Chapter 1042 This Giant Salamander Has Heat Stroke

Well, especially the situation, it must be firmly controlled.

Although our little brother from the door has repeatedly promised to say something like “Anyone who can easily take out two 100,000 gold points in circulation will be the kind of wreck who eats the king’s meal”, it is still in the violence of Huang Moushan. Under the threat, he was extremely aggrieved and sent a radio to the family. The other party’s family was also very interesting, and when he heard the situation, he said that he would come to the house with money soon.

And this will soon have to wait until tomorrow morning. Now that the city gate is not closed but the traffic is still restricted, the trivial things that are not important will all stand aside. From the attitude of Mingguang, especially the occurrence committee, this trivial matter probably refers to the construction of the four walls. Everything outside.

Men Kuang looked out the window, the expression on his face looked particularly confused.

“So soon, it’s dark?”

“It’s dark after I eat a meal?”

“No wonder eating so much money…”

No one cares about him.

Just now, a blind old man threw more than ten million dollars with a wave of his hand, and he didn’t see anyone taking it seriously.

Wearing eyes, Wu Ke walked in with a backpack on his back, holding a notebook in his hand, and muttering strange numbers. Apparently he had just finished reading the few instruments left around Yanhuishan. data.

The scientific research institute’s monitoring of the wild climate, vegetation, traces of beasts, etc., in the eyes of the evolutionary, is pure shit that ruins the circulation point. Those fragmentary instruments and the like are used every ten days and eight days. Comrade Jin Dazhou You have to return to Mingguang with a big sack and wear it with a thief. You must know that once the stuff of the scientific research institute is contaminated with the words “research and data”, then its cost and gold price are absolutely irrelevant.

Wu Ke poked his face with his pen cap.

“Brother Chou, it’s not weird that you said that the average growth rate of plants within 15 kilometers around Yanhui Mountain this month is 2.3 times faster than that of last month!”

Lin Chou blinked,

“Uh…maybe it’s spring, and it’s again…then what season of development?”

“Brother Chou, stop making trouble, look at here, here, and here,” Wu Ke pointed at somewhere and somewhere on the notebook, “It’s not scary. The cactus over there is only a month old. It’s a hundred and twenty-six centimeters thick! So it’s still a cactus…”

“Take it far, all the numbers make my scalp numb!” Lin Chou thought about it carefully, and asked, “has it blossomed?”

Wu Ke held up his index finger and swung it again and again as if he suddenly realized, writing something in his notebook.

Lin Chou said,

“I heard an old man in the alley say that even the flowering cactus was eaten up during the famine in the early stage of the cataclysm. Let’s try this fast-growing cactus to eat it differently!”

Wu Ke: “…”

Lin Chouyu patted Wu Ke’s shoulder earnestly, and took the opportunity to look at his notebook.

“Sure enough, the scientific researchers have recorded the information, even the location, observation point b, 33, where is that?”

Wu Ke closed the notebook with a snap, his eyes widened.

“I consider you a good friend, but you want to engage in my research object! And still when my research object is a cactus? Pervert!”

Men Kuang and Huang Dashan laughed and pissed on the spot,

“Fuck, Xiao Wuzi, your spitting skills have gone up!”

“Mizan, Mizan, the ability to play is not as good as Shanye’s case.”

“Killing, saying you are fat and you are still breathing…”


Wu Ke opened the notebook again,

“Oh, by the way, there are a few nests of giant salamanders in the back mountain. The oldest one is followed by several young ones. I think it can be steamed, and occupying the pit without shit will seriously affect the overall reproduction speed of the ethnic group.”

Lin Chou’s interest suddenly came.

“Great salamander! Really?”

Wu Ke nodded.

“Really, I have been observing them for almost half a month. They should have just come down from a cold water lake in the upper reaches. They were a little awkward when they first arrived. I am afraid that the weather is too hot and heatstroke. I am still worried about whether they can survive. Coming down, it’s only recently to ease up.”

Lin Chou smiled without saying a word, with sharp eyes.

Everyone seemed to see in his eyes countless recipes turned into barrage and phantoms drifting horizontally and horizontally, with sparks and lightning all the way.

Wu Ke shivered.

“Brother! Brother! Just one piece will do, you can only eat one piece! This stuff is really rare, if we eat extinct, we would be really sinners…”

Lin Chou solemnly nodded.

“Yes, we must first kill the old bullies who are influencing the reproduction of the race…”

“Green water and green mountains are the golden mountains and silver mountains!”

“Leave the rest to grow and eat slowly.”

At this moment, Wu Ke’s heart was broken.

Brother Chou, is it really good for you to use the cross mantra to entrain private goods? I even scared us where I should refute…

Lin Chou asked suddenly,

“Wait… Why didn’t I see Sister You Rong with big breasts this day? I said there was something wrong in the kitchen, there was only a pot of complete dishes left… wash!”

Huang Dashan rubbed his face in distress,

“On the back of the mountain, talking about Linzi, have you heard of house wine when you were a kid—”

“What kind of wine is house wine!”

“I also asked the same question when I was looking for the little ancestor in Houshan before, but I was sent back.”


Lin Shou comforted,

“Well, maybe it’s a little girl’s thing, just like that ballet doll.”

Huang Dashan nodded,

“It makes sense.”

A hint of doubt and a heavy gleam flashed in his eyes.

(No, this is absolutely not possible. It seems that it is necessary to make up lessons. Where should I start?)

(Why don’t you ask the old man surnamed Shen? He seems to know quite a lot…)

(It’s a happy decision. I’ll bring a pig head tied with a red cloth another day. I heard that old scholars are good at this.)

Huang Dashan became more and more proud as he thought about it, and he completely forgot how he pitted Shen Daru in the Sikong and Ziyu Young Master incident, and he drank the old man so much that he could not even recognize his mother-but it seems that Since then, the relationship between the two has been somewhat relaxed? ?

Fate, sometimes it’s amazing.

Door Kuang interjected suddenly,


“What’s the matter?”

The situation paused,

“Where is the bathroom, I…”

Lin Chou said patiently,

“Go out, turn left and go east, walk across the fence and walk to the bottom of the hillside where the reed swings and lower your head. Oh, by the way, be careful of being pinched by wild ducks.”

Condition: “???”

Huang Dashan was happy,

“There is still this thing!”

Lin Sorrow,

“Nonsense, last month, there was a guy who said that his hair was bald, and the wild duck was very bearded.”

“Hey, how many do Linzi go and fix?”

“The variety is not good, it’s not delicious, it’s firewood, and it’s fishy.”

“Pick some salted eggs!”

“Hmm! Okay, the wild duck can be bad. Try it. I vaguely remember that grandpa said that there was a dish in ancient times…cough cough…give me some time to think about it…”

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