Chapter 948 The game experience is extremely poor!

Lin Chou walked back and forth along the edge of the dense water plants to check, and picked a few good locations.

“This is it!”

After putting down the lantern, dig a circle around the lantern like a moat.

Sikong was particularly interested and said,

“Ah, I see, so this is a trap, right, thick crabs are still light?”

Lin Sorrow said,

“These little things were famous for being in the sun before the cataclysm. They often stood motionless in the mud with a big ao, sometimes the sun dried up the sticky muddy ground and agglomerated it. As a result, the legs of the thick crab stuck in it can’t be pulled out…”

Huang Dashan scratched his head,

“Why don’t you come during the day? There are so many mosquitoes and mosquitoes.”

Then there was a moment of contempt,

“We have a lot of high-rank evolvers, do you catch a crab and use a trap? I feel ashamed to say that the trap is. You look at the thing you dug. It’s a fancy, it’s a perfunctory… ”

In the same way, Calabash dug a total of six “light-guarding pits” distributed in different locations.

Lin Chou clapped his hands and did not give Huang Dashan a chance to talk,

“Let’s go over there and wait. These little things are very clever. They won’t come out when people are here.”

The large and small groups that can survive the cataclysm era have their own ways of survival.

For example, this little thick crab is now very good at digging holes and “disguising” its own nest entrances and exits. The skills have been at least the proficiency level. You can search all over the world from Huangdashan but you can’t find a thick crab. figure it out.

A group of people walked to the other side of the tidal flat and sat down around the remaining lantern.

Huang Dashan muttered to himself,

“Amateur, real chicken amateur, no crabs are digging holes to catch-it’s time to perform real technology, and watch your grandpa Dashan show you the style of Mingguang Fishing King!”

Think about it, it seems that the last person who went to his forehead to draw a similar title in the face of Lin Shou hasn’t been out of the psychological shadow until now.

Huang Dashan used live little shrimps as bait to tie the thread to the reed pole,

“Have you seen crab fishing? I told you this is a technology job, most people…”

Sikong reminded,

“So where is the hole?”

Shan Ye said casually,

“What hole?”

Sikong was speechless,

“You must first find out where the crab hole is when you fish for crabs…”

Huang Dashan fell into thinking and finally realized what was wrong.

“If I knock, I just said. Why are you so awkward? It turns out that there is no hole!”

Lin Chou smiled and pulled a piece of reed away.

“Come and see~”

I took a few bulrushes and chewed the white and tender bulrushes in his mouth.

The slight refreshing astringency wanders in the mouth, and what follows is the sweetness with the smell of grass.

Lin Chou assigned several other Caixins to Leng Han and others.

“Kacha Kacha”

“Kacha Kacha”

Master Sikong wiped his mouth with his sleeve without any image.

“It’s delicious!”Lin Chou pointed to the thick roots of the rush and said,

“Did you see it?”

Huang Dashan scratched his head,

“What are you looking at?”

“Didn’t our honorable Mingguang Fishing Master want to catch crabs? Let me first show you what the thick crab’s’home’ looks like.”

Huang Dashan felt that his own eyes seemed to be blind at this moment.

“Where, where… I knock, why don’t I see anything?”

There is a lot of silt attached to the roots of calamus, and the small circle around it seems to be partly higher than the silt ground without aquatic plants, but there is a crab hole where you can look at it. Is the mud completely the same? No children!

“Do you still fish for crabs just with your eyesight?” Lin Chou said contemptuously, “Look here, have you seen among those rushes?”

Huang Dashan stretched out a finger and slammed it down, and said with surprise on his face,

“I said, there is really a hole under the root!”


Huang Dashan was like he hadn’t heard the terrible sound.

“Interesting and interesting!”

In the end, the arm stretched halfway in,

“Why is it so old and deep, what a big thing… Damn… the hole has become two… What should I choose… which one to choose… The other is ruined… ”

Lin Sorrow asked haha,

“Can you still catch it?”


In fact, the speed of this little thing digging a hole in the mud is probably faster than that of Huang Dashan. Before he could touch it, he had dug another channel and escaped.

Fifteen minutes later, Shan Ye sat down on the ground, looking at the river beach that had been plowed by dozens of square meters and a half-clip clip in his palm. He couldn’t laugh.

