
This time, it was the plan proposed by... Lin Hao, 'Central Army.

'It was also stationed by Yunshui Villa.

Why haven't their people come yet?"

Most of the people present started to wait a little anxiously.

This is the first time they can witness the true appearance of the mysterious force of Yunshui Villa.

But the other party was actually there: on the eve of the war, not a single person was seen.

They thought they would still see an army of several thousand men.

"The latest report.

The zombie swarm is still half an hour away from us.

In half an hour, they will climb over the mountains over there! Appear in front of us!"

Sun Qiang ran in front of Guo Haibing, and pointed to the wall-like hillside [-] meters high in the distance ten kilometers away.

"Half an hour."

Guo Haibing clenched his fists and walked back and forth on the original Yunshui Villa's position: "Mr. Lin and his people haven't come yet."

At this time, a few more people came running.

"City Lord, there are words from Wang Zhi and Xu Dazhuang.

If the people from Yunshuishan 183 Village don't show up again, they will withdraw."

A messenger ran over.


Guo Haibing turned his head and looked at the reserve team of hundreds of people behind him.

"It really won't work, Sun Qiang, just stay in the reserve team and take Mr. Lin's place for the time being."

"To replace the city lord, it's just us people.

Even if the hot weapons like machine guns are there, we can't stop hundreds of thousands of zombies, a wave of charges!"

Sun Qiang shook his head again and again.

At this moment, a dragon roar came from above.

Everyone in Sanlongjiao raised their heads and saw a fire dragon hovering in the air, then swooped down and landed on the preset position of Yunshui Villa.

Lin Hao jumped off the fire-breathing dragon, and Sister Disaster stood next to Lin Hao.

"City Lord Guo, I'm sorry.

Some things have been delayed and come late."

Lin Haodao.

"It's good to come, it's good to come."

Guo Chengzhu looked at Lin Hao with a strange expression: "What about... the army of Yunshui Villa?"

Lin Hao looked around, then spread out his hands: "Military Yunshui Villa has no army.

The combat power dispatched by Yunshui Villa is all here."

Guo Haibing and Sun Qiang widened their eyes.

After looking back and forth, it's just one dragon and two people! Although that dragon looks mighty, it can't be the opponent of hundreds of thousands of zombies.

There was only one thought in their minds: Uncle, this is not the time to be joking.

Chapter 115 The first wave? Zombie crawler 【Customize】

"Dad, look now.

It's that... Lin Hao came over riding a dragon!"

Wang Yong pointed to the hillside of the defense line in the distance in the center: "But it's a bit strange, I haven't seen anyone from Yunshui Villa for the time being."

"Don't worry about him, since he's here."

Wang Zhi sneered: "Wang Yong, please explain.

Wait a minute and everything goes according to plan."


Wang Yong nodded.

Wang Zhi sneered and looked at the people on the central defense line in the distance: "Lin Hao, hum.

I'd like to see how you deal with this great gift I gave you this time."

Wang Yong found a few people and looked at them.

Then some people on the ground started to move.

In addition to the people from the Axe Gang, there were also dozens of people arranged by Guo Haibing.

At this moment, there are several pairs of eyes staring at them unknowingly beside these people.

"Mr. Lin, now is not the time for jokes.

In less than half an hour, the zombie swarm will appear."

Guo Haibing wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"I'm really not kidding.

I have brought all my people."

Lin Hao said with a smile.

"It's not good, it's not good! The latest news from the front, the zombie group is moving faster, and it is expected to cross the mountain in front within ten minutes!"

Sun Qiang received the latest news and hurriedly reported it.

Ten minutes! The battle is imminent.

"City Lord Guo, please set up your team on both sides of the back of our side, and conduct some sniping at the zombie group that broke through the defense line, so as to reduce the trouble for Tianhai City."

Ye Hao ordered.

Guo Haibing was about to jump up in a hurry, there are only a few people, you really plan to rely on these few people to stop hundreds of thousands of zombies bragging, and you are not as bragging.

Naturally, Guo Haibing wouldn't say these words directly, he could only say: "That... Mr. Lin, why don't I let my people take the field, at least it can relieve your pressure."

His original trust in Lin Hao had begun to shake a little.

He even thought it was crazy.

"No need to

"Dad, look now.

It's that... Lin Hao came over riding a dragon!"

Wang Yong pointed to the hillside of the defense line in the distance in the center: "But it's a bit strange, I haven't seen anyone from Yunshui Villa for the time being."

"Don't worry about him, since he's here."

Wang Zhi sneered: "Wang Yong, please explain.

Wait a minute and everything goes according to plan."


Wang Yong nodded.

Wang Zhi sneered and looked at the people on the central defense line in the distance: "Lin Hao, hum.

I'd like to see how you deal with this great gift I gave you this time."

Wang Yong found a few people and looked at them.

Then some people on the ground started to move.

In addition to the people from the Axe Gang, there were also dozens of people arranged by Guo Haibing.

At this moment, there are several pairs of eyes staring at them unknowingly beside these people.

"Mr. Lin, now is not the time for jokes.

In less than half an hour, the zombie swarm will appear."

Guo Haibing wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"I'm really not kidding.

I have brought all my people."

Lin Hao said with a smile.

"It's not good, it's not good! The latest news from the front, the zombie group is moving faster, and it is expected to cross the mountain in front within ten minutes!"

Sun Qiang received the latest news and hurriedly reported it.

Ten minutes! The battle is imminent.

"City Lord Guo, please set up your team on both sides of the back of our side, and conduct some sniping at the zombie group that broke through the defense line, so as to reduce the trouble for Tianhai City."

Ye Hao ordered.

Guo Haibing was about to jump up in a hurry, there are only a few people, you really plan to rely on these few people to stop hundreds of thousands of zombies bragging, and you are not as bragging.

Naturally, Guo Haibing wouldn't say these words directly, he could only say: "That... Mr. Lin, why don't I let my people take the field, at least it can relieve your pressure."

His original trust in Lin Hao had begun to shake a little.

He even thought it was crazy.

"No need, there are hundreds of thousands of zombies in this area, so it's not a big problem to deal with.

Mainly, I am worried about Tianhai City behind me, and some clowns jumping on the beam."

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