Chapter 942

Swallow back to the mountain.

Pieces of dreamlike blue glow set off the diamond crown-like dome like a fairyland, and heavy snow fell from the sky, and soon the hill was completely dyed white.

Looking at the lively bastards in the distance, under the blessing of Lord Billowing, the Eight Trigrams were unscrupulous:

“Wow, wipe your hair, this is snow, it’s snow!”

“Who has the recorder Damn? At this time, fly around, Mingguang Daily, Mingguang Pravda, Mingguang Morning Post, Mingguang Shuiyou Daily… All the front page headline contributions are yours!”

“Don’t beep, just let me shed moving tears quietly for this incomparable beauty.”

A low-level evolutionary wrapped a small quilt tightly, hissing gas,

“I, Wang Kai, today I learned another idiom,’Wind, Flowing and Flowing’.”

“Mom, it’s so cold.”

Lin Chou and Hong Dashan stood there blankly, Hong Dashan muttered for a while, struggling,

“On this good day…beautiful view, Jundang and I have a…bath.”

——Well, just turning around the corner to remind a black-hearted boss that he still owes him a drink.

Lin Chou’s attention is not on Hong Dashan now, he opened his mouth, very emotional,

“Tsk, good people! Doomsday **!”

He was very familiar with this kind of water blue light and this kind of breath.

Lin Chou is very generous, and some petty women are different. He doesn’t think that Niu Lanqi is a maddening bad thing.

“When I ran, I ran away, actually remembering to contribute the bloodline ability to help suppress the snow dumpling boss.”

“I, Lin, almost cried when moved.”

emmmmmm, look at our dog beep system, sometimes Lin Chou’s scalp is tingling because of the showy operation.

Lin Chou could completely imagine how a certain Niu Lanqi in the depths would feel. It is estimated that her neat white teeth will be crushed, right?

The guardian of the spirit of the homeland, the tree, and the veins. Realm is known as eternity, “Thou’s flesh and blood is also the land of my life”, irreversible.

It seems that even if Niu Lanqi escapes, there is no way to cut this connection – or it can’t delay the dog beep system to drag her out at the right time to whip her corpse and treat it as a living target.

“Is it possible that every time Realm appears in the future, no matter the person who has been tied up before escapes or escapes, it will be pulled out as a living biological battery call?”

That’s really great~

Lin Chou gave a light cough and tentatively shouted to the top.

“Big Snow Dumpling, how do you squeeze your feet?”

Water droplets dripped from the snow group’s body, the frost on his body had a tendency to melt, and his voice responded to Lin Sorrow with a languid voice.


The aura of patience is still there, but the big snow dumpling is obviously half out of the Shi Lezhi state just now.

The voice of Huang Dashan,

“My mother, finally… hey hey hey… A Hong… it’s my turn now…”

Hong Dashan slowly said,

“What did you say…”

Huang Dashan is in a hurry,

“Hey hey hey, Ahong, you have to be reasonable, don’t be too CNN, be careful, Ahong becomes an imam…Bah…what the hell am I talking about…Anyway, it’s my turn, you come out It’s been long enough!”

Hong Dashan slowly said,

“What did you say…”

True* chorus: “…”

Lift TM table (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻

Lin Chou: “The two, I can cut in…”

“Can.””Don’t think about it!”

Lin Chou: (a_a)

Okay, Lin Chou said it’s OK to leave it alone, it’s nothing and nothing.

After half an hour.

The red mountain is holding the huge wine tank, and it compares with the sky.


The snow dumpling boss’s mouth is filled with fragrant and tender venison—with Lin Chou’s black-hearted urinary sex, even if the snow dumpling boss paid the price of the mountain musk deer, he might still be on it. It is the meat of waste wood deer.

It fully shows that no matter how much money you spend in Yanhuishan, you can only buy special effects, but you can’t buy reasonable and fair quality ingredients.

There was a hint of drunken red on the face of the frost-covered dumpling of the snow dumpling boss.

“Fuck, cheers~”

Lin Chou’s goose bumps all over his body were jumping tango wildly back and forth.

Able to fight, resist, and be cute, and Fei’s combo is like an arm’s instruction. The snow dumpling boss was also a scene person before his death.

Bah, what’s in life!

The swig of Hongdashan accompanied the wailing of Huangdashan,

“Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu must borrow a sense sharing system from the uncle Warlock-a simulated one is also okay.”

Every time I drink the Red Mountain, I will run out, and I will run out as soon as I drink.

Drinking and drinking Huang Dashan deity can not even taste the taste of wine, it can be said that the user experience is extremely poor…

Confucius his old man once said: the loneliness of two, the fault of three people.

