Chapter 927: Slimy X

Sunfish is a very serious sixth-order ingredient, unlike a stubborn donkey that only has a black and shiny big cow.

Boss Lin cherishes and cherishes, for fear of wasting a piece of it, but it’s a pity that the dog beep system can not only behave but also beep, otherwise every inch of sunfish will be a new dish with the black heart forest’s urine, and there will be no loss at that time. Cheng Mingguang’s richest man?

Zhao Er has put away the mentality of being “abused,” especially serious.

Because he suddenly discovered that even if the things that this kid made were very simple, the actual taste of the objects on the plate could surprise him.

For example, the “cold white radish” that he just ate, did not have any artificial flavoring, but the taste was perfect. It was fake to say that he didn’t enjoy it, and it was refreshing.

Zhao Er’s gaze fell on the plate of “Slimy X-Mixed Green Radishes”. Several square and genuine green radishes were randomly stacked on the plate, looking like a small mountain that was gradually uplifting. , Just putting it on the radish itself has a special charm, but when you look closely, it doesn’t feel much at all.

The slightly viscous soy sauce dripped on the peak of the “small mountain”, hanging down like a waterfall, flowing directly to the “slimy X” under the small mountain, and the slimy X appeared The dark green with a little blue and blue seems to be divided into two kinds, because the mottled orange-yellow may be mixed in the middle.

Zhao Er’s Adam’s apple squirmed-to be honest, he would rather only have a bunch of verdant green radishes on this plate, and he really didn’t dare to compliment the sticky beach of X.

Zhao Er’s hand holding the chopsticks was very tight, and the blue veins on his somewhat slender fingers were faintly visible, and he could see his inner struggle at the moment.

Finally, Zhao Er quickly picked up a piece of radish and put it in his mouth.

“Crack, click~”

Zhao Er’s pupils shrank a little, a little incoherent.

“I knock, what’s the origin of this radish?”

Lin Chou was accustomed to everyone’s surprise when he ate the stalk radish, but he nodded slightly, not low-key.

Zhao Er said,

“Really… as a radish… it tastes a little scary… I feel addicted to eating too much.”

Boss Lin said impatiently,

“The beach next to it is the theme, and the radish is a foil, you can taste it~”

Zhao Erye was really scolding his mother in his heart.

(Am I pretty? You also know that the thing is “a pool”. Daddy thought you were blind!)

Zhao Erye said timidly like a little girl preparing to go to the sedan chair.

“Um…cough… aren’t you going to tell me what the hell is it?”

Lin Chou is also a temperament. He snapped his own ID card on the table, and the bright blue star diamond flashed.

“Counting Jiu Chenghui two hundred and seventy-six thousand five, these two dishes are one hundred and twenty-six thousand and a total of two thousand nine hundred and twelve thousand and five, cash or credit card?”

Zhao Er was stunned, completely stunned.

He twisted his neck, the angle was so sharp that the tendons on his neck jumped, staring at Lin Chou with unbelievable and heartbroken eyes, as if he had been betrayed by his close relatives.

Zhao Er’s voice is extraordinarily hoarse, and the thieves are heavy.

“Ye Niang, the surname Wen actually eats Bawang’s meal?!”

Lin Chou’s eyelids twitched,

“Chenghui two hundred and ninety-two thousand and five, two thousand nine hundred and twenty thousand after discount…Cash! Or credit card!”

Zhao Eryou said quietly,

“Well, can I wash the dishes?”

The roof of the coconut tree hut suddenly jumped on the spot twice.

Zhao Erye looked up at the sky,

“Okay, I know, I take it off myself or you pick it up…”

——Knock, is this a py transaction that is going to come all at once?Lin Chou: (* ̄︶ ̄)

Keeping a smile with the qualities a boss of a big company should have, Lin Mei said indifferently,

“Is it the skin? I have a wolf skin tube, a musk skin tube, a deer skin tube, a crocodile skin tube, let me come, a complete set of human skin tubes should be liked by everyone as a feature of the shop.”

Lin Chou thought,

“Of course, it is necessary to write’This skin is from Zhao XX, two inches thick and three kilograms’ and other handwritings on it, and then ask Mr. Zhao, Mr. Leng, Mrs. Matchmaker Aunt Xingxing to visit for a fee. Oh, yes, Sister Xingxing is not Have you always liked your butt? If Sister Xingxing can’t help but give a high price, I can consider selling her butt directly to her old man. Trust me, I believe in the professional skills of a cook. Your leather tube has no butt. It doesn’t matter, I can use cucumber peels and a kitchen knife to carve out your skin tubes one by one. For the cooks who have inherited China since ancient times, they belong to the 6th category of Giovanni——”

Zhao Erye believes that the own expression must be full of despair at this moment, so he took out a shiny golden card and threw it to Lin Chou.

