Chapter 945 ******

Lin Chou mumbled,

“This mouthful of healthy rice is destined to be unfinished.”

A large number of evolutionaries outside the door suddenly shouted,

“Eat? Are you thinking about eating at this time?”

“Have you seen my antique Rolex? Have you seen my hungry and unbearable circulation card? Have you seen my handsome face?”

“Only the customer dad can have this look!”

Lin Chou watched them silently.

A female evolutionary with a healthy and powerful wheat color took the opportunity to sell cute,

“You have made your God angry, huh, the kind that is definitely not good for a dish!”

Lin Chou nodded to express understanding.




The surname of Lin, you have a pleasant remark, will you talk to the end?

The group of evolutionaries with MMP grinning on their faces hadn’t waited to react to what’s going on. The angle of view had changed. Xiaoguan quickly shrank in the field of vision, and there was a whirring wind in his ears.


The reason why the evolvers had no resistance to collectively lifted into the air was that Lord Gungun felt that they were all at the front door and they couldn’t see anything at the back door, which felt a great loss, so they slapped their feet and slapped them.


Then a big black eye occupies the main entrance that the group of evolvers can only fill with their bodies. The picture can be said to be quite frightening when seen from the dining room.

Xiao Yourong and Sikong’s relish and happiness are all solidified under these huge black eyes, eating is not not eating or not.

Facts have proved that when a familiar object swells (fei) to a certain extent, it can definitely put more pressure on people-such as big eyeballs.

Sikong swallowed his saliva and held up the plate.

“Fuck…ah…cough cough…I have tested it for you, it is not poisonous, please honor your old man first…”

Su Yourong:? ? ?

What is this operation!

The little girl was unwilling to say,

“I haven’t eaten it yet. Wet Tiger will make it again…at most… half of you at most…”

Sikong persuaded a very handsome and handsome face,

“No way, half is not enough!”

Little girl can protect food,

“No, do you know how much you need to eat to be full? It’s delicious, everyone is equal in front of you. This is the dish that Wet Tiger cooked for me! First come first!”

Sikong was about to cry, pointing to the quack floating behind by the gravity field.

The fat duck’s body flashed with the strange brilliance of the gravity field every second, which was very rhythmic.

“So what a pet’s temperament will follow the owner? Who learned this from…”

With quack’s fragile foundation that is only one step, I am afraid that it will take more than half a minute to add the holy light to eternal bliss!

Sagong is wronged, can I make sense with this sketch bear first…

However, Su Yourong and Gungun had already quarreled.

“You are so mean…”


“You are mean and shameless…”

“Oh oh oh oh…”

“You are despicable and shameless…”


When you come, the atmosphere is getting anxious.

The poor Young Master Sikong started to feel dizzy after hearing this for a while-what is the noise, what is the noise, can you understand it or what?Are all the guys on this mountain riding a horse a monster! !


With a very clear metallic sound, a thin piece of gold gauze squeezed in from the crack of the door, that is, the rolling face, and shook lightly. As a result, the rolling head was squeezed away abruptly.

Rolling:? ? ?

Leng Han walked in, dressed in a simple animal leather armor, and his leather pants and military boots were heroic.

Then the big-breasted sister’s angry roar,

“Bing, you dare to be so disrespectful to Lord Blood God, come out for me!!”

Leng Han didn’t care, sitting in his old position and quietly looking out the window.

Sikong’s eyes narrowed:

There are three long gaps on the animal skin armor hand-cut by Grandma Yue, and it is still stained with a touch of blood.

You must know that with Grandma Yue’s superb craftsmanship, only Tier 1 animal skins can display defenses comparable to the peak of Tier 2 alien beasts in her hands. As Leng Han, she may wear Tier 1 alien animal leather armor. NS?

So how did this dress make it like this!

Leng Han combed the somewhat tangled hair with his fingers, and said lightly,

“Not my blood.”

Su Yourong’s mouth shrank,

“Does it hurt?”

Leng Han moved the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a smile that was not very cold, very cold, only very cold, very cold.

“The clothes are torn, distressed.”

Sikong: “…”

Leng Han, you have changed. Has the goods surnamed Lin infected you with some strange attributes? ?

Suddenly he poked his head out of the kitchen and put a square plate on the counter.

“Bring it to you Sister Leng Han.”

“Oh~” Su Yourong agreed, holding the tray on the table of Leng Han, “Nah~”

Inside the square tray is a bowl of steaming pork blood soup and a larger bowl of jellyfish soup.

