Chapter 1134 Business Development Series (Two in One)

Not surprisingly, anyone chatting with Sikong occasionally can’t help but want to throw this product up to five kilometers in the air and then pull out a 50-caliber luxury blue Gatlin from his own crotch to make a hearty burst.

emmmm, of course, is not absolute. For example, the uncle Warlock who is on the scene now doesn’t think so.

Hey, can you be happy if you have money? It’s just that the rich man’s happy warlock grandfather can’t imagine it…

The warlock said very concerned,

“With so many people eating and drinking Lazarus, how much circulation will it take!”

After finishing speaking, the uncle Warlock also looked at Sikong with a very sympathetic look that looked like caring for two fools.

You know what it means to be hungry for one person and the whole family~!

A sense of superiority emerges spontaneously.

Sikong: “???”

Lin Chou sighed.

You see, making friends must also be skillful, otherwise it is easy to get out of the modern gap.

Uncle Warlock was dragged by Lin Chousheng and ran once, after a while, he said a few words and hurriedly carried a free salted chicken and slid away quickly.

His Uncle Warlock was also busy slicing Liu Renjun for scientific research, so how could he have time to accompany the two of them to eat radish and worry about it.

Sikong thought for a while,

“What do you think of asking the warlock to be a teacher in Qinshan Martial Arts School?”

Lin Chou threw out the menu and found out a pounding garlic tube with garlic.

“He? What to teach students how to deal with sudden and extreme situations, such as applying a halo of disaster in the school… Well, the idea is good, but the reality is cruel, and it will not last more than a week. Your school should be blown up… it’s dead…”

You see, this one is very spiritual when used at the end of life. Lin Chou feels that the wording of own is becoming more and more appropriate. This should be a direct manifestation of the increase in emotional intelligence.

Sikong’s face turned black.

“Of course I teach space theory! Of course I don’t ask for anything else, I only ask the students to be able to distinguish between what is a portal and what is a space crack in the future…”

“Did you know, I saw a Tier 4 garrison young lieutenant last time. When he went out to sea, he happened to run into a virtual beast and stunned his head. A crack in the space that the tail flung out, he dared to touch it with his hands!”

“Fuck, do you listen to this truthful?”

Lin Chou was speechless.

Er, maybe education in space theory is really necessary, at least it can reduce the right options for Mingguang’s future suns, isn’t it?

“You really don’t help me ask? Oh, they are about to order, so hurry over.” Sikong frowned and looked at the cheongsam trio.

Lin Chou said,

“Um… I guess they will have to wait a while. They are about to pinch because they are discussing whether eating 13-fold buns is auspicious or unlucky. I’d better stay away and watch it lively before talking, lest I get splashed with blood.”

Sikong glanced at the shivering little boy sandwiched between three extremely temperamental cheongsam women.

“Oh, woman~”

People come and go, customers are like a cloud, and the banners and flags raised on the rostrum seem to show the golden light in Lin Chou’s eyes.

This wave of publicity offensive can be said to be quite fierce, but unfortunately, no lucky guy can perform on the spot after eating salt-baked chicken, an awakening alienation or something, otherwise the irritable parents are afraid that they can trample the rostrum. .

It’s the little girl who ate the lucky chicken…


The life move lasted three days in total.

Sikong has recruited 10,000 “school-age children” in total, and Lin Chou’s income has also been brilliant, and it will come to an end for the time being.

The next morning when Lin Chou returned to Yanhui Mountain, the team of parents who were eager to look forward to their son Jackie Chan hadn’t arrived yet, and the second concubine arrived early on the pangolin.Lin Chou greeted her,

“Well, sit down first, it will be fine for a while.”

——Tsk, our forest has made friends with a new girl (crossed out)!

The second woman screamed, rubbing her eyes and dozing on the table.

Suddenly, the ordering equipment that had been improved again and again rang dripping.

Lin Chou pinched the paper printed out by the machine for a while.


Within five minutes, Bao Er arrived in a hurry, with a sad expression on his face.

“Brother Chou, Brother Chou, look at the guy in this order, this is still a human… eh…”

Lin Chou pointed to a bowl of bloody things and said lightly to the second concubine,

“While it’s hot!”

The second concubine stared at Lin Chou faintly.

“What’s the matter?” Lin Chou asked.

“No!” The second woman gritted her teeth, “Gudong Gudong!”

