Chapter 904

The waist is still the same waist, the big waist super evolution gun picks three thousand beauties or something is often hallucinations, extremely cruel hallucinations.

What is even more cruel and terrifying is that Boss Lin not only finished tossing a yellow-lipped fish this morning, but even still had time and mood to go to the side of the mountain stream that hadn’t set foot in a long time and looked like he had a lot of rewards.

Ever since, Wu Ke, who didn’t know that he was full of hunger, ate wild duck eggs fried with wild leeks (with tender roots) and roasted duck waist water celery ham skewers, the reading finally flashed a red light. Completely burst the table.

Boss Lin watched with shocked face as Jin Dazhou rushed to the car with Wu Ke expertly, and rushed to the base city.

Just now, the bodyguard Jin Dazhou, who dared to eat lunch prepared by Wu Ke with a beaker, test tube, crucible and other tools for the world, had all kinds of unbelievable smiles on his face. There was no pressure and he smiled happily.

It is obvious that his mouth shape is “Hehe, you also have today~” but the voice he made in front of everyone was a soft whisper, “Don’t give up treatment!”

I don’t know how this Jin Dazhou did it, gan, piao and liang.

Comrade Jin Dazhou vowed to promise that he knew an old Chinese doctor hiding in the alley specializing in intractable diseases. This old Chinese doctor doesn’t look at operating without a license. It’s too old to be so powerful that he doesn’t need to stick to the telephone poles and public toilets. The advertising threshold has to be changed for three a day. By the way, the place where this old man lives is next door to a famous Hualiu Alley in Xiacheng District.

In short, the scope of business is thief, special professional.

Rescuing Wu Ke from the fire and water is absolutely as simple as looking at the lines from the palm of the hand. In his words, it is to put two needles in a specific area, and then open a small mouth to let the blood come out and live together. He has seen a lot before. The evolutionary who has eaten all-you-can-eat small pills of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple is coming.

Well, from the inside and out, maybe this Comrade Jin is also a VIP client of an unreliable old Chinese doctor, who enjoys the green channel.

Lin Chou held a small white porcelain plate in a mess in the wind, and there was still a bunch of roast duck waist left on the plate-this thing generally refers to the kidneys.

“what’s going on?”

He has cooked dishes for so many years, with double assurance of quality and character. There really is no one who has eaten food poisoning—except Bai Suren.

Huang Dashan said,

“Then what, it has nothing to do with you, this kid ate by himself last night, hey~”

Shan Ye picked up the lottery and opened his mouth.

“Emmmm, it’s delicious, the water celery suggests changing to coriander, it’s not tasteful…You are also stingy, there are only two balls on a string.”

“I only found two litters of wild ducks, four kidneys in total!”

This Daddy Duck who has lost his waist knows that it is not necessary to lift the coffin board from the roots of the pitcher plant and drag Huang Dashan away as a companion.

“Oh~” Huang Dashan glanced at the pavilion, enviously said, “Actually I think that plate of fried leeks is more delicious…”

The wild duck eggs with slight burn marks on the golden surface are hidden in the emerald green color, like the gold in the grass shining extraordinary light, the white roots and buds of the wild onions and alliums are slender and moving. Smell the stimulating aroma.

Unfortunately, this dish was confiscated by Qingyu Big Sister.

Lin Chou smiled and shook his head.

“In fact, it’s okay to eat it once in a while. Wild duck eggs with wild onion and wild leeks may not be too fishy. If you eat too much, it won’t be enough.”

I don’t know if it was an illusion. After Lin Chou said this, he saw a suspicious emotion on Huang Dashan’s face that could be described as “desired dissatisfaction”.

“It doesn’t matter if it is fishy, ​​but it makes up for it~”

Lin Chou’s face was dumbfounded, his face dumbfounded, geometrically dumbfounded.

This is too suspicious…

Shan Ye seems to be particularly interested in topics such as kidneys, big waists, and XX whip recently!

Is there really something unsatisfactory and unspeakable in Shan Ye?

Is it even more tragic than the Red Eye Mountain Lord running out to find a drink?

Shouldn’t it, when did it start? !

Huang Dashan quickly slipped away with an inexplicable whistle, his back panicked.

Lin Chou fell into deep thinking…

In fact, he knows a lot of medicinal materials and ordinary dishes that can reach the standard for treating kidney deficiency without sugar. The key is how to make up for the mountain master without showing off.

People in Yanhui Mountains have many eyes and mouths, and maybe someone can recognize medicinal materials and cooking ingredients.Haha, the picture after that is simply not too beautiful.

If the person in the middle of the night secretly opened a small stove for the Lord Shan-fart, would you dare to think of this 18X picture?

