Chapter 925

Huang Dashan coughed,

“Well…you guys talk first…suddenly I remembered that I had a pair of underwear that hadn’t been washed…after a long time, it should grow mushrooms…”

Evolver A: “Huh? By coincidence, I also have one. Let’s go together!”

Evolver B: “Knock! Ness, how can I be spared from this kind of thing?”

Evolutionary C: “Sack of balls!”

Evolutionary A+B (a fierce look in the eyes): “What are you doing?”

Evolver C (lonely, helpless and weak): “The ancestral mushroom-picking craftsmanship has never poisoned an evolver for 30 years. I can help identify if mushrooms grow!”

Suddenly, all the people on the hill were left with a snow ball next to it, sucking.

Sister Big Breast and Yourong finished collecting the plates and bowls, turned around twice in doubt, and went back to the coconut tree hut to cool off.

Lin Chou: “…”

What do you mean? What do you mean? Mean?

I knock…

Don’t you always like Eight Trigrams the most? Isn’t Eight Trigrams the favorite of this group of dogs…

Change of heart? So fast!

Men have really changed a few eels, and it seems that tomorrow, they will have to cut a few eels to sacrifice to the genius.

Zhao Erye pulled his cheeks,

“Boy, let me tell you that you are lucky.”

Lin Chou is weak and weak,

“In fact, I also have a few articles–”

A dazzling bald head popped out from a corner: “Don’t worry, I rubbed it for you~”


I can go to your grandma!

Zhao Er hey,

“What are you afraid of, you have so many kiddies, or are you also afraid of the phrase ‘you know too much’?”

Lin Sorrow looked at the sky.

Zhao Er holding the wine jar with a rare serious expression,

“Outsiders say that the Zhao family and the Leng family wear a pair of trousers, you know that.”

“False, it must be false.”

“not true.”


“My Zhao family, children and grandchildren are difficult. The old man has lived for more than two hundred years and has only four sons for so long. Now there are two left. Even if it is son-in-law and grandson-in-law Duluo, a small manor in Zhao’s family is all in and out. After raising, there is only such a little blood. When the boss and the youngest are gone, the old man didn’t say a word, just burned or buried it.”

“To put it bluntly, the old man doesn’t really care. Birth, old age, sickness and death are the most common in the catastrophe era. The pace is fast. As long as he is alive, the Zhao family will still be the Zhao family, not to mention there are more Ziyus now.”

“The Zhao family, the roots are not in the Zhao family at all.”

Lin Chou was taken aback.

Zhao Er smiled when he saw this.

“Leng Han’s mouth is so tight-”

Lin Chou was stunned,

“What do you mean?”

Zhao Er stretched out a finger,

“Old man and Ziyu’s bloodline abilities, um, it’s not convenient to say more because it’s more directly used in’Mingguang’, but you must have seen one of the desperate abilities. Ziyu used it to kill Zhuge’s four fools. one.””And this skill is actually borrowed by the Zhao Family from the Wei Family!”

Lin Chou was stunned, and immediately came to the sentence with a twitch of his mind.

“I’m knocking, no wonder your Zhao family has a relationship with Forgiveness Basin, and she used her feelings to transfer flowers and trees to Lao Zhao once?”

Zhao Er: ರೃ_ರೃ

“Where did your kid go? The prescription Zuo Chen made is really useful for Aunt Lin, nothing else.”

“The bloodline ability of the Zhao family is not the same as Zuo Chen’s transfer of flowers and trees. It is more similar to a kind of copying ability that blue is better than blue. add.”

Lin Chou almost didn’t spray a mouthful of old blood.

“Hold the grass and completely inherit the addition? That is to say, even if Zhao Ziyu is only Tier 1, the lethality he exerts when using that bloodline ability will reach Tier 7?!”

Zhao Er nodded deeply.

“It’s a pity that I didn’t awaken this bloodline, alas, sorry…”

Lin Chou broke his fingers and settled.

“Lord Zhao has to have a sixth-order, how do you say, plus the fat master’s grade-my f*ck, the twelfth-order?!”

“There will be such an operation? What a joke…”

Zhao Er scratched his head,

“In theory, this is true. However, the quantitative change of this ability cannot cause a qualitative change. It can only achieve the theoretical twelfth tier attack power, but if it does not reach the twelfth tier quality, there is no way to bypass absolute abilities and regular abilities. , So a “pseudo” word must be added in front of it.”

Although Lin Chou didn’t care too much about this kind of messy things like the organic connection of power and power, he also knew what the existence of Zhao Lao’s dusting meant to Mingguang.

