Chapter 936

Well, that’s the situation. Comrade Wu Xiaohei’s meaning is probably only to save a little face that fell to the ground and shattered.

——Remedial measures and modal auxiliary words, similar to ‘Don’t leave after school if you have the ability’.

With the upgraded big cat, Wu Xiaohei quickly escaped.

Sister Hu said anxiously,

“Well, there is a saying that is good, King Yama is so troublesome for the little ghosts, the surname Wu must go to rescue the soldiers, you still hide in the forest, they will trouble you.”

Lin Chou shrugged his shoulders.

“Then you can’t leave.”

No matter what, the trouble must be completely solved. How can such a scourge remain in the alley?

Lin Chou just came here for a while longer, and Sister Hu had complained several times both inside and outside.

It’s a pity that there isn’t a red armband detachment of the neighborhood committee of the elderly Yangko team in the alleys. Otherwise, there is still the soil for the survival of this kind of small hooligan groups active in the streets and alleys, which have long been cleaned up by those uncles and aunts with all sorts of incredible means. It’s clean-don’t believe it. It’s said that the two mysterious organizations mentioned above helped solve major and important cases many times before the cataclysm. It can only belong to the category of basic operations.

Keke, it’s far away.

Lin Chou said,

“Well, I’ll go out for a while and come back later.”

After Lin Chou went out, Jiang Nan smiled and said,

“Ah, it’s not like running away!”

Sister Hu stared at her,

“You girl, what are you talking about, is Lin Zi that kind of person?”

Sucking and eating, it scared her just now.

“I’m full” for a long time, Jiang Nan sticks out his tongue and says,

“Huh, you’re not good looking… yeah… why did you come back so soon.”

In fact, Lin Chou found a store at the entrance of the alley and used the radio to contact Huang Dashan to deal with this kind of little gangsters and gangsters in the village who remembered eating and not remembering. He felt that Lord Shan was more experienced than he himself-he himself is. The biggest gangster!

After listening to Lin Chou’s words, Huang Dashan asked the first sentence:

“Oh, it’s so new. Hey, you didn’t kill anyone, did you?”

Lin Chou choked and rolled his eyes.

Huang Dashan said,

“It’s too much, can you manage it? Oh, Pythagorean Alley, then you can’t bear it. Even the White Rabbit plans to go there and buy a small courtyard to enjoy his late years, Feng Shui treasure land.”

“It’s simple. It seems we are in the wrong to kill someone. It couldn’t be easier to make them ignorant of the waves. You don’t need to worry about it, just wait.”

Huang Dashan dismissed Lin Chou with a few words, and then began to complain frequently.

“Eh, when are you going back to the small hall? Have you ever heard a word, a day is not like every three autumns, let me tell you, our hunger and fullness will have to be half autumn. ..”

Lin Chou felt that he had to leave some Face for the’Suffering Lord’ no matter what he asked for, so he was very considerate and didn’t interrupt him or hang up the call. He put the microphone on the table and let the Lord Shan speak forcibly in the air. Slipped away.

That’s it, can you come back soon?

Lin Chou rolled his eyes and said,

“Old thief Jiang Nan, I can hear you, you are so bad at being caught 100% on the spot, it’s really nostalgic.”

Jiang Nan laughed ha ha ha,”That’s better than some people. It’s not a big deal to have a straight face. It’s very rare to have a face barrage and simultaneous voice broadcast.”



In fact, this is the case. Lin Chou has not corrected this problem since he was a child, so that he has suffered a lot more-he can always get his heart out at an appropriate or inappropriate time.

Lin Chou was so tired that he didn’t want to talk.

“This is a really girly movie, it’s not cute at all, I think…”

“Hey, you said it again.”


It was night, Lin Chou was staying in the alley.

I haven’t returned to the small shop in the alley for a long time, and the short and narrow jigsaw bed at the entrance of the kitchen turned over and over for a while, and the thief felt uncomfortable.

There is an old saying that it is easy to change from frugality to extravagance and it is difficult to change from extravagance to frugality. Lin Chou feels that he has fallen. The small bed board that he used to sleep in before now feels unbearable after lying on it for a while.

I had to get up again, put the table together and spread the quilt,

“That’s better…”

When I was in a daze, a few noises came from the alley,

“What the hell… Uncle Tiger is back…”

Ten minutes ago, Majiao Alley.

The construction period of the Four Walls has changed the curfew order, and the entire Xiacheng District and Outer District are even more lively than during the day.

