Chapter 892 Expensive Rider Test

Wu Ke rolls his eyes uneasily-I hope Mr. Wen is a person of demeanor, quality, accent, principle, and amiable, otherwise I, Wu Ke, can only choose factorization.

It’s not clear at all!

How can I convince Mr. Wen that the cruel fact that he and Shen Daru have lost 120,000 yuan to him and Shen Daru in one night…

Even if Mr. Wen has a relatively strong receptive ability, will he feel that Losing face has hammered himself and Shen Daru to annihilation?

Finish the bird, finish the bird~

After thinking about it, Wu Ke instantly felt that it was too late to regret in life.

This is not just getting rich overnight…

Bah, isn’t this just people coming from the sky in a pot at home…

This group of guys happily “congratulations” to Wu Ke-you must know that drinking Lin Chou’s wine will never be fragmented, to ensure that everything from last night will be clearly presented after Wen Zhongjiu wakes up. In his mind, the scenes and scenes are like movies. Who makes the high-rank evolutionary’s memory especially good?

At this time, the warlock walked into the shop with three yellow feet on top of his head and his chicken feathers.

“Ah~ early~”

Uncle Warlock yawned, and the many evolutionists in the queue subconsciously held their breath.

Many people immediately decided to finish the meal and immediately set off to Zu Mountain to breathe fresh air, and to clean up the soul that might be polluted by the “Lucky Value -120” buff.

Shen Feng sneered.

“Hey, these are all newcomers, aren’t they? Difficulty——I don’t know if the buff of the uncle Warlock is invalid in the woods?”

This is a bit wide-ranging, and some people sneered against each other.

“Oh, Boss Shen, look at you, can you stop the escape action before saying this?”

“Tsk tut…”

“In this posture, it’s absolutely not a problem for someone who is wrong to jump out one hundred and eighty meters.”

Shen Feng glanced at the two legs under the table and somehow posed a ready-to-go posture, which was really quite embarrassing.

“Ah…misunderstanding… used to…”

However, Shan Ye ruthlessly pierced Shen Feng’s hypocritical face.

“The habit of farts! You are clearly the self-preservation instinct of the top players in the industry~”

When everyone heard this, there was something in it,

“What do you mean…”

Everyone knows that Master Warlock is a scientific researcher who specializes in the inscrutable “metaphysics” research. How did Practitioner become a big winner in the industry?

Huang Dashan pursed his mouth and smiled,

“You don’t know, right? Mr. Shen, the main body is actually a spearman.”

Everyone: “???”

So is there any necessary connection between the two?

The corners of someone who understands have already grinned,

“Boss Shen is a spearman? I haven’t heard… Hidden hidden hidden hidden…”

“Tsk tusk, since ancient times, the spearmen are lucky~”

“Kouhu, it’s obviously negative!”

“Hey buddy, what does this mean?”

When Huang Dashan said that, Lin Chou only remembered it.

The first time he met Shen Feng in the Undersea Millennium Building, he used a red tasseled gun that was more than two meters long, which was detachable. The barrel was very thick and heavy.

And the original words of Shen Feng himself are like this-“Brother, Big Brother made the gun grow up!”After getting acquainted with it, Shen Feng never took out that big gun and used it again, always holding a pair of fists that could catch fire.

Lin Chou suddenly understood.

——Hey, I can’t tell, we, Mr. Shen, are still smart people.

Huang Dashan immediately entered the kind of serious and serious state that no one could find the fault, and said in a heavy and slow tone.

“The spearmen in the world have ten luck, Zhao Yun and Zhao Zilong have eleven of them, and the remaining spearmen owe one!”

Everyone was stunned for half a second, their mouths gradually widened, and their chins were in a posture of directly falling off and going back in the wind.


“Fuck it, did the saying of “emotional lucky e” come from this way?”

“According to that, it seems to be really negative…”

Originally owed something inexplicable, he ran into a super-giant source of infection at the level of “debt collection” such as Uncle Warlock.

The guilty conscience of Mr. Shen is totally reasonable-well, it is reasonable.

Shen Feng rolled his eyes wildly,

“That beeping bald head, come with me to the construction site tomorrow, I think you can lift the bar-or you can stretch your head over and I will add a buff to you.”

Zheng Ou on the side immediately respected the “long-famous” Prince Huang.

It’s so knowledgeable, there’s nothing wrong with it, there’s nothing wrong with reasoning and evidence, there’s nothing wrong with discipline, and there’s nothing like my role models!

