Chapter 954 The final wish!

About an hour and a half later, at about noon, Qin Erhu and Qin Sheng finally waited for the late classmate Xia Yu at the school gate.

Xia Yu glanced at the eye-catching “brothers” and asked for the first time.

“Where is Calabash baby…”

Qin Sheng said,

“An unscrupulous little bastard, went to have fun with a famous little rich woman!”

Erhu rolled his eyes,

“Don’t be so rude, okay, it seems that I am as unqualified as you, people are called licking music at best.”

Xia Yu: “???”

Qin Sheng hummed, very dissatisfied.

“What the hell is it, licking music or brushing music is better, don’t you have any idea in your heart?”


“I definitely didn’t say anything good. If you two are going to brag about it anymore, I’ll tell Secretary Qin and Uncle Hu, and let them explain to me what it means to slap music, what is licking, what is licking, and what counts.” Xia Yu didn’t bother to listen to this. The two guys wrangled, “What did you two do just now? What is that expression, it looks scary…”

Qin Sheng is not empty at all,

“Why didn’t Square Face come out with you?”

Xia Yu understood as soon as he heard it, and said angrily,

“If you hit someone again, I will never end with you two!”

Qin Sheng and Erhu looked disdainful.

Don’t believe it. Although Sifang’s face is in the middle class and the second tiger and Qin Sheng are in the lower class, the two of Sifang have been beaten by the brothers more than once or twice.

For nothing else, I just invigilated certain bad seniors in the Pink Pig Yin Yingying class with one mood a day, among them, the loyal customers of the two tigers, Qin Sheng and Xia Yu, who were smashed in the wave by the big brothers in the cattle hole from the mountain. Each of them can easily single out one hundred students from Class 39-Class 39 has a total of more than forty students.

As long as Qin Sheng and two tigers stayed by Xia Yu’s side, it was guaranteed that there would never be any square faces within 500 meters.

However, the goose is so capable, as long as you don’t grab the bag and blast me on the spot, we will see you tomorrow, and you will never give up the determination to give up the pig’s cabbage.

If he wasn’t facing an affordable baby like Qin Sheng and Erhu who had blocked the scales to death, Square Face might really be able to marry Bai Fumei with this unfavorable cheek.

Well, as evidenced by chestnuts, it is said that Xiao Yueyue from the 48th class next door was planted in his hands in this way.

Lost in heaven, Xiao Yueyue is 206 years old, he is still a child!

Qin Sheng said,

“Sister Yu, do you also have a holiday for the 20-50 exams in the afternoon?”

Xia Yu said cheerfully,

“Yeah, my brother said, let me sell red bean popsicles for her friend. Selling ten can get a commission of two circulation points! Hmph, my brother finally knows that he hurts me, and he has been with Qin Shan for almost half a year. , It can be considered as thinking of giving me some benefits for his little girl~”

Qin Sheng opened his mouth in horror.

“My mother, brother Huizi said selling popsicles… won’t you go to the funeral parlor receipt window…”

Xia Yu asked,

“Why, your industry discriminates?”

Erhu and Qin Sheng looked at each other,

“That’s not… I just feel panicked…”

Xia Yu was speechless,

“Are you still afraid of dead people? Huh! What about you?”

Brothers: “…”

At this moment, a square face wearing grass-green clothes with a cockscomb head and dangling eyebrows suddenly appeared at the school gate.

This person is tall and thin. In fact, he is not ugly. Even the most picky person will have to say “It’s okay” when he sees it. This is already considered an ignorant conscience.

It’s just that this guy’s face is indescribably pale, just like the vain color that everyone often says is hollowed out by the color of wine.

Qin Sheng’s two tigers were as if they had been beaten up with chicken blood. Although their bodies had not yet developed, their muscles swelled up and their blood vessels burst.

“Grass f*ck, there’s a kind of square face, don’t run away this time! If you want daddy to punch your shit out, I will give you the surname today!”

The other is more imposing,

“The dog said, see the young master tearing you up and giving Sister Yu wine, you are impatient, you don’t have to queue up in advance and call the number if you are sent to the Qinshan Funeral Parlour to be burned. Today, you can catch it and tell you, it’s a big deal, don’t run…”

Both the little brothers rushed forward when the first word came out, and they didn’t take more than one tenth of the time to hesitate.

Everyone knows that, generally within a tenth of a second, it is almost a human instinctive reaction.

The square-faced face was instantly clear and blue, and he roared with extreme grief and anger, and had to turn his head and drill into the school embarrassingly against the crowd under the eyes of everyone.

Well, it is very wise to do so.

The death of Qin Shan’s martial arts school stipulated that all those who fight in the school shall fight each other fairly.

