Chapter 1007

This attitude can be said to be quite sincere. What else can Lin Chou say? Is it possible to blow Q with these guys sitting on the table?

“Ha ha ha…”

Lin Chou changed the subject,

“The blood of a shallow sea pan-nosed porcupine was used at the beginning. Although the meat of a pan-nosed porcupine is poisonous and cannot be eaten, the blood is a good thing to replenish vital energy, but this kind of thing is not very easy to see. Later, I found Montenegro The blood of wild boars is not bad, and the blood of higher-ranking porcupines is better than the blood of disc-nosed porcupines, so I switch to black mountain wild boars.”

Su Bai nodded seriously, his eyes gleaming, he almost took a notebook to write down Lin Chou’s words.

It can be seen that Su Bai is very interested in cooking—Lin Chou also wants an apprentice of such an aunt!

Su Bai blew the soup in the bowl and took a light sip.

“Well, it’s so spicy…Huh??”

As soon as the pig blood soup entered the mouth, it slid down the throat and into the stomach, and the whole body immediately became warm. Every bone joint, every thread and every muscle of each muscle releases the same heat, but one minute, eight hours of work on the construction site The exhaustion disappeared, and the whole person became refreshed.

“This, this… this is the kind of ordinary Black Mountain wild boar that has been raised in the base city? The blood of the Black Mountain wild boar has this kind of magical effect! Scared!”

Bao Er rolled his eyes.

“You are really stupid when you say you are stupid? No wonder you have to be beaten by Su Qian when you are stronger. Of course, only the pig blood soup made by Boss Lin has this effect.”

Su Bai drank one mouthful after another,

“Unbelievable, amazing…Sure enough, food chefs are all magical existence…”

There is one word Su Bai didn’t say in his stomach, that is, this kind of soup is extremely magical and amazing. Its taste is surprisingly delicious…it is so delicious…

Su Bai Suqian belongs to an evolutionary with a very ordinary background. The Su family’s family conditions are not enough for the two of them to go to a place like a private pantry.

The medicinal food that the two people usually tonic is the kind of two or five eyes who walked the streets and alleys before the cataclysm to sell dog skin plasters, but at least they are genuine products with such a little benefit. As for the taste-can you count on one? Where will the taste of the auxiliary dog ​​skin plaster chewed in the mouth be better? ?

Su Bai obviously forgot the “accident” between him and Little Sister.

“Su Qian Su Qian, you taste this soup, it’s amazing~”

“Su Bai, talk to my old lady, don’t chirp!”


Lin Chou suddenly said with envy,

“It’s great to have a Big sis.”

Look, if Lin Moumou had such a Big sis, he would have a high chance that he would not be chased by the 5th war geese and left a psychological shadow when he was young.

Su Bai was stunned, and said quietly,

“Su Qian is my Little Sister…”

Su Qian scolded,

“Su Bai, what do you mean?”

“It’s boring and boring…”

“Who is boring?”

“Interesting and interesting…”

“What’s the point? How much?”


Bao’s two heads are as big as a fight,

“Noisy, noisy, what’s the noisy? Your mouths are borrowed, ah, step on the horse and beep tightly?”

Su Bai and Su Qian were silent immediately, and drank their soup.

Lin Chou coughed,

“Then what, don’t just drink soup, eat vegetables and eat vegetables.”

Bao Er’s face hates iron but not steel.

“These two little guys may have taken the wrong medicine today, so what? They are usually very obedient. They are both good boys, really!”

Lin Chou: “…”

I was snarling crazily inside, I’m actually only twenty! This handsome doesn’t want to be an elder! !

Bao Er worked extremely hard to promote his juniors,

“Hi, especially Su Qian, don’t look at Su Qian’s personality a bit… Actually, she is so versatile!”

Su Qian: “???”

“Su Qian will especially make jokes and sing, it is known as Xiaobai everyone in the base city~” Bao Er cast a look at Su Qian, “Then what, Qian’er, sing a paragraph for you, Brother Sorrow?”

Su Qian’s face turned green to black.

(My uncle, I can feel that the scene was quite awkward through the screen!)

Seeing Su Qian staying still, Bao Er’s face turned black and his teeth creaked.


Su Qian didn’t dare to defy his uncle’s “authority”, and his uncle was indeed doing it for her and Big Brother’s sake. Is this the way–Is it personally accepted that it cannot be overwhelmed.

In the end, Su Qian ignored his brother’s gloating eyes and confessed his fate.

She said dejectedly,

“Um… I don’t feel very comfortable today… I won’t sing anymore, or should I tell Brother Chou a joke?”

Bao Er clapped his hands,

“Well, you can tell a joke!”

Lin Chou was speechless.

The not-so-spacious dining room seemed to be filled with embarrassing powder weighing half a ton, which was about to cause a dust explosion.

Bao Er’s tossing feels like a teacher in a kindergarten encouraging brave little friends.

Su Qianwan picked up the two palm-sized calculators that Lin Chou had hardly used from the counter and turned it on.

He asked the calculator with a heavy expression like a grave.

“What’s your name?”

Lin Chou: “!!!”

Then Su Qian clicked the button twice.

Calculator (behaved): “++”

Su Qian: “Oh, Jiajia, make a friend, where do you work?”

Calculator: “98”

Su Qian: “Which bar do you work in? Maybe I still know it!”

Calculator: “0.98”

Su Qian: “Hey, I live close to that. What time is convenient, please make an appointment~”

Calculator: “New Era Calendar, 22:05, March 28, 220.”

Su Qian: “Hey, see or leave.”

Su Qian put the calculator back in place, and walked over to the chair to sit down.

Bao Er clapped and clapped.

“Hahaha, well, it’s so good, so funny…”

Lin Chou: “…”

It’s so cold~

It’s not a girl. Is your way of telling jokes too cold and ruthless than hardcore?

It’s so cold that the hearse kills its owner and spirals into the sky!

Boss Lin is now fully able to understand Bao Er’s painstaking efforts. If he can’t understand, he is afraid that he will be overwhelmed by the cold.

Twitching and reluctantly smiled,

“Well, it’s good, it’s good, so what, I have time to play more often in the future, many evolutionists on Yanhui Mountain will often get together and fight… Uh… Very good.”

Su Qiansu nodded like a chicken eating rice,

“Thank you Brother Sorrow.”

Seeing Bao Er’s expression, it seemed that he was relieved, and poured a glass of wine to drink.

Lin Chou, Su Qian, and Su Bai breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, and they all saw sorrow and sympathy in the eyes of each other-thankfully escaped the catastrophe.

After the meeting, Lin Chou asked casually.

“Has the ordering machine been repaired?”

Bao Er quickly said,

“If it’s repaired, I’ve been caught on the construction site and haven’t had time to fetch it. Brother Chou, I’ll tell you that if it weren’t for the four walls to be built, your takeaway business would have been rolled out early, and many people told me to order food. It’s all delayed!”

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