Chapter 940

Sikong felt very anxious, the kind that was very anxious, and didn’t want to wait for that little time while waiting online.

This kind of feeling is like setting up a big flag, if you don’t practice it-


Cross it out and start over.

Dreaming this thing will always be salted fish, otherwise, what is the difference from salted fish who don’t even dream?

It’s like a strategy game, everything is ready but only owes recharge, and Master Sagong’s wallet just happens to have such a pity that it is tasteless to abandon.

Is it embarrassing, not embarrassing!

If you don’t have a recharge channel, create a channel and you must recharge.

Before Lin Chou could speak, Sikong took the conversation.

“Well, I can see from your eyes, you seem to have some bold ideas about this snowman?”

No, I don’t, don’t talk nonsense.

Lin Chou opened his eyes and started talking nonsense.

“Actually… well, I admit, now there is a small problem. This snow dumpling boss seems to have traveled at public expense. If he doesn’t let him eat and drink and have fun, emmmm…”

“Make a price! I’ll take care of it!”

Lin Chou was overjoyed in his heart, um, as expected, the hearts of the people are still going to be darker, so Boss Lin took the whole situation of the snow dumplings like this for a while.

“If, I mean, if—satisfying his wish, if he is willing to return to Lushan, he should urge the blast furnace to rebuild the furnace. After all, he is always cold. Only the tallest and largest furnace in the furnace can be as cool as the furnace. The world of paper gives him a touch of warmth.”

“Say it first, I’m just guessing, guessing.”

Sikong was a little dazed by Lin Chou.


So where can this handsome let him go, of course it is to complete the task, know what to do?

Lin Chou held out a finger,


“One billion? Or one cubic source crystal?”


Rich people are so self-willed!

Lin Chou said,

“Wrong, it’s still a steaming hot pot. Actually, I probably have that idea in my heart, but…”

Sikong Dao,

“Don’t talk nonsense, please be sure to speak your thoughts boldly, and I will supplement the rest.”

Lin Chou reached out and took off a sign from the beam, handed it to Sikong, and motioned Sikong to read the words on it.

“Sai Nian Gao (Baked Ziyun Snails with Chili Bud):

One stunt, patience.

This state will be activated when the person who eats this dish is extremely hungry or the source is short of the limit. The sensitivity to the negative state is 10% ascending every twenty-four hours for 14 natural days. During this period, you will not die of hunger and the source of the shortage itself. .

Stunt two, heavy armor.

For those who eat this dish, the armor of the origin will be purified once, the thickness will be reduced by one tenth, and the defensive power will be ascending by ten.

Stunt three, the world is home.

Those who eat this dish will inherit the curse of the Ziyun snail race, no matter where they are, they can feel the warmth of home.

(Note: The ancients said that music here is not thinking of Shu.)

Stunt four, I have a good look in my eyes.

Those who eat this dish will inherit the blessing of the Ziyun snail race and increase the field of vision by 6 meters.

(Note: Due to the Ziyun snail race limitation, the full effect will be obtained in low light, and the effect will be reduced to an increase of one meter under strong light.)”

Sikong had weird eyes,”Why do you always come up with these weird crooked ways, this thing… this is an egg use… eh? Wait! Ciao, I think so, cheating… it’s a little awkward to think about it. Have to panic…”

So Lin Chou’s expression was also weird-in view of the fact that some unlucky chicken soup brothers have personally verified the actual effect.

Facts have proved that this thing can be called a law-level, and it seems that it also contains an intellectual attack.

“Well, don’t care about these details. Look at this article, “You can feel the warmth of home wherever you are.” Do you have any thoughts?”

“You mean…”

“The snow dumpling boss is so powerful, the low temperature can’t even hold Huang Dashan, let alone a pot of hot pot, and I personally think one thing is very important: the warmth of home, I am a restaurant! New home, right? , How can there be cold meals and cold dishes at home — there will always be only meals that have been overheated N times at home.”

Sikong squeezed his chin and thought about it again and again.

“This reason… seems a bit reluctant!

“And, what do you mean is that you seem to be poisoned by this fellow you don’t even think you can afford to offend and then starve to death?”

Lin Chou: “…”

Let me tell you that people who speak sloppyly like you not only have no friends, but generally don’t survive the next chapter.

Sikong pouted,

“You, want me to take care of you!”