That’s the truth.

Huang Dashan is really going to cry,

“Lin Zi, Lin Zi, think of a way, oh oh… what am I…”

The spicy wine brings refreshment and painful tangles on one face at the same time. The picture is simply beautiful, and the painting style of a mental patient is vividly interpreted.

Lin Chou said that love is helpless,

“Or, can you try to reproduce a trumpet by yourself?”

Huang Dashan thought to himself, his expression was very impulsive.

Then, this guy suddenly popped out,

“I say myself?”

Haha, it’s absolutely lawless.

A waste firewood deer, roasted meat calculated by tons and spices calculated by 100 kilograms, even if the big snow dumpling did not use that frenzied eating method, he still did not last a tank of wine.

Lin Chou could only admit that he was unlucky. Fortunately, Mr. Xue Danzi didn’t mind the quality of the food, and Lin Chou’s cold storage just happened to contain a large amount of messy animal meat that made him not even weighing the weight.

“Oh… I paid my grandma’s house…”

Lin Chou idly glanced at the so-called “Master’s Proof”, and found that this thing is actually the same as the “Butterfly Recruiting Medal” and the “Free Drinking Medal”, and it comes with a system caption description.

“Being a teacher for one day, and a father for life.

Apprentice (designated Su Yourong): Apprentices can learn certain dishes according to their cooking proficiency.

Current learnable dishes: none

Su Yourong’s cooking proficiency: 21000”

“I knock, why is it based on the apprentice’s proficiency, so it seems that my master does not have the slightest dignity at all!”

The system doesn’t care about him at all,

“Apprentices can be upgraded when their cooking proficiency reaches the upper limit. According to the apprentice’s level, they can have a certain blessing effect on the skill [Try the method with one’s body] (not effective).”

“Tian Xing Shi Dao officially issued, designating: Mingguang City, Su Clan.”

“Tian Xing Shi Dao + Judging by the test method…”

“Di, the judgment is successful.”

“Those who have not passed the judgment: Su Youyi, Su Wuxing, Su Changshuo, Su Benjuan, Su Benyou… and other 76 people will be obliterated.”

“The obliteration is in progress…”

“The obliteration was disturbed…”

“Repeat execution…”

“Dip, succeed in obliterating.”

As soon as the system subtitles rolled over, there was an almost continuous sound of thunder in the direction of the bright light.

Lin Chou: “…”

“Fuck, are you special with the dog beep system—”

This time, the fucking system actually took the initiative to explain,

“Within the scope permitted by the God of Cooking Rules, this system has the right to make independent judgments.”

“Master of Heaven and Earth! The Su clan of Mingguang has already recognized the identity of the host by the whole clan and hopes to obtain certain benefits and achieve certain goals, so he should be responsible for this.”

Lin Chou has nothing to say.

Master Tianxing said that he could vaguely understand, as for trying the law with one’s body, that is the ability endowed by the system.

What is judged by the two together? Maybe Qi is someone who has some kind of “killing” purpose towards him.

Lin Chou actually is not hypocritical, in fact he doesn’t feel much at all, he is very calm.

Life has been in the alley since he was a child, and he can be called good if he doesn’t have too much dark side and madness in his character. How can he expect nothing else?

It’s just–the systematic style, it really is so dark.

With a pleasant shut-down sound, the Fuck system slipped quietly when Lin Chou was in a daze.

Okay, just flipping through the prizes and reading the skill of “Thunder Strike” by the way, does it count as a kind of skill?

After all, I Lin’s strength can be considered to have entered the ranks of Mingguang’s many high-rank bosses. After all, there is no bloodline ability that can be obtained!

“Emmmm, it seems that it will be necessary to develop a dish such as’sleeve-sweeping soup’ in the future. Whoever refuses to accept pia is a bowl of soup with a mouthful of soup and a thunder, oh yeah, it’s perfect.”

The ups and downs of open-hearted drinks are still continuing, and rolling over there has already rushed back with the evolvers eagerly.



“Have you heard of…”


The supersonic snowball swept the last talking evolutionary, and directly shot this third-order rookie tens of meters away,

“I’ve heard, playing snowball fights and making snowmen, and hitting the female ticket roe deer!”


“Am I pretty, who the fuck just attacked me?”

All at once, the five big and three muscular big masters screamed and cheered, and were shot all over the sky by all kinds of “snowballs” dragging the sonic boom–Lin Chou didn’t know whether he should put those suspected snowballs. The ball is called “snowball”, and the hardness is almost as little as that of an iron ball.

