Chapter 1038 Lord Shan’s Inferior Friendship

Compared with Mingguangren’s “calmness”, perhaps only a guy who stands tall enough can get some unusual auras and clues from this thunder war.

In fact, I don’t know how many people have scolded their mother secretly.

“From Awakening Thunder Tribulation to Heavenly Scourge…”

“I really know how to play.”

“Yes, so what the hell did this stuff do…”

“They are so strong that even Awakening Thunder Tribulation dare to intervene?”

“Mingguang people are fucking lunatics! Pure lunatics!”


Of course, our boss Lin doesn’t care about these trivialities, he just feels that in the future he might be in trouble.

The snow dumpling boss who worshipped the sky has already stopped snowing, and the network used by the home tree to restrain him is slowly and continuously attenuating, especially the so-called “returning to the market” who “borrowed” from Niu Lanqi through unknown nautical miles. The weakening of the power is most obvious.

Returning to the peach, the reward given to Niu Lanqi by the Goube system at the time was a large ice tuo with an area of ​​square kilometers.

By the way, the girl who looks like a small thief, will he rush over to take revenge on this handsome as soon as he thaws?

Considering the intricate and bizarre relationship among the three families surnamed Niu, Zhao, and Xue, this matter should be kept away from normal people!

This is really what the old man used to say-I like the way you can’t understand me and can’t get rid of me?

Occasionally I think that Niu Lanshan is pretty good except for a little bit of attributes, but what’s the matter with his sister? Isn’t he the sister of his parents?


Also, the old guy from Blast Furnace learned that he would soon send someone to take away the ancestral mascot Xue Danzi.

“It’s really sad…”

Yanhui Mountain, where the snow scene is permanent, can undoubtedly attract a huge amount of attention.

Think about it, the outside will always be at least thirty-eight nine degrees + years of fire, but there is such a small hill with goose feathers and heavy snow all day long. Customers soak in the hot springs, enjoy the snow, eat hot pot and sing songs, how happy~

“Why… Discuss with Mr. Gao, and borrow the snow dumpling boss every three or three times to offer sacrifices to the sky?”

Huang Dashan didn’t know where he got out of, and his face was disgraced.

“Hey, Boss, your integrity is gone, do you want to pick it up.”

Lin Chou dismissed it,

“If you don’t accompany your wife and child, Lord Shan, why are you wandering around here?”

Huang Dashan’s face was stiff,

“Uh…not in a hurry…haha…”

No matter what Lin Chou said, Huang Dashan walked around behind him.

After a while, Lin Chou became annoyed.

“Master Shan, what are you going to do!!”

The ferocious tone scared the Lord Shan, and touched the bright forehead.

“That… the poor monk comes from Dongtu… the daughter’s country, can I spend the night with the donor to rest his legs?”

Lin Chou: “…”

Why can’t the drugstore Bilian?

You can rest your legs, let’s talk about which leg to rest first!

With you, the single dog who has lived with our boss for more than 20 years, is it a sincere show operation?

Lin Chou grabbed a purple cucumber and solemnly delivered it to Lord Shan.

——No blowing, no black, this is the “self-contained natural curvature, grainy, and very easy to use” specified by the dog beep system. What about trouble?

Huang Dashan’s mouth twitched and his face turned black.

“I think there may be some small rifts between our deep friendship and brotherhood, Lin, let me tell you, you will lose me like this!”

“That can be said to be very laughable… ah no… I owe it very much… I have no interest in such cheap fake friendships.”


For a while,

“Niang Xipi a full man doesn’t know that a hungry man is hungry!”

Then Huang Dashan felt that these words seemed inappropriate, so he said sneakily.

“Suddenly I want to introduce some very cute Luanshan girls to you~ Oh, don’t leave~ Grandpa Dashan, but I was kind of you, why did you leave~”

Lin Chou thought for a while,

“Thank you! You are a good person! Drink plenty of hot water for life!”

Huang Dashan suddenly felt as though he had swallowed a fly just now, and he felt uncomfortable.

Lin Chou ignored him and bent down to examine the growth of the Devil Pepper.

This year, there are really few peppers with such a personality. The peppers on nearly an acre of land, and the peppers on each small tree-like pepper seedling, seem to have nothing in common except for being spicy.

Some are wrinkled like an old grandmother’s face, some are round and jade like gems, some are in the shape of a lantern, some are like a pear…

Various shapes, various colors.

The first thought that makes people see is: This is so crazy that it takes so much aesthetics to grow peppers so many tricks.

“Huh? There is a new one…”

This time Lin Chou found a few dark purple peppers that were not as big as marbles, which gave people a feeling that they looked very uncomfortable.

I picked it off and handed it to Lord Shan.

“Try it?”

Shan Ye’s head shook like a rattle.

Lin Chou sighed and rubbed himself twice on his sleeve.


Especially crisp and moving voice.

Lin Chou said in surprise,

“Huh? Sweet and sour, kiwi flavor?”

Huang Dashan picked one out of doubt,


“Emmmm! Lin Chou, am I pretty! Shui Shui Shui…”

Huang Dashan’s cry was so terrible that the entire Yanhui Mountain rolled his echoes, and then looked at his red and swollen lips and the appearance that he was about to burst into flames. A group of thieves were happy.

“Oh, Lord Shan is stealing something delicious again?”

“According to Guzhi’s analysis, Prince Huang is afraid that it was not just a hot compress in Boss Lin’s chili field.”

“The eyeballs are red, this chili pepper is quite strong, hey, the prince of the mountain can’t hold the fourth-order physique?”

“My Lady Queen: It deserves it, let you steal it, let you steal it!”

“Hey upstairs, what are you talking about?”

“Kouhu, what the Queen said clearly is: Isn’t it delicious below me, you actually eat it secretly.”

“My Lady Queen: I’ll give you something to eat tonight… I’ll take a bite tonight… What did you just eat? Give your old lady off, Lima, get out of the cart!!!”

If it weren’t for Huang Dashan’s murderous change of the big axe, it is estimated that no one would want to get off the car today, the style of painting has been distorted to the point that there is no way to find it.

While talking and laughing, I saw two people walking in from the almost coke-shaped fence gate with their shoulders on their backs.

“Good guy Yuan Fatty… the door… the door frame… how far are you two hiding here, dare to ask?”

Yuan Fatty grinned and said nothing.

But none of Men Kuang’s men followed, and he had apparently returned to Base City with Gao Xuan to report the scene of the first crime.

Door condition pulls at the corner of his mouth embarrassedly,

“Um, the dishes ordered later seem to have not been served yet…”

Everyone laughed wildly, and Lin Chou rolled his eyes directly.

It is indeed a talent cultivated by a big family. He can still remember this kind of thing any time, his brain is really good enough!

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