Chapter 1044

Lin Chou’s mouth twitched.

What’s more, this bragging stuff doesn’t have to write a draft, and one hundred and eighty flavors of Chinese herbal medicine boiled seventy seventy forty Nine Heavens sealed for one year-pill refining, you ah!

Huang Moushan was shameless and shameless, and then courageously crowned the three armies,

“Master Shan, my unique style of brushing sauce is so powerful, I will tell you…”

“Have you seen it, hey~ This is the subtle angle of the action, and it’s a subtle angle to make these bamboo rats want to die, beg God, can’t die, can’t wow hahahaha…I rely on you all so far away from me… What are you doing…”


Not only are you far away, but your expression is also very scared. Didn’t you see it?

Fortunately, a few bamboo rats finally survived under the ravages of Lord Shan…

Uh…it’s a rest in peace if you disperse your soul on the spot.

Let everyone follow with a sigh of relief.

What the hell did these fat little guys do wrong and they will be treated like this after they die, is it cruel?

But I have to say that the taste of bamboo rat after brushing with barbecue sauce is really quite attractive and criminal.

Especially the two little girls, their saliva is even more smashing and can’t stop them.

The meaty aroma of the bamboo rat reveals a faint freshness that is especially soaked in the bamboo wood, coupled with the blessing of the so-called secret barbecue sauce of the mountain master, it is unique and fragrant.

Huang Dashan said cheerfully,

“Lin Zi, what are you doing, that is, the fish hasn’t been killed yet, hurry up.”

The main reason is that this giant salamander is very quack and quack-no wonder it also has a nickname called Wawayu.

Lin Chou fiddled with the Maitake in his hand and said,

“That won’t work. I have to study the fish before slaughtering them. Of course, the fresher the fish, the better.”

Such things as giant salamanders are not a common type of food. Where can they be easily let down? The most important thing is that the baby fish will not die soon after leaving the water, panic…

Lin Chou prepared the seasonings for the side dishes such as bamboo shoots, green onion and ginger, and then began to slaughter the giant salamanders.

Giant salamander was once called aquatic ginseng. It is a high-level nourishing and health care product. It is recorded that the salamander has the functions of black hair beautifying, replenishing overflow, healing deficiency, increasing appetite, etc., and has certain effects on anemia, cholera, malaria, epilepsy, etc. Efficacy, the skin and oil of the giant salamander are good medicines for knife wounds, scalds, gunshot wounds, and burns.

Generally speaking, in order to reduce the loss of precious blood of the giant salamander, most of the giant salamanders are slaughtered by scalding, and this can also wash away the mucus and rice-like particles on the fish skin.

The skin of the baby fish is very thick, the flesh is white and tender, and the muscles of some of the more frequently exercised parts show the beautiful redness of cherry flesh, which is as delicate as jade.

After the knife broke through the skin, there would actually be blood oozing out, not much, and there was hardly any smell of soil, blood and fish.

It can be felt with a knife that the flesh of the giant salamander is very firm, almost comparable to certain beasts rather than aquatic fish.

——In fact, they are amphibians!

Lin Chou took a breath.

“It’s really beautiful meat. This kind of ingredient is the perfect seasoning alone.”

Huangdashan Interchange Road,

“Your chefs feel a lot of emotions every day. Daddy doesn’t believe that you can swallow it in your stomach if you don’t believe it. You don’t know if the soup is salt-free as well as water, right?”

Lin Chou: “…”

Uh, what, did I just be educated by a layman in my own language?

This is so unhappy…

Huang Moumou, who has just finished the soup, is not as salt-free as water, holding a bottle,

“Oh, let me go, what does this salt mean? Is it so strange?”

The salt grains in the bottle are as white as milk, like broken ice slag or crystals, and each corner is sharp and long. Even a layman will know at a glance that this salt is very special.

Lin Chou took a closer look.

“I’ll knock you down and put that thing down for me. I bought a bottle of the flower of salt, so why did you get caught by your big claws!”

Lin Chou glared complainingly.

I don’t know how to take a look at this stuff when I bring it, but I don’t know how expensive the rice is. Sooner or later, daddy will be bankrupted by you prodigal goods!

Kugun couldn’t help shrinking back, trying to hide his more mellow body behind the big breasted sister.

Big breasted sister puffed up her chest and said with loyalty,

“Boss, please pick my salary! Don’t embarrass Lord Blood God!!”

Lin Chou: “…”

The co-authors of you guys are all good people. I am the only capitalist and villain in the world, right? !

It’s too hurtful–

Lin Moumou’s resentment suddenly escalated, and it was thicker and thicker than Shanye’s secret barbecue sauce.

Huang Dashan “dudu” cut the golden and oily bamboo rat into inch pieces, to please.

“Then what, Linzi, it’s baked, try two whole pieces?”

Lin Chou glanced, his lips wriggling,

“I lose weight.”


Su Yourongba looked at the giant salamander chopped by his wet tiger,

“Wow, wet tiger, you seem to chop up a child! Do you think the spicy claw looks like a child’s hand? It’s scary!”

Lin Chou smiled: My good disciple, isn’t today’s potato shreds finished yet?

Su Yourong shrank back and whispered to her big breasted sister,

“Is the wet tiger swollen today? Why does it look a little weird…”

Lin Chou silently sprinkled salt on the chopped meat, just as he sprinkled it on his own heart.

After the big salamander meat is sprinkled with salt, it is not directly rinsed, but repeatedly rubbed with green onion and ginger water until the bloody part of the fish becomes more reddish, while the white meat part will show a crystal clear texture.

Of course, the main purpose of this step is actually not to remove fishy.

The fishy smell of the giant salamander itself is not too heavy, but Lin Chou intends to braise it in soy in exchange for a firmer and fuller taste.

Lin Chou frowned and rummaged among the pile of things he brought over.

“Huh? Where’s the oil? Where did the oil go…”

There was a double whine, pointing to a certain place.

Lin Chou slipped out the white stuff: “?”

[Ding, congratulations, boss Lin, I’d like to raise three catties of pork suet. 】

Come on, there’s nothing to say, 㸆油吧.

I smelt a pile of lard and used it to stir-fry the giant salamander.

Put some bay leaves, a few dried red onions, a few cloves of garlic with skin, and then pour the giant salamander into the oil pan.


When the big salamander meat was cut into the pot, it tasted like it was alive, and the big pot that was originally filled with the sweet smell of lard instantly changed its appearance.

The few people around you who were vying for me to grab the bamboo rat meat were surprised.

“This fish…”

“Hahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, what a strange smell.”

“It looks gentle and gentle, I never thought you were such a fish! A pot of green onion, ginger and garlic can’t hide your coquettishness!”

Lin Chou blew it up in a pan, how come it came to Huang Dashan’s mouth that it became weird in a matter of minutes.

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