There was a soldier with a gun, swallowing his saliva, and his trembling hand did not hold the gun: he fell directly on the ground full of rain.

The captain next to him glared at the soldier: "Pick up your weapon for me, this is the battlefield! If you don't even have a weapon, then get out of here!"


The soldier hurriedly picked up the gun, holding back his heart.

The captain actually suppressed fear in his heart.

Compared with the black zombie tide, they were like a few small fish in the sea, and under the dark clouds and heavy rain, such a sense of oppression made people feel even more frightening.

In contrast, Lin Hao's eyes were filled with scorching fighting intent.

Zombie group experience value Zombie group doomsday currency What he saw was not a large group of zombies, but the walking experience value and doomsday currency.

"The main dish is here."

The corners of Lin Hao's mouth twitched, and he began to give orders.

"Shuijun, the water arrow turtle continues to use begging for rain."

Suicune and Water Arrow Turtle radiated blue light, and the torrential rain in the sky continued to fall.

Everyone here, their clothes are basically soaked through.

"Sister Calamity, Fire-breathing Dragon, Latios and Lattias, the four of you are in the air to hunt and kill those zombies with long-range attack methods and strength above level [-]!"

Sister Disaster's white hair began to grow, and wings grew out of her back, and then she flew straight into the sky.

The fire-breathing dragon roared, its wings vibrated, bringing a whirlwind and flying to the top of the zombies.

Latios and Lattias slid through two rays of sunshine, one red and one blue, respectively, in the rainstorm.

began their hunt.

"Thunder Elf, Leaf Elf, Fairy Elf, Minas, Shanaido, Dark Magician Girl, you all focus on this front and fight each other.

Destroy as many enemies as possible!"

Lin Hao shouted.

Thunder Elf and the others slapped open, like a dam in front of a torrent.

Lin Hao looked at the last Hackeron who had not yet arranged a mission.

"Use '11 Minutes [-] Exp [-] Cards' on Hackron."

There is an extra golden mark on Hackron's attribute page, which reads "Tenx EXP 11"

"Hakron, use the reverse scale!"

The skill of Reverse Scale allows the user to enter a state similar to madness in the next period of time, and the power of the skill displayed will greatly increase the power of Haklong's whole body, which starts to glow, like a glowing dragon.

"Huck Dragon, use Dragon Fury!"

A ball of energy light gathered in Hackron's mouth, which lasted for ten seconds.

Then just listen to "Boom"

There was a sound of breaking through the air, and a laser beam changed from the thickness of a palm to a beam with a diameter of ten meters.

Everywhere he passed, the ground was hollowed out in an arc, and all the corpses of zombies were on it.

There was a small gap in the original wave of zombies, but it was quickly filled by the zombies behind.

"Dragon Wrath, Tornado, Electromagnetic Wave!"

Lin Hao kept giving orders, and Ha Kelong lived up to Lin Fa's expectations and became a super battery.

huge "beam"

, terrifying tornadoes, and electromagnetic fields that can shake a piece.

The ten-minute attack by the zombie group yielded nothing, but left tens of thousands of zombie bones.

Fire-breathing dragons and the others also successfully completed Lin Hao's mission, sniping those high-level zombies and destroying those zombies with long-range offensive capabilities.

For example, level [-] venom sprays zombies.

Although the number of these zombies is only four or five hundred, but they are equivalent to tanks and self-propelled guns in the zombie army. They have the ability to spray corrosive super venom at a distance of five or six hundred meters.

Guo Haibing also emphasized one point before. Before, they encountered a small group of zombies attacking Tianhai City, and one of them was a third-level venom spraying zombie.

The venom was sprayed 5 meters away, which directly melted the city wall made of steel by [-].

0 gaps, regardless of

Whether a human being or an awakened person is contaminated with this thing, the skin and bones will quickly rot.

But it caused a lot of trouble to Guo Haibing and the others.

But in front of Fire-breathing Dragon, Sister Calamity, Latias and Latios, these venom-spraying zombies were wiped out one by one before they entered the range.

Ten minutes is not very long.

But it wasn't too short. For Guo Haibing and others, it was as hard as a hot pot.

For Lin Hao, it was an exciting time.

Ten minutes have come, and under the bonus of ten times the experience value of 11, Huck Dragon has taken [-] million experience points and hunted down [-] to [-] zombies.

[Hacron upgrade 15 is only one step away from level 15.

【Hackron: 1】

Chapter 119 Come Out!Kentaro Corps! 【Please customize】

Lin Hao used ten times the experience 11 cards on Ha Kelong again.

It's a pity that the experience gained in ten minutes this time cannot meet the requirements of level 55.

It's been almost half an hour since the battle started.

The group of zombies has formed a half-moon-shaped encirclement on the hillside where Lin Hao's front is located.

The hillside, which was originally about twenty meters high, was almost filled up by the zombie corpse in front of him.

"Report, out of bullets!"

"Oh no.

Our team has five people and five sacrifices!"

"City Lord, the three Awakened were exhausted and passed out!"

Guo Haibing received one bad news after another.

The hot weapons have all been exhausted, and the soldiers can only stand on the camp with swords. If there are no Pokémon covering them, it is estimated that there will be large-scale casualties.

And the Awakened also collapsed due to long-term high-intensity combat and was unable to fight.

Guo Haibing looked at the zombies that could not be seen at a glance, and at most they had eliminated less than one-tenth of 10% of the zombies in half an hour.

Victory seemed far away.

1 "Guo Chengzhu, take your incapacitated soldiers and withdraw to the center of the position."

Lin Hao shouted.

Guo Haibing looked at both sides and began to bypass the zombies that were rushing towards Tianhai City behind them.

"But more and more zombie groups started to move towards Tianhai City behind us."

"City Lord Guo over there in Tianhai City doesn't have to worry.

As long as there are no more than [-] zombies rushing through here.

There is no danger in Tianhai City for a while.

And as long as we can solve the troubles in front of us, it will be too late to return to Tianhai City!"

Lin Hao said.

Guo Haibing gritted his teeth, waved his hand, and let the wounded and the collapsed Awakened retreat to a safe area.

"it's time."

Lin Hao looked at the disadvantaged situation.

He raised his hand.

"Come out! Kentaro Legion!"

There were black lights and shadows around Lin Hao, one by one Kentairo appeared in front of Lin Hao.

ten, hundred, thousand, ten thousand

Lin Hao used ten times the experience 11 cards on Ha Kelong again.

It's a pity that the experience gained in ten minutes this time cannot meet the requirements of level 55.

It's been almost half an hour since the battle started.

The group of zombies has formed a half-moon-shaped encirclement on the hillside where Lin Hao's front is located.

The hillside, which was originally about twenty meters high, was almost filled up by the zombie corpse in front of him.

"Report, out of bullets!"

"Oh no.

Our team has five people and five sacrifices!"

"City Lord, the three Awakened were exhausted and passed out!"

Guo Haibing received one bad news after another.

The hot weapons have all been exhausted, and the soldiers can only stand on the camp with swords. If there are no Pokémon covering them, it is estimated that there will be large-scale casualties.

And the Awakened also collapsed due to long-term high-intensity combat and was unable to fight.

Guo Haibing looked at the zombies that could not be seen at a glance, and at most they had eliminated less than one-tenth of 10% of the zombies in half an hour.

Victory seemed far away.

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