Chapter 964 I will rub it for you?

The only thing that is not affected by the Mental Energy field is the living corpse. The picture on the moon in the water shows that the living corpses dived directly on the bottom of the seabed with the corpses of aquatic animals holding hairballs, and then entered a submarine canyon.

The jagged rift in the canyon is like a huge sacred mouth crawling on the bottom of the sea. With reference to the body shapes of hair balls and living corpses, the canyon is at least several kilometers wide.


The bright moon in the water suddenly washed away layers of waves, like a disturbed TV screen, with a large number of snowflakes and irregular stripes, and finally suddenly turned into pitch black.

Leng Han questioned,

“What’s the matter, lost track?”

“No,” the knife moved forward, frowning, “but it’s weird, I can’t chase… wait! I found it again!”

When the screen lit up again, it appeared in a cave. The cave was extremely wide, and it looked like the interior of a large mountain was hollowed out as a whole.

Due to the dim light, only a little boundary can be seen and the specific size of the cave cannot be judged. The top of the cave presents an extremely standard spiral staircase structure, like a highway winding up a mountain, and the rock walls are densely covered with several meters in diameter. Deep caves, regular distribution.

The most important thing is that at this time the cocoons of the living corpses and the fur balls are no longer on the bottom of the sea, and the cave is filled with air instead of sea water.

Everyone: “???”

The environment inside is very humid, with a lot of muddy and viscous water accumulating on the cratered rocky ground, and the smell of the harsh air in the cave seems to be smelled across the screen.

There are patches of moss everywhere on the ground, as well as strange lichens and fungi that can survive without a light source.

Mi Mi squinted her eyes and looked at it carefully, and concluded:

“This is definitely not the seabed, nor is it near islands or coastlines. There is no plant in the picture that can grow and flourish in such an environment. This place is inland!”

Mimi said,

“Look at the caves on the rock walls! They are all living corpse lairs! The young living corpses inside are even moving!”

Everyone looked carefully, and as expected, they could vaguely see the shadows of the living corpses. The densely packed small caves on the rock walls could not be counted. They were full of all the pictures in sight. How many living corpses should there be? ?

There was a sound of air-conditioning on the boat, and then cheered:

“It’s rich! It’s all corpse cubs! Old is valuable!”

Hearing that the knife went forward, he was immediately excited,

“Stop it, give me one minute! His… Ge Ye, help me work harder!”

Ge Ye rolled his thick and swollen eyelids, and gave the knife a squint…uh… squinted eyes…

The little fox composed of the original glow sheds a stronger blue light,

“found it!”

The knife moved forward and opened his eyes,

“They…in Zushan…”

Leng Han and Lin Shou looked at each other.

“This is impossible!”

The dog was digging at the bottom of the black sea in the first second, and after a second, they jumped to the Zu Mountain thousands of kilometers away…

What a special thing.

The zombies collectively licked the teleportation scroll? Self-made or Daguai burst? !

The knife moved forward and asked,

“Is there a Mingguang map? Give me one.”

Mi Mi immediately found one for him.

Since there are almost no effective detection methods, Mingguang’s map is very similar to what can only be seen from archaeological excavations in ancient tombs before the cataclysm, like a treasure map drawn by a bear child. The blue one is The sea, a blue line is a river, and a bunch of “△” symbols represent mountains. Anyone who looks at it will feel that there is absolutely no shoddy thing in the world.

The knife moved forward, picked up the pen, and struck an “×” in the blockbuster azure.

“This is about where we are now.”

He drew a straight line extending in the northwest direction, and also marked an “×” at the end of the straight line.

“This is where they are.”

Mi Mi quickly concluded,

“To the northwest, it is about 1,200 kilometers from Mingguang, and from us, uh…at least 2,300 kilometers.”

Lin Chou rubbed his eyebrows.

“you sure?”

“I dare to use this four hundred catties of tendon meat to guarantee that if something goes wrong, you pack it and take it all.”

Lin Chou scolded,

“What the hell is it…”

However, Lin Chou suddenly remembered in his heart that the scientific research institute had not researched a volcanic island because of this. Lin Chou doubted that the place where the world was full of ducks to which he was teleported was somewhere in this world. If there is also a giant portal on the sea floor, it doesn’t seem to be particularly unusual. What’s strange is that the Living Dead Rebel Party has mastered the specific usage of this thing?Fuck, technology really is the primary productive force!

Sure enough, Mingguang’s productivity still failed…

Leng Han ordered,

“Turn, let’s go to this place.”


Lin Chou waved his hand,

“no need.”

Leng Han looked at him suspiciously,

“What about the fur ball?”

