Chapter 914

Bao Er carefully moved aside two steps to make own action look less obvious.

He wondered,

“With your strength, Uncle Warlock, you can’t get any materials at your fingertips, and you still use such a fanfare to apply for a job…”

The warlock said,

“It just needs to be that simple…”

The materials that can appear in the warlock demand list are basically labeled high rank, rare, rare, etc., not to mention the part that needs to be drilled in the mountains and digging into the sky to search for the sea. The materials on the alien beasts alone are enough for the warlock master. Drink a pot.

High-rank alien beasts are quite difficult to encounter, and the more difficult thing is to deal with them.

Different from the huge and complex system of awakening and alienation abilities of human beings, the bloodline abilities carried by the alien beasts themselves, either active or passive, are often single and pure.

Holding a bloodline ability to continuously strengthen, strengthen and strengthen, from birth to Death, the alien animal has been desperate to consolidate its bloodline ability-just like Huang Dashan’s car pangolin, he smashed all the circulation points. In the vehicle, the performance of the Pangolin far exceeds other wilderness chariots, and it has become Huang Dashan’s biggest support for a hunting team alone.

Other hunters spend a night in the wilderness. Not only do they drag their homes to snare a bunch of people, they also have to send people to watch the night and arrange traps to prevent accidents, but Huang Dashan casually snores into the pangolin and dares to fight. The mountain rang, isn’t this emboldened?

The same is true for alien beasts. The higher their rank, the less human evolutionary can do to fight with them fairly and equally.

Most of the time, the way humans fight with alien beasts is to brush themselves a layer of original armor at the fastest speed, and then the big guy slaps various types of original weapons and shouts chants to charge side by side, usually insidious. The mixed bloodline skills of the other party are full of faces.

Either solve the battle as quickly as possible, or just try pure luck and wait to be irritated by the opposite party to make a big “call”-but if it is a range attack, emmmm, let it be done by yourself.

The wilderness explored by the Mingguang people is only the tip of the iceberg of this world. The ghost knows that there are still some terrifying demon ghosts hidden in the areas where humans have not set foot. The high-level monsters recorded by Mingguang over the past two hundred years are only a trivial thirty. Among them, only the mountain rhinoceros is capable of group strikes in the true sense.

So, even the unpredictable warlock master would not easily provoke high-level monsters above Tier 6 when alone.

A veteran driver who rolls over is not only embarrassed, he may also lose his life.

I forced them to send you a mess of enhanced remake bloodline ability on the spot. There is no teammate to solve the Debuff to save your life, so the good years are cut off. Who do you want to make sense?

The warlock said,

“I still posted a few at the door of the committee, I don’t believe that there is no business.”

Bao Er: “…”

Damn, can you still have this kind of show operation? Went to post a small advertisement at the entrance of the committee? Why don’t you set up a stall at the door of the Urban Management Brigade!

The warlock sighed,

“Oh, poverty is really the greatest sin. I envy those guys. All of them are rich! My qualifications are still too low. If I save hundreds of thousands of years, I can be like them, right?”

Lin Chou: “Wake up, don’t wrong people for being’poor.’ The heart of being wronged by’poor’ will be broken.”

Boss Lin was someone who had picked up Master Warlock’s thousands or tens of thousands of wallets, and couldn’t live up to it, so he was the first to refute it—he didn’t expect that Warlock was still dreaming of such flashy dreams.

With the unlucky attributes that have been tempered and strengthened by this halo halo anytime and anywhere, even if Mingguang dare not let his old man pay off his billions of debts, I am afraid that the uncle Warlock will only become poorer in hundreds of years.

Not to mention the wallet, maybe even the underwear will be lost.

Bao Er silently pushed the plate full of starfish towards Master Warlock.

“Let’s defeat the fire with two mouthfuls, Bei Erxiang! Uncle Warlock, your idea is absolutely perfect-the money and materials are left with Boss Lin. If this is still available, it can only be said that it is Lin… ahem, sorrow Brother, what did you look at me, I didn’t say anything…”

Lin Chou rolled his eyes and asked if he wanted to say that it is easy to come in and out…

However, this is not what Bao Er thinks. He is thinking: Which is better for the rule-level stingy vs. the big-willed?

There is no need to mention the unlucky attributes of the Uncle Warlock, the kind that makes you stubborn when drinking cold water.

However, it seemed that it was a good way for him to put all his saved wealth in Lin Chou’s place. Uncle Warlock’s unlucky attributes were always ineffective in Yanhuishan.