Half of the octopus clip is a product of too much force, and the other half is estimated to be muddy. As for the complete one, it is barely the size of Shan Ye’s thumb.

Huang Dashan dropped the little thing in his hand and sneered, “Haha!”

A few people were waiting here from a distance, but the five lanterns as big as lantern beans were dimly lit, and there was still no movement.

Huang Dashan came to the word,

“Is it okay, why haven’t you moved yet?”

Lin Chou signaled Huang Dashan to be patient, and Huang Dashan tilted his mouth in disdain.

As the few people were talking, a few octopus clips appeared in the light-shrouded area, swaying and cautiously “looking around”, and then stepping into the air without hesitation, and plunged directly into the “light-guard pit”.

After ten seconds, the little thing successfully crawled out of the pit.

One of the broken feet was clamped in the big ao, and the wind on the soles of the remaining seven feet, accompanied by the light sound of the gravel, quickly disappeared into the darkness.


What did Huang Dashan smack?

“It’s quite fast, I said Linzi, can you confirm the failure of the trap you tossed for half an hour? Aren’t you going to chase your ingredients back?”

Lin Chou: “Hush~”

Huang Dashan began to feel that Lin was going to be hard on his face, what kind of trap or phototaxis, at least you, Lord Shan, I even caught that little thing rounded to ten.

After a while, the river beach illuminated by the lantern seemed to be boiling, and there was a faint sound of “chachacha” everywhere.

Huang Dashan took a closer look,

“I said…”

Pieces and pieces of octopus clips with a stunned head and brains gushing out of the river, under the water weeds, and the silt ground, converging, and surrounded by the five lanterns, there seems to be a posture in the dark that you can’t see the side at a glance——

“so much??”

Leng Han noticed that among the thick crabs closest to the lantern, there was a seven-legged one, and the little guy was still pinching the last leg in the big claw.

There are more and more octopus clips, and there is a posture that you can’t see the original color of the river beach. This batch of octopus clips add up to a few thousand catties.

The five lanterns were completely surrounded, and the octopus clamps still rushed into the pit like the original friends-and then found that the pit seemed so deep that it was easy to break their legs.

Soon, the lamp pit was filled directly.

Lin Chou waved his hand.


The crowd rushed to the sack and filled the sack with a sack prepared in advance.

Sikong yelled while dragging the pile of octopus clips into the bag desperately.

“Hey, I’m going, too much, too much to pretend…too enjoyable…”

Even Leng Han had a slight smile on his face.

When everyone rushed over, the octopus clip immediately retreated in all directions, coming and going as fast as the tide, and it took less than a minute before and after. Although the group is small, the movements are not slow at all. Not even one of the little guys can be seen.

Sikong sacked the sack in his hand,

“Is this bag leaking? It’s pretty enjoyable just installed… Why is it so…”

Huang Dashan’s bag is a bit fuller than Sikong’s, but not too much. If there are more than ten catties in Sikong’s bag, Shanye’s is about twenty catties.

Shan Ye said,

“You should be slapped with a big freezing technique just now when it’s cold, and you can get a few kilos~”

Sikong rolled his eyes,

“Why are you so young and boring, so what fun is there?”

Huang Dashan stood up,

“I usually start thinking about fun only after filling my stomach.”

Lin Chou looked at the harvest,

“Two more waves will probably be enough for one meal. It can’t be frozen. If it’s frozen, there will be no drama.”

Huang Dashan broke off the shell of a octopus clip,

“Yeah, there is cream too-but this thing is so small and still full of shells, it takes so much effort to get a full meal.”

“That’s why we have to catch more. Don’t forget that you are all real big appetites.”

After waiting for more than an hour, the octopus clamp army, which had been tried many times by “scouts”, regrouped, and once again charged towards the lantern.

Well, at the same time, I also flipped over Lin Chou’s food reserve, and the octopus clip he caught was worthy of a big sack.

Huang Dashan said sadly,

“So what, daddy is already…hungry…”

Sikong smiled slightly.

“There is a ready-made river in front of you, Comrade Mingguang Diao Wang, are you not going to show it? Actually, it’s good to grill a fish here~”

“That’s necessary” Huang Dashan’s eyes lit up, “Learn a little bit!”

After finishing speaking, this cargo is feeling pitiful Dantian,


The axe, which was the size of a door panel, was slapped horizontally with its original power. The mountain stream instantly erupted like a torpedo. The crackling fish, shrimps and crabs were all blown out and smashed.