Poor Prince Mountain, there is still a long way to go in life. Even if it is early, it is not a big deal. At least the things are still there. Then I will treat you after Lin thinks a perfect solution~

Seeing that it was business hours, I turned back to the kitchen and put the jar of wild leek flower sauce just made under the eaves, half hidden in the soil.

This is called grounding…

Cough, to be precise, the essence of heaven and earth can be brewed by fusion of earth veins.

This is not the season when wild leek flowers bloom on a large scale. They are not many and are very spicy. Use a more air-permeable sand pottery altar to stir up the moisture and ferment for a few days.

The leek sauce goes well with the cauldron of lamb—Lin Chou even prepared the condiments. I hope the Gobi sheep in the animal pen will work hard to produce a few more lambs, otherwise it may not be able to eat it.

In the process of preparing breakfast, every time Lin Chou raised his head, he could see the yellow-lipped fish bladder hung on the outer eaves with a bamboo grate in abundance, and he was immediately full of happiness.

As time goes by, this processed fish bladder will slowly dry and turn into a withered grayish white, but it will eventually turn into a transparent and dazzling golden color.

Ten catties of fish one or two glue, good fish glue is expensive beyond imagination.

Even the price of flower gum the size of a finger belly needs to be calculated in grams. Before the cataclysm, this flower gum was about 3~5 yuan per gram. As the weight and size increase, its price will be even more terrifying than the house price. The posture rose wildly, and there was almost no time for devaluation.

Lin Chou smiled at the corner of his mouth—this is an era that makes chefs crazy.

Before the cataclysm, just seeing some good “heavyweight” glue will make any chef or collector ecstatic, not to mention the experience of making a yellow-lipped fish maw into a flower. The whole process of the glue, watching it slowly recede in front of your eyes, the glitz and fishy smell, and turn into the dazzling amber-like flower glue.

Lin Chou looked at it for a while, completely transparent, and all bad thoughts were swept away.

“Hurry up to make all the flower gum in the past few days. Tsk tsk, the grades of the items on my eaves have risen a lot.”

Su Yourong didn’t know when he came in, so he probed his head outside the kitchen and said,

“Wet Tiger, do you want to hang those pots with faces on the eaves too, I think it will look good~”

Lin Chou-nao made up a picture of Huang Dashan’s all kinds of pan-faced upside-down molds hanging on the eaves, shuddering.

Huang Dashan’s own voice,

“Yes, exotic animal skin tubes, bone racks, air-dried corpses, arms and legs, bacon, cured ducks, cured fish… Isn’t that enough? You kid won’t even let the fish go into the water? You really want it. Complete all the parts on the eaves?”

On the roof of the eaves, there are Lin Chou’s trophies from breaking the fence all the way from the beginning of the game to the present. It is very precious.

But none of the people who have been to Yanhui Mountain think that the style of painting in this place has been normal, and the slaughterhouse has never been like this–

Especially when a gust of wind blew through various arms, legs, bones, sticks, and skin tubes, they clinked, giving the impression that a cannibal monster with a sheep’s head and eight legs popped out of the small wooden house.

The man-eating monster squeezed his chin and said,

“Or…get a row of shelves to hang under the fence at the door…”

How distinctive it is, it can represent my Lin’s style.

When the time comes, when the guests come to look at the dazzling variety of wax goods, don’t they have an appetite for them?

Huang Dashan said melancholy,

“Yes, then I wish you a lot of money and customers in advance.”

“Thank you!” Lin Chou smiled unceremoniously, “What are you doing here, why don’t you go outside to greet the guests?”

Lin Chou was already parked outside with the roar of engines, one after another.

Well, today’s business should be very good.

Su Yourong was embarrassed, but refused to get off the chair.

Lin Chou: “?”

Su Yourong’s mouth pouted,

“Cold Big sis is coming, Qingyu sister let me come in and stay, Cold Big sis wants to chat with Chizhi Big sis~”

Chat… chat…

Leng Han, and, Chi only?

Lin Chou: “!!!”

Damn Huang Dashan jumped up from the chair,

“My little baby! My car!”

A few minutes ago, outside the store.

Three women in a play, the topic will never be lonely.

Wei Qingyu suddenly felt that this sturdy big woman was actually quite interesting, especially the things she hadn’t heard of from the Tiankeng tribe, even what they usually eat and drink sounds particularly fresh.

“So you guys… the blood god tribe has been living in that sinkhole all the time?”

Big breasted sister said,

“Yes, unless it is for hunting purposes, otherwise we will basically not leave the scope of the sinkhole-your Mingguang people’s range of activities is getting larger and larger, and you simply regard the wilderness as your own reserve. We have to reduce the number of times to avoid conflict with you. Don’t doubt, Mingguang’s reputation has never been better outside.

