Chapter 1026 Gossip

A group of people listened happily,

“To say that I was really poor at that time, and I couldn’t eat enough every day. Fourteen or five years ago, well, that is, Boss Lin was still like this at the time, but it will be much better since then. The agricultural and pastoral areas in the south of the city can keep up. At least it’s no longer when someone starved to death on the street with expressionless faces.”

The familiar smell of cypress branches and leaves smoking on charcoal fire made these guys sigh one by one, and the topics became more and more.

As the saying goes, half-and-half children eat poor daddy, and even those of Shan Ye’s age, and even those of Lin Chou’s age, have the deepest impression of their childhood that they are hungry. They are really hungry. They are hungry all the time, even in a certain month. I have eaten a slightly oily meal on a certain day and I can easily keep it in my memory for more than half a lifetime.

Just now, Yuan Fatty, who was very enthusiastic about adding roles, smiled and said,

“The taste of cypress leaves is coming out. Mr. Lin is going to put bagasse. Hey, in fact, I know how to use this bacon.”

Lin Chou covered the bagasse, and the fire became a sharp cone shape, which looked very good with the bamboo yurt.

The green bamboo poles, which are very flexible and strong, are the thickness of the arms. After being built into a house, they are light and easy to disassemble, but they bear a lot of weight. A few whole pigs are just a little bent.

“It’s almost done. If you hang it again, it will take a long time to make a discount.”

After being covered with bagasse, the light blue smoke of Cypress leaves became thicker, but the color became white, like the mist in a steamer.

“Oh, this smoke is different. I remember the smoke was red when I smoked it at home.”

Lin Chou pointed to Yuan Fatty,

“Here, what is the purple red-skinned sugarcane he got back? This sugarcane is not bad.”

The sugar in bagasse will give the pork a delicate sweetness during smoking, and the color will also adhere to the pork, making the surface a beautiful bronze or brownish red.

After being blown by the white smoke for a while, the people around felt that licking his lips was sweet.

Yuan Fatty said,

“Look at the sugar content, hey, there used to be a stevia plant in our alley. We used stevia stalks to smoke the pig thief quickly, but it didn’t have any color and was too sweet.”

The unprocessed sugarcane juice actually tends to be reddish-brown, not as pure as the purified sugar, but has a more natural style and unique flavor.

Therefore, Mingguang people never boil sugar and bacon, even if sugar is easier to taste, but insist on the ancient way of using bagasse.

Lin Chou carefully adjusted the hanging height of the smoked pigs. The smoked pigs are huge in size and require higher temperatures and longer.

The firepower is often calculated based on the sky. The fire in the middle cannot be broken. If the fire is broken, the cookedness of the pork will be broken and overlapped, which will affect the taste of the final product.

Depending on the size of the pig, the smoking time generally ranges from 7 to 28 days. At the end of the smoking, all the doors and transoms of the shed must be sealed, and the smoked pigs will be given the last high-temperature sauna.

The Black Mountain wild boar selected by Lin Chou is relatively small, while the larger ones are untied and untied into individual elbows, rib fans, and so on.

Forget the time,

“If it’s fast, you can eat it in ten hours~”

Smoked pig is not bacon, it can be eaten after it is made, and it tastes best when it is just taken off the smoker and piping hot.

Sweetness and fats are not really a popular taste for the fearless big food empire—for example, the famous pheasant rolls were a wave of loyal female fans before the cataclysm.

Yuan Fatty said happily,

“I can afford to wait, just rubbing on the four walls in the morning. I looked at the backside and looked pretty good. It looks like a fat but not greasy look. It gives me the same hey.”

Lin Chou waved his hand.

“In the morning, cut which piece in the photo, pick up the cooked and good food at the bottom.”

The black mountain wild boar is a popular ingredient, and Lin Chou is happy to help the big guy recall his childhood.

Besides, this shed has already been set up, how could it be possible to smoke only three or five pigs?

Huang Dashan knocked on the table,

“Hey, now, I can’t let the big guy watch it, just eat a pot of meat and a chicken~”

When the Queen arrived, Lord Shan was no longer the guy who had to use his fingers to plan carefully or beg for nothing after a full meal. He was very swollen and urinary.

Lin Chou rolled his eyes and was about to ridicule, suddenly he slapped his forehead.

“I’ll knock, if you don’t tell me, I have forgotten, Lord Shan, hurry up and pick me the pheasants hanging on the coconut tree!”

Everyone:? ? ?

What a pheasant, when I planted a tree before, I didn’t see any pheasant but a pheasant.

Lin Chou scratched his head and said,

“I think they are so noisy, I put my head under the wings, and I don’t know if they are suffocated.”

Huang Dashan dashed up the tree for a long time, and finally slipped down a bunch of pheasants that were conveniently hung in the canopy of a coconut tree by Lin Moumou. I have to say that their vitality is already very tenacious. There are 18 and a half-sized pheasants. Two died.

Huang Dashan weighed the weight of a bunch of pheasant in his hand,

“It’s not right, it’s so light, then this thing won’t weigh too much, it looks pretty big~”

Lin Chou said,

“They are all three or four months old. They are quite good when they grow so heavy. They look big because they have strong hair.”

While speaking, he glanced at Lord Shan’s bald head.

Huang Dashan: Get out! !

Lin Chou took the pheasants, scratched their necks and threw them aside, letting them pounce on their own.

However, the young pheasants who were in an oxygen-deficient state all day and were hung upside down on the tree did not have the strength to struggle to escape, and their weak convulsions could only accelerate the arrival of Death.

Human tragedy.


In the face of this understatement of Death, everyone always feels that something is wrong and can’t be said-we seem to vaguely remember that this product is actually just a cook?

Lin Chou said,

“These are all authentic’walking little pheasants’, so no one is willing to give you these underage chicks.”

In fact, most of the pheasants are very thin. It can only be said that the two that Lin Chou encountered in Tiankeng before were completely different from chickens, especially this kind of little pheasant that is three to four to five months old, which is long and has malnutrition. What fat accumulates.

Whether a pheasant is fat or not, it depends on the thickness of the skin. The thicker the skin, the fatter the pheasant and the tenderer it will taste—because you can hardly see that in any non-artificially raised pheasant. A shaped, bright yellow fat.

Everyone is wondering what kind of a small pheasant can be made into a dish. I am afraid that it will not be much bigger than a pigeon after it is roasted.

Lin Chou smiled and said,

“You eat first, I’ll go prepare it, and remove the feathers of these chickens by the way.”

Huang Dashan winked at Lin Chou.

“Xincai, isn’t it called a blind old man?”

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