During this period, Lin Hao also observed the situation in Jiangnan Province from time to time.

A large group of zombies gathered, which made Lin Hao somewhat unexpected. The number had reached as many as 0, and there were also a large number of fifth-level zombies, already sixth-level zombies.

Although the quality is not very high, the quantity is quite terrifying, and the high-level mutant zombies have also learned some means of attacking the air.

Such as launching a disgusting liquid bomb into the air, which is corrosive and infectious.

And according to Lin Hao's observation, the direction of this zombie group's movement is exactly the direction of Tianhai City.

This made Lin Hao have an idea in his heart.

I have no idea about my task, so I brought myself a pillow.

According to the trajectory of the zombie group, it will definitely pass through Tianhai City.

There are more than [-] zombies, even if the city wall of Tianhai City is [-] meters high, it is enough to be submerged by this sea of ​​corpses.

Because he was worried that if the zombie group was killed in advance, the system would not determine that the task was completed, Lin Hao did not rush to eliminate the zombie group.

He has to wait, he has to wait until the people in Tianhai City feel the danger, and when they are facing a crisis, he is dispatched to resolve the crisis, and then it should be regarded as a rescue.

Although this kind of behavior is a bit despicable, but in order to complete the task, Lin Hao can't care about it.

Finally, on the tenth day after the end of the Battle of Yuncheng, Yunshui Villa welcomed an unexpected and Lin Hao's expected guest.

"Miss Guo, Master ordered.

Let you go to the high-end villa."

A female student in a maid outfit trotted over and shouted to Guo Shuang who was cleaning the grass aisle with a group of female students.

Guo Shuang was taken aback, Lin Hao let himself go.

4. It has been more than [-] days since I came to Yunshui Villa by myself from the villa. Except for the first day, Guo Shuang has never seen Lin Hao. At this time, he suddenly asked me to go to his villa, which made Guo Shuang a little unexpected. .

And in the Yunshui Villa, it is well known that Lin Hao lived in the villa, that is not a random woman who can enter.

Zhao Xue and Tao Fangyuan are responsible for cleaning and cleaning clothes.

Some people even speculate that the woman who can enter Lin Hao's villa already has that kind of relationship with Lin Hao and is the mistress of Yunshui Villa.

At this moment, Guo Shuang felt the envy of the surrounding female students.

This made Guo Shuang a little uneasy himself, so it was possible that he finally had to do something to himself.

At that time, should I fight back or fight back?

Chapter 100 Tianhai City's Request for Help [Customize]

Guo Shuang wore his maid outfit and walked towards Lin Hao's high-end villa with some unease.

The maid outfit is her work outfit.

Although Lin Hao was not going to let Guo Shuang work at first, Guo Shuang is not a person who likes to be a parasite, after she lived here for a few days.

She knew that the vast majority of them were women, and although they were women, everyone had their own job, so she took up this job.

Clear the road every day, clean up the sanitation, and help others to do something.

Even the more than [-] days of life had made her a little used to being here, completely forgetting that outside the walls was the world of the end of the world.

Guo Shuang walked to the door of the villa, she pulled the corner of her skirt, and knocked on the door nervously.

"Please come in."

Lin Hao's voice came from inside the house.

Guo Shuang took a deep breath and opened the door.

She knew that if Lin Hao really wanted to do anything to her, she would not have the ability to resist.

Guo Shuang walked to the living room with anticipation, she thought about many scenes that she would see next.

Perhaps Lin Hao was waiting for her naked at the moment.

Maybe he just took a bath and was wearing a towel around him, just like those male protagonists in idol dramas.

Or wait a moment, Lin Hao will throw her to the ground like a hungry tiger, tear her clothes, and rudely occupy her.

Just as Guo Shuang entered the living room, she saw unexpected people.

A beautiful woman was sitting in front of Lin Hao, and at the same time Sun Qiang, who had a relationship in Yuncheng before, was also there! The beautiful woman stood up excitedly and called Guo Shuang's name.



