Even before the end of the world, when human technology was so advanced, less than [-]% of the seas explored by the world were still.

It is conceivable that the ocean in the apocalyptic environment is full of dangers.

So Lin Hao felt that this was a troublesome thing.

"According to what you just said, the murloc mutants will attack Ninghai City every seven to ten days.

The last attack was on August 8th.

And today is August 8th, within five days, the murloc mutants will definitely come back to invade Ninghai City.”

Lin Hao said.

Xiao Yunshuang nodded heavily: "Yes, definitely!"

"Since they are dark, we are bright.

Then we can only watch the changes and wait for them to appear."

Lin Hao said in a deep voice.

Lin Hao didn't like this kind of battle, he liked the feeling that the whole battle situation was under his control.

"Let's go back to Ninghai City first."

Lin Hao swooped down with the fire-breathing dragon, and finally found an empty square and landed directly.

This shocked the survivors in Ninghai City.

Survivors around the square fled.

"Mutant creatures! Come, run, run!"

"Help, help!"

"Awakened, where is Lord Awakened.

There are mutant creatures here!"

"It was the fire dragon from a few days ago, I knew that the fire dragon would definitely come back.

It's over, our Ninghai City is over."

Exclamations resounded through the streets for a while.

"Your people have seen me"

Lin Hao heard someone screaming about the fire-breathing dragon.

"About five days ago: Mr. Lin, did you ride this fire dragon to fly over Ninghai City?"

Xiao Yunshuang looked at Lin Hao.

"Oh, I remember.

There is such a thing.

I just go for a spin."

Lin Hao recalled that at that time it was to test the flying speed of the fire-breathing dragon.

Xiao Yunshuang smiled wryly, your casual drive has made the hearts of all the survivors in Ninghai City hang in their throats.

At this moment, there was the sound of cars and footsteps.

After a while, several armored off-road vehicles appeared on every street around the square.

A group of soldiers holding weapons and wearing azure military uniforms surrounded the place, and there were also hundreds of Awakeneds wearing blue striped shirts. Judging from their uniform dress, it was estimated that they were all a group of people.

"Wait, it's me!"

Xiao Yunshuang hurriedly stood up and shouted.

I thought that if Xiao Yunshuang came forward, this misunderstanding would be solved easily.

However, unexpectedly, a gunshot suddenly sounded.

Bah, Xiao Yunshuang also heard the sound of gunshots, it was the sound of a sniper gun, and he knew whether the gun was aimed at him or Xiao Yunshuang.

If it is an ordinary awakened person, it is estimated that it is really planted under this dark gun.


Lin Hao snorted softly.

The fire-breathing dragon raised his claws and bounced off the bullet directly.

"Miss Xiao, it looks like your people don't welcome me."

Lin Haoming.

"Misunderstanding, it must be a misunderstanding.

Don't worry, Mr. Lin, and I'll settle these matters."

Xiao Yunshuang never imagined that someone would shoot.

She immediately.

Jumping down from the fire-breathing dragon, he yelled loudly, "Who fired the gun! I, Xiao Yunshuang, are here, I order you all to immediately.

Put down your weapons, and all return to their posts!"

The people around were unmoved.

Some people even looked at Xiao Yunshuang with blasphemous eyes.

Xiao Yunshuang felt that the atmosphere was not right.

She frowned and said coldly, "Who is your commander, let him come out to see me."

"Lord Xiao Yunshuang, I am their commander."

A woman came out, wearing a female sailor suit, blue skirt, and beret.

There is a very thick foundation on the face, and the neck and face are not the same color at all.


When Xiao Yunshuang saw this woman, her face immediately changed.

Gloomy, with disgust in his eyes.

"Lord Xiao Yunshuang hasn't seen you for two days, you are still so beautiful."

Bai Jie smiled and spoke strangely.

"What about your brother? Let him come out to see me."

Xiao Yunshuang said sternly: "How could he allow you to command the army, it's just nonsense!"

Bai Jie shrugged, and she clapped her hands.

A shirtless burly man came out, directly lifted Bai Jie, and let Bai Jie sit on his shoulders.

"Why not? Now my brother is the leader of Ninghai City. As his sister, what's wrong with commanding the army?"

Bai Jie's words were like a thunderbolt.

Lin Hao, who was riding on the fire-breathing dragon, showed a smile. It seemed that he came at the right time, just in time for a good show.

Xiao Yunshuang's body was overflowing with chills, and she suppressed her anger: "What did Bai Shixiong do! Commander Bai and others!"

"Captain Bai, he is your close friend.

I have always followed your lead, but after all, he is our uncle, and my brother couldn't kill him, so he locked him in the dungeon.

As for your other cronies.

Gluck, bring it here, and let us, Lord Xiao Yunshuang, have a look."

Bai Jie covered her mouth and smiled lightly.

A truck drove in and the doors opened.

One body after another was thrown out.

There are wounds all over the man's body, and some can't even find all the limbs.

The women with fatal wounds were not bad, some of them were naked, with anger in their eyes, and they didn't need to think about how they were treated in life.

"Long queue! Ma Dongmei! Ah Xiu!"

When Xiao Yunshuang saw the bodies of these people, she swayed a few times and fell backwards subconsciously, but a chest behind her caught her.

"calm down."

Lin Hao calmed down.

Xiao Yunshuang continued to take deep breaths to calm down his emotions.

"But some diehards were lucky and escaped.

But I believe that as long as they are still in this Ninghai City, I will arrest them one by one and torture them to death!"

Bai Jie said grimly.

"You are betraying!"

Xiao Yunshuang shouted angrily.

"Mutiny no, no, no.

We're just bringing the Ninghai Survivor Base back on the right path."

Bai Jie pointed at Xiao Yunshuang: "You bitch, it's because you don't know what's good or bad and don't agree with our proposal.

Use the lives of those pariahs to save our Ninghai City, but you have to fight those terrifying murlocs to the death! We just need to send some pariahs to the beach every once in a while, and those murlocs will naturally not come if they are captured. Attack us! Why are you taking us to death!"

Lin Hao now understood that it was because of political discord among the senior officials of Ninghai City, and because Xiao Yunshuang went out to ask for help, the rebellion occurred in Ninghai City.

"You bastards, bastards!"

Xiao Yunshuang gritted his teeth.

"Beast, I'll let you know what a beast is.

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