Hearing that Lin Hao was leaving, Song Wei and Qiaoying panicked.

"Mr. Lin, can you take a step to speak?"

Xu Yibing stared at Lin Hao and said expectantly.

Lin Hao hesitated for a while, but he still jumped off the fire-breathing dragon.

"Mr. Lin, please come with me."

Xu Yibing led Lin Hao to the stairs from the parking lot leading to the shopping mall downstairs, and walked to a storefront room downstairs.

"If you have anything, just say it."

Lin Hao still had the mysterious black circle in his heart, and really didn't want to stay here any longer.

Xu Yibing looked at Lin Hao, she bit her lip lightly, as if she was struggling with something, and finally she suddenly unbuttoned her clothes.

Lin Hao frowned: "what are you doing?"

"Mr. Lin, do you despise me? I don't have a boyfriend!"

Xu Yibing also said shyly.

Lin Hao stared at Xu Yibing. He clearly knew that Xu Shi was using a beauty trick on himself. He walked to the seat next to him and sat down directly: "Let's talk about it first."

Xu Yibing said: "Mr. Lin, my Yunshui Villa can accommodate our people here.

As long as you are willing, Xu Yibing is willing to serve you and be your woman."

In Xu Yibing's opinion, Lin Hao should like beautiful people, otherwise how could there be so many women in Yunshui Villa.

And Xu Yibing's own condition is not bad, in the police academy.

That is a famous golden flower.


Lin Hao directly refused.

Yunshui Villa is now in line with Lin Hao's system, and he can no longer let a group of people who he doesn't understand at all enter his Garden of Eden.

He can save Xu Yibing, but it doesn't mean he can accept these people.

Xu Yibing's heart swayed, she put down her hands, and knelt directly in front of Lin Hao. For the sake of her gang's vitality, she had already let go of her dignity.

Because she clearly realizes that in this last world, either she is strong, or she relies on those who are strong enough.

And the Lin Hao in front of him is a towering one.

Big tree! "There are not many of us, only about fifty people.

We can forage our own food, as long as you can provide us with a shelter."

Xu Yibing begged.


Lin Hao still refused indifferently, even though Xu Yibing looked like he was letting you pick.

Xu Yibing lost her eyes and looked lost.

"However, I have a suggestion for you to consider."

Lin Hao suddenly said another sentence.


Xu Yibing asked subconsciously.

"Cloud City."

Lin Hao said the place name.

Xu Yibing's eyes lit up when she heard the words Yuncheng.

"There are basically no zombies and mutant creatures in Yuncheng now, and in a place as big as Yuncheng, although two months have passed since the end of the world, there is still a lot of food that can be found.

Satisfying the fifty or sixty of you,,, for a year and a half is no problem."

Lin Hao said.

As Yuncheng is the closest city to Yunshui Villa, every once in a while, Lin Hao will arrange a few elves to hunt inside and outside of Yuncheng.

So even though Yuncheng is still in ruins, it is actually the safest place in the entire Jiangnan Province after Yunshui Villa.

Xu Yibing's eyes suddenly filled with hope.


Although my own people can't go to Yunshui Villa, they can go to Yuncheng.

It is much safer than Lihu City, it is only half an hour's drive away from Yunshui Villa, and in case of danger, you can ask for help in time.

"Thank you, Mr. Lin."

Xu Yibing bowed to Lin Hao again and again, and Lin Hao's eyes were full of white flowers.

"You'd better put your clothes on first, or maybe I'll be doing something to you here."

Lin Hao joked.

Xu Yibing looks good, but it's a pity that Lin Hao doesn't have any interest in that area now, and he is still thinking about the mysterious black circle.

Xu Yibing's cheeks flushed, and she hurriedly put on her clothes.

It has to be said that admiring beautiful women wearing clothes is also a good experience.

It would be even better if the jeans were replaced with short skirts and stockings.

"If nothing else 520, you are now ready to go.

I can arrange a summoned object for you to protect you from going to Cloud City."

Lin Hao said.

"Mr. Lin has one more thing!"

Xu Yibing got dressed and suddenly said, "It's about me."

Lin Hao looked at Xu Yibing suspiciously.

"Ever since I woke up, I feel like I'm weird.

There seems to be something more in my head, and my strength is not as stable as it used to be."

Xu Yibing said nervously.

"There is something more, let me be more specific."

Lin Hao aroused curiosity.

"It's just that there will be more things about swordsmanship in my mind."

Xu Yibing pointed to her brain.


Lin Hao paused: He stared at Xu Yibing.

[Xu Yibing: The sixth-level inheritor of the Promise Sword Saint] Lin Hao's eyes changed, and if he remembered correctly, Xu Yibing's ability to awaken was speed before, why did he become a Promise Sword Saint now, and he also became a sixth-level inheritor .

"Do you have any useful information that appears in your mind?"

Lin Hao asked.

Xu Yibing was silent for a while, she covered her head: "It seems like a voice told me.

The awakened person just awakens an ability, and after the awakened person surpasses the fifth level, he will become the inheritor, and the inheritor will accept a power in the dark.

This power will teach me how to fight more effectively"

Chapter 143 Inheritance and Power? 【Please customize】

Lin Hao rode the fire-breathing dragon back to Yunshui Villa first, and he arranged for the fast dragon to escort Xu Yibing's team.

With fast dragons, there is no danger unless there are zombies or mutant creatures above level [-].

"Inherited Power"

Lin Hao rode the fire-breathing dragon, thinking about these things all the time in his heart.

From what Xu Yibing said, make bold assumptions.

The Awakened is just the first step in human mutation, or in other words, becoming stronger.

The fifth-level awakened person will be upgraded again, and they will become the sixth-level inheritor, and will have an inheritance.

Because Xu Yibing originally awakened to the speed-type ability, and the inheritance he accepted was "The Promise Sword Saint"

, then it is possible that this is also a inheritor of partial speed.

The ability to awaken and the ability to inherit are actually related.

"I don't know whether this inheritor is stronger or weaker against my elf.

Chen Ke and the others are all level [-], so go back and ask them to work harder. With a few more inheritors, you can collect more information."

Lin Hao thought to himself.

After flying for a few minutes, we returned to Yunshui Villa.


When Tang Xiaoyuan landed on Lin Hao, she immediately.

came up.

The fire-breathing dragon returned to the shape of a flame spirit.

"I'm starving, I'm starving.

Hurry up and ask Sister Cher to prepare something for me, I want mutton, beef, pork!"

Yanling clutched her belly button and shouted aggrievedly.

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