Guo Shuang looked at the beautiful woman, and read out the name she had read in this dream many times.

This beautiful woman is the wife of Guo Haibing, the lord of Tianhai City, Mrs. Guo.

Mrs. Guo looked at her daughter whom she hadn't seen for a long time. Although it was only two months, it was like decades.

Mrs. Guo's eyes were slightly red, she took her daughter's hand and looked up and down... her daughter: "Are you all right, you haven't suffered any grievances."

"I'm fine mom.

You are not in Tianhai City, why are you here?"

Guo Shuang just came back to his senses at this time, he thought it was ambiguous

Guo Shuang wore his maid outfit and walked towards Lin Hao's high-end villa with some unease.

The maid outfit is her work outfit.

Although Lin Hao was not going to let Guo Shuang work at first, Guo Shuang is not a person who likes to be a parasite, after she lived here for a few days.

She knew that the vast majority of them were women, and although they were women, everyone had their own job, so she took up this job.

Clear the road every day, clean up the sanitation, and help others to do something.

Even the more than [-] days of life had made her a little used to being here, completely forgetting that outside the walls was the world of the end of the world.

Guo Shuang walked to the door of the villa, she pulled the corner of her skirt, and knocked on the door nervously.

"Please come in."

Lin Hao's voice came from inside the house.

Guo Shuang took a deep breath and opened the door.

She knew that if Lin Hao really wanted to do anything to her, she would not have the ability to resist.

Guo Shuang walked to the living room with anticipation, she thought about many scenes that she would see next.

Perhaps Lin Hao was waiting for her naked at the moment.

Maybe he just took a bath and was wearing a towel around him, just like those male protagonists in idol dramas.

Or wait a moment, Lin Hao will throw her to the ground like a hungry tiger, tear her clothes, and rudely occupy her.

Just as Guo Shuang entered the living room, she saw unexpected people.

A beautiful woman was sitting in front of Lin Hao, and at the same time Sun Qiang, who had a relationship in Yuncheng before, was also there! The beautiful woman stood up excitedly and called Guo Shuang's name.



Guo Shuang looked at the beautiful woman, and read out the name she had read in this dream many times.

This beautiful woman is the wife of Guo Haibing, the lord of Tianhai City, Mrs. Guo.

Mrs. Guo looked at her daughter whom she hadn't seen for a long time. Although it was only two months, it was like decades.

Mrs. Guo's eyes were slightly red, she took her daughter's hand and looked up and down... her daughter: "Are you all right, you haven't suffered any grievances."

"I'm fine mom.

You are not in Tianhai City, why are you here?"

It was only at this time that Guo Shuang came back to her senses. The ambiguous scene she thought turned into a family meeting, which she never expected.

"Mrs. Guo must have a lot to say to her daughter.

I'll lend it to you in the study next door."

Lin Hao said generously.

"Thank you, Mr. Lin."

Mrs. Guo did not refuse, and took her daughter's hand into the study next to her.

Now Lin Hao and Sun Qiang were left in the living room.

"Captain Sun, long time no see.

Stay safe."

Lin Hao smiled.

"Mr. Lin lives such an immortal life in this Yunshui Villa, we really envy us.

This room also has air conditioning and fresh fruit.

It's really a paradise."

Sun Qiang felt the coldness of his skin and looked at the fresh fruit.

Originally, he thought that the life in Tianhai City was considered a good one among the survivor bases.

But compared with Yunshui Villa, it is simply a heaven and a hell.

Tianhai City also has electricity, but it is powered by generators to supply important facilities, and there are frequent power outages.

Ordinary people don't have air conditioners or fans.

But here, you can enjoy the treatment of an air-conditioned room before the end of the world.

In addition, there are fresh fruits to eat.

Sun Qiang really couldn't believe it, the young man in front of him managed to do all this.


Captain Sun's sudden visit must have something to do with it, after all, I promised you before that as soon as the January deadline arrives, I will return Miss Guo, you can't be in a hurry to take Miss Guo back."

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