Chapter 1137

From seeing that piece of island (or land?), it took nearly ten hours for the speedboat to take a short distance of more than ten nautical miles, and the engine exploded and disintegrated.

“Perhaps this is the so-called Wangshan running dead~” The only injured Zhong said melancholy.

Zhong Hui was staring at the Yuanjing engine that might explode at any time. He was so serious and absorbed that he didn’t react when the Yuanjing engine really exploded. He was scratched by the broken metal fragments on his arm… .. very awkward.

The ambient temperature has dropped below zero.

When the three set foot on the island, the surrounding area was filled with bone-piercing ice fog, and it was vaguely visible that the mountains and peaks in the distance were wearing beautiful little white hats.

Lin Chou frowned,

“Where are we now?”

Xiao Hong shrugged.

“Maybe you have entered the Arctic Circle. After the cataclysm, the geology has changed drastically. It is almost impossible for you to know what this island was originally called.”

Lin Chou said,

“The climate here…it should be’winter’ here now. If this temperature is maintained all year round, the forest frog would not choose to settle here.”

Xiao Hongdao,

“In the era of cataclysm, alien beasts are rampant. Isn’t this temperature a problem?”

Lin Sorrow said,

“Survival and living comfortably are two different things.”

Zhong Hui eagerly fumbled out a short-range radio, snapped a few words, and breathed a sigh of relief after making sure that the other party was safe.

He turned to Lin Chou,

“They camped next to a lake at the foot of the mountain. It’s only a dozen kilometers away. Let’s go there first.”

Lin Chou had to hold back his impatient feelings, and they tried to find the stuff you wanted, so he couldn’t even show his face, right?

Xiao Hong and Zhong would lead the way, and Lin Chou followed behind.

Even if they are not agile evolvers, the speed of the two is very fast, and they are as light as a swallow.

I’m sorry for Lin Chou-my feet smashed on the ground, and the ground was broken, the gravel and the mud fluttered and ejected myself more than a dozen meters high and dozens of meters away. Only by relying on this utterly violent means can I stay untouched. The appearance of being thrown away is like a wild boar in estrus.

Xiao Hong wiped the cold sweat from his temples,

“Uh… how about I take you?”

“Huh?” Lin Chou was taken aback, hitting the red cedar tree that was more than 30 meters high in front of him and breaking it, sending out thousands of arrows with long and short wooden thorns.

Xiao Hong and Zhong Hui got wind at their feet and quickly moved a little further away from him.

Lin Chou poached the wood scum in his mouth,

“Ah, no need, I can keep up…”

Xiao Hong rolled his eyes–I’m afraid that you would demolish this island. After all, you have demolished one…ah no…two, it can be said to be bad.

If Lin Chou knew Xiao Hong’s inner thoughts, he would be very wronged.

The Blood Corpse Island can’t be regarded as ruined by him at all. Do you believe that the island’s first mover hand?

As for the duck island leading to the crystal world…

It is estimated that Mingguang officials will be even more wronged. After all, even the spatial coordinates were blown up when the volcano erupted. If you want to go, you can only make a fuss from the Mi Family sisters.

Ten minutes later, the three came to a simple camp.

More than a dozen evolutionary people squatted or sat around a bonfire, some people simply slept in a quilt, a steel braze was placed on the red charcoal fire, and the barbecue on it exuded more warmth than the fire. Aroma.

More than a dozen evolutionists had discovered the three long ago, all of them with frozen faces all stood up to say hello.

Lin Chou glanced at it, full of raw faces.

“Why aren’t your team members here?”

Xiao Hong scratched his head,

“On the mission, I can only drive the speedboat to pick you up~”

A dozen people were more or less wounded. The weather with a temperature difference of several tens of degrees from the bright light and the weird ice fog obviously caused the Mingguang evolutionary who has always been proud of the huge blood bar to suffer.

Xiao Hongdao,

“This is a temporary squad I hired. The strength is average. The ships are mainly maneuverable. They are mainly responsible for inquiring about news and transporting precious seafood.”

Lin Chou suddenly,

“No wonder.”

Zhong Hui was a little embarrassed to wait for more than a dozen people, but facing a Tier 5 giant and Lin Moumou who can only live with a few Tier 5 giants, he didn’t even have the courage to refute.

(Well, we are also the ones who have a face and a face when starting at the third level. Hey, give some Face…)

Lin Chou was a little excited,

“Is your injury caused by the Hustle? Tier 4? Or Tier 5?”

This group of people was suddenly embarrassed.


“It’s not…”

Xiao Hong had a weird face, and she wanted to laugh and was forbearing.

Zhong Hui followed his expression with bitterness and was very embarrassed.

“After we came here, we saw that the highest-ranked Hashma was only Tier 3. I wanted to catch some more and bring it back to you, but then…hehe…suddenly a group of powerful monsters appeared. At first we thought it was a strange-looking living corpse, but then we discovered…”

“It’s a gorilla, a gorilla with a high degree of alienation. It should be about the same size as before the cataclysm, no more than three meters tall, but all of them are infinitely powerful, and they are very clever and will fight together. They directly hit us. He was caught off guard and almost lost his life, so he could only inform Captain Xiao.”

Oh, it’s so embarrassing. I want to take advantage of my employer’s back. No one is embarrassed to say it plainly.

Lin Chou opened his mouth, completely unsure of what to say.

“Ah… this kind of place… there are gorillas? Did they swim to the island…”

Zhonghui is very sure,

“This is an island, a very huge island. I circled the island a bit on the boat, and it felt like it was hundreds of square kilometers at least, and…”

Zhong Hui hesitated before saying,

“I suspect that the group of gorillas is protecting the hashi!”

Lin Chou was surprised,

“How to say?”

“When retreating, the gorillas did not try their best to catch up, as if wishing us to leave right away, and I vaguely saw them putting the forest frogs we caught back into the river… I feel that those things are their precious possessions. Like…”

Zhong Hui didn’t believe this when he said this.

You have to say that the orangutan baboon is a very smart animal that hunts, eats, and migrates collectively. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it.

Can you engage in collective farming? Let’s forget it.

But since they love the Hash ant this way, the Hash ant must have some meaning to the gorilla, so what Zhong will really suspect is that the gorilla and the Hash ant actually form a structure similar to a symbiotic relationship.

After guessing and ignoring his own idea, Zhong would take out the magic plant essence and medicine he was carrying with him, and start to replenish his teammates with some health bars.

Lin Chou pinched his chin,

“It’s not impossible…”

Lin Chou, who is symbiosis, has seen it many times, and it sounds like a miracle in nature. If you think about it seriously, it will be the same. You must know that this is the era of catastrophe!

Zhong Hui said while treating his teammates’ wounds,

“That group of gorillas have the lowest average strength of Tier 4, the exact number is unknown, and even the bloodline ability is useless when expelling us, boss Lin, look…”

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