Chapter 1052

Lin Chou-mainly because of four dogs and four legs, he smashed quickly, without stopping at all.

Its huge body jumped to a height of 100 meters, and straight across the three walls in the grieving gaze of the guards at the west gate, and disappeared completely in the city after a few breaths.

The city guards simply can’t bear this kind of skin pain, okay: there are so many unconscious bigwigs who never go through the security gate. You don’t want to face our city guards?

Qin Shanwu corrected the gate.

Principal Old Zhou looked helpless, squatting at the gate like a standard farmer, groaning with the uncle janitor with his hands in his sleeves.

The janitor said,

“How are the children?”

Lao Zhou thought for a while and gave an answer that he was not sure about.

“It’s safe for the time being. The people searching below have not reported any casualties. The students have been training for various emergencies all year round, and their strength is not bad. There are a few good seedlings that have awakened and alienated. This kind of cave-in. The accident won’t cause any major problems—it should.”

What a simple cave-in!

Lao Zhou’s heart slammed into the spirit suddenly, and he even wondered if some inexplicable guy was planting up and framing him, the principal, and he would have to continue after this old tank of dirty water was poured over it.

Fortunately, the people from the Chezi Team and the Jinzi Team just now have taken over the scene, and the professional teams from the garrison have carried out search and rescue work non-stop.

The janitor asked again,

“How did I hear that a Tier 3 alienation person also went down, and didn’t climb up for a long time?”

Lao Zhou just wanted to talk, his eyelids twitched.

“Come here, here comes the Lord!”

The tone was quite frightened.

(I heard that the surnamed Lin is not very reasonable, those little babies-he won’t beat the principal to vent his anger?)

Not far away, the four dogs and the huge body made ordinary people wandering near the martial arts school talk a lot.

“Mother, what a wolf!”

“That’s a dog. When have you ever seen a wolf running and wagging its tail?”

“Oh oh oh! Look at the sky, it’s a giant panda! It’s a giant panda! National treasure! It’s not extinct yet!”

Cough cough, I don’t know if Mingguang people have experienced more winds and waves or what they are, their nerves are not normal, and the first reaction is still instinct when seeing Sigouzi and Gungun, a strange beast that is thief and fierce at a glance. Eight Trigrams.

Confucius, his elders once said more than once: Once the sea is difficult to be watered, it is not a cloud except Wushan.

Well, judging from the foresight of his old man, this sentence almost always means that Mingguang people did not run.

Lao Zhou greeted him from afar,

“Mr. Lin, Mr. Lin I am here!”


Si Gouzi didn’t even have a pause, and the four hoofed Rufei passed the dilapidated archway of the Qinshan Civil and Martial Arts School and entered the verdant forest.

Lao Zhou: “???”

It was really messy in the wind with a sad face.

The janitor comforted,

“It’s good to get used to it~ It’s strange that I don’t see this kind of thing ten times or eight times!”

As a result, Lao Zhou was even more sad. Anyway, we also have the title of a garrison colonel. What is my status as an old man?

Helpless, he could only turn around silently and hurried over the place where the accident happened.


At this time, Lin Chou was already standing in front of the collapsed laboratory building.

He asked speechlessly,

“Secretary Qin, what are you talking about? Can’t dig??”

Qin Yuanfeng nodded, pinching his brows and said helplessly.

“Have you seen the creepy, flesh-and-blood vines growing below? As long as you do, they will explode quickly. The entire six-story laboratory building is buried in it, but it cannot withstand their toss. It’s complete, if it really collapses again, the students who may still stay on the first floor are afraid…”

“Then what to do?”

Qin Yuanfeng said,

“What else can I do? Find a way. There are many intricate caves under Qinshan Mountain, some of which are connected to each other. The garrison team has gone down dozens of people, but no movement has been heard.”

“What about the silly?”

“You mean Xia Zhonghui, these plants only grew after he went down. According to the analysis of the Jinzi team that came first, he is very likely to have reconciled with the students.”

Lin Chou nodded, letting Gungun and Si Gouzi wait on it, while he found a semi-collapsed cave extending downward and Shan Ye got into it.

The cave is dark and deep, but this is not a problem for Lin Chou and Huang Dashan who have eaten the rice cakes. This special effect can at least ensure that the two can reach a visual distance of 6 meters + in a dark environment.

Huang Dashan twisted the dirt on the ground,

“The smell of living corpses, I have long heard that the Qinshan Martial Arts School is underground is a huge corpse vault, how many living corpses are there?”

As the two turned into the depths of the cave, the ground of the cave gradually became damp, and a smell of corpse mixed with strange floral scent penetrated into the nostrils.

——There is nothing in contrast to cuteness, it’s just that it feels very weird and uncomfortable.

Lin Chou frowned,

“Why do I have a bad feeling?”

Huang Dashan opened his mouth,

“Don’t have a bad premonition, look ahead!”

The top of the cave in front seemed to become a mass of squirming flesh and blood, and the black vines that they saw above were curled in it.

The difference is that there are huge tower-shaped tumors growing on the vines in the flesh and blood, and the translucent skin is full of black dirty liquid.

Lin Sorrow said,

“Tower tumor? This thing won’t be that of a living corpse, right…”

Shan Ye lifted a giant axe on the table and chopped off a tumor.


The vine made a harsh, sharp sound, as if screaming, but it did not explode directly as Qin Yuanfeng said.


The tumor-like object that fell on the ground suddenly exploded, and the mucus and a horribly shaped flesh and blood object covered the floor.

Shan Ye picked up the thing with an axe face,

“Living corpse, standard living corpse cub, look, the posture of a tadpole, the four paws on the buttocks have cartilage structure, this thing can even hatch in more than ten or twenty days if there is sufficient nutrition.”

Shan Ye was very disgusted with his lips,

“There may be a high-level living corpse here. Ordinary living corpses are not qualified to breed offspring-but in general, there will be a large number of ordinary living corpses guarded by such living corpses. It will be very troublesome in the center of the city.”

“The ghost knows how this thing got in, isn’t the Qin Shan Martial Arts School secretly doing some vivisection experiments, right?”

Lin Chou shook his head.

“How do I feel that this thing is like a tactic of rebelling against the party? After all, they don’t use this kind of routine once or twice.

Shan Ye said,

“That group of funny stuff? Hey, I don’t know where the cat is licking the wound. Where has the time to come out and destroy it. Besides, the blood corpse didn’t hurt the base city at that time-that’s it? Living corpse? Don’t be kidding! The more you live, the more you can go back?”

Lin Chou was silent.

He always has some very bad premonitions, and his heart is throbbing.

“Find someone first before talking about anything else, this ghost place is so disturbing.”

Shan Ye nodded repeatedly,

“I’ll go for this smell. I have never heard such a disgusting smell when I grew up. It seems that the flowers growing on the corpse are blooming, and the sweet smell of pollen and the scum of bones are almost rotten. That kind of smelly, daddy is going to throw up!”

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