Lin Chou: “…”

(Have you been seen through, but not only is there no sense of guilt for Mao Benshuai, he doesn’t even feel embarrassed?)

——Actually, what Lin Chou fears most is that he will be judged cheating by the dog beep system if he tries it by himself.


“Forget it, you just assume that for some reason, I can’t… you know…”

Sikong frowned, then said in a natural tone.

“Sure enough, as everyone thought, you have certain restrictions, right, such as not being able to leave Yanhuishan, not being promoted, or even taking a bath?”

Lin Shou’s face is black and black,

“I’m going…you get out…I don’t have your friend…”

Sikong shrugged happily, thinking about it,

“Sure enough, this is the price of becoming stronger. In fact, if you want to start, it is better than being bald!”

Lin Shou’s face began to turn purple.

Sikong coughed.

“Then what, I’m taking this pot, isn’t it the next medicine-what, it won’t kill people, right?”

Of course Lin Chou shook his head decisively.

“Absolutely not.”

I silently added a sentence: At most, it is half a life.

Sikong strode to the side of the snow dumpling boss, and within two steps, he became fat again.

Sikong rubbed his hands, feeling embarrassed.

“Well, can you give me a dozen sheepskin jackets or something?”


What sheepskin coat army coat iron core small padded coat is not as good as the original shield. Under the original barrier added by several evolutionaries, Sikong hissed in the cold air and his face became paler.

“Pen’s name, let’s let.”

The potted plant turned back furiously,


Then he quickly changed his face, 嘤嘤嘤Cute and Judo,


Oh, woman~

Especially some women, are they not worth mentioning in the face of the ability to make money?

There is a saying how to say, flies do not bite seamless eggs.

In Mingguang, I am afraid that only Sikong is a bug-like existence for potted plants, invincible defense.

Sikong maintained a smile with a iris like a warm wine,

“Hello, big snow dumpling.”

This title made the snow dumpling boss a bit speechless, but he gladly accepted it.

“Oh, I know you, the little guy from Sikong’s family.”

Sikong shivered and shivered. After standing here for a few seconds, his small body tended to crash.

“He…he…I, I heard my father mentioned you, but I didn’t expect to see…his…it’s cold…”

Upon hearing this, the snow dumpling boss thoughtfully retreated two steps.

Sikong smiled gratefully.

“Can I…”

The snow dumpling boss waved his hand,

“Being so close, it’s hard not to hear you talking. It’s really amazing. Is his ability to see through people’s inner desires?”

Sikong shook his head.

“Definitely not, but it’s not uncommon for the awakened to have any weird awakening ability to be honest.”

“That’s true.” said the snow dumpling boss, “I’m still very happy that someone can miss me. It makes me feel very warm~ I want to try the effect of that dish.”

Sikong was overjoyed and looked back at Lin Sorrow.

Ai Aidao in the sad period,

“Well, who will settle the bill first…”

Sikong: (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻

(Does this son know so much? Really Jill is embarrassing for him!)

The snow dumpling boss who has witnessed everything seems to have been shocked not knowing what to say, but everyone who heard the above conversation will insist that the information revealed in the five holes on the snow dumplings face is composed of one sentence. ——”There is such a shameless person in the world??”

Well, the kind with its own punctuation.

As a result, the poor Ziyun snails, who could make their homes in the world, were slaughtered, and the freshest green and deep purple vegetable sprouts became a plate of distinctly colored “rice cakes” under the catalysis of wine, fire and gas. .

As soon as it was on the table, the light wine carried in the steam was like a small boiling spring, steaming in front of the big snow dumplings-waiting for the tragic fate of being frozen into a small glacier along with the steam at any time.


The big snow dumpling took a deep breath, and Lin Chou could hear the steam from the dishes rustling into ice crystals in front of his nose.

“It smells so warm!”

Based on the uniqueness of the snow dumpling boss, Lin Chou can automatically take this as a cold compliment that “is as delicious as ham”.

Sikong eagerly served him with vegetables,

“Taste it.”

Of course, Sikong himself was not polite, and he was eating with relish.

The snow-white purple cloud snail meat turns into ice crystals as usual before entering the snow population.


The snowball boss suddenly shook his whole body, and the frost on his body was shaken off a lot.

Lin Chou’s eyes widened suddenly.

“Fuck, fuck…”

Looking at it with his true vision ability, almost as soon as the big Xuetuanzi swallowed the food, he immediately opened a circle of cyan apertures without any delay-the special effect endurance took effect.

