"Get out of the way, get out of the way quickly!"

Song Wei immediately.

Let those survivors get out of the way to Lin Hao.

When the survivors saw Lin Hao, they both had uncontrollable excitement.

This man can actually cure the zombie virus! This means that they are saved! Human beings are saved! Lin Hao saw the meaning in these people's eyes, he said lightly: "I don't have a lot of potions, and they are only It's effective for people like Xu Yibing who haven't completely turned into zombies, and the kind of people who are completely zombies can't be saved."

The survivors' eyes dimmed, but at least this is a good hope, at least their leader Xu Yibing is alive! Lin Hao looked at Xu Yibing in the car, she opened her eyes, and the seat belt on her body had not been unfastened.

"Where am I."

Xu Yibing muttered in a daze, her eyes still a little confused.

"Miss Xu, it's me.

It's me!"

Qiao Ying grabbed Xu Yibing's hand and cried out excitedly.

"Jojo Ying"

Xu Yibing looked at Qiao Ying in a daze.

Lin Hao motioned to Qiao Ying to calm down, then he raised three fingers in front of Xu Yibing: "Tell me.

You see a few fingers"

"Three or three."

Xu Yibing said in a daze.

"What is your name and what is your dream."

Lin Hao continued to ask.

Before dawn, Lin Hao was woken up by the movement next to him, and it can't be said that he was awakened. In places other than Yunshui Villa, he would not have fallen asleep completely.

"Sister Xu, Sister Xu!"

"Sister Xu is awake, great! Sister Xu is awake!"

"Wuwuwu Sister Xu, it's really good that you're fine."

Lin Hao got off the folding bed and looked at the car.

There were a lot of people around the car, all of them talking excitedly.

Song Wei pushed the crowd away and ran to Lin Hao excitedly: "Mr. Lin is great.

Sister Xu, she's awake!"

At this moment, Song Wei is not only in awe of Lin Hao, but also grateful to Lin Hao from the bottom of his heart.

This man is really amazing. Not only does he have powerful summons to deal with zombies and mutant creatures, but he can also rescue people who have turned into zombies! Lin Hao walked towards the car.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way quickly!"

Song Wei immediately.

Let those survivors get out of the way to Lin Hao.

When the survivors saw Lin Hao, they both had uncontrollable excitement.

This man can actually cure the zombie virus! This means that they are saved! Human beings are saved! Lin Hao saw the meaning in these people's eyes, he said lightly: "I don't have a lot of potions, and they are only It's effective for people like Xu Yibing who haven't completely turned into zombies, and the kind of people who are completely zombies can't be saved."

The survivors' eyes dimmed, but at least this is a good hope, at least their leader Xu Yibing is alive! Lin Hao looked at Xu Yibing in the car, she opened her eyes, and the seat belt on her body had not been unfastened.

"Where am I."

Xu Yibing muttered in a daze, her eyes still a little confused.

"Miss Xu, it's me.

It's me!"

Qiao Ying grabbed Xu Yibing's hand and cried out excitedly.

"Jojo Ying"

Xu Yibing looked at Qiao Ying in a daze.

Lin Hao motioned to Qiao Ying to calm down, then he raised three fingers in front of Xu Yibing: "Tell me.

You see a few fingers"

"Three or three."

Xu Yibing said in a daze.

"What is your name and what is your dream."

Lin Hao continued to ask.

"Xu Xu Yibing, my dream is to be a policeman."

Xu Yibing said.

Lin Hao pointed at Song Wei behind him: "Who is he and what is his name?"

Xu Yibing turned her eyes to Song Wei: "My cousin, Song Wei."

His cousin turned out that Song Wei was Xu Yibing's cousin. After Xu Yibing was injured by a zombie, he was reluctant to kill Xu Yibing.

"Then do you remember who I am?

we've seen."

take care of yourself.

Xu Yibing stared at Lin Hao, her eyes fluctuating: "Lin Linhao of Yunshui Villa."

Lin Hao smiled: "She's all right, zombies can't have such a mind.

You can unbuckle her seat belt."

"it is good"

Song Wei immediately.

Ready to do it, but stopped.

"Let the woman come."

Lin Hao said something.

Song Wei was stunned for a moment, then he noticed that Xu Yibing's jeans were damaged, and he suddenly understood what Lin Hao meant.

"I understand."

Song Wei arranged for Qiao Ying and other women to unbuckle Xu Yibing's seat belt and prepared clean clothes.

Lin Hao returned to his folding chair

Lin Hao was also happy from the bottom of his heart that Xu Yibing was able to recover.

After all, Xu Yibing is like this in the apocalypse, and can still stick to the bottom line, and there are not many others who can care about others.

With such people, at least Lin Hao can still believe that the human beings in this world will still have a trace of humanity in the end times, and will not become a complete beast.

Lin Hao looked at Sister Disaster who was still sitting on the edge, her posture was exactly the same as last night, as if she hadn't moved at all.

"Looks like there's a big event this time."

Lin Hao secretly said in his heart: It was the first time he saw Sister Disaster sleeping for such a long time, and he had a bad premonition.

Another half hour passed.

Xu Yibing wore brand new clothes and walked in front of Lin Hao.

"Mr. Lin, thank you.

I heard Qiao Ying and the others say that it was you who saved them and me."

Xu Yibing bowed deeply to Lin Hao.

"You don't need to thank me, just thank you for what you did in Yunshui Villa a month ago."

Lin Hao ate bread, drank milk, and smiled.

Xu Yibing was stunned for a moment, she looked at Lin Hao in surprise: "Mr. Lin is here to help us just because I reported to you before."

"Of course, I'm not the kind of... who would save people casually.

After all, in this apocalypse, people die every moment, and I can't save them.

However, I will save you Xu Yibing.

Just because of your actions and words at the time."

Lin Hao smiled.

Xu Yibing didn't know whether to laugh or cry, she never imagined that just because of her own small behavior at the time, she would save her and her survivor organization a month later.

Qiao Ying and Song Wei on the side were secretly rejoicing in their hearts.

You must know that when you went to Yunshui Villa to report the news, except for Xu Yibing, most people were against it.

But now they are all grateful for Xu Yibing's stubbornness and persistence. If it weren't for her stubbornness and persistence, it is estimated that there would be no survivors in Lihu City by now.

"Anyway, I still thank you very much.

I, Xu Yibing, will definitely repay your kindness."

Xu Yibing once again faced Lin Hao and bowed three times.

Lin Hao smiled, this woman is really interesting, so stubborn.

Suddenly, footsteps came from behind.

Lin Hao turned his head, he saw Sister Disaster who had been sitting over there all night finally moved, she walked in front of Lin Hao with a serious expression.

"problem occurs."

Sister Disaster walked to Lin Hao's side and whispered softly.

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