Wu Jiangxiong cursed inwardly, and then he whispered: "All in all, this Yuncheng is now a place of right and wrong, and 02 can't stay for long.

Let's get out as soon as possible! Go over there, there is a way to get out from Yuncheng!"

Wu Jiangxiong took his own people to carefully copy a trail and headed towards the north of Yuncheng.

The center of the first square of Yuncheng.

Xiaolei's body flashed with electric light, she stepped on a man's head.

"Who the hell are you?"

If this man was seen by people in Yuncheng, he would definitely be recognized.

The fourth-level fighting awakeners in Yuncheng also came from a slightly larger survivor base.

"Clouds Water Villa."

Xiaolei said lightly.

Although she looked very naughty in Lin Hao, in front of other men, she was an indifferent girl.

The man took a deep breath, how could Yunshui Villa be Yunshui Villa, doesn't it mean that Yunshui Villa has only a few fourth-level awakeners.

The Awakeners who appeared in Yuncheng successively had at least the combat power of a Level [-] Awakener, and even a Level [-] mutant creature.

Even though the girl in front of her has no fighting power of a level five awakener, she is equivalent to a slightly stronger level four awakener, and she can also control the strongest lightning! Even if he is an awakened martial artist, he is defeated by lightning.

Last night they were still there: discussing how to share this prey.

Little did they know that they who gathered in Yuncheng were the prey in the eyes of hunters.

"Let go of me, I have food to exchange for my life, and there are more than a dozen women"

The man gritted his teeth and begged for mercy.

His internal organs were numb with electric numbness, and he had no fighting ability at all.

"The master said, the people in this city today.

Don't even think about going out."

Xiaolei's lovely voice line made such cold words.

Then, Xiaolei raised her hand.

The electric shock man is completely silent

Wu Jiangxiong and the others were crossing the roads and finally saw Yunjiao, as long as they passed through here, they could leave Yuncheng.

Suddenly, a young woman wearing a green gauze skirt blocked the way of Wu Jiangxiong and others.

"Boss, look at it.

There's a"

A thug pointed at that... the woman in green.

"What time is it, you still think about women"

Wu slapped his subordinates, and when he saw the woman, his eyes straightened again.

Because of that... the woman in green, the pure model is quite beautiful, compared to the women Wu Jiangxiong has played with since the end of the world, they are even more beautiful together.

If this woman is taken back, at least this time it will not be in vain.

Wu Jiangxiong had this idea in his heart, but he didn't know that he would pay the price for his idea.

Wu Jiangxiong walked towards the woman in green with his own people.

"Little sister, it's dangerous in such a messy place, come with us.

We'll take you to see the goldfish."

A wretched man looked up and down... the woman in green.

The desire in those eyes, almost wished that the woman in front of her could be Fa-rectified on the spot.

"The master said that no one is allowed to go out from here today.

Anyone who comes out of the city, kill."

Shanaido said in a soft voice, but others who listened to him could not feel any murderous aura.

"Oh, the little girl wants to kill us, do you want to go to bed and kill us all over the place?"

Another companion smirked.

"Stop talking nonsense, catch someone and leave quickly."

Wu Jiangxiong urged.

Several men immediately.

Surrounded, ready to catch the woman.

Shanaido's eyes flashed with strange light.

A man suddenly pulled out... his own dagger inserted into his partner's abdomen.

"Dalang you you."

That...companion looked at the person who stabbed him in disbelief, he fell: he didn't understand why his companion would be stunned to kill him, he pulled out the dagger numbly, and then looked at other people.

"What are you doing! Are you crazy!"

Wu Jiangxiong didn't expect this sudden change, and cursed the companion who was the killer.

Da Lang was unmoved, raised his knife and slashed at the nearest person.

"Dalang is crazy!"

As the first person went mad, one, and then another went mad, and they attacked the people around them like zombies.

This is all because of Shanaido's skill "Voice of Charm"

"Wonderful girl did you do it!"

Wu Jiangxiong hacked to death one of his mad companions, and drank Shanaido angrily.

"Master said, you are all going to die."

Shanaido raised his hand.

Countless flying leaves appeared and shot at Wu Jiangxiong.

The skill magic Ye Wu Jiangxiong clenched his fists and displayed the strength of his third-level awakener.

Fist against magic leaf.

Wu Jiangxiong blocked the magic leaf's attack, but his fists were stained with blood.

But at this moment, Wu Jiangxiong brought out a hundred brothers, all of whom died tragically.

"Witch, I killed you!"

Wu Jiangxiong's eyes are congested, these are all his own capital. If he is gone, how can he continue to live happily in Baimao Town in the future?

Shadow avatar Shanaido transformed into several avatars.

Wu Jiangxiong punched him with a fist, and finally rushed to a Shanaido, punched him, but found that it was a fake.

After fighting for a long time, all Shanaido was dispersed by 843, and they were still clones.

"Witch, get out of here!"

Wu Jiangxiong was furious and was about to lose his mind.

On a tree a few meters away, Shanaido was standing there. She used teleportation to come here after the shadow clone, and now there is a strange light around her body.

This is "meditation"


Meditation increases the effectiveness of the next skill.

"Spiritual strength."

Shanaido stared at Wu Jiangxiong.

Wu Jiangxiong suddenly felt a pain in his head, and then fell to the ground with convulsions all over his body, his eyes widened and he looked in pain.


At this time that... The woman in green suddenly shouted, as if someone was coming.

A pair of shoes appeared in Wu Jiangxiong's vision.

"Isn't this Captain Wu, long time no see."

A familiar voice sounded, and a familiar face appeared in front of him.

Wu Jiangxiong widened his eyes and looked at the man in front of him in disbelief: "Rat"

"Sorry, that's just my nickname.

My name is Lin Hao, the controller of Yunshui Villa."

Lin Hao showed a devilish smile as he looked at Wu Jiangxiong's astonished eyes.

"I would also like to thank Captain Wu for helping me deliver the news, otherwise I wouldn't have the chance to attract so many people here and catch them all at once."


Wu Jiangxiong vomited blood, and his head was about to do something bad.

Lin Hao stood up and looked at the cloud city with black smoke.

"It's just that you have greed, don't blame me for raising the butcher's knife to you when you are killing others."

Chapter 96 The Devil in the End Times 【Customize】

Lin Hao touched Shanaido's head, and the virtual template in front of him kept showing the prompt to kill.

[Fire-breathing dragon kills second-level human] [Water arrow turtle kills third-level human] [Suijun kills first-level human] In front of powerful Pokémon, these people have absolutely no room for resistance.

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