Bao Er was a little confused,

“What’s the situation?”

“What’s the special thing like that big aunt who has been fired? It’s disgusting to smell…”

Did I break through Boss Lin’s little-known hobby?

Lin Chou and Big Breast, who rushed to the scene of the crime, opened their eyes wide and watched the second concubine drink the indescribable thing.

“how do you feel?”

The second woman covered her mouth,

“Think… I want to vomit…”

“Hold it!!” The big-chested sister, a barefoot doctor who holds all kinds of weird remedies, has her eyebrows erect.

In the morning, I returned to Chizhi, and in the afternoon I returned to Lin Chou. The two agreed that the second concubine had been infected with a particularly secret poison and needed treatment.

Of course, Lin Chou is not as violent as Big Breast Sister. His “treatment” is based on dishes such as pig blood soup, renovated toothy wolf sashimi, and so on.

——Anyway, after Lin Chou kidnapped the second concubine Daoyan and returned to the mountain, it happened that we just ran over and said that if the second concubine could be saved, they should take the wrongdoer, and it would be difficult for anyone to stop him!

Lin Chou shrugged and made sure that the second concubine would not be poisoned by Big Breast Sister’s bowl of soup on the spot, and then he took the time to say to Bao Er.

“This one is more troublesome, but fortunately, there is no time limit.”

The expression on Bao Er’s face changed, think about the address…

But I didn’t seem to have the right to refuse, so I gritted my teeth and tried!

“It’s nothing, within five minutes… so what, it’s guaranteed to be delivered within fifty minutes, you should.”

In the middle of the night, the wilderness.

The little sheep’s eyes emit a pink light to illuminate the road ahead at a speed of no more than 200 per hour. This speed is very leisurely for the little sheep, which is equivalent to a walk.

Bao Er huddled in the lamb, stepped on the grip to control the direction and throttle, pinched a piece of paper in one hand and a pin, still looking.

I saw the address column on the small note with impressive words,

“It travels 133.666 kilometers in a straight line at 15 degrees south of west and 03 minutes, using obsidian as the standard to build the first-floor tower of the Pentagram; at 19 degrees from due north to east, it travels in a straight line for 99.735 kilometers, using sea bluestone as the standard. Triangular one-story tower; right…”

The address column has a full 86 lines, the font is a bit bigger, and a piece of printing paper is not enough, so Bao Er took the tape and put it together again.

“As soon as it’s easy for me to deliver food, I point out that the needle and the compass are not the same thing at all, okay… I have to learn to count… Daddy can’t stand this grievance!”

Mingguang, there is no compass, especially the kind of very precise compass.

“Buckling, I don’t know which of the hapless guys who can’t go home is playing daddy…” Thinking about the food in the trunk, Bao Er couldn’t help but shrink his neck. “It’s still a rich bastard. !”

Bao Er obviously overestimated his own computing power, and he will find the place to deliver the meal at dawn.


There was no one, sitting alone in the delivery position accurate to eight decimal places…

“Fuck… meteor… meteorite… there won’t be an alien flying saucer popping out here…”

It’s Yaoshou, Boss Lin has expanded his food delivery business beyond the ball!

This is obviously a metallic meteorite, approximately one person tall.

Its surface was covered with traces of melting and then solidifying again, shining with mottled special metal cold light, and many bubbles that had burst or were about to burst were burned on the surface of the meteorite, and some were streaky.

The most important thing is that the soil around the meteorite turns radially, with a diameter of about—

“One, two…”

Bao Er really trembled.

A crater that is fresh enough to be smoked is only two steps in diameter. This meteorite is one person tall, okay! Why do you land with automatic deceleration?

Bao Er swallowed his saliva, and plucked up the courage to step on the hot soil and place various dishes on the predetermined location, which is the meteorite, as required.

“Mom, damn, I was wrong, I shouldn’t read so many novels, especially science fiction…”

In comparison, Bao Er is now more willing to face a super-high-level super cruel beast than a meteorite that can order takeaways.

“I always feel that I will be taken to mate with a beautiful female alien… and then sliced ​​by ka ka ka… I pity you, the second master Bao, the chaste male first name… I don’t know the female alien is long Dipiao. Is it not beautiful? Is it D, E, or G? I usually don’t look at the book and the tricks are good. There is not much water…”


There was a violent collapse sound from the meteorite, just like the collapse of Bao Erye’s heart.