Leng Han drank the soup in silence without saying a word.

Sikong asked tentatively.

“Hei Shenhai… is there a problem?”

“It has been resolved. The imaginary beasts and sea beasts besieged the coastal defense line, and the black army was caught off guard—”

Leng Han’s expression looked a little helpless,

“Let me see what is going on.”

Sagong has no idea,

“What do you mean? Come here? How can the Void Beast and the Sea Beast join forces?”

“It’s not teaming up,” Leng Han thought for a while and said, “It’s just an offensive at the same time.”

(Is there really a difference…)

She hesitated,

“Lin Chou… borrowed Niu Lanqi’s body… to freeze more than half of the sea guarded by the coastline…”

Sikong’s chin almost smashed on the table, even Su Yourong’s chopsticks and the rolling micro-gravity field robbed the fish of the plate.

“I knock, what is this operation?”

Leng Han said,

“The sea beasts near the coastal defense line were completely emptied… the high-rank sea beasts that escaped by chance were furious… the same goes for the virtual beasts…”

Sikong connected some key plot characters together, and suddenly realized that this should be a follow-up to the event that Niu Lanqi was hung on the dome of Lin Chou’s house to sacrifice to the sky.

——Shen Te Mo follow-up!

“This kid also has a grudge, did he deliberately or…”

Leng Han shook his head.

“The snowman outside…extremely terrifying…”

As a typical water-controlling bloodline, Leng Han can more intuitively and clearly perceive the power of the snow dumpling boss, and even makes her feel a deep sense of powerlessness. If she does not use the extremely dense metal bug output, Leng Han will consciously The snowman can’t walk through one turn.

Sikong could only nod his head.

The source of the cold air that freezes the black and sinking sea is the big snow dumpling. It is the sea, not blisters or small lakes, but the real sea. How terrible it is to say more?

“What’s the origin of this snowman?”

“I just heard my father say, knowing that he has existed since the early stage of the catastrophe. I don’t know who his name or name is.”

Leng Han said,

“I don’t know why, it always gives me a very cordial feeling.”

Sikong’s heart: Can you not be kind? You must have a common language in your temperature range!

Outside, the evolvers who flew for a long time before landing, fainted for a long time before waking up, and ran for a long time before returning, were overjoyed-they just saw Master Fuwan blocking the door from a distance.

Are you leaving now?

In fact, Mr. Gungun was very happy after eating half a plate of fish, and he has already returned to Houshan to take a bath and enjoy the coolness.

It has never been for the elderly to eat full, and it is particularly reserved and has a special accent, which mainly highlights a temperament.

A group of evolutionists rushed into the dining room in the “boom boom boom” of Old Man Gao and Hong Dashan, and took a place.

At first, the ladies came first, and then this group of guys were dumbfounded-the dining room was full.

I sighed suddenly, I was afraid that I would not be able to eat this fresh meal again, so I could only wait for Boss Lin when he was in a good mood and put the menu on the beam of the room.

When all these people were seated, Lin Chou brought out a super big pot.

Sikong’s eyes are straight, just like that-when a familiar object swells (fei) to a certain extent, it can definitely put more pressure on people.

It’s not just pressure. Compared to the small white porcelain plate just now, what looks like a bathtub is so beautiful and exquisite. I don’t know which gutter it was thrown into.

The evolutionists don’t think so at all:

“Boss Lin is mighty!”

“That’s what’s called a meal. The bowl you usually serve me, boss Lin, is not as big as the palm of my hand.”

“Good job.”


“Are you serious upstairs?”

“I mean 666, don’t always think about questioning others if you don’t have that culture?!”

“Ha ha.”

Noisy to noisy, it doesn’t stop the evolving people from consciously taking bowls and queuing, holding a card at any time for Boss Lin to swipe it, just like something obediently.

Seeing Leng Han took a small white porcelain plate of the same style from the counter, Lin Chou opened his eyes and shouted.

“Change this for this!”

What Lin Chou was waving in his hand was a big old bowl wider than a human head, and it was full.

“Surely you haven’t eaten a few full meals at sea? You have to eat more… The evolutionary can’t eat fat… Don’t leave later… Take this ham rice ball… And this… This…and this… well, all right, go ahead.”

In the end, Leng Han’s quota was brought to the table by Su Yourong and Sikong, and a group of evolutionists looked stupid.

