Chapter 961 Don’t stop me from licking the airdrop

The black sinking sea, the waters near the coastal defense line.

Leng Han had put on a simple black bone armor, standing on the deck and looking far away.

The golden streamer slowly wandered around her like a giant python, obviously looking very light, but the “space” around the streamer seemed to be trembling, blurring people’s vision.

It is as if its surface and edges are pasted with a layer of frosted glass.

The sea hunting fleet of the Second Bandit Brigade is moored here, crisscrossing each other to watch each other, and the icy muzzles of the source crystal cannons of various calibers point far away at the recently-appearing giant island of floating ice.

emmm, if the temperature were not too real in the cataclysm era, all the scenes can be said to be quite deadly.

Mimi took a deep breath and tried to reduce her contact area with the hot air, which is said to cool down.

Mi Mi is more straightforward.

“Boss, or… let’s get closer… Then the boss is a glacier… how cool it is…”

Leng Han rubbed his eyebrows: “…”

It’s pitiful to see the sky, don’t even look at Leng Han’s reputation, the whole Mingguang City masters can hear it, but the second brigade of bandits that has devoted their efforts is very indulgent.

This has led to the members who want your life more and more “presumptuous”, even in front of her big boss.

In the eyes of requiring your life for three thousand times, it is actually that some literary deputy captain Wan Junru is the one who is really terrible.

Poor and terrible.

As a result, Miss Wan is not at home today, and these prodigal ladies are almost going to heaven—

Leng Han had a face with ice, and “rusty rusty” floating around him.

If you replace it with a gentleman who knows or doesn’t know Leng Han, he would have long been covering his crotch after seeing this situation, but this trick is of no use to the two Jing girls.

Mi Mi hugged Leng Han with a happy face. She was more burly and more than three-pointer than the wandering demon, and almost completely “surrounded” Leng Han. She hugged Leng Han like a fat and big plush toy without hair. Hanceng and shaking,

“Come here and come again! It’s cool! Oh my boss, don’t make a stinky face! There are no outsiders!”

Not only Mimi Mimi, all the people on the deck had a “so happy, so happy, happy dead” expression. The left circle and the right circle surrounded Leng Han strictly.

“Ah, cool! I can wring out three catties of water for my old mother’s omen~”

“Captain of the air conditioner, it’s wood!”

“Sure enough, I still like to perform tasks with the captain!”

Leng Han: “…”

You see, there is only a sturdy record in the eyes of outsiders, and there is a reason why the second group of bandits never appear easily when the dragon sees the head~

Really shameless facing the old folks!

Leng Han rubbed his painful brain and pushed away the girls who were already crazy.

“What’s the situation over there?”

Mimi suddenly became serious.

“The virtual beast and the sea creatures suddenly launched a large-scale attack. Fortunately, the coastal defense line had long anticipated that the virtual beasts would counterattack. There is no final conclusion about what happened to the sea beasts…I don’t know…”

Leng Han nodded.

“Why do you want to be so complicated, maybe the black army is simply unlucky? The sea beasts are not pleasing to their eyes~” Mimi said, “Boss… Boss… Shall we go now?”

Leng Han’s mouth curled – this kind of little temperamental expression can now be called extra vivid on Leng Han’s face.

As soon as I see my big boss is feeling emotional, the soldiers under his hands are even more unruly.

“Hey, fight, defeat them, our bandit second brigade is just a matter of course to take over the coastal defense line.”

“Spicy chicken, all are spicy chicken, tens of thousands of people can’t deal with this thing?”


In principle, if you want to kill three thousand “private” forces belonging to Mingguang, under Leng Han’s hands, they will especially not cooperate with the black army-even if the old man Leng, the old man Zhao, the blind old man, etc. do not think so.

It is not impossible for the evolvers who came out of the light to have a good impression of the black army, but it is estimated that it may happen after they join the black army.

Mi Mi glanced at own Little Sister,

“Mimi, you ‘back’ the boss back in a hurry, don’t tell me it’s just to save electricity…it’s not that there is no air conditioning on the boat!”Mimi’s big sis shines bright and sturdy tendon meat,

“Where does the air conditioner have a powerful boss, it is pure natural and pollution-free, and the most important thing is that even the humidifier is saved, which is good for the skin~”

Leng Han’s face turned black when he said that there was no one else.

Cold Tyrannosaurus had a deep sense of powerlessness, waved his hand,

“Be prepared and support at any time!”