Lin Chou said while taking something in his pocket.

“What are you doing with so many people and so many sea hunting boats? Yuanjing’s fuel is not money, I’m so heartbroken.”

“Well, I found it!”

Lin Chou held a small gauze bag in his hand,

“Get out of the way, this is a time bomb. I don’t include medical expenses for hurting you.”

Lin Chou carefully opened the gauze.

Of course, it’s not that they are afraid of explosions, but that they will be blown away by the sea breeze.

Leng Han is inexplicable-whoever sees the soft and fluffy feathers in the small cloth bag will be confused.

I rubbed the feathers in my hands,

“Take a fire and light it!”

The feathers began to burn, and Lin Sorrow had a word,

“Give some strength! Lin’s showtime! Grand Summoning: Come out, Master Warlock!”

Everyone: (a_a)?

What kind of mess is this…Is the boss of our house mad about losing her love…

Ran goose:


With the weird air leaking sound, the space above everyone’s head tore a long and narrow crack, and a bunch of arms, legs, and pale skeleton frames and other things crackled and fell out of it.

The people full of boats are all dumbfounded-this kind of distinctive personal characteristics has not been able to imitate the way of appearance, let alone transcendence, who is not the master warlock?

No, what kind of fucking operation is this!

Can anyone tell me that there is an inevitable connection between that pile of feathers and the uncle Warlock feathers…

“Who! Dare to bake me Sanhuang Master? Who is it! It’s a wishful thinking! It’s unforgivable! Watching this warlock treat you… well… wait three seconds… I’ll be soon…”

Uncle Warlock held his head that was snarling frantically in one hand, while the other hand was busy picking up parts such as hands, feet, and bodies, assembling them on the spot.

Well, it hurts to be skilled!

Lin Chou smoothly took the hooded head of the uncle Warlock and pressed the ball on his neck.

Uncle Warlock thanked him politely,

“Thank you, but don’t assume that the sorcerer will forgive…Huh…Lin Chou? Why are you here? Where is this?”

“No one wants to bake three yellows,” Lin Chou pointed to the map and said, “I have something to do with you. Can you take me to this location?”

The warlock looked around and was sure that he hadn’t seen the three yellows and any related tools that were about to be grilled, and he was relieved.

“Um… I took a look… it’s not a big problem!”

Lin Moumou reluctantly took out a square and square standard source crystal,

“This is travel expenses.”

After all, the uncle Warlock has been a bit hard and hated recently, and the business has already opened, so I can’t let people go for nothing…

This source crystal was picked out by Comrade Wolf City Tiedan’s house anyway, and it is better than paying directly for the green oil, with a string of zeros written on the source crystal ticket?

Without direct digital readings, Boss Lin can still try to deceive himself, such as:

(This is not money, just a beautiful stone~)

(Well, I didn’t spend money, how could I spend money…)

(Stone stone stone stone stone stone stone stone stone stone stone!!!)

Uncle Warlock looked horrified,

“Enough… don’t give it to me, don’t give it to me, just leave it to you! Just let you go!”

In this way, Lin Chou showed a pleasant expression.

Collect the origin crystal, put it away, and pat it.

Everyone: “…”

The warlock said,

“3, 2, 1, the skill cooling is over, then, how many people?”

Uncle Warlock’s ticket has always had as few people as possible. Even though it won’t overturn, it’s always easy to lose some protruding organs.

Leng Han said lightly,

“Me and Lin Chou.”

Mimi Mimi’s eager expression suddenly drooped,

“Boss, take me! Boss!”

“The lady boss asks for a thigh, I will chuckle!”

The answer to the girls of the two towers was a dark crack that gradually closed as if it could swallow all of them.

“Hey, left us again and ran for a tryst.”

Over the crack.



The warlock said strangely,

“I don’t understand the thinking mode of your purely material creatures. Isn’t it just such a little height? What is terrible? The chance of a physical evolutionary like you simply falling from a height and falling to death is so small that it is negligible. NS.”

The gray fog emoticon pack of the warlock forms a big “(︶︿︶)=╭∩╮” to show respect and admiration for Lin Moumou.

“Look at Lieutenant General Leng, even if he is head down, even if he is still more than 4,800 meters above the ground, he is still calm.”

“I’m also an evolutionary, why is this gap so big?”

Lin Chou: “Ahhhhh…”

The howling air current pulled Leng Han’s hair straight, Leng Han opened his eyes and said calmly,

“He’s not afraid of heights, but something has been left in the portal by you, so distressed-he should.”

The warlock asked subconsciously,


Leng Han pondered for a moment,

“Gluteus maximus and biceps femoris.”