Both sides coded the same number of people, one of them counts as a full TM roll “challenge”, the losing party all asks the parents to come over to pay the fine, write a review book, and after the completion, the parents have to be in front of the public during the exercises between classes Read the apology aloud.

The little brothers roared and paced back and forth at the school gate and scolded their mother, but they did not dare to go in.

The idiot just went in, and when he got in, he had to fight with the Quartet face separately, coughing cough, that wouldn’t be possible.It was written that the uncle janitor standing next to the broken arch of the Qinshan Civil and Martial Arts School stared at the little brothers, with indescribable joy in his eyes.

“Hey, stop yelling, stop yelling, I have called the teacher and disciplined you, go home, go home quickly, it’s a holiday in the afternoon~”

The little brothers nodded to the janitor.

“Uncle, old rules, I will ask you to eat roasted sweet potatoes tomorrow!”

Uncle laughed,

“Remember, you both owe me four sweet potatoes this time. Check out! Just take them with you. Can you exchange the rest for two or two grass valley wines?”


The two brothers drooped back to Xia Yu’s side. Xia Yu was like a kangaroo, and he slammed their heads.

“I am able to bear you, I am able to bear it! What a shame! I…I…huh!”

Xia Yu simply ignored the two and turned away.

The two brothers hurriedly followed,

“Hey, Sister Yu, Sister Yu, it’s wrong and wrong, oh don’t you go, where are you going?”

Xia Yu said coldly,

“Sell popsicles!”

“Sister Yu, Sister Yu is really wrong, so don’t sell popsicles. If I go to worry about brother in the afternoon, I will treat you~” Qin Sheng said, “Eat a big meal, really, take care of it. Enough! I went home and stole my dad’s plum wine. It’s 13 degrees, it’s sweet and not intoxicating!”

——Qin Sheng could still remember the thing that Pen Moulu asked him to give Lin Chou a word.

After a while, Xia Yu’s face looked like a smile again.

“It’s not allowed next time, you don’t know what the sisters in my class say, it’s ugly, huh~”

The second tiger immediately made a small face,

“Those stinky girls can also be called sisters? See if I don’t hammer…”


“Cough cough cough… Hammer… Hammer curtain listened to Zheng silently and dare not speak…”

After coaxing Xia Yu, a few friends are ready to go to Yanhui Mountain, but things are always not so satisfactory. Now, at the stall built by the Four Walls, where else can anyone go to Yanhui Mountain?

All the evolvers are working hard and preparing to take advantage of this wave of welfare to turn over the serfs to sing, and even calculate the head tax according to the project-maybe even next year’s will be credited!

Qin Sheng looked up at the sky,

“I have provoke someone, this is… eh… wait a minute…”

If Qin Sheng rushed into the school gate, throw out a Yuanjing ticket,

“Wait, I’ll dial the radio.”


“Crooked? Crooked? Bao Er? Me? My Qin Sheng? What Qin Sheng? My son of Qin Yuanfeng!”

Don’t say, Bao Er didn’t dare.

A few days ago, I was obsessed with Su Wang’s “list” to pass on to Su Yourong. He received the words from the circulation point and brought them. Originally, he also received a takeaway order. When he finished talking with Su Yourong, he took it with him. Just aftertaste:

Fuck, but the geese pecked their eyes all day long, and what did he do if he was eating bear heart and leopard courage? These words are what he can bring? Boss Lin is not alive and hammering him to death! Su hopes this sinkhole!

Bao Er fart ran away, and he lost a lot of money in the takeaway order. He hasn’t figured out how to explain it to Boss Lin—well, it’s almost the same with Xiao Minger’s account.

Qin Sheng said with a sad face,

“Bao Er is not reliable at all, he won’t go…”

The two brothers couldn’t help it, but fortunately, the daily savior finally came out to help. The youngest boy patted his chest and made a ticket.

An hour and a half later, Yanhui Mountain was already in sight.

The long four-wall construction site behind it flashed from time to time, and the faces of the people in the car were generally pale, and I was not in the mood to watch this spectacular scene of the Tier 3 evolutionists working hard to make hard-earned money.

Covering his mouth, one of the people who even drove was going to throw up himself.

Kong Laoyao trembled,

“Then what, or… I’ll drive more slowly…”

Yang Lao Er waved his hand in horror to stop him.

“Don’t, don’t, please, one second is almost one second! The great thinker, educator, Mencius, his mother once said: There is no way in this world. If there are more people walking, it will become a way, mother. How many pairs of shoes have been broken through the thousands of mountains and rivers, and finally found a place without a grave circle. Don’t you just want to live for two more years… Yaoji, turn on, step on the accelerator, we can still do it! Hold on! Really!”


