to everyone present.

All the places where the flame vortex passed were screams.

2 The freezing wind blew past, and those people were directly frozen into ice sculptures.

In the blink of an eye, all ordinary soldiers and warriors basically lost their fighting ability or will to fight.

"Damn it, damn it! The Awakened give me this and kill these monsters!"

Bai Jie trembled a little, she immediately.

Command the Awakened around him to participate in the battle.

The Awakened people used their abilities and swarmed up.

"Kill them!"

The strong man under Bai Jie also shouted, and even had the momentum to rush up.

Bai Jie hurriedly grabbed his ear and whispered, "What are you doing?

Don't hurry and take me away."

The strong man was stunned, he looked at Bai Jie hesitantly: "Lord Bai Jie, it's not good for us to escape like this.

They're still there: fighting."

"Aren't you stupid! We don't call running away, what if Miss Ben's precious body is bruised, I can leave it to them here.

Let's go to my brother first."

Bai Jie was a little uneasy in her heart, but she couldn't say it, so she could only find an excuse.


The strong man nodded and turned to leave.

"Where do you want to go"

a figure

"Thunder spirits use [-] volts! Minas uses water guns! Leaf spirits use flying blades! Fairy spirits use psychic shocks!"

Four elves appeared at the same time.

The golden-yellow Thunder Spirit was the most dazzling, and all around it radiated electric light, and the [-] volts it released directly electrocuted a piece of it, and even directly electrocuted all the people in an armored vehicle.

Minas' water gun can directly penetrate the body of an awakened person below level [-] or even a wall, and its power is terrifying comparable to a missile.

The Leaf Elf's Flying Leaf Knife, a seemingly fluttering leaf, flutters in the air but is constantly reaping life, this leaf is sharper than a bullet, and it has no trajectory to speak of.

The spiritual shock of the fairy spirit made those who tried to shoot and attacked directly into a concussion.

"The fire nine tails use the flame vortex, and the ice nine tails use the frozen wind!"

The two nine-tails who coexisted with strength and beauty appeared, showing the charm of flame and ice to everyone present.

All the places where the flame vortex passed were screams.

2 The freezing wind blew past, and those people were directly frozen into ice sculptures.

In the blink of an eye, all ordinary soldiers and warriors basically lost their fighting ability or will to fight.

"Damn it, damn it! The Awakened give me this and kill these monsters!"

Bai Jie trembled a little, she immediately.

Command the Awakened around him to participate in the battle.

The Awakened people used their abilities and swarmed up.

"Kill them!"

The strong man under Bai Jie also shouted, and even had the momentum to rush up.

Bai Jie hurriedly grabbed his ear and whispered, "What are you doing?

Don't hurry and take me away."

The strong man was stunned, he looked at Bai Jie hesitantly: "Lord Bai Jie, it's not good for us to escape like this.

They're still there: fighting."

"Aren't you stupid! We don't call running away, what if Miss Ben's precious body is bruised, I can leave it to them here.

Let's go to my brother first."

Bai Jie was a little uneasy in her heart, but she couldn't say it, so she could only find an excuse.


The strong man nodded and turned to leave.

"Where do you want to go"

A figure suddenly appeared in front of the strong man.

Shanaido squinted at Bai Jie: "Master said, you want to stay."

"Anything that is neither human nor ghost, please kill it for me!"

Bai Jie pointed at Shanaido.

Strong man immediately.

He waved the fist of his third-level power awakener.

But he missed.

"Such a slow fist, still trying to hit me"

Shanaido moved behind the strong man with a teleportation.

She stared at the back of the strong man's head, her pupils emitting a strange light.

"Spiritual strength."

The strong man's body was stunned, and he became stiff.

"Hey, what are you doing.

What are you doing, hurry up?"

Bai Jie slapped the strong man on the face, but the strong man didn't respond at all.

Suddenly, the strong man's seven orifices bleed and fell straight to the ground.

This led to Bai Jie also dumping a dog to eat shit.

Bai Jie looked at Shanaido in horror, she kept shouting: "You don't come here.

I warn you, my brother is a fifth-level awakener, if he comes, he will definitely kill you when he sees me."

"The master said that if he wants you to stay, you must stay."

Shanaido's eyes flashed again.

This time, Bai Jie fell asleep and was picked up by Shanaido.

And at this time, the battle on the other side of the square is also coming to an end.

After Sister Calamity's sword dance ended, there were dozens of corpses of awakened people lying beside her.

The water arrow turtle slowly stood up, and there was a flesh and blood mold under its feet

Muddy corpse.

"Three-level magic shadow arrow!"

The black magician floated in the air, waving the staff in her hand.

The jet-black arrow feathers shot out, directly killing and piercing the awakened ones.

This is not a battle.

This is a massacre, not a power-level massacre at all.

The fire-breathing dragon looked at the scene in front of him and slapped Hache boringly, these ants had no desire to let it do it at all.

Xiao Yunshuang looked at the scene in front of her, her heart could not be calm for a long time, the miserable condition of Bai Jie's subordinates even made her sympathize with them for a moment.

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