After a long time of mental construction, a long time of good conjecture, I saw a ghost, it is difficult to swish and jump out more than three meters for Bao Er’s soft legs like noodles.

A loud and deep voice sounded from the stone, and it seemed to sound from the bottom of Bao Er’s heart.



After a long time, the voice said,

“The simple language formed by rubbing the vocal cords is really interesting, at least easy to learn.”

“Over there” seemed to be holding some kind of banquet, and it came along with the words, there were passionate BGM and loud roaring noises.

At the same time, other “voices” sounded in Bao Er’s heart.

“Carbon-based organisms? What kind of delicacies can there be in the lower planes, what are the local products?”

“Sgaoyi, you are depraved. The only value of this low-level plane may be to produce a large number of low-quality souls.”

“This is what you are waiting for…A creature, what will he offer to you?

Bao Er never felt that there is such a power that can be divided into “evil” and “justice”, but now, he needs to pay great courage even to look directly at the fissure. Those voices give him the feeling that he is hungry at the same time. The wild cats snored softly around his skinny little mouse.


The meteorite bloomed into a star-dust-like brilliance in an instant, turning into a sharp blade to tear the space into gaps.

The cracks gradually expanded, causing the terrifying waves of the trembling creatures in Fang Wilderness to roll out of the cracks.

Bao Er was dazzled, forgetting all his fears.

He vaguely saw the majestic palace made of gold and precious stones in the fissures like waves of waves, and the coquettish voice of a fishtail human body.

“A mermaid, this is a mermaid, this face, this breast, this leg… this tail I can play for a lifetime…”

Then, a wet tentacles dipped in suspicious meaty juice came out from the cracks like lightning, and accompanied by a more terrifying and unspeakable tearing sound, the few Lin bosses cooked carefully The dishes disappeared.

At the same time, the sky full of yellow clouds set off stormy waves like a riot, hundreds of millions of scarlet lightning fell from the clouds, forming an endless sea of ​​thunder and lightning.”Humph!”

The voice snorted, and the tentacles quickly retracted and stretched the edge of the crack with the tentacles.

The edge of the crack that had been “touched” by it was suddenly plated with a deep blue light.


The boundless sea of ​​thunder rolled for a while, and began to slowly disappear as if it had lost its goal.

The voice was silent for a second and said,

“You are a punctual servant, I will reward you!”

“Do you desire power?”

Bao Er was stunned by a series of operations by the tentacle boss.

(I’m a mother, then Lei Hai is the legendary will of the world of high-rank bosses, right?)

(Fucking fucking…999 ah…)

(The guy who ordered the food opposite…what the hell is it…)

“No, I’m craving milk… Bah bah bah…”

Bao Er almost let his real thoughts go out of his mouth and grinned, hesitated for a long time before saying.

“No, I long for speed… yes… it’s speed!”

Bao Er awakened from the agility bloodline, but it was a pity that he had almost no hope of advancement at his age. This was an iron law that Mingguang evolvers knew that could not be broken.

emmmmm, except for Li Heigou’s pervert…

In short, Bao Er really doesn’t think he can sing a heaven-defying drama of salted fish turning over with a halo of the protagonist on his back.

(If the speed of my bloodline skill is doubled, I can reduce the delivery time even more. If I fight my life and cooperate with the little sheep, hehehe…)

The tyrannical Mental Energy wave swept across Bao Er, the voice said,

“You are a loyal servant, then, if you desire speed, I will give you speed, true speed!”

“Wait!!” Bao Er Leng suddenly howled.


Bao Er swallowed wildly, staring straight at the crack, and said calmly.

“I… Boss Lin’s… you can’t…”

“I already know.”

Bao Erqiang endured the fear caused by the evil and cruel forces in the rift,

“So… what’s the price?”


The purple Mental Energy wave seemed to ignite Bao Er and the little sheep under him by flames. The intense pain hit like a tide, touching the soul deep into the soul, thrusting back and forth back and forth…

Except for pain, all senses seem to be blocked.

However, Bao Er seemed to hear that voice vaguely said,

“In this way, the next takeaway seems to come in a little bit more timely…”

Bao’s two thousand words are condensed into one sentence,


After squeezing this sentence out of his teeth, Bao Er fainted simply and neatly.

The voice in the rift hummed,

“Poor, weak, and helpless.”

A deep ray of light poured out from it, covering Bao Er.

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