Chapter 297

“Oh, vomit!!”

Suddenly, Huang Dashan jumped to his feet, pulling out the tube in his mouth and making a series of retching noises.

“Who the hell… vomit… your grandpa Dashan… vomit…”

His body was too empty, and just woke up with such a tossing, Huang Dashan couldn’t stand it even if he was beaten with iron. He was full of Venus and chirping birds, sitting on the ground with a blank stare.

Liu Zhuzi had just sent someone to the foot of the mountain and called Xiao Wu over. When he turned around, he saw that Lord Shan was awake, but his face was more than one or two points paler than when he was in a coma, and he was shocked.

“What’s wrong? This is, Dashan, are you okay?”

Huang Dashan shook his head, “Wait a minute…why there is a smell of gasoline in my mouth… Fuck, isn’t that the oil pipe!!!”

Another burst of heart-piercing vomiting.

Shen Feng hey and happy,

“Well, don’t mind, we saved your life, so we should be in a hurry…By the way, for someone who is familiar, don’t thank you.”

“GR’s, you wait for daddy…”

Huang Dashan held the swill bucket with one hand, while panting and saying,

“Haybird, those two big guys are called Haikeiao!”

Suddenly, Shen Feng had the illusion of a punch on the cotton, and he didn’t focus on it.

Student Xiao Wu pushed his eyes and came in and greeted everyone.

“What kind of horrible bird, that thing has been extinct for millions of years.”

“Where did you hear about The Bird?”

Huang Dashan pointed to his own eyes, “I see.”

Xiao Wu smiled and spread knowledge to a group of people.

“The horror bird, also known as the horror bird, is a large carnivorous bird in the same era as the saber-toothed tiger. Completely return to the state of a hacked bird…It is impossible…how can you be sure that what you see is a hacked bird?”

Huang Dashan organized a language for a long time, “What I see… is what I see, it’s a weird feeling. I can’t explain it clearly. It seems that just before I lose consciousness, there is a consciousness directly transmitted to me. In my mind, tell me the name of the strange beast is called the hacking bird.”

Everyone looked at Lin Chou, who shrugged, and had to explain the effect of True Vision and the reason why Huang Dashan fainted.

Xiao Wu was not surprised, just nodded.

“The research institute has also found many auxiliary awakeners with similar skills, which are very practical for scientific research… By the way, what information do you want me to send back to the research institute?”

Bai Qiong paused for the first time.

“There are new discoveries in the assigned tasks, so that’s it, let people come here.”

Xiao Wu muttered, “Mysterious, don’t you have a radio in your car?”

Bai Qiongshou smiled bitterly. It would be nice if the radio on the car could still be used. He was turned into a pile of rubbish by the strange bird as early as when he came back.

Xiao Wu nodded knowingly, ready to send a radio, couldn’t help but turn around and asked.

“Are you sure you are sending the news back to the research institute, not the garrison or the outbreak committee?”

Uncle Huang yelled at this time,

“Is it about those two girls? You must notify the research institute first, have you heard?”

Everyone is amazed. When did Huang Dashan start to favor the research institute so much?

Shan Ye scratched his head,

“The paranoids are sometimes unreasonable, but one yard is one yard. The scientific research institute has never been like the occurrence committee. Sapo Dalai can pay 50 cents and never give a piece… Then daddy took an image of a bloody corpse. , The Research Institute also gave Daddy a 200,000 bonus.”

Shen Feng also has a say in this matter, “Well, the two living corpses that can swim in the sea I grabbed back were also purchased by the research institute at a high price.”

Everyone happily, Xiao Wu scratched his head, “Isn’t there still a garrison, get promoted and get rich and die…cough cough…”

Huang Dashan grinned, “The garrison is poor. We are poor. We are not people in the system. We can’t get any benefits. Hey, let’s change the circulation point with the research institute first.”


Academician Liu of the Scientific Research Institute is intensively presiding over the 32nd three-in-one power engine restoration experiment.

Collectors dug three feet of the ground and collected more than 140,000 fragments within one kilometer of the accident site. It can be known that the most critical engine was attacked first and exploded before exploding the entire motorcycle. Shattered.

Of the 140,000 fragments, 90,000 were from a small engine, and the largest was no more than the size of a tooth. As for the smallest, it took 40 times a magnifying glass to be observed.

The three-dimensional jigsaw puzzle with as many as 90,000 pieces made the researchers under Mr. Liu miserable, but after thirty-one restorations, one-third of the engine has been assembled.

Three old academicians with gray beards leaned on the test bench and sipped tea, and one of the old people with glasses was the one who had been to Lin Chou’s Xiaoguan.

The old man is still in that fancy white coat with a weird smell of potion, and the two old friends next to him have long been used to it.

“Lao Liu, look at the appearance of the engine. It is clear that the production and production methods are very crude and shoddy. How can it be possible to achieve three-in-one power? Let’s not mention what you call solar or light energy, that is, the source crystal and the source crystal fuel. It’s impossible to appear in the same engine at the same time, there are totally two completely different ways of reaction!”

Old Man Liu sullen and said nothing, his gray eyebrows grew so much as to cover the corners of his eyes, making him even more stern and stubborn.

“This old stubborn, old Hu, you, leave him alone. Our project of alienating Nepenthes has already eaten tens of millions of circulation points, and it hasn’t improved so far. So how can I explain to the dean? ?”

Academician Hu lifted his glasses, “Oh, the resources and equipment at hand are too crude, and there is no way to do in-depth research. I can’t even make a genetic map, and I can talk about how to use it to deal with the poison of life. ..”

The three old academicians spit out bitterness, a young female researcher walked quickly to the side of Academician Liu and whispered,

“Lao Liu, the researcher Wu you sent to carry out the monitoring project in the field sent a message that he has important things to report directly to you.”

Old Man Liu’s face became flat,

“Didn’t you see that daddy is thinking about things, what Wu Ke has a good idea, let him go, don’t talk about daddy.”

The female researcher was almost crying, and disappeared quickly after a trot.

Academician Hu said, “Lao Liu, what’s wrong with you, you are a lot of age… if you want to put it in and out, it will scare the little girl.”

Academician Hu, whose expression was always cheerful, was about to give Old Man Liu a training course, when the female researcher was tiptoeing back.

“Why are you here again!!”

Old Man Liu angered.

The female researcher closed her eyes and said quickly as if she had accepted her fate.

“Scientific researcher Wu said that the assigned task force was almost annihilated, and some of the hunters who fled back found traces of a new civilization!!”

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