Warlock: “ヾ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ✿”

Sorry to interrupt, goodbye!

Lin Chou roared,

“Money deduction! I have to complain about your abuse of customers! Bad review! Five-star bad review!”

Uncle Warlock chatted,

“Uh… don’t tell… how difficult it is to survive these years, is it easy for me to make some money? It’s unfortunate and greedy…”

Lin Chou’s mouth was so wide that his entire face was stretched to deform by the air current.

“Deduct money! Deduct money!!”

You look at other people’s mage commoner or something, are you embarrassed about your majestic uncle warlock?

People at most shouted “Leopard owe! You will be torn to pieces by my membrane method” before casting the spell.

But what about you, do you want to shout “Leopard owe! You will be torn to pieces by my buff”? ?

Is it plausible!

Master Warlock, why are you so outstanding…

Uncle Warlock lamented,

“No~! Or, this warlock will rub it for you?”



Lin Chou continued to growl with a messy hairstyle,

“Have you seen a piece of meat like my boss? Where did I grow a piece of meat like this boss? Do you know how precious the flesh of an evolutionary is? The ghost knows how much meat I have to eat to make up for it. You know you! Look at my clothes again! Did my clothes provoke you? My clothes cost one hundred thousand circulation points! A full one hundred thousand! @#……%”

Warlock: “…”

Leng Han: “…”

So that really hurts!Your boss, Lin, really only cares about the gluteus maximus and biceps femoris. How much meat do you need to eat to supplement nutrition?

Oh, hehe, and clothes…

Look at the sky!

The warlock couldn’t help but make up such a plot:

In the tavern, a certain Sikong patted a shiny golden card on the table.

“Lin, my son is going to eat Lin’s stewed thighs today!”

Lin Moumou rushed out of the kitchen with a cold iron knife, flew a knife and slashed on the table in front of Sikong, and stepped on the table fiercely.

Then she smiled, patted her own leg,

“Left or right leg?”

ε=(´ο`*))) alas

Uncle Warlock was suddenly extremely sad, and his heart was dripping with sorrow, and this day could not be passed!

Poverty separates you and me. Poverty makes you and me lose your mind. Poverty makes you and me have sinus rhythm arrhythmia. Poverty makes you and me deviate from gravity…

Ah ah ah, in short, this warlock also wants to throw a glittering gold one day to buy off Lin Moumou’s leg!

The height of more than four thousand meters is enough for the warlock master to make up more than 800 episodes of magnificent series.

Lin Chou said quietly next to him,

“Master driver, it’s about to land. You have to tell us where the brakes are?”

Uncle Warlock looked around and said,

“Isn’t there a seat belt? What kind of brakes are needed.”

Lin Chou: “???”

The emotional seat belt is such a usage…Teached…

“So where is the seat belt.”

Uncle Warlock took out half of the rope from his sleeve and stuffed it to Lin Chou.

“Here, absolutely strong.”

Leng Han suddenly said,

“You two, don’t be poor, look below!”

a mountain.

A stone mountain.

A stone mountain with no grass.

A navy blue stone mountain with no grass.

Lin Shou’s face was green,

“I f*ck… a whole sea blue stone mountain…”

Haiqingshi is a good thing. All of Mingguang’s city walls are made of seaqingshi. Coupled with various technologies, even the fifth-order mountain rhinoceros can only leave a ravine on it.

So here comes the question. Now that Lin Chou and Leng Han have fallen from a height of more than 4,800 meters, should their body marks appear to be flakes or radials after they hit Haiqingshi Mountain?

Lin Chou barked his teeth and danced his claws,

“Master Warlock…I said oh…Is there any way to slow down quickly!”

The warlock shook his head.

“Sorry, I don’t have a physical body, it’s just a little height deviation. I don’t need special precautions for this kind of small operation error. I can think of providing you with a seat belt is already the limit of thinking.”

“My life…Stop it…”

Admiral Leng vigorously rubbed the temples where the blood vessels sprang up and down.

(These two guys!!!)

She can only sigh and mobilize her blood.

Water vapor condenses below, a big river rushes out of nothingness, and water waves are surging.

Leng Han adjusted his posture–if his feet were like water first, he would not be hurt by the physique of the evolutionary.

Lin Chou was dumbfounded for two seconds before suddenly struggling with his arms and legs. The expression on his face was 10,000 times more frightened than knowing that he was about to hit a Haiqingshi Mountain after falling from a height of 4,800 meters.

“Wow… I said… don’t… it will die…”

This product has no choice but to speak,

“Cold Tyrannosaurus you you you…”

Leng Han: “???”

It’s too late to say anything, the next second –

“Boom~ boom~”

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