The only one that is relatively complete is the mussel.

Of course, the so-called intact means that the shell has been completely broken, and the raw mussel meat is relatively intact.

Huang Dashan picks and picks out a bunch of barely rounded ones, and he is very proud of raising his eyebrows.

“How’s it?”

Everyone: “…”

This is how you got the title of Mingguang Fishing King, and it’s not as good as Qin Wuyong!Lin Chou glanced at him and was angry.

“F*ck, aren’t these all the crispy carp I raised?”

Ever since, the Lord Shan ran to collect firewood as if he had fled.

The bonfire quickly rose, and the fish was skewered on the cumin-flavored iron wire vines, and they were grilled with great interest.

A simple tripod was set up on the bonfire, and a simpler, freshly polished stone pot was hanging dangling on it.

The clam meat and catkin soup are stewed in the stone pot. Before the soup starts to boil, the clam meat and catkin will infiltrate the soup into a creamy white, which looks attractive.

In the distance, the insects and beasts roar in the Mang Cangzu Mountain, the mountain stream gurgled around everyone, and the charming smell of fish meat rose together with the jumping flames—not to mention that there was really such a mood.

Sikong was afraid that he hadn’t had this kind of experience in his life, and they couldn’t move their eyes when they stared at their fish.

“It’s great… this is what life is like… this fish can smell so good without any condiments…”

Before Sikong finished speaking, boss Lin took out a bunch of bottles and cans from his clothes, pinching out a little bit and sprinkling a little bit out, finishing the seasoning for himself and Lenghan’s fish, and finally poured out from the lantern. A little bit of otter oil for a full body massage for the two fish.

“Salt, chili, star anise, cumin, citronella, cinnamon…I wonder what this is for…”

Sikong’s heart is broken at this moment-what about the trust between people? ?

“Lin! Worry!”

“What are you doing?”

“Why didn’t you talk about it earlier?”

“You didn’t ask either~”

After that, it was unavoidable that you would earn me a grab. Those strange little bottles were not too big, and the seasonings must not be enough for everyone, especially the salt.

If Wu Ke was present, he would definitely be able to treasure these bottles and cans: test tubes, plastic droppers, jars, conical flasks…Yes, yes, they originally belonged to Wu Kewu. Researcher’s.

“It’s hot… the fish is ready, the fish is ready…”

The smile on Sikong’s face couldn’t be stopped, and he just gnawed up the fish while holding it.

The elastic and tough crunchy carp meat is very different from ordinary fish, and if you bite it, it will turn into a few balls rolling around in your mouth.

Although full of toughness, the fish meat is extremely delicate.

If the fish skin is not burned at the same time, the abundant water and oil will even make Sagone feel that the fish is steamed.

“It can be said that it is the most 666 grilled fish in my generation,” Sikong gave a thumbs up, “Lin Zi, can you take me with you when you go out in the future?”

Lin Chou sighed silently.

The exquisite grilled fish that was dried and tossed with red willows as a sign don’t tell Ben Shuai that you didn’t eat it, it’s not so compelling!

Young Master Sagong may never have eaten such a meal in such an environment in his life, everything feels particularly fresh and worth looking forward to-perhaps it is this kind of self-supporting player that is more deadly than self-replenishment.

“I will try the soup~”

What everyone used to drink the soup was simply the broken shells of the mussels, which can be used as a spoon after a few breaks.

The pucai heart in the milky white soup has long been soft, and the floating room is like a piece of tender bamboo shoots. The mussel meat itself is very rich in juice. As the flame licks the bottom of the stone pot, the water in the mussel meat is released. On the contrary, a pot of fresh soup has the feeling that the more stewed, the more.


The entrance of the soup has a coconut milk-like smoothness, but it is slightly thick, and the natural taste is like the delicious oysters gradually melting in the mouth.

The slightly greenish bitterness of the bamboo shoots becomes the best adjustment at this time. Even if you don’t savor it carefully, you don’t need to worry that the right “bitterness” or “astringency” will be ignored.

On the contrary, when you deliberately look for it, the soup in your mouth is only delicious and sweet.

Drinking and drinking, Huang Dashan suddenly patted his forehead.

“Fuck, do you think something is missing?”



“Seems to be…”

“Eh eh eh? Where do we put the lantern over there, why is it still dark?”


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