Chapter 277

The fish was drunk in the wali, and Lin Chou set about using pebbles to build a simple firepit on the shore, and put the cauldron on it.

Zhao Ziyu and Gungun returned soon, and it seemed that they had wiped out the wild cornfield, and brought back all the branches and leaves.

Zhao Ziyu rolled up his sleeves, “Brother Sorrow, what are you doing?”

Lin Chou just remembered that the most important ingredients were not brought, so he had to let Ku Kuo run away again, and brought back corn flour, ham, etc., and… the uninvited big breasted sister .

Gungun is the blood god of Big Breast Sister. Although she doesn’t catch a cold for her, she is definitely the “owner” in Gungun’s heart. She can’t ignore it. If there is delicious food, she must be called.

Big-chested sister looked up and down Lin Chou, her eyes could hardly not let Lin Chou think of the honey contempt after carrying someone else’s cat on her back.

Yes, it’s better to send it to Zhao Ziyu when it’s done.

“For these corns, rub all the corn kernels down, and then grind them into a slurry with a clean stone.”

The big breasted sister immediately started to use her hands without even using tools. With a touch of her hand, the corn kernels on the stick would fall off immediately.

Zhao Ziyu could not be exposed to the source crystal rain for a long time, so he had to hide far away under the rock wall, rubbing the rice with his eyes absent, and muttering,

“I don’t want to eat fish, I don’t want to eat fish, this Young Master really doesn’t want to eat that fish again…”


Lin Chou used a large basin to mix the two types of dry corn flour at a ratio of three to one, then mixed it with stream water, put a white cloth on a stone to ferment.

After an hour, they waited for the two to grind the fresh corn kernels into a slurry, then cut a handful of fine ham, and pour all the fermented corn flour into a loose dough.

Then I lit the dry wood that Big Breast Sister found, and the heat quickly soaked the cauldron.

Put heavy oil in the pot. After the oil heats up, Lin Chou asked for the most important and only seasoning: soybean paste.

The bean paste was brought by Mrs. Hu Tuomaliu. Mrs. Hu’s family made black soy sauce for a living, and the sauce made by Mrs. Hu was even more mellow and thick.

Although this thing doesn’t look good, it doesn’t taste like anything.

Stir the fragrant bean paste in hot oil, stir fry a few times quickly, remove the small fish in the wali, and put it directly into the pot. Even if the small fish has been submerged in the stream, it will be completed.

After the rim of the pot is heated, the corn dough becomes a pancake and slaps it on the rim of the pot.


Until the pancakes were all pasted, the cauldron was not filled. This pot was too big.

Find some clean long branches to spread on the pot, and then cover with fresh banana leaves, right as the lid.

“That’s… it’s over?”

Zhao Ziyu’s face is full of despair and despair-why, so simple! !

No, this is not the style of Brother Chou I know, absolutely not.

Lin Chou was very satisfied,

“It’s over, iron pan stewed fish and pancakes, you still want to eat after eating.”

He had eaten at Uncle Tiger not long ago. The fish used was slap-length sea fish, which was not authentic.

The smell has made him obsessed with it, especially when he was thrown on the ground unconsciously by Uncle Tiger’s glass of wine.

Today he uses freshwater fish, which are the most suitable for making fish sauce and willow roots, and there are also extremely delicious late fish.

There are only a few pieces of late fish, but it is already a rare top quality, and the fish sauce that is made must be fragrant to the bones.

The fire was raging, and the strong smell of sauce and fish soon wafted out, and at the same time, the scorching sound of tortillas came out of the pot.

As the saying goes, one thousand rolls of tofu and ten thousand rolls of fish.

A rolling word refers to slow stewing. After the pot is boiled, simmer slowly on a low heat to keep the hot noodles boiled slightly without foaming.

The protein content of fish is extremely rich, and the muscle fiber tissue is relatively soft and thin. It shrinks after being heated. It is resistant to cooking and not easy to taste. So using a low heat and slow stewing method can increase the delicious taste of the fish, and it can also more thoroughly remove the taste of the fish. Melt into the soup.

The sound of the water in the pot gradually turned into a thick gurgling sound, and the bean paste and the small fish were fused together, regardless of each other. When the fragrance fragrant, it is also the time when the pancakes are burnt and crisp.

After removing the banana leaf that served as the lid of the pot, a large cloud of steam spurted out.

Zhao Ziyu’s disdainful eyes solidified, “Impossible, this is not right, I didn’t even put the seasoning!”

“Have dinner!”

Big breasted sister is absolutely unambiguous, scooping up two tortillas, spreading fish sauce in the middle, the two pancakes are combined, and they are rolled after changing hands.

Master Gungun whimpered and ate it.




Lin Sorrow said quietly,

“Bears can’t eat corn, they won’t know how to eat corn!”

The big-chested sister glared at her, while the Gungun adults just ignored it.

Lin Chou shrugged and silently said that the cold joke just now didn’t come from our mouth. He broke off a piece of cake and threw it into his mouth.

The pie with fresh corn kernels and diced ham is very fresh and sweet, and has a faint aroma of ham, which is the nostalgic taste in memory.

Tortillas are fragrant and sweet. They are very popular snacks in Xiacheng District. When Lin Chou was a child, he didn’t want to watch his father bake a few more pots.

Seeing Ziyu Young Master still in a daze, Lin worry said,

“Why doesn’t Ziyu eat it?”

Zhao Ziyu let out a cry, and, following the appearance of a big breasted sister, smeared the fish sauce on the flat side of the pancake and opened his mouth to bite.


Ziyu Young Master was scalded to tears.

The fish are so small that they can hardly feel their bones. The tip of the tongue is picked, and the delicate fish flesh peels off and melts in the mouth.

Only then can Zhao Ziyu realize that, oh, there are still bones.

Those fish bones are so soft, soaked in the aroma of sauce, and the taste is like the same size of meat floss. Not only does it look rough, on the contrary, it is endlessly memorable.

Although the fish is small, the taste of the fish sauce made is very overbearing. Each bite can stimulate people’s appetite from the deepest part of the mouth and promote the secretion of saliva. After one bite, there is no way to stop.

The simpler the method, the more it can highlight the original taste of the ingredients. Although the sauce has a strong taste, it does not cover up the aroma of the fish at all.

The seemingly simple and crude combination of the two can actually reflect Lin Chou’s confidence in the quality of this dish and the ingredients.

This has nothing to do with craftsmanship, it has nothing to do with skills.

The combination of sauce and small fish seems to be like this by nature.

When Zhao Ziyu tasted the tortilla again, there was only one thought left in his mind:

This thing, this tortilla, Ben Young Master likes it!

I was forced to gnaw on a few corn cobs in desperation before, and now I tasted the taste of tortillas, Zhao Ziyu suddenly wanted to try the grilled corn that Lin Chou said.


Lin Chou couldn’t help sighing that there was no more extravagant way to eat it. Chiyu was actually used to make fish sauce.

If this is before the cataclysm, it is estimated that there will be countless diners and chefs more willing to make themselves meat sauce, right?

who cares!

Now boss Lin is in charge.

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