“Yes, yes, that’s it, that’s it, the Daoxing that I owe in capitals is really too shallow~”

Of course Xiao Hong saw Zheng Ou’s discoloration, and thought that the md old lady’s sea hunting team was eating jujube pills…

Thinking about this, she killed the meal in front of her in two of three, and simply paid for the wine, dragged a fake smile on her face, and left Zheng Ou, who was about to come forward to talk to Lord Shan to learn from her experience.

Can’t stay any longer, if Zheng Ou collides with this Huang Dashan another brilliant spark of friendship, it would be a disaster!

It’s so good to be dark and sea, it’s amazing.

Those who have been traveling for a year and a half can’t meet a half-person figure. What room for improvement is there for the surname Zheng Zai Pi?

Slipped away…

When Zheng Ou was dragged away by Xiao Hong with one hand, he still yelled reluctantly.

“Prince Huang, another day, another day I will definitely invite you to drink when I have time…Big Sister, why are you in a hurry… Oh, don’t fight…”

Huang Dashan wondered,

“What is this thing called?”

It’s very tall,

“Me, Huang Dashan, are any cats and dogs eligible to invite me to drink? I don’t want to face it?”

Everyone was speechless.

Huang Dashan stared at the three wine jars he took away and couldn’t move his eyes. “emmmm, if it’s the colorful snake king wine, it’s not impossible to consider…”

Everyone bowed their heads and chewed on the buns: “Cut~”

After breakfast, Lin Chou called Bao Er over the radio.

With a big smile on his face, Bao Er snapped a fist to Lin Chou.

“The sword is fierce, please boss Lin to order, frown, we are the son of Prince Huang!”

Huang Dashan pondered for a moment.

“Grass, where did the wild species actually try to inherit the lonely country?”

Then the two of them smiled very sympathetically.

Lin Chou rubbed his eyebrows,

“You two will wait a little longer, there is business!”

Lin Chou snapped up the previous idea of ​​letting Bao Er be a full-time takeaway rider for Xiaoguan, and pushed out the little sheep by the way.

Children’s three-wheeled sheep look really shameful. Normal adults should choose to put this thing aside under normal circumstances-Lin Chou himself is no exception.

Bao Er is different. Bao Er almost cried out of his nose, almost unmoved.

“It’s it… Give me a ride? Isn’t it too extravagant…”

Lin Chou once rode a little sheep when he went to a small gathering organized by Jiang Jiezhe, and flashed the overtaking lights in front of a group of drag racing parties on the ring highway-the wind little sheep never eats ashes behind other people’s cars. .

And among these guys who were overtaken by Lin Chou flashing their car lights happened to be the good friend Xiaolu of Xu Yin who loved the car like his life and was beaten by the Queen of Night.

Xiaolu and Xu Yin also conspired to kidnap Xu Wenqiang and Xu Kui’s relatives one time, which is why Xu Yin wanted to cheat some money, but when Xiaolu threatened to tear up the ticket, Xu Kui said,

“My son gave it to you, daddy doesn’t want it.”

Cough cough cough, although Xiaolu Xuyin’s kidnapping technology is not good, emmmm, of course drag racing technology is also sloppy-but these two guys are similar in smell, inquire about the gossip, Eight Trigrams and Mingguang’s private life are definitely both. It’s a professional paparazzi.

The little green mouth in the circle of friends is very broken. In this case, the little sheep in the little green mouth has almost become a legendary existence in some second-generation and wealthy circles.

Although he was banned and quit Rivers and Lakes before breaking through, the legend of the little sheep has been circulating on Rivers and Lakes.

Bao Er is also in contact with such circles. Of course, he can’t understand it best. This is when he and the second-generation children who don’t care about who’s power or care about the evolve’s broken ranks were bragging. Fuji Magic Treasures.

“Have you seen the little sheep, daddy has seen it!”

This sentence can always attract the attention of batch worship.

And, what did Boss Lin say just now, can the little sheep be given to him to ride? ?

Bao Er’s heart is almost stubborn, and he has only one thought.

“It’s going to be developed! Pretend to be like the wind, always accompany me…”

Lin Chou has no idea what Bao Er is excited about here.

“So you agree? Ride it first and see the effect.”

“Agree to agree, whoever disagrees is a fool!”

Even if there is no such welfare as the little sheep, Bao Er can’t ask for it.

Since he walked on Lin Chou’s big thick leg, the previous situation of squeezing and being beaten in the middle has almost ceased to exist. The small team under his hands is booming. The collection team who is hanging around in the outer city does not know him. Big name?