It is not only a pervert that breaks the balance, but also an existence that can keep a city safe.

He has lived for two hundred years, and I am afraid that it will not be too easy to live in the light or the dark sea-no one wants to put a time bomb on the top of his head to ask for Life.

A guy who can’t be restricted by all rules, his temper is irritable and moody, tut~

Zhao Erye threw away the empty wine jar and stared at the ground blankly.

“My old man was’injured’ and he almost stopped participating in various matters of Mingguang after he retired. The old man of Prince Leng was so frustrated that he didn’t even take a step on the coastline, and then the Qin family and Qin Zhixian, heh, now they are again The idea was hit on Wei’s family. As long as there is someone with the surname Zhao in the base city for a day, they are afraid that they will have to sleep and eat for a whole day.”

“They are not marrying Wei Qingyu, but cutting the roots of the Zhao family.”

“Human! As long as it’s not about to die immediately, huh~”

Lin Sorrow’s heart was cold when he listened.

It’s quite unpleasant to smack your lips, I don’t know what to say,

“So Qing Yu’s marriage is this time, and the people on the black Shenhai side are targeting the Zhao family as the master.”

Zhao Er picked up a wine jar again, shook it, and poured a vicious breath into his mouth.

“It’s not fair to say that it’s not an exaggeration for this base city to say that the surname is Zhao. The old man has protected the base city for nearly a hundred years, from the initial tide of corpses and standing cities to the current tide of beasts and virtual beasts. They are still baring their teeth, they are thinking about dealing with our surname Zhao first.”

Lin Chou thought for a while and patted his thigh.

“Wait, I haven’t heard of the family surnamed Yan, are they very powerful on the coastline—knock f*ck, the surname Song is in the same group as them?”

Zhao Er rubbed his head helplessly, with a gloomy face.

“Well, your little bastard’s EQ is really low, not fake. You use your toes to think about the Yan family, if they are really a group, dare to make such a fuss after the Song family proposed marriage to the Leng family.”

Lin Chou rolled his eyes.

“What’s the difference?”

“It’s a big difference. The Leng family and the Song family had something to say first, and the Song family didn’t really propose a marriage. They just wanted Old Man Leng to sell a face, and his face was gilded.”

“Master Leng has retired. After all, Yu Wei is still there, you know.”

Lin Chou bulged his eyes and sighed.

“The hearts of you people must be completely black when you take it out. It’s all twists and turns. The big and small things are too damn complicated.”

Zhao Er suddenly patted Lin Chou on the shoulder, even more embarrassed.

“Yes, these things are really not for you.”

“The truth is all false, but physics is the truth!”

Lin Chou gave him a sideways look.

“Comrade Zhao Er, you are calling me a low IQ, I understand.”

Zhao Er: “Don’t wrong people casually, my tone is full of envy, can’t you hear me?”


Lin Chou remembered something again,

“But Qingyu Big Sister and Fat Master’s abilities are completely different!”

Zhao Er explained,

“It’s a bit complicated to say, the old man’s bloodline ability is relatively limited. First of all, he needs a recognized top bloodline ability-you also know that Wei Fatty’s Sword Ray is recognized by the Mingguang evolutionary as the first single attack ability. ”

“As long as the conditions are right, it is not difficult for Wei Fatty to forcefully kill the evolutionary and alien beasts two or even three higher than him.”

“Of course, it just needs to reach the popularity of’recognized’, but in fact, Fatty’s real strength is not in that sword.”

Lin Chou: “?”

The way the surnamed Zhao spoke really made his audience panicky and a little confused.

“Wei Fatty’s Sword Ray is not entirely natural. It is a very ingenious coincidence. It was obtained by cultivation and’lifespan’ together. His strength, and his true strength, is greatly blessed by his bloodline ability. Ray’s power, super attack and the strongest (no one) buff, Wei family exclusive has unique attributes-similar to Ziyu’s situation, only when my father is gone, he can truly inherit his father’s abilities.”

Lin Chou said,

“So Qing Yu will also inherit Fat Master’s ability?”

Zhao Er said,

“It’s more terrifying than that, this kind of blood will be directly passed on to her most powerful skills, and converted into attack power.”

Lin Chou hissed in the cold air,

“Big impression flame shaping means?”

Zhao Er nodded.

“It wasn’t originally because of this skill. It looks like your kid has a dish, huh, then you let the shaping finger come to the fore all of a sudden, it’s very impressive, now it has become a shaping finger.”

