Chapter 1057 Qinshan’s corpse tide?

To say that Liu Renjun is also a bad species, it’s too disgusting, and he uses the bear kid method that is inconsistent with his usual style.

“Let’s eat lemons!” Lin Chou was angrily, cursing endlessly.

Demeanor or something is fundamentally unacceptable, you have to swear loudly and vocally to relieve your anger-of course, if conditions permit, it is best to point to Liu Renjun’s nose to swear.

Lin Chou looked around at this vast crystal space. Although the crystals themselves are not worth much money and have no practical use for the development of Mingguang, they can’t hold them beautiful and big enough. The peaks made up of crystal clusters are continuous. The dragon-like mountains were shining with dazzling beams of light, and even a man like Lin Chou who had no preference for bright colors would be dazzled.

“It should be worth a lot of money if it brings back Mingguang. Where in the world is there such a large natural crystal.”

If he comes, he will be at ease, and Lin Anxious has no choice but to beep like this.

If the technology work of building a portal is replaced with a system, there will be no pressure, but it has to be put on him…

Let’s put it this way, unless the old sow can go up to the tree to croak, otherwise there will be no show.

However, the Fuck System has always had a dog-like face and an uncle’s style, and wanted it to open the door, provided that Lin Chou could find a particularly valuable place to grow ingredients.

Thinking of this, Lin Chou couldn’t help sighing.

Liu Renjun is really crooked. This horrible place has nothing but crystals and ducks. You just want Lin Chou to use something to please the system. Is the love gushing out?

——The trick of the empty glove white wolf is not good for the system at all.

Mingguang, Qinshan Wushu School.

The official evolutionary who entered the collapsed building to rescue the lost contact hula la rushed out. When they entered, there were hundreds of people, but only a few dozen came out, and they escorted less than a hundred panicked students in a hurry.

Secretary Qin breathed a sigh of relief anyhow, this kind of loss was within expectation, somehow it brought out so many children.

Then, with a very precise kick, he staggered his son Qin Sheng, who was running out of the crowd.

“Where is your little buddy?”

Secretary Qin is upright and extreme, and his personality is a bit old-fashioned. If this were not the case, he would not be in charge of the financial power of the Commission on his own.

So when he saw his own son running out of his own accord, he was really out of anger, and he didn’t show any mercy.

Qin Sheng’s expression was a bit resentful, and sometimes he really wondered if Qin Yuanfeng gave him such a name if it meant that he was not his own.

There is an idiom how to say it, I want to cover it up!

Qin Sheng said,

“You just ran over and didn’t you see it? I was the one who protected them and ran ahead! Big silly brother also came out, slightly injured!”

Just after saying a few words, a man in garrison uniform brutally clamped the two under his arm, turned his head and ran.

“Secretary Qin is dangerous, and all his mother behind are living corpses!”

Qin Yuanfeng was taken aback, then shouted loudly.

“What kind of demeanor! Put me down quickly, as a commissioner…”

Speaking of this, Qin Yuanfeng paused himself.

His nicknames are countless, from Iron Rooster to Qin Wealth God, there are a dozen of them. He is okay to fight economic wars. As for the scene before him, to be honest, in fact, he stayed there, except for boosting morale. use.

Qin Yuanfeng felt that to some extent he represented the Face of Genocide. Especially at this time, he couldn’t lose his identity.

“As a member of the Commission, I should take the lead. I…I fuck…The corpse tide? Where did these bitch stuff come from?”

Qin Sheng and the evolutionary holding the two of them all followed speechlessly, bowed their heads and sprinted.

From the large pit of the collapsed laboratory building, countless corpses with dancing claws rushed out, and those vines that would explode when touched automatically retracted to the ground, like a fully automatic ladder.

And the laboratory building buried in the ground was instantly demolished by the living corpses gushing out like a tide, and the collapsed living mouth instantly expanded countless times, and thousands of living corpses swarmed out almost every second.

Qin Yuanfeng was so frightened.

“This, this, this… Qinshan Martial Arts School is raising living corpses?”

Qin Sheng stared at his father, feeling very embarrassed.

“Dad, you’d better go home and read the account book honestly, or that thing is more suitable for you!”

If Qin Yuanfeng’s words were heard by Lao Zhou and several vice-principals, regardless of whether Qin Yuanfeng was a secretary or something, a group of old professors with big beards could knock him off his white teeth in a matter of minutes-empty white teeth, you Why is he innocent out of thin air? !

Qin Yuanfeng was also a little embarrassed, swallowing his saliva and calmly said.

“Isn’t it a living corpse? Why run? Put me down and give me a knife. We don’t have a gangster!”

The evolutionary who held the two masters kept walking,

“What are the living corpses? You don’t realize that the living corpses are not chasing after the smell of meat?”

Qin Yuanfeng took a closer look, and sure enough, he found something wrong.

The living corpses that emerge from the collapse do not chase humans, but aimlessly attack in all directions. It looks like escaping more than foraging, and only when humans are close to their escape route to a certain extent will they be fresh. Flesh attracts instinctive biting attacks.

More and more living corpses are emerging from the collapse, and an astonishing stampede has occurred.

The body strength of the living corpses is as strong as the skin, even if the bones are slammed and cracked, they will not stop them from moving forward a little bit.

Not only the collapsed area, but the numerous cave exits extending in all directions under Qinshan Mountain. Soon, the ground nearby was lifted, and a large number of living corpses emerged from the ground.

Seeing from the sky, Qin Shan seemed to have become a huge hornet’s nest, densely exposed numerous holes, and the living corpses were almost splashing.

The big guys around Qinshan who were ready for a long time were all stunned.

“Fuck, where did these ghosts come from? Could it be that a traitor opened a portal below Qin Mountain?”

What the big guy said is from his heart, the rebellious party infiltrated Mingguang for so many years. Doesn’t it depend on the sacred creatures of Northwest Wolf City to launch the teleportation array into Mingguang City. Now suddenly such a guy came to let Mingguang all the big guys. Words such as “unity” and “cohesion” that we are proud of are trampled under our feet. What about the trust between people? ?

The area around Qin Mountain has long been emptied, and many evolvers regard Qin Mountain as a deadlock. When the living corpses began to step out of the range of Qin Mountain, the sniping began.

It should be explained that the living corpse is the least afraid of the light people. There is no such strong combat power as the alien beast, and there is no terrible infectiousness of the blood corpse. This thing is not worth mentioning in the eyes of the Mingguang evolvers. Condensing the original weapon, you can kill seven in and seven out in minutes.

In an instant, Qin Shan’s blood flowed into a river, and the corpse stinks into the sky, and a few powerful evolvers could clear out a large area with a single skill.

Huang Dashan looked at the eyes of the living corpses all over the mountains reflecting light,

“Get rich, this time I really got rich!”

It’s not a corpse tide. There is no reason to deduct soft crystals and then distribute them according to needs. This axe is all real money, and at the worst, the harvested soft crystals can be taken to the gas station. Change to Yuanjing fuel!

However, the day did not fulfill everyone’s wish.

When the evolvers felt more and more that the state of the living corpse was wrong, the “wrong” finally came.

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