“No need to find three million. Please give me a piece of mustard. Even if the eyes are red like a rabbit and cry worse than a dog, others can only say that I am the kind of mustard that is so spicy that I am suspicious of life. It is used to eat sashimi. Excellent~”

Lin Chou took the card,

“It’s on this plate.”

Zhao Er shed painful tears like being round rice.

Liar, men are big liars, they are better than singing, you should pay me the tip first!

Zhao Er’s chopsticks were trembling with the sticky X.

“Too expensive… ahem… I mean too precious…”

Lin Chou nodded seriously.


Zhao Er put the slimy X into his mouth, and Qian told Wan to be sure not to be curious. As a result, his tongue completely violated his warning.


The pure freshness of the ocean and the taste of deep-sea minerals instantly occupy the entire mouth, and the sharp numbness like a certain neurotoxin touches every taste cell on the tip of the tongue, as if performing a mysterious ritual. Sexual dancing elf.

Spin and jump, I close my eyes~

Zhao Er’s spirit came to light,

“Ciao, you kid said that this thing is poisonous, isn’t it the liver of a puffer fish? It’s almost a tongue out…it does have that meaning…”

Zhao Er has already begun to measure in his heart whether he can harden the pufferfish poison as his fifth-order boss-especially this thing was created by Lin Chou again. Isn’t it a strange puffer fish of a very high order?

Knock, I heard that this thing can make people breathe in seconds, Erye, should I take my breath back and get ready to go through the second channel of the governor…

But the sweetness and beauty wandering in the mouth made Zhao Er unable to control his own hand, and the chopsticks fell like flying.

“I said, there is no seasoning? Just cut it like this?”

Lin Chou can’t stand it anymore,

“Er Zhao, there is sauce next to it, really…”

“Oh oh~ haha ​​haha~”

Sometimes harp is not rude, but can be regarded as a kind of respect.

Besides, some foods can be so wonderful that people can’t control their own mouths.

——I can’t control how much I can send!

Zhao Er discovered that Own’s stubborn temper lost so quickly for the first time, that slimy X suddenly became cute in his eyes. This attitude changed, even he himself was caught off guard.

The base tone is dark green, shimmering with a metallic cool tone of cyan and green.

Zhao Er dipped a little bit of black sauce that looked like some kind of soy sauce.


It’s wasabi, the best wasabi.

Zhao Er said,

“There is a little balsamic vinegar in the wasabi, which… can’t taste it… can you tell me what it is?”

Lin Chou smiled.

“Hey, far from the horizon, right in front of you, this thing is actually the liver of the black gold abalone that I pried out in advance.”

Zhao Er suddenly realized,

“No wonder I can’t figure out what this thing is. When I usually eat abalone, where do I see any liver? I just throw it away, right?”

Lin Chou said,

“The abalone’s liver and gonads and other internal organs are very difficult to identify, and most of them are treated as waste. In fact, the abalone’s liver is very delicious when it is eaten fresh.”

Lin Chou left a word without saying. Apart from its unflattering appearance, if the taste is not handled well, it is not much different from drinking bile directly.

Zhao Er asked quickly,

“Then this sauce… um… it’s not a secret recipe, if it is, just treat it as if I didn’t ask.”

Lin Chou shook his head.

“Where can it be, the second time of cooking abalone soup, plus the juice of wasabi paste, soy sauce, balsamic vinegar and a bit of cold water Dan rhizome.”

Zhao Erye looked speechless,

“You cooks must have been old Chinese doctors who can prescribe prescriptions in your entire life. Why do you always tinker with a scientific name that I have never heard of…”

Lin Chou said,

“Lengshui Dan is also called horseshoe fragrant and moonflower. It is sweet and slightly bitter. Before the cataclysm, many areas used it to treat sores. I heard that it was used as a remedy for gout in ancient times. I don’t know, it should go well with seafood. Of course, it’s more eaten as wild vegetables. The triangles and heart-shaped leaves in the creeks on the side of the Hetao Corridor are all Lengshui Dan.”

A kind of unpredictable emotion arose spontaneously,

“The cataclysm era is simply a perfect era for cooks. There is no need to consider the food, medicine, and food. As long as the taste is good, it is perfect. Anyway, it is difficult to eat the dead.

