Chapter 1160

Yan Huishan, the front hillside.

Perhaps the only thing that a group of big men or poor third rank has in common is that the guys who like to squander tickets in Lin XX pose neatly squatting peasants around the shiny dinner plates.

emmmm, how can I say it, there is a kind of incomprehensible rush…

Moreover, people cannot feel any temperature or aroma from this bear’s paw.

The pearl in the palm that Lin Chou stole away from the beads was placed there with the super-large model just taken out from the window of the bakery shop. It was huge, beautiful, and delicate, and it felt like it had a cold jelly texture.

This is so weird.

Lin Chou squatted next to Wei Tianxing, resting his chin on his knees.

“Why did it become like this?”

Wei Tianxing guessed,

“The sixth-order strange beast, when this one was still alive, it was also a ruthless one who broke the mountain and the ground. It is a little strange when it is made into a dish, right?”

It’s nothing…

As a cook, the lid of the pot is lifted again and again, and the thing that comes out of the pot is resigned to fate. Is this fair?

Wei Tian Xing Dao,

“It’s the mule or the horse drawn out, you have to take a bite to know if it’s a good girl!”

Lin Chou thought about it and thought he was quite confident in his cooking level. The methods and steps were perfect. As for the finished dishes, they were completely different from what he had imagined. I was afraid that it could only be attributed to the specificity of the sixth-order ingredients. NS.

Wei Tianxing rubbed his hands to give advice to Lin Chou.

“How to eat it? Do you just grab it or divide it…”

If there are two more people like Huang Dashan, such as Huang Dashan, who are scourges of food, a harmonious and friendly dinner will turn into a fight in minutes.

So Lin Chou picked up the kitchen knife and was about to cut the seven-eight-meter-large bear paw, and cut it down as smooth as nothing.

The red and bright juice on the surface of the bear’s paw first sinks into the bear’s paw as the tip of the knife sinks, and then is “washed out” by the fine oil from the bear’s paw.

The transparent and slightly yellowish grease is sticky like honey, gurgling from the incision, one drop, two drops…

Obviously there are only a few drops of oil, but it feels like a steady stream of oil, even the shape of the oil drops is so perfect and plump.


Hidden in the crowd, still standing out among the crowd, Huang Dashan’s drool secretes wildly, which is very dazzling and reflective.

“The smell comes out, fragrant, um, it’s like…like…knock on your mother’s bitch and borrow some adjectives from daddy…”

At this time, if you don’t pull any sour words out of it, I always feel that it doesn’t fit the prince’s wise and handsome personality~!

Just listen to someone shouting at the back,

“I said the bald head in front shouldn’t be stuck there like a pillar, it won’t be possible to move the ground, you dazzled my eyes!”

“Let me go, what exactly is bear paw meat, let me take a look…”

Lin Chou looked at that oily water and said, shaking with shame.

“Well… Generally, whether it’s water, oil, or hot hair, the bones and fats of the bear paw must be removed…”

Wei Qingyu answered the conversation with a smile,

“The main reason is that this stuff is too expensive today, so I can’t bear it?”

Lin Chou: “…”

MMP, can you leave some face for the cook?

Everyone smiled and nodded to express understanding,

“Then today, let’s taste the blessing of Mr. Tolin, what’s the difference between Tier 6 fat oil?”

Someone yelled from behind,

“It’s okay if you don’t remove the bones. The whole outfit is beautiful and smooth. The most important thing is that removing the bones is the most damn fragrance.”

Lin Chou smiled, moved a square piece of meat the size of a palm, with red flesh and gold skin, to the prepared white porcelain plate, and thoughtfully divided the soup rapeseed on the large plate for decoration.

The square-shaped bear’s paw trembles slightly in the white porcelain plate. It is taken from near the little finger. The skin that is nearly one-finger thick is not like a pine skin that has experienced vicissitudes of life, but rather full and round, with a slightly convex center in the square. Full of flexibility.

“Oh, this meat is fat and tender. In other words, why is it still golden? Boss Lin is afraid that he wants to change a grand color to make a reasonable excuse to make more money…”

Lin Chou’s eyes lit up, this is a great idea!

Among other things, just looking at the appearance of this cut of meat, it is full of extravagance.

The epidermis is red and brown, and gradually penetrates into the subcutaneous fat, and then the fleshy part suddenly becomes a layer of bright golden yellow, and so on.

With another layer of just right soup, Lin Chou said while holding the plate,

“Then… trouble Fat Master.”

In Yanhuishan now, there is no more suitable and qualified mouse than Wei Tianxing.

It’s been a long time since the system dog was disconnected from the network and lost contact. In case something accident happens, the survival probability of a high-ranking player like Fatty can of course be higher… right?

Cough, of course, this is just the worst plan. Generally speaking, a professional, dedicated, and contented cook like Lin Chou rarely suffers from collective poisoning incidents like dog liver and liver disease.

Yes, that’s right, that’s it.

A group of people have different expressions,

“Master Wei, take care!”

“Master Wei, let me do such a dangerous thing…”


Wei Tianxing said righteously,

“Well, the cataclysm has been more than two hundred years old. Everyone has crossed the river by feeling the stones. No one has eaten this sixth-order saber-toothed bear. He is the first person today. You don’t need to be polite. …”

Without giving everyone a chance to complain, Wei Tianxing took his chopsticks without a bite.


The meat of the bear paw made closer contact with the plate under Fat Master’s gluttonous bite and squeeze, and it bounced even more when Wei Tianxing’s big mouth left.

“Fuck it looks so good.”

“How playful is it…”

Wei Tianxing’s expression was distorted for a moment, and his anger was wide and sullen.


“It won’t be poisonous…”

Wei Tianxing quickly swallowed the remaining pieces of meat from the plate into his mouth, making a vague sound.

“Absolutely, absolutely absolutely…it’s no use I have been waiting for so many days haha…”

Then, Wei Tianxing felt as if he had been put on a layer of mosaic, so that people could no longer see the expression on his face.

“Dad, your face…” Wei Qingyu was shocked.

Wei Tianxing: “Huh?”

He rubbed his own face, the touch felt like he had touched a layer of sponge paste, but the more he went in, the tougher he got.

He took another photo in the mirror, and was shocked.

“It’s so delicious that the whole person is blurred?”

Lin Chou raised his heart, skills, this is definitely a special effect skill, hello!

Waiting left and right, there is no barrage, no hints.

“Tsk, it feels like something is missing now.”

emmmm, maybe it can be attributed to the fact that there is no barrage and can’t watch the video at all?

Wei Tianxing’s face was still blurred, and everyone looked confused, whether this is poisonous or poisonous, should it be eaten or shouldn’t it be eaten…

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