Besides, it is estimated that Daddy, the king of heaven, has come in person, so I don’t want to cheat out half a dime from the black-hearted boss Lin!

But, I always feel something is wrong.According to normal thinking, what should be the worst situation in this situation…

The money is not spent, the people are gone? ?

“Fuck…Bah bah bah…”

Bao Er is very generous, and was frightened by his own thoughts.

“Tong Yan Wuji, the strong wind blows away, bah bah bah…”

Then Bao Er saw Lin Chou staring at him, and Bao Er grinned.

“Tong Yan Wuji can’t do it? In fact, I am also born after 00, 200 years, and I am a little worried.”

Lin Chou was speechless, a person who almost broke Mingguang’s record at an upgraded age, told us that he was born after 00? You can’t beat you!

After spending a while with the two people, Lin Chou returned to the kitchen to concentrate the cool abalone juice, and then divided it into small jars for preservation.

The abalone juice that has gone through all the processes reveals a thick, insoluble sweet fragrance, and it smells like a greasy moisturizing feeling. The intense seafood rushing taste completely converges into a deep and mellow touch. This is what it is The abalone juice Lin Chou wanted.

The only downside was that the soy sauce was poured a bit with a shake of my hand at the time. The color of the concentrated abalone juice was black, black and shiny.

Lin Chou put the last can of abalone juice into the incubator neatly, and his eyes kept flashing when he pinched his chin.

“The abalone juice is in place, then…”

“I have to go back to the alley in a few days. Hey, I don’t know if the last house in the alley still raises big geese?”

“Roasted goose with wine-seared foie gras and abalone sauce with goose palms. This combination is completely unique.”

“Well, cough, absolutely nothing to do with the shadow of a dark childhood, this is a chef’s tireless noble pursuit of food.”

If Boss Lin’s face also glowed, it should have matched the flashing frequency of his eyes by now.

As soon as he turned around, half of Bao Er’s face was stuck on the back door panel of the kitchen. It should have been stuck for a long time, so that Lin Chou felt that it seemed to be great for him to stick there for a lifetime.

Bao Er said with a smile on his face,

“Don’t forget to take me with you when you go back to the alley. Well, I also like to eat geese, the kind that has no psychological shadow.”


“ヾ( ̄▽ ̄)Bye~Bye~”

It’s unbearable, a handful of people actually saw Brother Tianshou screaming shortly.

Don’t repent, let’s not say, still cheeky, and learn from other people to sell cuteness, cute girls have a lot of overproduction cuteness that can be sold to improve Life, nourishment, and body. ?

Lin Chou’s brows suddenly frowned, and he turned his ears to make a careful identification.

Three seconds later, his roar resounded throughout Yanhuishan.

“Red only! Fuck off! Four dogs!!”

A few minutes ago, the back mountain stream.

The big, fat grass carp was shining brightly all over the sky, as if being caught by an invisible big hand, struggling in vain and powerlessly.

These crispy meat carp have been carefully raised by the Lin Chou and Goubei systems. The meat is crispy, firm, sweet and plump. Gumping adults is the best first practitioner, perfect proof that the meat quality of these fish has reached the sashimi-level standard.

Rolling bite off the head of the crispy meat carp, and vomiting it out with a loud voice, and then handed over to Chicai to wash and remove the internal organs and then fold it back into the rolling palm.

“Crack, click~”

It is a joy to eat, and there is even a faint smell of alcohol emanating from it and the fish.

Of course, four dogs are indispensable in this kind of time, this guy is very dog-like and wags his tail aside.

Well, shake while eating.

Sister Big Breast looked back while handling the fish,

“Blood God Lord… It’s almost there… The boss will kill us if he finds out…”

Big-breasted sister, Si Gouzi, and rolling made a proficient cooperation and tacit understanding. They have killed dozens of big fish in less than a minute. It can be seen that they have been familiar with how many times they have done this.

See pitiful days, troubled fish ponds.

Not only have to be blocked by marmots, but even their own moths often worry about it. No wonder it has spent a lot of money from the establishment to the current circulation point but has not made any money back.

Suddenly, a roar came.

The fish in Si Gouzi’s mouth were so scared that they fell to the ground, flicking their tails cracklingly.

Its dog eyes were completely sluggish-the boss’s voice, the boss found out, the pill.

Chi only froze for a second,

“No, the boss found out… Lord Blood God, run away, I will cover! Isn’t it just working overtime? I’m familiar with this business!”