What this said finally made Zhao Er understand that there is a state of mind called panic, especially panic.

Lin Chou Yi Le,

“Don’t think too much. Talking about toxicity aside from the dose is a hooligan thing. I have a spectrum in my heart-besides, you are always panicking with Tier 5 bosses.”

Zhao Erye’s heart is broken:

Of course I panic, I’m such a terrible fifth-order boss, my fifth-order boss still has to look at the face of a lady in a shanty town who makes a living by washing dishes for others?

Zhao Er complained,

“Sometimes I really envy them Practitioner.”

“I have a good meal in the early stage. I have the world in late stage. As soon as Tier 5 is not moving, I will slap our dignified bottomless. Why do you make us feel bad?”

The topic changed a bit quickly, Lin Chou didn’t understand why Zhao Erye had thought of it again.

Well, even the amiable boss will always meet some weird customers, maybe this is Life~

You see, thinking about it this way, Realm immediately cried and turned up like a donkey rolling usury.

Zhao Er didn’t know that Lin Chou was still in the stage of self-strategy, and continued to say sadly,

“Lin…Big guy…Suddenly I found out that I was comparing with you. You are the hidden boss. If there are any good dishes and new dishes in the future, I will be your most loyal guinea pig, you know. Do not?”

Lin Chou crooked his mouth directly,

“Come on, you, the Zhao family can still look at me, hum.”

Zhao Er immediately burst into tears,

“My old man can’t look down on it, Ziyu can’t look down on it, but doesn’t it mean I can’t look down on it–”

Zhao Erye immediately threw the bottom line and morals out of the sky.

“Except for the active crystal ticket, your second master, my butt is actually very beautiful!”

Lin Chou: “…”

(Perhaps I should bring Zhao Er and Huang Dashan together. I always feel that they are inexplicably matched.)At this point, Shen Feng is completely incomparable. Sometimes, wanting to be coquettish and jian also requires talent.

Don’t beep, this world is so unfair-and Zhao Erye is the kind of genius who is born with a golden spoon and has a rare bone in a century!

For the same treatment, you can also refer to Prince Huang Dashan Huang, who is the existence that Shen Feng has been imitating but will never be able to surpass.

Lin Chou took a deep breath.

“Second Lord, do you have faith?”

Zhao Eryi was stunned.

“Huh, physical faith?”

Lin Chou turned his head and shouted in one direction.

“Master Shan, I saw your raised ears. Don’t hide. After squatting for a whole afternoon, don’t your legs feel numb-do you have faith?”

Huang Dashan’s expression remained the same, he stood up and beat his legs, his waist, and his deformed gluteus medius.

Wangtianer, said,

“It’s necessary, let’s find out more about the invincibility theory!”

Lin Chou spread his hand and said deeply,

“You see, even though the talent is terrifying, Lord Shan still doesn’t give up Houtian’s efforts, don’t you feel ashamed!”

Zhao Er was speechless.

He waved to Huang Dashan,

“Come on, try this dish. I, Zhao Er, really haven’t admired anyone, but I admire you very much.”

Zhao Er stretched out two fingers and gestured.

“I heard that you escaped from under Leng Han’s hands.”

“I heard you escaped from Qing Yu’s hands.”

“And, both times.”

Huang Dashan a cupped hands,

“Concession and concession.”

Lin Chou added in his heart,

“You don’t know, right? He even escaped from your father’s hands, also twice.”

Zhao Er on Huangdashan Road,

“You don’t need to say more, you will hear it if you hear it, what I said to Lin Chou before–”

“Understand and understand, my famous name Huang Dashan’s tight mouth is spread all over the world, hehe.”

Lin Chou: “Your cheeky and stigma spread my letter.”

Zhao Er (gentle-faced): “Oh? My mouth is tight? Actually, I know a pair of brothers whose ancestry is from a country called Bulgaria or Bulgaria before the cataclysm. They like to make friends with people with tight mouths. I will introduce them someday. Let you know about it.”

Huang Dashan’s face was green, and he bowed deeply.

“Unexpectedly, Zhao Erye’s knowledge reserves are so abundant, you must have made this friend Huang.”

Zhao Er immediately jumped up and bowed deeply.

“After that, true good friends never easily mention positions that the other person can’t bear.”

Huang Dashan looked at Zhao Er, and Zhao Er looked at Huang Dashan. A strange atmosphere brewed and fermented and fermented.

“This worship~”

“The spring breeze meets the friend~”

At this time, some kind of suspicious BGM came from the foot of the mountain and gradually approached.

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