The planting area, which was originally transformed from parks and promenades, is now piled up with various fruits and vegetables, and even the branches and leaves of some crops have grown out of this area.

"How is this going"

Lin Hao looked at He Xiaoe lying in his arms with some surprise.

He Xiao'e smiled dryly: "You should ask the Miss Ye Ye you arranged."

Ye Ye Ye Elf "You mean, these are all caused by Ye Ye"

Lin Hao was a little surprised.


After Miss Ye Ye came, she first checked the soil, and for the next ten days she was there: casting a strange light on the crops.

It was nothing at first, and on the fifth day, the crops started to grow.

Then in just five days, all the crops have grown like this.

Originally, I wanted to inform you in advance, but Miss Ye Ye said she wanted to give you a surprise.

So it's been delayed until now."

He Xiaoe looked at the planting area in front of her. This completely changed her mind as an agricultural expert. It was too subversive.

"It was a really special surprise."

Lin Hao sighed, then looked for Ye Ye's figure.

He was soon found outside a shed, instructing the female students in charge of picking fruits and vegetables. Because these fruits and vegetables are generally relatively large, picking them is a bit troublesome.

But it went well.

"Look, Young Master Lin is holding tutor He Xiaoe."

"I'm so envious, I also want to let Shao Lin."

"I think your little hoof doesn't want to be held by Young Master Lin, but to be ridden by Young Master Lin."

When a group of schoolgirls saw Lin Hao and He Xiaoe appear, they seemed to smell the hormones in the air, and they all became spring kittens.

And He Xiao'e only reacted at this time, she was still held in Lin Hao's arms.

"Can you put me down now?"

He Xiao'e said in a mosquito-like voice.


Lin Hao put He Xiaoe down, but He Xiaoe's body was actually quite soft.

Ye Ye also walked towards Lin Hao at this moment.


Ye Ye

She nodded to Lin Hao obediently, with beads of sweat on her forehead.

It can be seen that she is really working hard for the work that Lin Hao instructed.

"What's going on? Why are these vegetables and fruits so big?"

Lin Hao asked.

Ye Ye showed that kind of smile like showing off his achievements in front of his master.

"I first spent five days changing the soil quality here.

Then use photosynthesis to grow these vegetables and fruits quickly.

When photosynthesis purifies these crops, it also changes their genetic structure, resulting in a two to threefold increase in yield and volume without changing their original state."

There is still such an effect "then there is no problem with eating these vegetables and fruits"

Lin Hao asked cautiously.

"There is no problem, but it is more healthy and nutritious than the original vegetables and fruits!"

Ye Ye raised his head with a complimenting expression on me.

Lin Hao touched Ye Ye's head.

Ye Ye showed that kind of smile when the cat was petted.

0 "If you follow this situation, how long can you harvest a wave"

Lin Hao asked.

Ye Ye replied: "The vegetables and fruits here are mainly divided into three time periods, the ones that are ripe now are the first time period, and some of them have a short maturity period.

This can be done every ten days, mainly with simple vegetables.

The second time period is some medium and long-term food, which takes about half a month: mainly some fruits and some vegetables.

The third period is a long-term crop, at least a month, some rice or something."

"How about the output, is it enough for us to eat?"

Lin Hao looked at He Xiaoe.

He Xiao'e nodded: "If the refrigerator can be used, make sure that the stored food will not be damaged.

So in the current size of the planting area, according to our current dietary standards, at least one thousand people can meet the dietary needs."

"The planting area of ​​less than [-] square meters can meet the dietary needs of [-] people"

Lin Hao was a little surprised.


He Xiaoe nodded.

Lin Hao pinched Ye Ye's cheek: "Now, you have become the big treasure of our base."

"Ye Ye only needs to be the master's little treasure."

Ye Ye blinked his eyes and said.

"He Xiao'e will have Ye Ye to assist you in the future. You are responsible for the supply of food, and gradually replace the current situation of using reserved food as soon as possible."

Lin Hao ordered.

With Ye Ye's help, Lin Hao's worries were completely eradicated at this time. He couldn't finish the food at all! The planting area came to an end, and Lin Hao returned to his villa.

A few hours later, Guo Shuang's mother and daughter and Sun Qiang came to the door again.

Several people sat in the living room again.

Sun Qiang repeatedly emphasized the seriousness of this matter, and Mrs. Guo also begged Lin Hao to help.

Guo Shuang looked at Lin Hao pleadingly, if it wasn't for her mother's repeated insistence that she should not intervene, so as not to cause Lin Hao's disgust, she would also want to ask for mercy.

"It's not really a problem to help.

However, the person in charge of Tianhai City is City Lord Guo, and I need to talk to City Lord Guo about dealing with the zombies in person."

Lin Hao finally "let go"


In the ears of Mrs. Guo and others, these words were like voices from outside the sky.

Chapter 103 The real end of the world in Tianhai City 【Customize】

Tianhai City Lin Hao and his party came to Tianhai City.

Lin Hao did not ride a fire-breathing dragon because he had to worry about Mrs. Guo and his party, which led to it taking a day and a night to rush over.

There is a Chinese-brand mobile phone at Yunshui Villa, and the relationship between the transmission scroll, Lin Hao can travel with confidence, and if something happens, he can rush back in an instant.

"This is Tianhai City. This city wall is very high. With such a high city wall, it can definitely resist zombies."

Guo Shuang looked at the city wall that was at least twenty meters high and sighed.

Mrs. Guo poured cold water on her daughter.

"Before we fought against tens of thousands of zombies, we fought bloody battles for three days and three nights.

Only the awakened ones killed hundreds of people, and the ordinary soldiers killed thousands of people.

If a group of more than [-] zombies attacked Tianhai City, the [-]-meter-high city wall would only be a little higher for them. "Sixty-five-seven,"


In less than half a day, Tianhai City will become a dead city."

Madam Guo said with a heavy voice.

Mrs. Guo looked at her daughter, and she said regretfully, "Shuang'er, you shouldn't have come.

You stay at Yunshui Villa at least"

"Mom, I am your daughter.

How can I watch you and your father in danger! And it was Master Lin who agreed to come here!"

Guo Shuang blinked and looked at Lin Hao.

There were still three days left before the one-month period for Guo Shuang's release, and Lin Hao simply agreed to Guo Shuang's request and brought her here.

Anyway, according to the mission requirements, Guo Shuang only needs to be under Lin Hao's control.

"Okay, we can go to town."

Sun Qiang ran back, he had already communicated with the defense soldiers of the city wall, the city gate slowly opened, rest assured for them.

The convoy slowly drove into the largest survivor base in Jiangnan Province, Tianhai City.

As soon as she entered Tianhai City, Guo Shuang showed a surprised look, she smelled the stench in the air, and the smell of blood.

This is completely different from the Tianhai City she imagined.

"Sir, come and play.

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