With a big belly leaning on the rocky beach, Erlang’s legs, which had been reluctantly curled up, were bounced by the fat, and he turned over and got up, his smoky eyes rolled, and he came in an instant. Got an idea.

Si Gouzi was suddenly shrouded in a shadow, shrank and whimpered.




Si Gouzi pitifully shook his head at Adult Gungun, and when he shook halfway, he nodded under the gaze of certain Gunun.

Kumun was satisfied, grabbed the big breasted sister and threw it on her shoulders, swishing to the sky, disappearing.

The fish in the sky was no longer bound by the gravitational field, and snapped to the ground. Some of the fish made an incredible arc like long eyes and charged towards the poor Sigouzi’s mouth.

【Super Kill*Water Splash】

It was not normal until Si Gouzi’s mouth was full of fish.

Needless to say, this must be a masterpiece of Billows.

——Shooting D method, hello and me.

When Lin Chou arrived at the scene of the crime, he saw Si Gouzi, who were almost buried in a pile of fishes, performing a huge spout of live fish from his mouth, endlessly.


Lin Chou was very happy.

The four dogfish did not spray anymore, put their head on the pile of fish, and flung their tails with their feet up to the sky. Stones less than 100 catties were suddenly drawn like rain by the big tail.

Lin Chou cursed angrily.


Si Gouzi looked at Lin Chou in disbelief,

“Woo~ Wang?”

It wasn’t until Lin Chou got a big kick that Si Gouzi happily ran up the mountain.

“There isn’t a worry-free product!”

Looking at the pile of fish, Lin Chou did not know whether to laugh or cry.

“Yes, it’s quite fat, it looks like it’s big enough—”

In the afternoon.

A new tripod made of bamboo was erected next to the water well in Houshan. There were twelve tripods in total, with crossbars between two and two, covered with plump, crispy meat.

The crispy meat carp is uniformly split from the back and spread out into slices. The new tender branches of the pepper and pepper tree penetrate through the fish gills and the fish mouth penetrates backwards. Hang the fish on the crossbar, you can see that the fish body is stained with a slight blue color. Salt grains and big red pepper grains.

“Om~ Om~”

A big green-headed fly with the thickness of a little finger flew from a distance, and the sound of its wings shaking seemed to express a desire for food.


The blue-headed fly suddenly stagnated, as if it had encountered an invisible mud, no matter how it flapped its wings, it couldn’t move a single bit, and it was frozen in mid-air like this.

The blow fly was less than five centimeters away, and a variegated ape had its waist back…well… in short, the very powerful and mighty wasp immediately spotted this troubled insect compatriot——

(Upgraded Hornet: Oh, hard friend, your meat looks delicious, by the way, the hat is also very sex…)

The upgraded hornet, which is more than three to five times larger than the blow fly, fought its wings and body vigorously, and the tip of the gun moved a centimeter away, as if it were horribly slow in the asphalt. Action swimming.

(Blow fly: mmp, so panic, there are four centimeters left from being eaten.)

If the eyesight of these two little things is good enough, you can find that there may be hundreds of difficult brothers around the bamboo frame used to dry the crispy meat, which vaguely form a hemisphere, which is very standard.


Leaning against the animal pen boringly, two pairs of wet bear’s paws held their chins in a river without moving their saliva, just like salted fish that were saltier than the guys hanging on the shelf.

Lin Chou withdrew the authority of part of the animal pen, and now the fence between Billow and the big fishes seemed eternal.

Adult Gungun looked at him blankly for a while,


Finally couldn’t help it, licking at the two bear paws, watching the salted fish on the shelf while licking.

Boss Lin walked slowly and first checked the results of the deworming in the gravity field, and he felt a little more happy.

So he asked casually,

“Huh, does it taste good?”


His response was endless applause.

Not far away, Huang Dashan shook his head and sighed.

“Too cruel…”

He felt empathetic.

After the silence was over, Huang Dashan roared in a thick voice,

“Don’t squeeze, don’t squeeze, do you care about housework?”

The eyes of a group of women who were stopped by Shan Ye almost burst into flames.

“Get out of the way, we can do it if we don’t let out…”

“This is domestic violence!”

“Master Gungun is so spicy, so cute, Linsorry, why do you have the heart to treat it so…

The sentiment is exciting and the crowd is surging.

Shan Ye quietly enjoys the waves that are more turbulent than the crowds,

“The dog said, that’s cool!”

Look, positive people can always get the rewards they deserve—for example, helping Linzi after the end is all done voluntarily. Now, there are not many good people like your Grandpa Dashan!

How amazing? Not much~

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