Chapter 1150

To be reasonable and divided according to Lin Chou’s ideas, burning fire should definitely be a technology type.

The firewood should be selected according to the size, material, thickness, and age of the pot for different cooking ingredients. Of course, the quality of the firewood, the degree of dryness and the degree of firepower are also important.

As Lin Chou started to remember, the most memorable scenes were probably the two thick short legs of the old man walking around and the burning stove in front of him.

Although it’s the most convenient to steal something in front of the stove, the hot weather in bright light and the oil and smoke in the kitchen caused Lin Chou’s face to be like a potato when he was a child, and sometimes cracked. The dry bloody mouth, that kind of painful and a little tight itching on the face is quite torturous.

In the end, when the residents in the Pythagorean Alley raise funds to kill a pig, Mr. Lin will knock open the alveolar part of the pig’s mandible after being boiled and cooled, and the inside will be full of fat. The fragrant, semi-solidified fat is applied two or three times, and the effect is immediate.

When Lin Chou was a child, he thought the thief was magical.

I think that a miraculous creature like a pig will be able to cultivate two inner pills in the alveolar bone after a few hundred years.

Especially when Xiao Lin’s face is covered with lard and exudes the smell of pig’s head meat while walking in the alley and being watched by his friends with an expression of impatientness, he is still swallowing saliva. At this time, Xiao Lin feels own. The speculation is particularly correct-I heard that a monk surnamed Tang had enjoyed the same treatment a long time ago.

Well, it’s far away…

Father Lin, who is holding a large spoon, has reached the point of nitpicking on the question of heat. For example, when he cooks edamame, he requires that the firewood must be dried soybean stalks, and he also called it: Ying Jinger.

Do you dare to ask the “Why are you so anxious” scene? Old people are hypocritical!

Well, when Lin Chou had cooked beans many times in the Crystal World night and day, he discovered that the burning temperature and firepower of the bean stalks are really suitable for cooking edamame…

In the huge pot, the thick and sweet wild honey smeared on the bear’s palm has long since disappeared, as if it has been poured into the bear’s palm, making its surface gradually oily and crystal clear.

The color of the bear’s paw resembles the old ham that has been hung on the beams of a house for several years. The meat and skin have been smoked to the black feeling-in fact, the outermost layer of semi-soft but not hard skin needs to be torn off.

One is for beauty, and the other is for better foaming.

This thick layer of skin is the second layer under the sole of the foot. The hardness and toughness can be imagined. Moreover, with this layer of skin restrained, the degree of expansion of the bear’s paw simply cannot reach the desired level.

Take the ordinary bear paws before the cataclysm, after one to two years of drying and sealing, the bear paws should be at least 1.5 or more of the original size.

As for the way to remove this layer of crust, it is simple enough. Whether it is steamed, boiled or roasted, as long as you have enough patience, you can easily remove this layer of crust completely, not to mention Lin Chou and the cold iron knife. This kind of cheating weapon.

After removing the crusty, Lin Chou pressed the bear’s paw on the chopping board and worked tirelessly to clean up the vein-like fat remaining under the crusty and thoroughly clean it.

Bear’s paw is very fat and extremely fat, so it doesn’t need too much oil to increase the taste. After Lin Chou cleans up the fat, he uses a cold iron knife to remove the five claws like a guillotine.


This thing is the favorite of the hunter team. If you have a lot of money, you may be able to find old man Lushan Gao to build a few handy weapons. It will not help Ascension’s strength a little or two.

Lin Chou threw them aside and carefully observed the bear’s paw that had been peeled off several layers before and after.

The bear’s paw looks oily yellow as a whole, and the texture is like a jelly-like crystal. It can even see through the internal structure less than two inches deep. The thick veins seem to tell how big it was once.

According to the normal procedure, it is time to deboning the bear paw at this point.

Removal of most of the bones, leaving only a small bone under the palm of the palm, or filling with auxiliary materials or not filling at all, and maintaining the shape of the bear’s paw in the same way, it is a big homework-a whole chicken and a duck. Deboning can also make practice. Where can you get familiar with this bear paw deboning?

However, Lin Chou didn’t deboning. Instead, he used wine and honey to spread a thin layer on the bear’s paw. After it was air-dried, it was repeatedly fried in a frying pan three times.

The surface of the bear’s paw that has been colored by honey and deep-fried has many oil bubbles, like blossoming small flowers. The original ebony old ham color suddenly becomes a deep brown-red and golden-like feeling, without toes. Without the rough skin and annoying dark color of the claws, this bulging fat hand actually looks so graceful and cute.

When Huang Dashan returned to the kitchen, he yelled in surprise,

“Eh eh? What do you mean… Is this the bear paw I just saw… Hiss… This smells really fragrant… It’s also sweet…”

Lin Sorrow’s expressionless face,

“Unexpectedly, you with thick eyebrows and big eyes are also a face dog.”

So, every Fatty is a potential stock.

Just like this bear’s paw, maybe after removing a few layers of skin and meat, it will give you a gorgeous transformation that you won’t even dare to recognize.

Lin Chou tossed about putting the hazel chicken soup boiled in advance into the big pot for stewing bear paws, and then put the bear paws, and put a few slices of green onion and ginger on top.

Huang Dashan said,

“Why don’t you wipe honey?”

Lin Chou fiddled with the fire in the stove,

“Before, it was to send out bear paws, otherwise it would be incompletely stewed. Now the bear paws have been sent out. If you touch the honey, you will have the taste. How to eat sweet ones?”

Huang Dashan smiled there.

“Laugh at your sister! Put the hazel chicken over there in the pot, and hang a pot of soup out.”


The bear’s paw has been repeatedly cooked in hazel chicken soup three times, and each pot of soup is no more than 3 hours, and each time it needs to be replaced with a new soup, but Huang Dashan is distressed-that is all rainbow hazel chicken, he I have never seen such a prodigal when I grow up!

When the stew was cooked for the third time, the bear’s paw had already softened quietly, and it was placed there with a trembling tangy smell, and the fat was dripping out of the surface drop by drop, not dripping.

As for the hazel chicken soup remaining in the pot after the bear’s paw was stewed, the original clear appearance was not visible for a long time, and the surface was thick with a thick layer of gray grease.

Huang Dashan wanted to rush to take a bite now, but considering that he had radioed someone just now, he silently chewed up this dangerous idea and swallowed it into his stomach.

Shan Ye said,

“Then what?”

“Wait for it to cool down…” Lin Chou glanced at the time, “You have to grate the monkey head soup first.”

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