What is this operation?

The snow dumpling boss sat back in the chair like he was drunk.

“Wow, it’s so warm.”

“Don’t even feel hungry!”

“Never want to go back to the stove…”

After saying this, Si Kong’s face changed.Lin Chou was dumbfounded.

“What the hell…”

The snow dumpling boss shook his head, and yingyingying’s voice became more sober.

“What a great effect! Will even the mind be affected?”

“It’s very simple. After sleeping for so many years, my body’s functions are maintained at the minimum standard, and I have been on the verge of extreme hunger. No matter how much I eat, I will not be full.”

The snow dumpling boss kept holding the vegetables and chewing “click, click”, and the aperture on his body in Lin Chou’s eyes, representing the “endurance” state, became denser.

When the whole dish was eaten, the cyan had almost turned into a dull black.

Lin Chou immediately prepared a pot of angry frog hot pot and served it on the table, spicy and pungent.

When Sikong smelled this smell, he was awkward.

“I said, you are so cruel, routine!”

Let’s not talk about the bright red devil pepper and red oil on it, the hidden flavor inside is so familiar with Sagong—the original Sanhe soup almost killed him directly, he has seen the power of wild pepper oil. Yes, and I am not going to feel it for the second time in my life.

The boss of Xue Tuanzi no longer talks with the two people, but is a bit like Shi Lezhi’s walking dead. He lifts his chopsticks to shake a piece of green vegetables and puts it in his mouth.


Sikong thought for a while and swallowed the words in his mouth. For the first time, he saw that the greens for the hot pot soup were green garlic sprouts.

(Lin Chou has already started not wanting face skin.)

The two looked at the snowman’s mouth blankly,


Raise your arms and clap!

“It’s done!!”

Finally, the sound in the snowman’s mouth was no longer the crackling sound of chewing on solid ice.

At the same time, the system subtitles are refreshed,

“Dip, special task: the snowman’s ambition is completed (reward reduced by 75%).”

“Dip, the source crystal fusion mission is activated and will be triggered at any time, please be prepared for the host.”

“Dip, the mall items are being distributed, and I have obtained [master’s certificate]*1.”

“Dip, the temporary intelligence value will be refunded in full, and the task reward intelligence value +25.”

Lin Chou’s mood of the system is completely unpleasant that Lin Chou can feel—perhaps this is the price of cheating with the system itself.

However, compared with Lin Chou’s initial horrible idea of ​​finding the Uncle Warlock and Sister Qing Yu to partner with Snowman, this price is obviously much more reasonable.

The warlock himself is definitely not good enough. In the case of ordinary sheep-changing technique, feeding the sheep with hot pot can actually be regarded as an “attack”, right?

What’s more, even the ordinary sheep-mutating warlock master needs to use the “mouth cannon Rap storm” to hit the luck. With the lucky value of the warlock master, I am afraid that he will not encounter half a critical strike with that Rap in his lifetime. …

It’s really not difficult to force a hot pot to feed the snowball boss into a sheep forever, but how to change it back–is it possible to find a stubborn donkey at the corner of the world and look for a stubborn donkey to face the snowball sheep. Big Sister’s Debuff?

Lin Shou didn’t dare to think about that picture, what if the big brother Xue Tuan is really the ancestor of Blast Furnace!

Lin Chou’s thoughts fluttered with emotion, Sikong pulled at his clothes.

“Yes, something is wrong, he, he, he… seems to have lost his mind…”

The horrible chill around the snow dumplings was like broken waves, irregularly and layer by layer. The willow pavilion was the first to suffer. It was plated with ice crystals in an instant, and it turned into naked eyes in the subsequent ripples. Invisible powder.

If Lin Chou remembers it correctly, this thing is also a system product, isn’t it claimed to be indestructible?

Let alone the hot pot on the table, even the pot has disappeared in the snowman’s belly.

The snowman kept roaring,

“Hungry! Hungry…”

Lin Chou dragged Sikong away quickly, but fortunately, the spread of the ripples was not too large.

Sikong hurriedly said,

“Think of a way, what’s the situation?”

Lin Chou swallowed his saliva and looked at the snowman who started to stuff the stone table into his mouth.

“Relax… Don’t worry, everything is under control, and it will be fine if he is full…”

“Well, it’s absolutely fine! — it should!”

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