Chapter 1094 Nie Yuan~ (Happy Chinese New Year!)

Of course, it is impossible to eat edamame or anything, but you have to understand the feelings of a guy who hasn’t eaten edamame for ten years and has not tasted the fragrant marinade.

From a certain medical theory, this kind of behavior can help Lin Moumou’s healthy mental construction and recovery—it should be.

There is also a high chance that it is simply greedy.

Lin Chou said while several people were walking slowly towards Yanhuishan.

“Master Shan, do you know what I think most often when I stay there?”

Huang Dashan pondered for a while, and said very cheerfully,

“Want a beautiful little Big sis?”

This cargo took a cold look, and quickly added,

“For example, Admiral Leng is such a beautiful little Big sis~”

Well, although I still suffered a lot of hockey pucks-it didn’t hurt at all.

Lin Chou was helpless,


In fact, Lin Chou always missed the smoky kitchen on Yanhui Mountain. There are always customers looking at the kitchen door and looking forward to it, as if there are some extra-large secrets hidden in the kitchen, even if they clearly don’t see anything. Out, they still enjoy it.

I really miss the crammed underground cold storage, the air-dried sausage hanging in front of the house and the back of the house, and the dazzling array of large and small in the back mountain and mountain stream…

Well, even those sour papaya trees that can’t clean their honeycombs seem to be particularly cute in memory.

When he was in the Crystal World, Lin Chou suddenly discovered:

Ah, it turns out that collecting fetishism is like this. Leaving Yanhuishan feels like abandoning the whole world.

Yes, Lin Chou firmly believes that the main source of his “homesickness” is his abundant inventory of ingredients—especially after a person and millions of ducks have lived for ten years, the concept of “people” and “friends” On the contrary, it became blurred, leaving only the chai, rice, oil, salt and a bite of duck rice in a bowl that was so unpleasant to vomit.

Thinking about the inventory at home, there are a lot of them, and they are all honestly waiting for their luck when they return.

Lin Sorrow’s mood was like a Chinese New Year, so happy that it flew up.

As soon as he entered the door, the bluffing Su Yourong rushed out, followed by Big Breast Sister and Wu Ke, as well as the man Kuangang with a pack of tears.

“Wet Tiger!”


“Brother Sorrow!”

“Ouuuu Lin, boss, you finally came back~”

The yellow-faced and skinny man Kuang hugged Lin Chou’s thigh with a sigh, and tears directly wet Lin Chou’s trousers in a sputtering gesture without money.

Boss Lin is stubborn in his heart.

What’s wrong with this buddy, who is this buddy, does this buddy have anything to say about me?

“Calm down, calm down, it wasn’t me who said, brother die, who are you?”

It’s been ten years, and the gods can’t remember the face of the last new customer in the restaurant ten years ago. This is not to blame Lin Shou.

The situation was suddenly stunned.


The door situation’s expression was full of resentment, just like the resentful woman who had just been abandoned, repeated,

“Boss Lin, you…”

Lin Chou suddenly panicked, if he hadn’t known Mingguang’s past time, he would have almost thought that this was Su Yourong’s door-to-door son-in-law.

Huang Dashan pushed aside before saying a word.

“Googling, what’s the matter with you!”

After a lively chat, the four dogs with a kite string tied around their necks returned in a gallop. Uncle Billowing was tied in the air by the kite string, posing in various poses and flying himself in various ways.

One kick took the opportunity to please the four dogs and flew away, and immediately felt the body First Stage, and then was hugged by a sturdy real bear.

Lin Chou felt that he had been squeezed.

Afterwards, an off-road vehicle roared towards Yanhui Mountain, and suddenly it made a sharp turn and hit the nepenthes fence next to it.

The red-faced and drunk Zhao Er climbed out of the car, belching loudly.

“Ha, here, fry some good dishes for your second master, hiccup~”

Everyone: “…”

(I thought that the drunk person who crawled out of it would be warm wine-this seems a bit not in line with Zhao Erye’s personality haha.)

Lin Chou opened his mouth and opened his upper eyelid and lower eyelid.

“Nepenthes has a broken leaf, so you can count on 200 points.”

Well, I heard that before the cataclysm, drunk driving in some countries was criminally liable, and the maximum sentence could be 15 years.

Smelling the smell of wine on Zhao Erye, it is estimated that it is basically not difficult to directly give the upper limit to the indefinite period.

How much did you drink? ?

Huang Dashan approached Lin Chou, biting his ears,

“The second master is considered to have been planted this time. The moment you stunned Sister Xingxing was counted on the head of the second master Zhao.”

Lin Sorrow’s expression gradually became solemn, and he fell into thinking.

“When did it happen?”

Huang Dashan looked at Zhao Er with a sad expression–this one was really planted. It has been ten years, and Lin Chou had forgotten about it a long time ago.

Zhao Er is still there calling five and six,

“Why, look down on your second master? Your second master I have money!!”

“Daddy…hiccup… daddy has money now… it won’t be so in a few months… daddy… Circulation point…grass…”

“What are you doing in a daze, picking up customers, the store is bullying customers?”

“Fucking Lin Chou, you kid bullied me, do you look down on me? You all look down on me!”

“My Zhao family…hiccup…there is Zhao Qingcang on the top, Zhao Zheng and Zhao Ziyu on the bottom…hiccup…five of our brothers…have one…there are only four… There is no one who is arrogant…”

“Shit Fifth Tier, Tier 5 is like a horse and bad street, daddy also wants to be beautiful…”

“I have stepped on horses for more than forty people, and when I step on horses, I get a whip soaked in cold water from time to time. It’s a shame and shame to step on a horse!”

“Woo, my dad, Zhao Lao is picking up dust. The horse riding horse is a bad kind. He actually asked me to marry the stars!”



What the joy of returning, what kind of grievances, what Shan Ye’s Eight Trigrams, were all destroyed by Zhao Erye’s tears and mudslides.

Lin Chou looked at Zhao Er who was sobbing, and swallowed his saliva, his voice trembling.

“Uh… so evil…”

Huang Dashan was also swallowing his saliva, with an expression that wanted to cry and laugh.

Shan Ye made a gesture of carrying something,

“Well, sister Xingxing…cough cough… It is said that when Zhao Erye came back from carrying her… accidentally touched someone’s thighs and buttocks…”

Everyone was lost in thought.

Everyone is silently pondering how to avoid touching the person’s thighs and buttocks if they carry an individual on their backs-there is probably only one conclusion: the neck collar.

Shan Ye said,

“Then Xing Xing Sister caught Old Man Zhao and yelled everywhere that Zhao Er touched her… So what… Old Man Zhao was very angry… Then… Then it became like this…”

Lin Chou: “…”

Everyone: “…”

Think about sister Xingxing’s big and fluffy face, and think about her coveting Zhao Erye’s butt for many years.


Sorrowful, pity me Zhao Erye.

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