In the yard of Wu Xiaohei’s house, dozens of people gathered around the upgraded lynx, and the atmosphere seemed to be filled with sorrow and joy.

Wu Xiaohei was a bit lame after the boss several times, and stood on the side afraid to speak.

Wu Xiaohei’s old surname Liu, belongs to the kind of textbook-level classic case where he started to upgrade and alienate at an over age but could not be completed for a lifetime.

Mr. Liu usually wanders around the market on the 11th. The market is as small as throwing needles and killing people and setting fires. As long as you have paid the “health fee” starting at 20 circulation points a week, it is more reliable to find Mr. Liu. too much.

It’s expensive, but it’s useful anyway.

Although it is not a good product, Mr. Liu is also considered a “righteous” man in the 11th market-at least no one said he was not worth the 20 circulation points.

Boss Liu was grinding his teeth, squeaking,

“The cat raised by that kid really slapped Xiao Jin away?”

Wu Xiaohei shrank his neck and looked tangled.

“Really boss, I definitely didn’t lie, the kitten is definitely a strange animal that didn’t run away!”

Boss Liu sneered.

“I just said, that kid is definitely not a shit restaurant business, maybe it’s really an illegal beast, huh!”

A group of younger brothers immediately cooperated with their boss’s ideas, and they made up for it.

“Yes, yes, I didn’t even have a sign that passed the quarantine inspection to abduct a strange animal in the base city. It was disregarding human life. As a righteous and ambitious young man, I…”

“The kid is not easy, no wonder only the people in the first-order alley pass him so badly, hum, no wonder the people who deal with him are all big people!”

Boss Liu waved his hand.

“I just wondered that something is going on here. The people living near the 11th market are our food and clothing parents. We dare to engage in this kind of business under Daddy’s nose? It hurts my Xiaojin, and I want you to pay for it. .. Brothers, the guys are all taken, let’s give him personal loot today and get it!”

“When the inside and outside are combined, it will happen. I am afraid that he can’t tell the number after eight mouths, ha ha ha~”

Boss Liu used this method very skillfully, whether it is against competitors or ordinary people, it is better than benefits.

The yard clashed loudly,

“The bat is used for eggs, have you seen me? The eight-kilogram meat loosening hammer, with its own dotted bumps, is absolutely easy to use. It was specially stolen from the restaurant where I work part-time.”

“Song meat hammer? It’s a spicy chicken! Look at me, I haven’t seen it before, hey, don’t underestimate the long-handled shovel, the big steel shovel that has been pounding peppers for more than ten years to understand, the surface of the shovel is red. My seven-kilogram shovel head is stunned by both physical and magical damage. It’s so sour…”

All kinds of miscellaneous alternative weapons, telling the rich experience and colorful life attitude of this group of boys.

Boss Liu suddenly felt brain pain,

“I’ll knock, your kid is sick, what are you doing with three rabbits?”

A short and thin little brother:

“Old, boss, I am not an ordinary rabbit, I…”

Boss Liu gritted his teeth,

“If your kid can’t say one, two or three, you know.”

A short and thin little brother:

“Old, boss, this is the Australian black rabbit. It’s a half exotic animal. It is one of the most reproductive terrorist creatures within a range of 1,500 kilometers. A pair of rabbits will be thrown in the city. There can be more rabbits than people—they eat even wood and dirt!”

Boss Liu’s mouth twitched, obviously because he had heard of the prestige of this thing.

“This is the Australian black rabbit, knock, why is it white?”

The little brother laughed,

“This rabbit’s meat can’t be eaten, and it will cause disasters at all times. Boss, you said that if the commissioner finds this thing in that kid’s house, hehehe…”

Boss Liu’s eyes lit up and he raised his thumbs.

“In this idea!”

Dozens of people huffed out of the yard and rushed to the Pythagorean Alley next door.

Boss Liu lowered his voice and did “pre-war mobilization”,

“You must act fast. That kid is a Tier 1 evolutionary. Know the circuitous tactics. As soon as you get to the alley, you will immediately call the wireless notification to the generation committee. According to the time of each task, three and a half minutes is enough for them to catch up. Here.”

“We don’t need to be tough with that kid, hold him, don’t let people run away, as long as it happens, hey, he will suffer.”

“Don’t be vague. The goal this time is to avenge Xiaojin and make some money by the way. There are bits and pieces of small things and small money and so on. Don’t be vague, you are a little bit forced to count. Don’t take it.”

“Brothers, maybe this is a big fish. If you do a good job, you will not lose money. Minger, after you finish this business, you won’t be out of the team tomorrow. Brothers find a place to have a good drink and find a few Girl, relax and relax!”

