Chapter 1173 Where Are There So Many Heroes

Pen Moumou almost escaped from Yanhuishan in embarrassment with the attitude of being beaten by the crowd, and gave ruthless words to a group of accomplices. Buying anything from tomorrow onwards, the price will be super doubled.


I can’t blame others for this matter. After all, the big guys are very sorry, and no one wants to turn themselves into a piece of loess because of a few bird words that can’t be understood anyway-who the hell knows how much he has left Years, this thing is too much for Tai Xuan.

After the potted plant was gone, Sikong leaned his chin in his hand, and said with lack of interest.

“Really, we are so stupid. People at the National Development and Research Institute once thought that this girl surnamed Zuo is a guy who has a high probability of influencing Mingguang and even the future direction of mankind. They have studied her for a long, long time, including her bloodline ability and activity trajectory. Behavior characteristics and so on…”

Lin Chou complained,

“So they already knew it? Then why didn’t you get the slices? It’s okay for bloodletting! Isn’t there anybody who can do serious things in the large scientific research institute?”

Sikong rolled his eyes and said,

“The instant noodles she sells, the production date is no more than one month away, and the food packaging technology two hundred years ago is completely different from the present one? There is a comic that says it, except for the impossible. Yes, even if it is unreasonable, that is the truth-there are lice on the bald head, and what era is this, the era of catastrophe, theoretically any bloodline ability may appear.”

Lin Chou pinched his chin thoughtfully.

“Oh, I know that comic, called’Reaper is here’ right?”

“I don’t see it, I don’t think you are so handsome and serious, you actually like to see those bloody and violent things?”

“I am optimistic about you…”

Sikong opened his mouth, full of grooves that made him unable to breathe, and the thief choked.

“No matter what age, I still believe in this kind of thing. What is the name of this thing two hundred years ago, personal heroism, it is not worth promoting-heroes can have, heroes who can save the world, hey!” Shan The master took a sip of wine and said with a curled mouth.

Sikong was silent for a while.

“It’s just that I’m not willing to invest so much, but I’m back for nothing. In the research projects of the Academy of Sciences, my family has also invested in several shares.”

Huang Dashan smiled like a leak,

“The guys in the scientific research institute keep talking about science, but try to see the future from others’ eyes? A few eggs…”

Sikong hummed.

Shan Ye said, “Think for the good in everything, at least the green-headed stuff is still alive~”

“The future is still here~” someone added in a very deep tone, “Ah~~What is hiding my eyes, why can’t I see the future I want~~”


After hearing the cold sweat of several people, Lin Chou asked with his mouth tilted.

“Who is this person?”

“It’s 柰子! It’s 柰子 that covered your dog’s eyes!” Shan Ye turned around and yelled at the man, and both sides smiled heartily.

Then Shan Ye gave the answer,

“The logistics captain of the Jiang family’s big milk group is very angry. This guy has three wives in the big milk group, and they are all small captains, thieves are irritating.”

“I didn’t seem to invite him…”

“People consciously followed the money, three gold cards.”

“When I didn’t ask.”

Lin Chou suddenly wanted to start something, and said to Sikong,

“You can tell the base city that this dish can only have an effect on non-human creatures.”

“I can see it,” Sikong was not surprised, and then said with a smiley face, “Hey little Big Brother, do you think the potted plants are not human?”

“Yes!” Huang Dashan said solemnly, “people, it’s impossible to live without scorpion!”

So Si Kong followed with a deep expression and nodded, and the two of them had a sense of sympathy and sympathy.

Lin Chou: “…”

Is this judgment method too sloppy?

“Why do you think that potted plants are humans?” The warlock twisted to the table, “It’s too sloppy…”

The warlock conveniently placed Sgao, who had not yet recovered from the pain, on one table, and then looked at the silver flame beauty sitting on the other table, with an inexplicably weak expression.

“I thought you had noticed the last time you and Leng Han were involved. People’s style of painting is different from yours,” said the warlock confidently. “Besides, there are no people with the surname Pen!”

Lin Chou: “???”

Sikong and Shanye held back a smile,

“Yes, yes, it’s too right, it’s the same reason that people can’t live without knapsack.”

Lin Chou pinched his eyebrows speechlessly.

“Is it okay to say something with conclusive evidence…”

The warlock thought for a while,

“Evidence…also, have you ever seen any evolutionary who has Tianwei appearing every time he advances?”

“Only alien beasts and magic plants are like this, not even living corpses!” Shan Ye suddenly, “the stone is hammered, the green head is definitely a cactus!”

“It’s a tree!” Sikong started rolling his eyes again, “eyes are a good thing, but unfortunately you don’t have one. Can’t you see a tree that is so big just now?”

Master Shan held his chin, his eyes flashed,

“It’s a tree, no wonder you can’t even have a scorpion…”

Lin Chou stumbled.

Brother, we can’t get past the hurdle of Naizi, right? ?

Shan Ye smiled secretly,

“Hey, if she runs fast, next time you come here, you have to ask me a lot. Hey, it’s actually a tree. Why is it that the tree has the thickest bark?”

“Do you think I want to introduce her to a boyfriend? I think the pitcher plant at the door is very good. It looks right and powerful, the stumps, the flexible tentacles, the wild mouth, That sticky tongue…Eh, I don’t know that the green head has a few tree holes, emmmm, it’s okay, anyway, Nepenthes tentacles are so hot that there are so many drops, just think about it!”

“Lin Zi, come, give that tree to daddy and let it grow a couplet. On the left, it says Welcome to come and feel at home, and on the back it says Thank you for coming back for fifty cents, cross-batch…well…’一丨一丨一正’How is it?”

Shan Ye wanted to say it again, the rest of the people on the mountain looked at him with an expression of seeing ghosts and ghosts eating shit in broad daylight.

Lord Shan immediately became more excited and excited.

“Oh, you guys think daddy’s idea is very good, right? The heroes see the same thing, O(∩_∩)O~”

Sikong’s Adam’s apple was squirming, he drank cold water and was shocked.

“I don’t think I can look directly at the word tree hole anymore, how about you?”

Lin Chou’s lips trembled,

“What tree hole? What is tree hole? What is tree hole?”


What a sin, what a heinous crime this handsome (boy) has committed to know such a dirty thing! !

Over there, Huang Dashan took out a small book and recorded his own thoughts in the book and put it next to him.

Lin Chou couldn’t help asking,

“By the way, how much did the potted plant lie to this goods?”

“It should be… a lot…”

Seeing the two of them staring at themselves in a daze, Huang Dashan suddenly became interested.

“Little lady, come and sing a little tune for the uncle. The uncle is in a good mood today and sang it with great rewards-oh, don’t sing, it doesn’t matter, then the uncle will sing a little tune for you~”





Lord Shan touched his bald head with his hands, and he lifted the orchid fingertips into his throat.

“I am a isatis root in the mountain that has been cultivated for a thousand years~

Thousands of years of practice and thousands of loneliness~

Look at my clothes fluttering~

The clothes are fluttering~


Can I do another dance for you~”


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