“The original shaping effect…”

“Still reserved.”


The topic can no longer continue, the world is too unfair.

As a result, the snowman who had been in the audience for a long time suddenly said,

“In that case, there is actually nothing wrong with your Zhao family. What they really want is Wei Qingyu.”

Like a flash of lightning, the two of them were dumbfounded.

Zhao Er: “…”

Lin Chou: “…”

Zhao Er fell off the chair,

“I said!!”

——Fortunately, Qingyu Big Sister’s modeling refers to luck.

Besides, the big impression flame shaping refers to the fact that if a person is permanently defined in a certain state, if it takes effect, it is no longer important whether it is additional attack power afterwards. It is better to change it to the Zhao family for use.

“There is a way to master the whole world after mastering Qing Yu.” Lin Chou squeezed his chin. “From the time I heard about the black army, the impression is getting worse day by day. I always feel that the people in that place There is no one who is well-intentioned, tut, we Mingguang have been protected by such a group of people for a long time? It feels a little bit of crisis~”

Zhao Er nodded repeatedly,

“It’s a good thing to have a sense of crisis, your generation, one word, awesome, better than me and Wei Fatty’s generation, you know, like I said, pack all of your uneasy people and throw them black. Go to Shen Hai, tut, let alone sweep away those crooked guys, at least they can’t make any waves—you kid really don’t think about it? Leng Han’s girl led the “I’m going to kill you three.” During the past few years that Qian’s wandered in the dark sea, it was not this idea.”

“Don’t go, mess, upset.”

Zhao Er didn’t say anything, shrugging his shoulders,

“Whatever you want, Wei Fatty and I are still young, and they won’t be able to hang up after decades of tossing, but-young people! Mingguang’s future will still be in the hands of your generation~”

“…”To tell the truth, with Zhao Erye’s rogue-like manner, I really can’t learn those words and thoughts.

“Eh eh eh, why are you going there?”

Lin Chou took out a seated charcoal stove and put a clay pot on it.

“It’s getting dark soon. I won’t be able to get rid of your second master Zhao, right? I have to get something to treat the guests, right?”

Zhao Er was speechless,

“Isn’t it more than four hours before it gets dark, I’m leaving now, now I’m leaving, cough cough…”

Lin Chou said,

“Farewell, I bought something a few days ago, and I have to try a drug with high resistance to promote it with others~”

Zhao Er: “…”

Tsiao, I heard that the Yatie Cock is not plucked, so my mind is small.

Lin Chou mumbled as he was busy,

“The story of your black-hearted guys is really not so good. If you hear it, you have to worry about it, annoying.”

Zhao Er’s eyes lit up,


Lin Chou hurriedly stopped,

“Don’t think too much, I don’t care about your business, I will help with Leng Han.”

Zhao Er was immediately satisfied,

“Come on, then let’s rest assured and wait for you to taste your kid’s “craftsmanship”.”

The business is over, and Zhao Er continues to maintain the state of a pool.

“Hey, what is this, black abalone?”

Lin Chou explained,

“Black gold abalone, a good thing native to New Zealand, was super hot and expensive before the cataclysm, but after the alienation, it seems to have some strange elements, especially the mature body. I am not sure what the specific nature is, it seems It’s poison, but it doesn’t look like it.”

Zhao Er rubbed his hands,

“Sounds great, this little guinea rat, for the first time so willingly.”

Three or five black gold abalones groaned on the charcoal stove.

Zhao Er was very interested in using his chopsticks to fiddle with the black golden abalone.

“I have eaten abalone. The sashimi is okay, but after processing, it doesn’t taste much.”

Lin Chou said,

“I made abalone sauce before, have you heard of abalone in abalone sauce?”

“I have heard of baby dishes with abalone sauce, and I have eaten them…”

Lin Chou was speechless,

“You are really boring.”

The snow dumpling boss next to him looked at the sautéed beef with mustard greens Calabash in his hand, and then looked at the abalone stewed in a clay pot, and suddenly realized something very important.

(The art of freezing time, I found a suitable collection again.)

(Perhaps, I should save this cook as well?)

(Emmmm, so you can continue to use it next time you wake up, don’t worry about him suddenly getting old and dead.)

(This idea is great, but it may be a bit difficult to implement.)

Lin Chou held his arms and suddenly felt so cold.

“There is a question, will the evolutionary catch a cold?”

Zhao Er nodded solemnly.

“Yes, of course evolutionary people will catch a cold and have a fever, and they will burn their brains, such as you.”

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