Chapter 1059

So, wrangling is the happiest thing in the world, this kind of happiness can make people forget the coming danger.

At this time, the corpse tide was less than five miles away from the nearest crowd of onlookers. Although there were many obstacles in the mountains, rocks and trees, the fishy wind was fierce and terrible.

A group of old men, old ladies and the audience picked up quite representative weapons such as poles, bricks, soil and so on, and they were actually ready to fight with the living corpses.

Ming Guangren understood this too well, and even the two guys who had just been scratched horribly took off their belts.

“Did it, you won’t lose one if you kill one, and two will earn you blood. In retrospect, whoever survived remembers to send the dead corpse of Daddy to Daddy’s house. I am very grateful!”

Frontal rigidity is the kingly way, and it’s the basic practice to drag a backside when you die.

So many people are full of enthusiasm and hope, this is ready to use their own life to change the future of the next generation.

Before the two middle-aged men became more energetic, they were staggered by an aunt.

“Get out! Get out! The farther you go! The farther the better! You don’t feel calm when you encounter problems at a young age! Before our old bones die, we honestly shove in the back!”

There are countless old people who have been or are doing this. The young faces who have been beaten and scolded show a trace of unwillingness and shame, but they can only step back and avoid it. At this time, it is really impossible to refute.

The old people are not for themselves, and the young people are also not for themselves.


For the evolvers to flee, these people say that there is no resentment, that is absolutely false-the ghost knows what the trouble is.

Someone yelled,

“It doesn’t matter what, we ordinary people are not waiting to slaughter pigs and sheep, hehe, we can’t say that today we still have a chance to protect the evolving adults, it’s a rare opportunity in a thousand years!”



The ears of the evolutionaries are so stellar. The crowds are so conspicuous that they have long been noticed.

This group of evolutionaries looked back and looked around, hesitated and hesitated, and finally someone stopped cursing.

“Fuck you mother, daddy ran away, what the hell is this!”

“Yes! It’s a big deal, let’s set up a group to go to the Black Sea to clean up the Void Beast, daddy can’t afford this!”

“Yes, it seems that you are noble, don’t you? Bring a daddy, the bright light of the dog said. After daddy goes to the black sea, everyone will have to feed daddy white and fat!”

A minute later, all the desperate evolutionists almost stopped. Although they couldn’t help shivering at the rear of the tide of living corpses, they still stood still.

Seeing death as home!

In this way, ordinary people don’t understand.

“Everyone, everybody, what’s the cause of this?”

An evolutionary has a bitter face, turns his head, humiliating and embarrassing explanation,

“Did you see the sea water spouting from the back of the living corpse.”

Everyone said in a daze,


Several evolutionists looked up to the sky and sighed, with fear in their eyes.

“The water of the ruins, the evolving people will have no hope of advancing as long as they provoke a little, and it is like being addicted to drugs. In this life, the strength of the ruins will cover the sea defense line.”

Ordinary people are embarrassed, but the evolutionary can simply be described as bloodless.

Those living corpses are covered with drops of water, no one can guarantee that a leaf in the tens of thousands of flowers will not be touched…

Use future achievements to exchange the fate of a few living corpses? Even if it’s only a misty possibility! No fool would do this! Without the strength, without the possibility of advancement, who will still remember how many ordinary people you have rescued so great and selflessly?

Oh, don’t doubt, the world is so realistic and cruel.

What exactly is Guixu? It is estimated that no one except the individual guys in the black army can clearly explain it. As for the effect of Guixu water, it is not a Zhongzheng peaceful and ilk.

However, the blind old man said that the power of returning to the market is about “tolerance”, so to what extent is this kind of tolerance-but everything that is really contaminated by the water of returning to the market will inevitably be assimilated by it.

This is a kind of conceptual assimilation. What assimilates is the attribute and origin of the power of the evolutionary.

For example, the original power of Qingyu Big Sister is fire. If she is contaminated by Guixu Water, her bloodline ability will quickly change to Niu Lanqi No. 2. As for the power of the original bloodline ability, the bloodline itself matches the strength of the return market. Inconsistent that is completely out of consideration.

The power of Guixu Shui is actually equivalent to a kind of unreasonable compulsory “enchantment”. No matter what you are, it will become a mass-produced model when I touch it. The next memory is compatible and so on. problem…

Excuse me, what is that? totally no idea!

Either the black army’s standard for recruiting evolvers is elusive, or if the black army only masters one of the power forms, it is so difficult for one to return to the ruins, but what about the others?

The tide of corpses is no longer the point. The azure water that spews out and rushes the tide of corpses is the real protagonist.

——Even the living corpse with a negative IQ is afraid of returning to the market!

Almost the living corpses that came out of the cave later were stained with Guixu water, or simply washed out by Guixu water.

They can’t see any abnormality from the outside, but occasionally a few living corpses in the tide of corpses may suddenly burst into fireworks or turn into corpse water, or silently disappear like smoke and dust, which is even more frightening.

This is the consequence of the incompatibility between itself and the power of Guixu.

What’s more, what if it is compatible, when it is “enchanted”, it is destined to be a certain level in a lifetime-unless there is the kind of talent and physique of Niu Lanqi.

How many geniuses in this world can add up, and who has the confidence to believe that he is the next Niu Lanqi?

Several aunts looked at each other, suddenly swarmed in front of the evolutionaries, and then started undressing neatly and uniformly.

These aunts’ movements can scare the evolutionaries to their green faces.

“Auntie, auntie has something to say and has something to say, what are you doing?”

“Ah, ah, wait, let’s go!” The man suddenly realized that own words seem to be more likely to cause misunderstanding, and quickly explained, “Ah, I mean…I mean…”

“We are still children!”

“Yes, that’s what I want to say.”

The aunt has a weird tone,

“This kid, why does he always think of strange things.”

She put her own clothes on the evolutionary, and then covered his face with her little clothes, only revealing a pair of eyes.

All ordinary people awakened one after another, and swarmed the nearby evolutionists into a strange style of painting with various things.

The eyes of the first evolutionary to speak were red,

“Big, mother?”

“Stupid boy, wear it well and make it tightly wrapped. If there is something wrong, run back quickly. You can’t catch it for a lifetime. It can grow for a lifetime.”

The aunts didn’t know that simple clothes couldn’t resist the erosion of Guixu Water, they just tried their best to do everything they could.

The evolutionary suddenly rushed out of the aunt’s encirclement, wiped his eyes,

“Kill! Damn these dogs!”

The evolvers took off one after another, and the splendid source glow eclipsed everything.

Their roar almost washed away the corpse cloud,


The entire base city seems to have become an echo gallery,




For a time, the thunder and flames flew together, and the light of the sword danced with the shadow of the sword.

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