“The life of every compatriot is precious. Although we don’t agree with your way of living, we are still a human race after all. If we don’t agree, it doesn’t mean we will kill each other.”

“Later… Later the people should have moved to another place, after all, it has become a lake.”

Big-chested sister’s tone is a bit sad, if the clans are still there—


A standard off-road vehicle drove from the mountain, the door opened, and Leng Han, wearing a garrison uniform and a simple bone armor to protect the vitals, walked down.

There was another person in her car, Bu Nanzhi, who was also dressed simply and sharply.

At a glance, Leng Han saw Wei Qingyu next to Chizhi, who was exceptionally tall, and the two seemed to talk very happily.

Wei Qingyu said in surprise,

“Little Ice Cube has no mission? Why are you here?”

And gave Bu Nanzhi a friendly smile-our little ice cube actually made new friends? ?

Leng Han strode to the pavilion, frowned and said,

“I heard that everyone in the dark sea has a virtuous character!”

Leng Han himself suffered greatly, and now things fell on Wei Qingyu, which ignited her anger even more.

Wei Qingyu opened her mouth and said nothing.

Leng Han’s gaze swept over, and the big-breasted sister on the side looked directly at Leng Han without evasiveness, and driven by some unnecessarily natural hostility, the big-breasted sister subconsciously stiffened her chest-the view from the mountain collapsed. .

emmmm, by the way, due to the height difference, the big breasted sister is actually looking down at Leng Han.




This is a period of silence that cannot be described in words.

When Wei Qingyu looked at it, she rolled her eyes.

Su Yourong who patted his arms said helplessly,

“Go in, Xiaobing Cube and your Chizhi sister are going to have a chat.”


Leng Han’s eyebrows were slightly raised, and he said uncertainly.

“You… seem to be stronger…”

The focus and smile of Chizai’s eyes made her answer seem meaningful–

“But you are still the same.”

After speaking, he straightened his chest again.


Wei Qingyu hurriedly stopped and interjected between the two.

“Well, do you want to sit down and talk about cultivation experience?”

At this time, the newly recruited Army Division Gootou No. 2 who had met with Leng Han Gootou Division No. 1 for the first time had no intention of introducing himself.

She said very excitedly,

“It’s her? It’s her? I noticed her last time. She looks like a very powerful body cultivator! So what, let’s go for a good job, let’s make gestures?”

Don’t forget, this Bu Nanzhi is a fanatic who is drifting away on the road to pursue the limit of physical defense.

Leng Han + Chi Zhi: “Okay!”

Wei Qingyu covered his forehead, and weakly moved the wine and peanuts on the table to his side.

The three of them formed an isosceles triangle on the hillside, and the atmosphere gradually became Soviet.

Chi only took the lead in breaking the silence,

“What are you waiting for?”

The response to Chizhi and this poor mountain peak was the earth-shattering roar.

Wei Qingyu in the pavilion is infinitely sad,

“Making evil…”

Usually, it’s just a fight between two people. Why does one pop out suddenly?

“Well, but one more person can save a little bit more by sharing the compensation for Xiaobing’s salary…”

Economic independence, Leng Han never bothered to use his family’s money.


Before adding the animal-shaped armor buff, Bu Nanzhi was the first one to fly out of the circle and fell directly outside the fence, followed by Leng Han, and then Chizhi also chased it out.

The giant mushroom clouds in the Hetao Corridor rose up and were blown away in an instant, and the aftermath of terrifying vibrations continued from the foot of the people on the mountain.

All the evolutionaries who heard the conversation between the three people were at a loss.

“So, what happened?”

“I just started fighting without saying anything…”

“Mmp, I feel that I can’t beat one of these three people.”

“Hey, who gave you the courage to say this, please be sure to remove the words’I feel’, you really can’t beat it.”

From the Hetao Corridor where the mushroom clouds become dying, there is a full roar from the red, full of air,

“But so! Small power, unfamiliar physical skills, Mingguang woman, I advise you to concentrate on cultivating bloodlines, and there will be a slight chance of defeating me…”

Big-chested sister’s language logic has always been poor, and it is estimated that this is the most friendly way of dialogue after her hard work-but it still sounds like Mou Zujin’s mockery.


Bu Nanzhi was thrown out for the second time, and the landing place suddenly burst into a deep and gorgeous light, which seemed to be condensing her special original armor.

Her shouts,

“If you lose, don’t lose, don’t steam the Steamed bun to fight for your breath, Leng Han, scold back!”

Everyone on the mountain: “…”

Wei Qingyu: (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻

(Oh, my little ice cube has made a bad friend. What should I do? I’m very anxious to wait online.)

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