As an evolutionary driver’s license test, it is normal, but the youngest Kong who cried the examiner during the driver’s license test was the first one.

Regarding this point, the youngest Kongo had a thief in his heart.

The youngest child’s family biography Secret Technique is still in the introductory stage. He is young and frivolous and has unstable internal breathing, but he strays, accidentally the accelerator, the brake, the engine, or something…

Youngest Kong’s face paled, and he must have been unable to escape the beating today.

It can’t be done in normal times. He drove here last time.

But he really forgot what the beast tide + four walls started to ruin the crude land around Mingguang.

“Cough cough cough, what, don’t throw up in the car, my father and thief baby his car.”

In the small restaurant, Master Sagong took a sip of beer and threw a stewed peanut into his mouth, revealing the calm expression of Fu Liu Xiahui sitting in his arms without a trace of panic.

Talking about what a special society looks like,

“What, it’s not simple yet!”

“Why don’t you know how to be flexible? There’s nothing wrong with it. I don’t know how to use the available resources. Nen loses the face of Yan Huishan!”

“Doesn’t this young man just spend eight thousand circulation points to solve it?”

“Come and come, come and get tickets for those who win, lose three for one, and squat on the side of the loser, continue, how many days can this stall bet on the pot, the odds are—”

Leng Han pulled the corner of his mouth slightly, a little happy.

Every time the snow dumpling boss hangs on here for an extra day, it is equivalent to how many extra days of vacation she has.

Actually, where did someone win…

Oh, that’s not right, Shan Ye won, one loses three, and he earns 27 circulation points happily.

Sagong happily lit a backpack circulation point,

“Ten thousand, one hundred thousand, one hundred seventy thousand…haha!”

“Let’s go! Fortunate for the guys who come to Yan Huishan at the next table, this table boy pays the bill.”

Does this guy still lack this little money? That’s Tu Yile.

The voice hasn’t died yet, six young faces pushed in.

A group of evolutionaries were in an uproar, cheering, applauding,

“Fuck, 666.”

“Little girls, boys, jackpots~”

“Sit! Order whatever! Eat until you vomit!”

When Sikong was about to speak with a smile, he saw the little girl among the six as if some kind of switch had been turned on.


Really vomited all over the floor.

Sikong’s outstretched hand trembled suddenly, and it took a long time before he said with a deep face.

“Congratulations, is this little girl happy?”

“Why don’t you take the money first, go back and buy a rainbow hazel chicken to replenish your body…”

“You are welcome, the five people next to me, uh, who is her, can’t continue.”

“I’m not targeting you. I just said that whoever comes in first will pay the bill for you.”

Lin Chou was particularly surprised,

“Xia Yu? What’s your situation?”

Xia Yu waved her hand weakly.

“Brother Chou… I’ll kill these guys for me first…”

Miss Xia was really angry.

Qin Sheng cried.

(It’s over, it’s over, Xia Yu must hate me to death)

Yang Lao Er is also nice and special.

In the entire base city, less than one-tenth of the people in the base city understand what strength this boss Lin is, let alone his reserve of a Jinzi team, that is, in the future, his big leader will stand in front of him. The side that played twice is still the best side.

Yang Lao Er, Kong Lao Yao and Qin Sheng are explaining and begging for mercy.

One is because of driving, and the other two are of course because of daring to indulge him in driving.

In addition, Yang Lao Er is particularly worried that Qin Sheng will let him survive after class next time Peppa Pig Yin Yingying teacher.

(In case you missed a few bullets… If it rains and goes crazy, this kid Qin Sheng can really do this…)

Xia Yu couldn’t straighten up anymore.

“You guys, go and die, hehe, vomit…”

Young Lao Erfu has a heart-warming heart,

“Oh, Sister Yu, Sister Yu, when it comes to death… I suddenly have a joke I want to tell you hahaha… I’ve been alive by pointing to this joke all my life.”

“Don’t listen, I’m crazy.” Xia Yu had already vomited tears, “Look at me like this, vomit, can you still laugh to vomit…”

“What if you smile?”

“I… will consider forgiving you…”

Younger Yang was satisfied, and made a look to Kong Younger and Qin Sheng.


As for the communication between men, sometimes language is not needed.

Youngest Kong stretched out two fingers.

(Two great swords.)

Qin Sheng thought for a while and stretched out four.

(I will bring you four sesame peppers in the next class.)That’s all right.

It is indeed the guy who said that the idol title of “Broken Egg Madness” in front of the cold tyrannosaurus can still survive, and he is absolutely prudent with muscles on his mouth.

He resisted the urge to vomit and opened his mouth.