“Don’t get hurt, don’t get reimbursed, I can tell you, where the advantages of the evolutionary are so easy to take, we may not be known by the number of people!”

“If there is no evidence, let’s create evidence for the occurrence committee. The thin monkey has a very good idea. Be wise and take a long-term view. Don’t know how to fight and kill all day long. What age is this? It’s an evolutionary person, how can you fight it?”

Every time at this time, Boss Liu was excited and sad.

The team is too big to take. The dozens of younger brothers are waiting to be fed and waiting to eat. They are all brainless stunners. They want to worry about what position to wipe their buttocks in the toilet.

Finally, he took a place in the 11th market to support his family. His old Liu was far from fifty years old and his hair was mostly white.

Difficult, business is not easy to do.

On the head of Pythagorean Alley, Boss Liu made arrangements for the younger brothers and stretched out three fingers.

“Notify the occurrence committee in three minutes. We have almost ten minutes. All of your broken hammers and axes will happen for a while. Hide them for me. Have you heard?!”


The dark night seemed very quiet, there was no light in the alley, and dense moss and weeds stepped on the feet, it felt like walking in the stomach of some huge terrifying creature.Boss Liu whispered directly in his heart,

“I knock, how come it feels weird…what’s wrong…”

A little brother beeped quietly,

“This alley hasn’t done anything. People who are so lazy must have no oil and water. Are you making money on the four walls? Every family in Xiacheng is busy like the New Year’s Day. Why is there not a light in this alley… ”

Little brother’s words seemed to strike Boss Liu’s mind as a flash of lightning.

“Fuck, the wind is screaming, there is an ambush!!”

However, several ultra-bright source crystal energy spotlights immediately hit Boss Liu and his younger brothers.


Under the familiar sizzle and the powerful aura, Boss Liu and all the younger brothers didn’t dare to move at once. Don’t doubt, products that use the source crystal as an energy source cannot be measured by common sense. When necessary, the spotlight can even use high temperature, The electric current makes ordinary people lose control of their body instantly, without causing too much damage. The only disadvantage is that the pain caused by this function is of the level of incontinence.

A burst of laughter from the audience came from a certain yard,

“Hahaha, boys, I thought you were not coming~!”

A whole group of uniformed vampires appeared in front of Boss Liu. Boss Liu only glanced at the style of the uniform and almost fainted.

“Yes, your second uncle, who is pitting me, the Chess team!!”

To a certain extent, the fact that Shenlong meets the head but not the tail has the same dream.

For example: to keep one party safe…

Ahem, it’s just that the Chezi Team is aimed at the Quan Mingguang Evolver and Liu Boss is aimed at the 11th market.

When you meet your peers, there is nothing you see right away, there is nothing to see you late. Boss Liu thinks that the leader looks at Own in his eyes as if he is looking at a cute little hamster struggling on a roller.

Liu Lao Avenue,

“Well, that… gangster… don’t get me wrong. We got news before that someone in this alley was illegally raising dangerous animals, the kind that didn’t have formal inspection and quarantine procedures. I think it won’t work, I have to deal with it, I…”

Before he finished speaking, a bald head with his own aura came out of the other party’s crowd.

“This is a good reason. On the way here, I was thinking of a way to throw you all into the mountains for mining!”

“Oh, so many controlled weapons, are they going to kill people or obstruct official duties?”


All kinds of messy things were thrown on the ground, who would dare to continue holding them?

The bald head is not in uniform, with a grinning smile,

“Hey, who, do you see enough for the sentence?”

The “big guy” of the squad-chat team took a look at Boss Liu maliciously, then nodded and bowed to the bald head.

“Enough is enough, what do you think is appropriate for this old boy to’raise’ something, Tier 3 long-tailed rat lizard… will it be too low, or change to Tier 4 vulgaris weasel? The squad has one in his hand, with a disabled leg, but it’s quite enough.”

The bald head pinched his chin and continued to be ill-intentioned.

At this time, a few people from the car team dragged over the upgraded lynx that had been left outside the alley and was in Wu Xiaohei’s house.

Boss Liu screamed,

“No, this is no good, Xiaojin has formal procedures…”

The bald head casually squeezed the representative identity with the big palm on Xiaojin’s neck and the metal plate of the inspection and quarantine certificate, and pinched it into a ball.

“What procedure?”

The clump of metal creaked unbearably, and it seemed to have begun to become hot and red.

Boss Liu: “…”

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