Chapter 1009

Lin Chou hasn’t learned any maneuvers apart from the [Forty-nine Moves of the Living Dead Rolling Pin]-even if the system gifts are counted, at best it can only be compared to the value of Shen Feng’s “flow shovel”. quite.

So Lin Chou is embarrassed by carrying two lumps of honeycombs… ah no… the posture of preparing to throw them out to smash people is very beautiful. It is like embedding two lumps of giants with perfect shape and earthy color on his arms and turning them into wings. The feeling of flying.

If this is facing an enemy with poor tolerance and psychological endurance, it is probably not vomiting and laughing on the spot.

It’s a pity that the huge flathead doesn’t care what kind of weird look the guy on the other side looks like, and his laugh point is quite high.


Brother Flathead no longer spit out lightning from his mouth, but rushed towards Lin Chou with agility that did not fit his body shape.



All kinds of huge and dull crashing sounds unscrupulously trembled in the Zu Mountain, and the earth and the towering giant trees trembled.

The beagle bee’s nest was turned into fragments after the first collision. More worker bees hiding in the nest were flying around like a frying pan, and there was one that was longer than Lin Chou’s whole person. A lot of queen bee.

Lin Chou yelled at him–the beagle bee hiding in the nest was actually bigger and stronger than the batch that came out before, and it was extremely agile.

I don’t know what I grew up with. The mouthparts are as sharp as scissors, and the tail needle is at least half a slap in length.

Lin Chou had to deal with Pingtou while avoiding key parts such as his own ears, eyes, and nostrils from time to time in the airtight tail needle rain.

Close your eyes.

To shut up.

Cover your crotch.

After all the dodge abilities were fully activated, Lin Chou’s movements suddenly changed, like a perverted, heavy-tasting version of an elderly disco.


A flash of lightning slammed down.

The buffalo was not killed much, but Lin Chou curled up on the ground and twitched into a salted fish.

(This is so…unfair…)

The bullfighters swarmed up, poking and poking, and outputting wildly.

How should I put it, maybe it can be described as-let Lin Chou do a good job.


Although the number of beagle bees responsible for attacking Pingtou is more than ten times that of Lin Chou, but Pingtou’s body length is at least ten meters, compared to only 1.8 meters, Lin Chou is very fragile and very fragile. I’m sad, the inner and outer layers are so muddled that I can’t see the shape of a person.

Across the half-meter-thick buzzer-bee Lin Chou, it seems that he can “see” the flat-headed brother’s triumphant gaze and baptism–

Boss Lin got rid of the paralysis effect of lightning in less than two seconds.

“Oh oh oh!”

A meaningless growl from his mouth, he directly slammed into Brother Flathead’s head.

The flat-headed brother has no evasive action at all. Its head and neck can be called the strongest part of the body, and even the subcutaneous injection of the strong snake venom is not a concern.

So the postures of the two became Lin Chou holding the flat-headed brother’s neck and riding underneath.

Brother Pingtou jumped up to see the opportunity, and he repeatedly chiseled Lin Chou and Own Adam’s apple into an eight-ton bluestone at the same time.

This level of impact is only a few percentage points more painful to Boss Lin than tickle.

“Hey, shovel!”

The convenience shovel, who just didn’t know where Bengfei was going, made a harsh tearing roar in the distance.

Don’t forget, this is an artifact that only takes 0.01 to 3 seconds to accelerate to the breakthrough sound barrier (the specific value depends on the mood of Mr. Shovel).

In the blink of an eye, the shovel ignited a flame, and it smashed at Lin Chou and Brother Flathead like a meteor. Every time the shovel flew over like this, Lin Chou felt that it wanted to destroy himself and everything around him humanely at the same time. The thieves are terrible.

In Lin Chou’s perception, Brother Flathead’s fur suddenly tightened, as if human hair was standing upside down.


Lin Chou took the opportunity to slightly adjust the position that hung under Brother Flathead’s neck.

Convenient shovel at best has a “convenience” attribute, but there will be no more automatic angle adjustment or automatic driving function according to obstacles. After Lin Chou twisted his butt insidiously, the flat-headed brother happened to block Lin Chou and Convenient Shovel. In the middle.

“Hey boom~”

The convenient shovel probably directly hit the hard bone protruding from the back of the flat-headed brother’s plain head.


A harsh, sharp rubbing sound.

The back of the flat head brother is like a ignited explosive lead, sparks are jumping around, and the huge body is rushing to the ground under the impact of the convenient shovel.

And Lin Chou’s backhand was just a shoulder fall.


Every knuckle on the top of his body was crackling, and the whole body was completely embedded in the stone ground.

“Take me a punch!”


The halo of primordial destruction rose.


Two ways.

Countless ways.

What’s so special, what about the good “take your punch”? ?

The martyrdom halo covering a huge area will “drink up” the source within the area as soon as it appears. The alien beasts that have not had time to get out of this area and the more unlucky magic plants that have no legs at all are suddenly suffered. seedling.

The animals made an action at the same time, frantically scratching their throat and heart-the feeling was very similar to the subconscious action after suffocation.

Especially the closest buffalo bee all died on the spot as soon as the halo bloomed. The body fell like rain, and only one queen bee flew away swayingly.

Tired of beating Lin Chou, he jumped outside the smoke-covered area, panting like a broken bellows.

(Emmmmm, the last time I beat people was so cool, it was the time when Leng Han just got ultra-density metal, it is really nostalgic~)

If you let others know what Lin Chou was thinking, he would surely smash his big toe with scared eyeballs.

“Die, it seemed to be out of breath just now…”

Lin Chou’s words were still dead, and the huge shadow rolled him under the ground in a blink of an eye.

As the eyes instantly darkened, a mess of attacks landed on the ground above his head.

The entire underground space seems to have become a meat grinder, and the endless huge force pushes the gravel and soil to grind Lin Shou’s life and slash it with thousands of knives.

Lin Chou calmly hugged his shoulders amidst the earth and gravel, looking at the sky.

He thought silently,

“Well, this flat-headed brother doesn’t seem to have any particularly powerful skills-except for patience.”

I really haven’t seen a big hand who can resist the boss Lin’s arrogance. This flat-headed man should be proud of himself. Abnormal.

It’s good everywhere underground. It can return to the physical strength bar and help thinking. Perhaps it is the confined space. The thinking is exceptionally clear. The only disadvantage is that you can’t breathe.

Lin Chou’s method was simple and rough enough, and he punched it out.


Flying sand and rocks.

The whole ground that had been rubbed by the flat-headed brother was lifted and torn apart, and the surrounding ground and trees were smashed into pieces by the flying rocks and mud.

Across the big pit, the eyes of the two dark creatures were relatively silent for a while.

Lin Chou felt that the scene was a bit awkward, so he tentatively communicated with Brother Flathead.

“Huh huh?”

The flat-headed brother roared, and rushed forward again, without selling any of his Face to Lin Moumou.

Lin Sorrows anxiously and corrupts his way,

“The midfielder won’t let it go? Are you the devil?”

Lin Chou hadn’t caught his breath yet. The side effect of the huge power was that he was consumed equally. His food was not so good today, and his stomach started to cramp right now.

On the other hand, Brother Flathead, his state is totally different from Lin Moumou.

If the potted plants are in the sky at this moment, the BGM given should be the very classic “Ahhh~~~!”

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