“In the ancient Three Kingdoms period, there was a famous hero, the one who said that Cao Cao Cao Cao was here, the big guys know if it doesn’t matter, ah, it doesn’t matter if you don’t know. I’m old-fashioned–”

Xia Yu: “Talk about business! The martial arts school has a history class!”

“Ahem, Mr. Cao invited the ministers to have a big banquet. During the banquet, the guests and the host had a lot of fun. Mrs. Cao invited the little concubine to dance to the fun. After one song, it was unexpected that the little concubine quarreled because of whose dancing posture was more beautiful. Let the boss Cao call the shots.”

“Boss Cao is guilty of the headaches he was quarreled with, and his face is abnormally blue.”

“Boss Cao said that the army has suffered such grievances. This is too shameful, and too unsound.”

The people in the small hall listened a little bit attentively. There is still this thing in their hearts. It seems that the word “wen” of Qinshan Civil and Martial Arts School is really not in vain.

Look at the children, open your mouth is the right way of history, and then think about the wicked animals in your own family…


When Yang Lao Er saw someone entering the play, his tone became more confident.

“In addition, a certain surnamed Hua is always looking at him, looking eager to try, Boss Cao scolded: Get out, shameful things, go to death, you are all done together!”

“Although the status of the concubines at that time was said to be particularly low, everyone exchanged for jokes, cough cough, and it is said that even some of the lord’s wives were snatched, everyone was happy, and the lord would take it back and continue to use it. ..”

Xia Yu sternly said,

“Want to die, don’t you?”

Yang Lao Er quickly put away his rippling expression and said sternly,

“But! But that’s not okay! Jun has no joking, everyone knows that boss Cao’s urinary sex, dare to let him lose Face in front of the ministers, originally talking about anger, these two unfortunate concubines are afraid that they can’t see it. Tomorrow’s sun.”

“The officials are dead, lamenting that it is the boss Cao who would rather teach the people of the world and I will not teach me to bear the people of the world. This is too bad, in short, there is no good thing to say, although the voice is quieter, but the boss Cao again Not deaf, the scene was quite awkward at one time.”

“At this moment, a light suddenly appeared in the crowd…cough cough cough… a bright and upright loyal military commander appeared, kneeling to the ground cupped hands cupped fist, shouting—”

When Yang Lao Er said this, he suddenly stopped and glanced around triumphantly, as if waiting for applause.

It was not until the big guy urged him to continue preaching.

“Just listen to the general roaring: The Lord’s justice is thin, Yun Tian’s grace is like the depth of the sea, and a certain person worships General Huwei for such a generous gift? The final general Wenze! I am willing to smoke and drink for the Cao family for generations to perm their hair!”

“Ah, he said that the final general is willing to go through fire and water for the Cao family for generations!”

Everyone’s eyes widened:



Yang Lao Er is petrochemical, pill, why don’t you laugh.

He bit his head and spoke dry preaching,

“Cao Cao caressed his beard and laughed, and said: You two, don’t you have to go with the text?”

“So I continued to enjoy the guests and hosts-but soon after saying that one of the concubines was pregnant, this seemingly simple, mighty, but thoughtful General Huwei ordered people to talk about his words: some heard of Sima and Zhu Geyan A certain’is lost by water, must die in the water’, certain has a child today, and I feel that the lord has given his second concubine back to a certain, by the lord’s words, he should have returned by name, but the soil can overcome the water, so it is called’Yu Gui’~ ”

Needles dropped in the small hall can be heard.

Xia Yu, who was a student master and was recruited by the scientific research institute Baimao for a “special longevity”, finally couldn’t help it, and the cat was out of breath.

“Hahaha…ooh…smelly not wanting face…you just don’t wanting face!”

Apart from this, only Sikong, who had been holding back for a long time, laughed out loud. There were just two of them.

Everyone is still dumbfounded,

“what does it mean…”

“It’s not that we didn’t understand it~”

“Or do we laugh too much?”

Old second Yang breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile,

“The same goes to the end, and the ban is in the text~”

This group of elders reacted crudely for a long time and got angry.



“Who doesn’t know how to count?”

“Go away.”

A group of evolutionists saw that they hadn’t seen the scene, and they were ready to go back to the four walls and continue to move bricks.

Before leaving, someone rolled his eyes and suddenly said in a mean tone,

“Master Sikong, tell you something.”

Sikong: “???”

“Actually, the later Xue Danzi goes home, the later your big sword will get in hand.”

“It doesn’t matter if we lose some money, you, hehe!”

The smile on Sikong’s face finally disappeared: “???”

A group of thick-skinned strong men roared with laughter and ran away screaming.

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