They looked at the small white porcelain plate in their hands,

“Well, is it too late to change now?”

The spoon in Lin Chou’s hand banged on the dish basin, his eyes were rather bad.

The customer’s father dared not say anything, only the female evolutionary had bright eyes.

(It turns out that Boss Lin would also pity Xiangxiyu??)

(Boss Lin looked so handsome just now!)

(Hmph, who is she, I don’t see any cold eyesight.)


Although I don’t know what the relationship between that woman and Boss Lin is, a certain wheat-skinned female evolutionary is still confident:

The old lady is two (10) beautiful and beautiful, not worse than her. It is hard to abandon her natural beauty and know how to cut it?

What’s more, let alone my old lady’s breast is bigger than her~

It’s just Yan Huishan, my old lady dare to recognize the first and no one dare to recognize the first——

The female evolutionary’s thoughts were interrupted. She saw the red man staring fiercely at Leng Han outside the door, her eyes as if she had been stung by a bee.


It’s just Yan Huishan, the old lady dare to recognize the second and no one dare to recognize the first——The female evolutionary’s thoughts were interrupted, and her gaze fell on Su Yourong somehow, so her eyes were stung for a second time. It hurts!


Forget it, let’s talk about that woman just now–

“and many more…”

When Leng Han lowered his head to eat, he leaned down to tighten the soft leather armor, and printed neat, banner-like depressions on his back from the shoulder blades to the ribs.

Seeing the neatly extended traces, the “some wheat-colored skin, big breasts and beautiful female evolutionary” who is also a woman certainly knows what the hell it is, so after her gaze floated on Leng Han long enough, she took a bite of blood. It almost didn’t come out on the spot.

“God, crazy!”

“Does this woman have a cat disease in the brain…”

“How afraid are you to lose your balance during the battle, hello!”

“What age is this, corset? Wipe…have all been tied and this altitude?”

When the female evolutionary came back to her senses, she found that Lin Chou had been staring at her weirdly for a long time.

“Will you still eat?”

As a result, a certain wheatish skin female evolutionary gathered her mind and calmed herself down.

“Eat it, of course I want to eat it!” She put on a graceful posture like a willow blowing in the wind, Jiao Didi said, “Actually, people haven’t eaten enough recently~”

The sugar content is full of thieves, and it can be said that the young and the old can kill, and the man behind it is excited.

At least dozens of eyes fell on her-three of them chilled her back.

(Beautiful women are always jealous of other women, huh.)

The female evolutionary is very satisfied with this and is more charming,

“Boss Lin~ Can you change a big bowl for others~”

Boss Lin’s expression is even more weird, and his face is full of disapproval, yelling,

“Why can you eat so much?!”

Boss Lin’s voice is still very loud, and it is estimated that everyone outside the door can hear it.

A certain wheat-colored skin, big breasts and glamorous female evolutionary: “???”

Wait, this seems a little different from what the old lady thinks…


Leng Han covered his face, lowered his head and slammed the dishes on the plate with chopsticks.

The female evolutionary was fascinated and angry at the time,

“Why are you laughing? Are you annoying!”

Everyone: “…”

Taking a step back together, the needle fell silently.

(Can’t offend, can’t afford to offend, goodbye!)

(Beautiful girl and strong man, so easy to go or not to send!)

Under the argument of the female evolutionary-uh, she was soon forcibly carried away by the teammates who came over after hearing the news.

From a distance, her shrill voice was still aggrieved:

“Who is she, why! Captain, don’t drag me, I’m anxious with you! My old lady is still not convinced…”

“You don’t want to die, you…”


“Who is she, do you know you! Ah?”

“Who do you think she is, Marilyn Monroe? Men all over the world have to know her and let her? Besides, men all over the world know her and let her mother know her and let her let her?”

“To shut up!”

“Hehe, the name of’Marilyn Monroe’ in your mouth is Leng Han, nickname Leng** and Ji**.”


“Who I’m looking for to provoke me, I, daddy recruits you only because you are so good-looking and capable. How did you know how you lived until now? Do you think you can’t have family planning without that part***, right? I’m special code **********! Say, you’re actually riding a horse It’s the spy sent by the team next door to do daddy, right?”

Yes, that’s right, you should take it that the **** about **** will eliminate the beeping sound.

Everyone was in a cold sweat:

This captain is also an individual talent, so why are you talking about ‘Stars’? Isn’t it true that you have to learn to muffle the sound automatically when you come out of the mix these days?

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