Leng Han glanced at it from a distance:

The sound of the coastal defense line and the iceberg was earth-shaking, and various roars and roars of virtual beasts seemed to tear people’s eardrums directly.

It can be easily seen that the few virtual beasts that moved in the sky are still alive, obviously, they have not suffered severe damage.

“Strange, why is the Black Army so weak today?”

The smile on Mimi’s face looked very weird, very gloating,

“It’s not just that Niu Lanqi is sealed in the iceberg-Niu Lanshan is also there. Without the cooperation of the Niu family, it is strange that the black army is not in a hurry.”

Leng Han understood, nodded,

“Speaking of which, the bloodline abilities of the two are really suitable for fighting the virtual beast.”

She added a sentence in her heart, but it was just suitable. A certain Erzhezi on the Yanhui Mountain could be called a “crushing” attitude towards the virtual beast.

(Well, it’s really better for the second stupid son.)

Mi Mihong, black, black, and full of fleshy flesh, but with a big face that can see a very feminine feature, come closer.

“Boss, what do you think, your face is rippling, and the air conditioner has forgotten to keep it on!”

Leng Han froze for a second and waved his hand.

The golden streamer wobbled its tail and saw the two sisters of Mimi and Mimi spinning up high in the sky.

The three thousand people who have no ethics want you to die suddenly become excited,

“Three thousand, five kilometers!”

“I bet twelve thousand, over six kilometers.”

“Eight thousand, I buy within five kilometers.”

Leng Han: “…”

Mimi and Mimi were still chatting while flying in the air.

“Sister, do you think I made the boss angry?”

“You also know? The boss is obviously dating the boss wife. Are you angry with you?”

“Oh…Dating…Sister! I also want to find a lady boss, white and tender, and there is love (nài) human flesh at first sight, hehehe…”

“Dream it, you just. Last time, the lady boss almost wrote, “My three thousand sister-in-laws are all bigger than Daddy’s ass” on her face. Ideals are as cruel as reality.”


The two sisters plunged into the sea, but they floated up after a while.

Mimi’s hand even dragged a large warship fish more than two meters long, shaking her head and grinning with a particularly ferocious look.

He slapped the ship and stunned,

“These prodigal ladies don’t even mention driving a speedboat to pick us up, they know that they will take a telescope to measure the distance.”

“I’m gambling again. The boss just asked for the salary of the last few months after the incident, and this group of women panicked because of the circulation.”

“Wow, Mimi Mimi, look, there is a handsome wild guy flying over to our side!” Mi Mi suddenly exclaimed, with a provocative tone, “Oh, maybe the base city was pious by you. Moved, the airdrop husband gave you a hug of love.”

Mimi: “Wow, where is it, don’t stop me, I want to lick the airdrop!”

Mi Mi sneered,

“Brilliant…Huh…how come you look familiar…”

“Uh… Mi Mi, you lied to me, where is the wild handsome guy, isn’t this the lady boss!”

“Or, while the boss is away, you try to lick it first…” Mi Mi said in surprise, “Wow…no…the boss lost her balance…”

“Is it true? The opportunity for the beauty to save the hero is here!”

“Hehe, after saving the hero, remember not to throw it away, wrap it in breadcrumbs and fry it until golden. The kid next door is about to cry~”

Mimi grumbled,

“Sister, can’t you just read me and order…”

“Then be small, can you go through a round under the hands of the big boss, just you, still want to lick the boss? Wake up!”



Lin Chou uttered a series of “ahhhhhh” screams, and fell down like a kite with a broken line.

Lin Chou vaguely remembered that not long ago, he also patted his face flat on the sea from a few thousand meters high in midair, which was particularly painful.

Of course, if conditions permit, there may be a guy named San X who will tell him that the exact time is actually Chapter 720.

Ha ha da.


Well, sure enough, it still hurts this time.

“Well… this handsome beauty of the prosperous age…”

Lin Chou covered his face and jumped, but when he saw two familiar figures struggling to swim towards him not far away, he immediately stopped.

How can this shameful operation be seen by others, as a handsome beep, every frame must be as handsome.

Looking up at the sky at a forty-five degree angle, my face is full of loneliness and sadness of spring and autumn,

“A true hero should have close contact with the earth while looking up at the stars.”

Mimi Mi Mi fluttered to Lin Chou,

“Isn’t it just the face first, it’s really refreshing and refined…”

“The boss hasn’t seen you for many days, you have become even cuter!”

