Chapter 1014

Boss Lin is mainly trying to find the flat-headed brother who has no morals to have a theory.

It’s not that we were sacrificed to heaven just now!

So what exactly was sacrificed?

Why am I not feeling anything?

What am I missing… Lin Chou fell into deep thought.

Reasonable buddy is still a virgin. Except for chastity, you can’t lose any other parts…

Panicked, so eat jujube pills!

He has never acknowledged and hated his own road idiot as firmly as now.


The Qiongqi Swan in her hand gave Lin Chou some comfort.

Ba Zi Hu couldn’t help but pity,

“Why there is only one? If there is one male and one female, our research…”

Lin Chou nodded,

“Yes, in that case, within three years, the Rolling Stone Roasted Goose and Blood Sauce Goose will be available in unlimited quantities!”

The eight-character Hu three people: “!”

Why is your brain circuit different from ours? ?

The Bazi Hu thoughtfully, suddenly slapped his thigh,

“You… are you boss Lin Choulin?!”

Lin Sorrows thought that I would know my famous name Lin Moumou when I met someone casually. Oh, this feeling is so cool… Bah… It’s really embarrassing.

Hu did not wait for Lin Chou to answer.

“Absolutely not wrong, he is the guy who made the out-of-print neon dragon and the siege donkey into dishes to eat!!”

The three researchers stared at Lin Chou with condescending and regretful eyes.

“Scientists have never been so close to capturing a living organism specimen of Tier 5 or even Tier 6…”

“I actually ate it…”

“Fight with him!”

“Hey, hey, it would be great if he could dissect a neon dragon by himself…”

“My dream is broken! You smashed a pure dream with your own hands!!”

Especially miserable, all kinds of complaints filled with righteous indignation came into my ears.

Lin Chou squeezed his eyebrows.

It wasn’t any guilt that caused him, but he blushed for the other side!


“what does it mean?”

“Acid-base reaction cell movement is a science. Is it not a science to smelt it with oil, salt, sauce and vinegar?”

“Your one is called observation at most, and mine is called creation. Obviously, the scientific level of our Lin’s Xiaoguan is higher, okay!”

“It’s also an autopsy. After the’anatomy’ of our Lin’s Xiaoguan, it is not wasted. At least the materials have a perfect destination. Are you freezing or throwing it away? Huh!”

“From a certain point of view, everyone is the same ok? So why is there prejudice and discrimination?”

Several researchers: (⊙﹏⊙)b

The scene can’t be controlled at all, okay!

(Fuck, what he said… it feels like it makes sense…)

(Waiting online is very anxious. How can I refute him because he is insane?)

(Well, can’t you communicate in a normal way?)

Well, how do I put it…

Everyone really loves their own business!

Lin Chou’s remarks were reasonable, well-founded and well-documented, and the SAN value of the three researchers went crazy. For a long time, he didn’t figure out what was wrong.

The three people used the very spacious dinghy to sit four people and it was very crowded, so Lin Chou stood back on the water after the stamina bar was almost restored, and followed the dinghy with Qiongqi Swan proudly—this way You can avoid getting lost again.

The eight-character Hu pokes another very thin scientific researcher…

Well, the average physical fitness of the guys who belong to the research institute can refresh the lower limit of Mingguang people every time.


“Baal, isn’t he proud of being there? Why didn’t I understand…”

Baal thought for a while,

“Maybe because he won the argument over ideas?”


Who lost? Who lost? roll roll roll!

Hu Lian looked at Qiongqi Swan reluctantly for a long time, complaining that his guard did not know where the salted fish went, otherwise the Qiongqi swan had already belonged to the research institute rather than some damn restaurant.

“Hey, hey, we are patrolling and collecting data. This is confidential work! What are you doing with us?”

“That is, if you want to repay your life-saving grace, just send the swan to us, we don’t mind.”

Lin Chou thought he hadn’t heard,

“Drop ashore, light a fire to cook, the canned food of the research institute is too unpalatable, and I can’t get enough to eat at all.”

Bazi Hu put his hands on his chest and breathed quickly, feeling that he might explode in situ with a few words to this grandfather.

“Send away, speed up, and quickly send this guy ashore, I can’t stand this grievance!”

“Where did the damn guard go? I really want to give this guy a severe lesson.”

“By the way, grabbed the swan, ha ha ha…”

The motor of the boat accelerated and roared, and a small sampan with a reasonable load of only three people ran at an astonishing speed.

Lin Chou held the swan’s neck tightly and fell tightly behind him. For about two hours, he finally reached the bank.

Lin Chou looked around for a while, wondering.

“Where is your camp?”

Ba Zi Hu said in an annoyed manner,

“Our inspection mission hasn’t been completed yet. What are we going to do when we return to the camp? This is on the south bank of the Tiankeng, and the camp is on the east.”

“Over there?” Lin Chou pointed in a direction.

Hu sneered,

“That’s North!”

Lin Sorrow doesn’t matter,


Baal jumped ashore,

“Brother! Xiaoba! Look, a water lily, wow, it has been beaten!”

Just a few steps away from the boat, a demonized water lily stood quietly in a puddle connected to the part of the lake. The fish smelled unbearable in the pit, densely floating layers of dead fish, shrimp and crabs. As well as shellfish, there are many small bird carcasses within a few meters.

Obviously, this is all due to the beautiful water lily that sludges out of the mud and does not stain it.

Ba Zi Hu, that is, Xiao Ba immediately left behind his unhappiness.

“Fuck, the water lily that blooms right away? What kind of…his…looks like a decoy nectar water lily, don’t touch its buds, it is very poisonous!”

The three guys surrounded the water lily, waiting to slice it on the spot.

Lin Chou crooked his mouth, he didn’t want to care about it, but he still said,

“What are you doing so close, don’t you smell it, the fragrance of the flower buds is also poisonous!”


“That is, the toxicity of the decoy honey water lily is transmitted through contact…Huh…why did I suddenly feel dizzy…”


One of the three researchers counted as one, and plunged into the mud, watching to follow in the footsteps of the fish and shrimps.

Lin Chou figured out how much silt they had eaten and drank a few sips of fish and shrimp corpse water comparable to a septic tank. After seeing them, he dragged them out one by one, breaking a piece of water lily from the silt. The rhizome is divided into three parts and stuffed into the mouths of several people.


Three people vomit,

“What did you eat for us… ugh…”

Lin Chou shrugged,

“It’s just the rhizome of the water lily, and you should be grateful for my life-saving grace, I saved your three lives!”

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