Chapter 1028

The blind old man said cheerfully,

“Okay, it’s nice to be young! Um~ I can smell the fragrance, this chicken is really good.”

This is obvious.

After the dozen or so little pheasants in Lin Chou’s hand went into the boiling soup pot, the originally wrinkled chicken skin immediately became firm and shiny, and the bright orange-yellow was very dazzling.

Some of the oil can’t wait to emerge from the skin of the chicken, and the whole chicken seems to be coated with a thin film of oil.

Just looking like it makes people totally uncontrollable, drooling crazily.

Pheasant is good, but it is relatively difficult to handle. If the cooking method is slightly poor, the chicken will become a bundle of tiny firewood.

But the little pheasant is very cost-effective, regardless of whether the soup or the novice or the veteran is completely universal-although it is a bit of a suspicion of luxury in the past.

The neck and belly of each pheasant were cut, and the visceral throat was taken from the top, and the intestines were taken from the bottom to wait for the water, and the mouth on the neck was used to scoop the soup in the pot with the hand.

The soup poured into the belly of the chicken from the neck, and then slowly lifted when it was completely submerged in the soup. The soup then flowed out from the opening in the belly of the chicken, forming a small loop.

In this way, the Impurities and blood water inside and outside the chicken body can be drained, and the maturity inside and outside can advance and retreat together.

In a pot of soup, Lin Chou only put old ginger and shallots and added a little wine in order to get rid of the fishy smell.

The little pheasant itself is already fresh and sweet enough, and what Lin Chou has to do is to preserve this rare game sweetness as much as possible during the cooking process, which is enough to make a good dish.

This is also one of the most important reasons why Lin Chou chose this approach.

Each small pheasant weighs less than a catty and a half, and the chicken is tender and easy to mature. It is soaked in the soup three times and then cooled in ice water to ensure that the chicken skin is crispy, and the cycle repeats.

“Well, it’s almost there.”

Arrange the cutting board, cut off the butt of the chicken without cutting the soaked chicken in half and then chop it horizontally into inch sections, and place the chicken skins up neatly on the large plate.

The sharp knife craftsmanship and the healing system are pleasing to the eye.

The deliciousness of the chicken is pouring into the noses of the people along with the heat on the plate,


“Sincerely sad for all the pheasants I missed before, don’t disturb me.”

“Have you caught a little pheasant?”

“No, it doesn’t seem to be true. They are all grown-ups.”

“Then you mean individual Ji Bawang?!”


Huang Dashan eagerly reached out and wanted to take the opportunity to touch a few pieces of chicken to taste. Everyone’s chopsticks crackled on the bald head of the goods, glaring at him.

“Uh… I am… that is… Niang Xipi is so courageous, dare to beat you Grandpa Dashan??”

Everyone is not a bird.

There is something to say, the Fa doesn’t blame the public, right, your Lord Shan is so daring that you can still beat us all over.

Lin Chou put a large bunch of peeled green onions on the chopping board, daringly fortunately, cutting up a huge amount of hairy green onions.


Lin Chou sniffed.

Well, he was so touched by Own Swordsman that his eyes were flushed.

Everyone: “(~ ̄▽ ̄)~hiahiahia~”

Lin Chou wiped away the tears that almost came out of his eyes.

“This… good onion really takes my eyes…”

He spread the green onion on top of the chicken, with the white on the bottom and the green leaves on top, which is very beautiful.

“Eh, eh, it’s the other way around. It should be green on the bottom and white on the top. This is a serious rockery. Linzi, your aesthetics is too hasty.”

Lin Chou cast a sideways look at Huang Dashan.

“Would you like to put a green hat on you?”

Huang Dashan looked innocent + puzzled,

“Fuck, don’t I just make a suggestion, as for you…”

Lin Sorrow said,

“I don’t want to, why do you make people happy?”

Huang Dashan is so speechless–what kind of twisted truth is this? Hey!

The physical education teacher who teaches you the core values ​​of socialism is not a cameo who sells mala Tang at the school gate, right?

Lin Chou picked up a bowl of black soup and poured it onto the plate, Huang Dashan hurriedly stopped it.

“Sack of balls! What are you doing?”

Lin Chou is inexplicable,

“What else can you do when you cook?”

Huang Dashan pleaded,

“Fuck, please, don’t ruin the style of the painting, what is this dark, is it soy sauce, won’t it take away the smell of chicken!”

Lin Chou said strangely,

“Master Shan, you are not right today, why are you so young suddenly…Is there too little male hormone secretion? Hey…”

Huang Dashan choked and rolled his eyes.

Lin Chou put the bowl under his nose,

“Smell it first!”

Huang Dashan:

“Eh, this smell… what is this…”

Lin Chou said,

“Soy sauce, it’s actually a kind of soy sauce in the strict sense. The brewing process is similar, except that the umami is heavy and the taste is fresh, suitable for steamed dishes. Sister Hu brought me here several times. , She doesn’t do this thing often.”

Lin Chou did not hesitate to praise,

“Sister Hu is really amazing, how did she figure it out, the taste is also particularly good, if this is before the catastrophe, it will be a big fire.”

“Oh…” Huang Dashan scratched his head, “It’s just that your cook has a lot of intestines. It’s awkward to bully someone who doesn’t know how to count. Even if you use soy sauce to bend around, you have to throw someone else’s face.”

Lin Chou smiled and evenly poured the soy sauce on the “Congshan”, and then set up another pot to boil the oil.

The blind old man said at this moment,

“Mingguang relies on the sea and catches a lot of fish. In fact, Lin Xiaozi, you can try to make fish sauce. It will definitely be popular.”

Fish sauce is made of cheap seafood, and many worthless small fish, shrimp, and fish scraps can be used to make this seasoning that occupied a lot of play in Asia before the cataclysm.

Lin Chou shook his head.

“It is unlikely to be produced on a large scale. Fish sauce will only take more than half a year to ferment the fish before the catastrophe. How long will it take to ferment in the era of the catastrophe when the food spoilage process is greatly prolonged? Multiply ten times or five times. ten times?”

The blind old man nodded slightly,

“That’s it… that’s how it’s… interlaced like a mountain…”

The temperature of the oil in the pot had risen, and Lin Chou used a large spoon to slick the oil over the Cong Mountain.

“Hey~ Hey~”

The high voice makes every diners prick their ears, and they don’t want to miss this wonderful voice-this is where the oily soul is!

The onion fragrant releases intensified under the hot oil temperature, which activates the fresh fragrance of soy sauce.

The tender pheasant fragrant and delicate scent between the two “slits” with a force that does not conform to its weak image rushes into the frontiers and expands, abruptly emerging, and it is still very impressive.

A group of people eating and drinking thumbs up,


“Boss Lin’s Caiguo really has a soul.”

“It’s not in vain, hehe, haha.”

Lin Chou said with a smile,

“Chicken with scallion oil, nothing more than a home-cooked dish, let’s try it together.”

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