Lin Chou: Ha ha.

You certainly don’t understand who you are talking to, otherwise you will sit on it and move on your own without me.

Lin Chou coughed and changed the subject and asked,

“Why are you here? Where is Leng Han?”

Mi Mi Mi Mi pointed,

“Now, didn’t you see the direction you flew just now.”

Lin Chou was confused,

“Khan… so it was your ship… I thought it was the black army…”

The journey was a bit far away. Lin Chou landed a few times before recalibrating his direction before reaching here, and then suddenly the hair ball lost its induction of the skin…

Well, then Lin Chou was tied up by the swelling fur ball and fell off his balance.

Mimi asked.

“Madame, what you have been turning around is missing something…”

Lin Shou’s face turned black,

“What are you talking about, what are you talking about, what is the lady boss?!”

Mi Mi Mi Mi glanced at each other and said in a proper manner.

“Hello warrior, when are you going to slaughter the dragon wow… ah no…”

“What are you talking about, my wife, when is the son-in-law going to marry our little official?”

Lin Chou: “…”

Ten minutes later, Lin Chou and Mimi Mi Mi arrived on Leng Han’s boat.

Leng Han’s mouth curled up and said,

“Why did you follow?”

Lin Chou chatted,

“Foqiu’s clothes are lost.”

Leng Han’s face was dull, and it took several seconds to react.

“You mean the one who hangs the banner in the dark sea… lost it? What does it mean to be lost!”

Lin Chou scratched his head frantically, Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry,

“I… don’t understand… Such a big thing is gone. Just now, the fur ball has completely lost its ability to sense clothes and is near here.”

Lin Shou’s eyes drifted to the distant iceberg,

“But I always feel inseparable from them.”

Lin is obviously looking at people with colored glasses, but besides Leng Han, the people in the boat also particularly agree.

“That’s it, it must be them, the black army or something, the most lacking quality, they can do all the frenzied things, I will tell you.”

“That’s right, the lady boss took us to flatten them, okay~”

“That’s right, they are super gorgeous!”

“That’s it, can you guys like these coquettish guys talk well, haven’t you seen a man?”

“That’s right, that’s the lady boss, the little hoofs are afraid it’s Shi Lezhi.”

Leng Han: “…”

Lin Chou: “…”

Lieutenant General Leng suddenly felt so tired that he wanted to retire. This group of deadly guys is nothing short of it!

Lin Chou looked sadly at the sea level, what should he do? Boss Lin looked like he had no chance with the underwater world in his entire life.

After thinking about it, Lin Chou asked.

“Well, can anyone dive, the kind that goes to the bottom of the sea.”

The 3,000 sister-in-laws of Boss Lin looked at each other.

diving? Dive to the bottom of the sea?

My brother, it’s five or six hundred meters deep to the bottom of the sea. Even if you don’t think about the sea beasts, it feels like you are joking…

Leng Han is a little embarrassed,

“Do you want to go down and take a look?”

“I can’t go down. The thing is bigger than a mountain. It will definitely leave traces.”

“This…” Leng Han thought for a while, “There must be a way for the black army, but you can’t get there.”

But isn’t it? If Lin Chou was seen by the black army on the coastline, it was estimated that those guys would let go of the virtual beasts and ran to catch him alive.

——You have all come to the door, there is no reason to refuse.

The hair ball in Lin Chou’s pocket suddenly swelled and flew out, disappearing below the sea level.

Lin Chou opened his mouth.


Isn’t this dumpling a terrestrial plant? What kind of operation is this? What raw materials are your cell walls made of?

“Huh?” Lin Chou pointed in a direction, “Here, keep up~”

These little sisters, almost all covered in sturdy tendons, didn’t use Leng Han to give orders. The fleet immediately moved and set off with a whistle.

Leng Han didn’t know what to say anymore, he just kept rubbing his eyebrows.

The movement of rubbing the eyebrows became more and more sophisticated, and Leng Han had rubbed it no less than ten times today.

Lin Chou coughed,

“Hmm… In fact, your players are disgusting and kind, and they are all warmhearted.”

Leng Han: “???”

Mimi: “Ms. Boss, we can all hear you talking so loudly.”

Mi Mi: “Hmph, we are as beautiful as a flower if we lose weight, and every fatty is an absolute potential stock!”

Oh, woman~

Fatty burns calories, what do you burn, do you burn muscles?

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