Chapter 205

Adult Kungun didn’t seem to recover from the weirdness of the bowtie classmates coming to life. He carefully touched the thick neck on the upper and lower sides, and made sure that Xiao Qiu had run away.

Looking at the caracal cat’s eyes again, it became very strange.


The caracal cat kept barking and hissed threatening sound.

Adult Gungun squeezed the cat’s body, dissipated the force field, and stretched the bear’s paw.


The caracal cat let out a heartbreaking scream, and his black eyeballs burst out, hanging on his face like two large glass balls.

The 70-centimeter-long mini body is directly stretched to nearly two meters in length in the rolling palm, like a long-haired black earthworm.

The billowing eyes are full of bright sadness at a 45-degree angle. This TM short and feeble thing is not enough to wear a bow tie and then hang it on its neck!

Lin Sorrow’s idea is very straightforward. Either you will pay daddy 30 jars of snake wine, or you will pay daddy 90,000 circulation points. Otherwise, the big pot in the kitchen is also very suitable for you.

But looking at the billowing look, yes, buddy, go back and cook honestly, this cat belongs to your old man.

The bow tie is lost, and the loss has gone too far.

That night.

Wan Lai was all quiet, caressed by the breeze.

The awakened Xiaoqiu was busy taking care of his own granary and worked hard to cultivate the entire hillside land.

As Xiaoqiu burrowed in and out of the soil, the Naxiang Red Beans in the mountains glowed brighter, and all the leaves that had been stunned were restored. Even the pitcher plant fences that had been dormant at night were awakened and radiant.

Adult Billowon fell on the hillside with his face upside down, with a pile of unfinished red bean fruits in his mouth, sleeping soundly.

The grieved cat came out from under Billowing Adult’s ass, and her dark eyes gleamed.


A scimitar-sharp claw ejected from the thick pad, 15 centimeters long, quietly pressing against the rolling brow.

At the top door, less than ten centimeters below the gap of the skull is fragile brain tissue.

The caracal cat is like the most competent night killer, his breath is low and unspeakable, and he stabs downwards suddenly.


His nails broke into several segments in an instant, and then a giant palm struck him, scratching his forehead, and slapped the cat away like a mosquito by the way.

“Snoring, snoring.”

With this slap, the caracal cat was slapped with black fur all over, vomiting blood, and then flew into the air with a scream.

A hundred meters away from Lord Billowing, the caracal cat flew slower and slower, and finally hovered weirdly in the air.

Pulled by an invisible force like a string puppet, it slowly folds back to the rolling side again, and it won’t help how it struggles.

Finally hovering over the billowing giant mouth, motionless.


Classmate Xiaohei the Scary Cat looked down on the billowing adult like a mountain, with a huge mouth beneath his body, and a single tooth that billowed was almost the size of its entire body.


Adult Gungun slept extremely sweetly, snoring loudly. After each snoring, the caracal cat’s body twitched and shook like an electric shock.



Outside the fence, there were two successive meows.

A sharp sound, a weak sound.

Lord Kugun suddenly sat up at this moment without opening his eyes. With a finger on the bear’s paw, a force field that distorted the darkness spread out instantly, crushing countless red beans into dripping juice, forming a fan-like channel. .


There was a scream in the distance, and then there was no sound, Lord Gungun crashed on the hillside.

“Snoring, snoring…”

When Lin Chou got up and got down from the tree, he almost fell down.

Half of the hillside Naxiang red beans became the residue of the ground, and even more than a dozen Nepenthes hedges were turned into fragments, and the ground was in a mess.

Master Kugun scratched his head, sat down in front of Lin Chou, and put a khaki cat in front of Lin Chou’s eyes.


Lin Chou was speechless, “You said this cat attacked you?”


It TM has eaten the gall of the bear heart and leopard?

“Hands out!”

Rolling his hands behind his back, he innocently stretched out two huge bear paws and placed them in front of Lin Chou’s eyes.

Lin Chou warned, “Don’t move, don’t move!”

After going around and rolling around, sure enough, in mid-air, there were two caracal cats, one black and one white.



The grievances are like a child who has lost a candy.

At this time, Lord Shan got out of the car, yawned, and said sleepily, “Master Gungun asks you if its new bow tie looks good!”

Lin Shou stared.

Adult Gungun pointed to the soft and breathless khaki cat on the ground, “Wow.”

Shan Ye gave a thumbs up with a look of admiration, “Master Gungun said, exchange the thing on the ground for its new bow.”

Hehe, who has learned this business experience from TM? Did Mr. Billowing have a tea party with potted plants when he was bored?

“The war mission of the ingredients is completed, and the intelligence is +1.”

I’m going to your uncle!

Lin Chou picked up the dead cat and turned and left. The billowing adult was full of ambition. It’s a fair deal. Everyone won’t lose.

Shan Ye cried, “Brother Lin, eat this morning… Fuck!”

Huang Dashan stepped into the green slime all over the ground, and jumped down.


When Lord Shan came back from the backyard, Lin Chou had already peeled off the skin of the caracal cat and hung it under the eaves.

The breeze blows like a living thing.

“I said, Brother Lin, I have seen people hang wolf skin tubes on flagpoles. They are used to show off their bravery and strength. They are pretty…what do you mean by hanging a dead cat? ?”

Lin Chou said coldly, “Master Shan, have you ever heard that there was a punishment for thieves in ancient times. The thieves were completely peeled off and filled with straw to make them kneel down…”

Shan Ye suddenly said, “Your night sparrow, these cats stole it?”


Huang Dashan grinned and looked at the eaves, “Then when are you going to hang up the cactus tube?”


Shan Ye mysteriously said, “Don’t waste this stuff, I have heard that cat meat is a great supplement, aphrodisiac! Is this cat-like alien animal, it must be the best… I’ve never seen it… Peeling is a bit wasteful. If it’s sent to a research institute, it can be sold for a good price. At the beginning, daddy took an image of an evolutionary turning into a blood corpse and sold it for 200,000 yuan in circulation. Point it… the prodigal gangs in the research institute are always very generous to things they haven’t seen before!”

“By the way, what order is this cat?”

Lin Chou washed away the blood from his hands, “Fourth Tier Sacred Cat.”

“Four, fourth, fourth level?” Shan Ye was shocked, “You, you, you just peeled it off? Prodigal…Go and take the two in the hands of Lord Gungun as long as you come back!”

I want a fart. Didn’t you act as a middleman who finished the business negotiations? If you have the ability, you should ask for it!

“Take out your few black snakes and add some vegetables later.”


Shan Ye didn’t even think about it, but he promised simply and neatly, and turned around and left.

What is your principle?

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