Afterwards, these guys were stunned to create a huge snowman that was fifty to sixty meters high, covering an area of ​​more than 2,500 square meters of super fat, and used more than two hundred kilograms of carrots to be watered and frozen together as a nose. Put it in your face.

“not bad.”

“That’s a good shit, let’s get one that is the same as the snow dumpling boss?”

“Mao, the snowman looks like that all day long, isn’t it? We call this a special feature.”

“How about another weapon?”

“Master Shan’s axe is wrong!”

“Yes, yes, let’s have another boss Lin’s shovel~”

“Emmmm, it is recommended to go to the original armor!”

“The difficulty factor is too high to be done.”

As a result, a 57-meter-tall boulder made eyes and carrots, when the nose, facial expressions are strange and hideous, one hand is convenient for a shovel, the other hand is a desktop axe, six pitcher plants are inserted in the belly, and the bright big mouth is hanging on the back. The balding snowman with eighteen scars on his own, with fake and shoddy but still handsome colorful cloaks put together through countless mottled sheets is freshly released.

Boss Lin took only one look, and all the hairs on his body stood up.Am I pretty? I’m so pretty!

If this thing is just placed on the mountain, who would dare to come to eat? ?

However, seconds hit the face.

An hour later, the group of second-generation children in the base city who had no time to idle until they heard a fart had to take out a plastic dropper to determine the pH level.

One and a half hours later, the garrison of the scientific research institute’s occurrence committee arrived.

Two hours later, the group of ladies arrived.

Lin Chou: “…”

Two and a half hours later, the old man blast furnace Gao took his grandson to the high-speed rail.

——Well, this is really “killed”.

The blast furnace old man carried a hammer and screamed and rushed up the mountain. At a glance, he saw the big snow dumpling being hung up high, and he almost died on the spot.

“F*ck a little bunny with a big watermelon, Lin Chou! The old man will take your head off and put it under the bed as a urinal fifty times a day in the middle of the night!”

Lin Sorrow was a little vacant.

The red mountain carrying the wine jar makes the sordid voice of Huang Dashan,

“Tsk, so Elder Gao is finally willing to look directly at the cruel fact that your frequent urination can’t make your prostate enlarged?”

blast furnace:”???”

I can’t tell whether the prostate has a huge swelling, but the tendon flesh of the whole body of the old man is beginning to swell abnormally.

The old man looked as if he was pulled up more than doubled, his clothes burst into pieces with a “chap”.

“Babies! Ahhhh, repent and die under a just trial! Hammer of the Holy Spirit!”

Huang Dashan:

“Tsk tsk, it’s actually a faithful player, dare to ask how happy the old man is?”

“Hey, this posture is handsome, just like four dogs rushing for food.”

“Oh, my beard is upright, what did I say wrong? If there is something wrong, sir, you come to hammer me?”

Shao talks constantly, but Hong Dashan hasn’t moved at all. Except for the mouth and guns, the control of the body now belongs to Hong Dashan instead of Huang Dashan.

Sikong opened his mouth weakly.

“What the hell is this guy desperate for?”

A few onlookers said the truth in one word…Bah…the truth,

“If you seem to be knocked out, the Red-Eyed Mountain Master will hide?”

As he talked, Mr. Gao’s body was like a dragon and swallowing like a tiger, and he followed him with a hammer.

Huang Dashan:

“Hehe, I can see it from the dull hair on the back of my head, old man, you should be tonic.”

“It’s so empty, I’m afraid it’s a kidney overdraft, right?”

“Hongmao medicated wine, cures kidney deficiency, does not contain sugar~”

However, the blast furnace sneered, the light of the hammer soared, and the endless weapon phantoms of knives, swords, halberds, axes, hooks and forks turned out of the hammer, as solid as entities.


The weapon phantoms all greeted the Red Mountain.

All the people who can transform the original weapon feel a sense of depression that they have never had before. Some people try to summon the original weapon, only to find that the original weapon commanded by the arm does not respond to the master’s call at all, and they are embarrassed.

The grandson of Blast Furnace slapped his forehead on the high-speed rail, his tone was extremely helpless.

“Grandpa is here again. Every time Hammerman has to scream out loud… The most annoying thing is… Actually, some people will believe the names of those secondary 2 moves…”

Mr. Gao has a very old qualifications. There are countless people who have suffered wrongdoing and false wrongdoing. Some of them even include some elders who are warm and moist.

High-speed rail is in thinking,

“Emmm, what did Grandpa call at the time? The chaotic cloak hammer method?”

As a result, a certain ancestor-level antique of the Wen family was sturdy and sturdy, and the front teeth were all hammered off.

——But in fact, that is the closest Grandpa’s move name is to the truth.

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