In order to tightly tie himself to Boss Lin, Bao Er has already given the management of the small team to the new brother-in-law of Ma Liu, and he has devoted himself to Yanhuishan.

Said he was a takeaway rider, who delivered food to the base city, but he became the spokesperson of Boss Lin~

Bao Er almost laughed.

He rubbed his hands awkwardly, and stuffed himself on the lamb-although he is thin and small, he can still only use the word “plug”, perhaps he should also add “stiff” before it.

But Bao Er didn’t mind, his excited face was red.

Lin Chou said,

“The top speed is 900, see that red…”


“Fuck ah ah ah ah… save… uh… ah… life~”

“Evolving people are different. You can speak at this speed!” Huang Dashan put up a pergola and looked at the white clouds that gradually disappeared from his sight. ..”

After the little sheep jumped out, a long passage was left on the ground, and the turf in the passage area turned into green slurry and paved the ground.

Lin Chou said seriously,

“If he doesn’t fall, he can’t die.”

After all, the lamb is produced by the grooving system, and the quality and safety are still very guaranteed.

Huang Dashan was relieved, and the other hand behind him was put down, holding a pink helmet in his hand.

Lin Chou: “…”

Audience: “…”(╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻

It felt like it took only ten minutes. In short, the little sheep reappeared in sight.


Bao Er almost climbed down from the little sheep, rolled on the grass with a snap, panting for breath.

“It’s so fucking cool! Exciting~”

Huang Dashan swallowed his saliva, hesitantly said,


Bao Er reluctantly raised his hand and touched his forehead.

“Hairline? What do you mean… Where does the blood come from…”

I don’t know if it is an illusion. A group of people always feel that Bao Er’s hairline has suddenly been raised a lot, and the blood that oozes is the evidence.

Huang Dashan raised the helmet in his hand, suddenly gaining a third of his confidence.

“You guy, daddy just wanted to remind you to wear a helmet, but in the end you rushed out before Lin Zi finished speaking. The donkey said you are going to die!”

Bao Er squeezed a deformed and trembling smile,

“Thank you, patronizing is so excited, where can I still think of this!”

Everyone: “…”

So what, don’t be stunned, get up and kneel to thank your savior, right?

Bao Erxin touched his scalp with lingering fears.

“Hey, I’m going too fast. I subconsciously used my abilities. I felt that I was at the root of the Mingguang city wall in the blink of an eye. Fortunately, Bao Er, a person who often rides light motorcycles, is a beautiful person. After flicking and drifting, I turned back, and the guys who had just left the city were dumbfounded, hahaha!”


Ah, we are all idiots, the speed of Mach + is still drifting and flicking, I am afraid that it is not to become a humanoid Armstrong gyrating and accelerating the Armstrong cannon!

Bao Er made a vow,

“I’m mentally prepared this time, and it’s absolutely reliable to ride again. My Bao Er is still very talented in speed!”

Seeing Lin Chou didn’t know where he took out a boxy incubator with the words “Lin’s Xiaoguan” slammed on the little sheep’s buttocks, which just fit tightly.

Then put a beautiful porcelain bowl with a lid on it into the incubator,

“Well, there is a sea stone cauliflower milk jelly. You ride from here to the upper city and come back as fast as you can-wear a helmet and be safe.”

Bao Er: “…”

Brother, why do you trust me so much?

Everyone’s eyes are very strange.

They would bet that the “jelly” with 200,000 circulation points would be better than having to spin a centrifuge for two hours and then come back. It might be separated into eighteen layers and layer boundary lines. Clear, colorful, colorful, old and beautiful!

The little sheep’s voice drifted away.

Huang Dashan had a good sigh.

“Distressed, give him a bowl of pig blood soup and get him, what kind of coconut milk jelly~”

Of course this was not the idea of ​​Lin Da boss, he was reluctant to bear it.

The Goubi system is famously called to test the stability of the new product-that is, the stability of the box that looks so simple as to buy soy sauce.

Lin Chou himself didn’t hold much hope. Judging from the past situation, the power of the system boss is basically limited to the range of Yanhui Mountain, and it is very unreliable outside the boundary.

He once suspected that the system was not attached to himself at all, but was planted in Yanhui Mountain like the home tree.

Wu Ke said,

“Brother Chou, this is going to deliver food to your door. Hey, it’s time to grab business with the half-hearted black-hearted food chefs in the base city, but then there is no need to use such a terrible transportation… I feel pain in my eyes…”

Lin Chou was silent.

Who told us to have a dog beeping system with OCD+ZZ, do you treat me like this?

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