Chapter 219 I Have an Ominous Premonition

Ancestral mountain branch, Yanhuishan, Lin’s Xiaoguan.

Every time the Lord Shan is away, a group of hunters feel that the restaurant is quieter than there are two hundred ducks less, and they are not so enthusiastic about any topics.

A hunter was holding a bowl of soup, his eyes were weird, and he was hesitant to speak.

Lin Chou woke up from his absence and looked at him “What’s wrong?”

Sun Xiangqian said, “Boss Lin, your soup…Did you add any more seasonings?”

Lin Chou tasted it with a small spoon and coughed, “Ahem, sorry, I might have put all the seasonings twice, I’ll give you a change.”

Another bowl of hot soup came quickly, and Sun Xiangqian tasted it, revealing a look that was so meaningful.

“Boss Lin, quarreled with the boss?”


“This soup, don’t add salt… Seeing that you have been absent-minded, you must have quarreled with the boss’s wife…Which one? Hehe, boss Lin, let me tell you, this woman has to coax ….”

“and many more…”

“Boss Lin, what’s wrong with your eyes?”

Lin Chou rubbed his eyes, said it was okay, and turned back to the kitchen.

As the saying goes, the left eye jumps to the fortune, the right eye jumps to the fortune, this handsome two eyes jumped all morning, he must be making a fortune!

Lin Chou hasn’t closed his eyes since he was awakened from his sleep by two roars last night.

In the morning, the eyelids of both eyes began to jump wildly, and even the eyebrows began to tremble, and they couldn’t stop.

“Could it be… something went wrong?”

Lin Chou was very sure that one of the two roars in the early hours of the morning must have come out loudly.

Could it be that rolling in the depths of Zu Mountain met any opponent?

It shouldn’t be, Lord Gungun is a Tier 6 strange beast, any thing that doesn’t have eyes dare to touch its mold.

In the Ancestral Mountain, there are also Tier 6 strange beasts with the same strength as Gungun?

The more I thought about it, the more worried he was. After Chi Chi broke eight crystal plates one after another, Lin Chou couldn’t sit still anymore.

“Chi just watch the house, I’ll go out.”

Carry a convenient shovel and rush out,

“Boss Lin, what are you doing again?”

“Closed again? No way!”

“You have taken a break several times this month… at least four times!”

Lin Chou vowed, “Don’t worry, I will be back soon.”

“Liar, you also wrote on the small blackboard last time, but you didn’t see any figure for a week.”

“that is.”

Lin Chou couldn’t control that much anymore. He dragged out the little sheep that had been in the dust for a long time, crouched up, and awkwardly grouped himself into a ball-it’s really his mother’s ability to use it!


“Whose baby walker did you come here?”

“Wa hahaha!”

“This thing is half a meter long…”


The lamb’s exhaust pipe made a ridiculous grunt, which almost made a group of hunters laugh under the table.


A large cloud of indigo-blue flame suddenly burst from the tail of the little sheep. The hot air directly roasted and blown the moist soil on the ground, forming large patches of dust, which erupted like a sandstorm.


The nataka red beans and green grass along the road were crushed into green pulp, and the little sheep dragged out a long green tail flame like a pink flashing current star, and immediately rushed out of the kilometer with Lin Chou’s changed scream. distance.

In the blink of an eye of everyone, Little Sheep and Boss Lin had disappeared out of sight.

The hunter who took a mouthful of green mud was dumbfounded.

“Fuck… trough…”

“What the hell is that!”

At this time, in the Heishi Valley hundreds of kilometers away, Bai Qiongshou’s eyes were full of unwillingness and despair.

The situation was completely reversed in just a few seconds. Huang Dashan was already in a coma, and he was seriously injured. Yanzi’s bald head and Li Heigou were not much better, and it was a miracle to be able to stand.

The only thing that can be counted on is the “Fifth Order” Practitioner Shen Feng, but Shen Feng has a bitter expression on his face and stops in front of the mountain musk deer.

Even if Shen Feng was not injured and had the strongest body among the people, what about it.

With his strength, it was impossible to stop the mountain musk deer in the charge.


In the muffled sound, Shen Feng flew out like a rag doll, and fell hundreds of meters away.


The four hooves of the mountain musk shook, and the entire valley trembled, and the footsteps were as heavy as death.

The bald head picked up the unconscious Huang Dashan and roared,

“Master Bai is flashing!”

Bai Qiongshou smiled bitterly, his internal organs had been shattered and shifted, and with the physique of an evolutionary, it would take at least a few minutes to regain his breath before he could get up.

The distance between Bump Musk Deer and the white dome head is already less than 100 meters.

“That’s too late…”

The bald head clenched his teeth and couldn’t bear to look again.


The swallow shot the last armor-piercing arrow, and the tiger’s mouth was cracked, dripping with blood.

Li Heigou didn’t know when he stood behind Bai Qiongshou, and with a roar, the nail hook net shot out, turned around and picked up Bai Qiongshou and ran away.

The spiked hook net is entwined around the front legs of the mountain musk deer,


The spiked hook net produced by the Gao family was torn to pieces in an instant, but this time, the running Zhanshan Musk was staggered.


The collision angle of the mountain musk deer came into close contact with the black stone ground directly.

The ground under his feet was shattering, and the thunder-like rumbling roared under the ground. Everyone was thrown into the air, and every pore in his body was shooting blood crazily outward.

The most terrifying skill of the mountain musk deer-hitting the mountain, even if the object of the impact is the ground, there is still such a power.

If it wasn’t for Li Heigou’s quick action, let alone hitting his body, or letting the mountain musk deer get closer, the White Qiongshou would probably be too bad.

Before it was too late to call out a fluke, Zhuangshan Musk had already turned over and stood up.


The bald head took a big mouthful of blood.

When everyone was completely desperate, the shadow of the mountain musk deer quickly grew bigger and bigger, and there was a roar of full personality from the sky.


The bald head couldn’t help looking up.

I saw a group of black and white objects falling rapidly above a height of tens of meters.

Right below, a pair of gray eyes, his eyes are particularly confused.


The gravel is everywhere.


The screams of the billowing adults screamed. The listener shed tears when he heard it. He clutched his buttocks and jumped more than a hundred meters high. On the two halves of the buttocks, the two horns of the mountain musk deer that had been broken trembled slightly.

The bear was in mid-air, his fire-breathing gaze fell into the big pit that was smashed out by it-the mountain musk deer was not dead!

Shaking his head, it stood up again, jumped a few meters, turned around and fled.

Adult Billowing’s blood basin opened a dangerous arc with a big mouth, like a smile but not a smile.

A spherical force field that distorted the light visible to the naked eye sprayed out from the bear’s paw, and no sound could be conveyed. The air was as silent as death.

The mountain musk deer is like an insignificant little bug, and the black stone ground with half of the valley is instantly smoothed, and it falls neatly down for more than ten meters.


The earth trembled slightly, and only then made a very slight air leaking sound.

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