After thinking about it, let’s beep a few words

Forgive me for beeping and beeping. After all, everyone knows how good I can beep. Just get used to it.

Actually, San Mou once wrote an outline, maybe there is a one-page A4 paper, the characters are big, and the total number is about four hundred characters.

When I have written more than 900,000 words, there are still a lot of words. Look at it, oh, the progress bar of the outline has already read 30 or 40 words!

Then Sanmou was relieved and bold, at least not afraid of not having to write. After flying for a while, I looked back at the outline…


It’s hard to say in one word, hard to say in two words, and three words seem to be…

Ahem, regret, the outline is a bit long after all.

Actually, don’t panic, don’t worry, just let it happen?

It’s been more than a year since I said it nicely, we can be regarded as company with each other, right…

I’m tired from reading other books, but it doesn’t seem to be a problem to be soothed and soothed here occasionally?

I have thought about this book a lot and I have too many things to say and want to write. I can only say that the pen power is limited. After all, it is San Mou’s first book. Many unsatisfactory places cannot be modified, and many have been deleted. There is no way to make up for the 404 plot…

In short, it’s a pity to think about it.

But compared to regrets, San Mou is actually expecting more.

At least worthy of own dream-well, worthy of it.

I don’t want to cheeky and change the law every day to ask for a monthly pass for a reward or something, just do whatever happens.

Everyone thinks that it’s okay after seeing it. It’s just as happy to reward 100 points, subscribe to one more chapter, and give a thumbs-up like it.

Finally, thank you all for your long-term support.

So what, conditionally try to start as much as possible, and subscribe to the genuine support of QQ reading. San Mou is very grateful.

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