Chapter 1004 Truffle Hunter

Long before the cataclysm, truffle hunters in the Provence region would search for black truffles through breeding and training sows. It is said that the taste of black truffles is similar to the androstenol odor secreted by boars in heat. The sensitive sense of smell of sows is The black truffle buried in the ground at a depth of 25 cm to 30 cm can be smelled at a distance of 6 meters, and the accuracy rate is extremely high.

The Italians in the Balkans prefer obedient and sensible hounds to find white truffles. They can not only help find the location of white truffles and mark them, but they can even conduct preliminary excavations without damaging the truffles-but it is said The “strong” smell of truffles is very detrimental to the sense of smell of dogs. Often when a few dozen pieces of truffles are dug up, the hunting dogs need to rest and cannot continue to work.

Finding truffles is not an easy task at any time, especially during the cataclysm years. Except for the “luxury and extravagance” of Bafanglou, even the restaurant did not organize such a truffle hunter team.

As for Lin Chou, hey, don’t even think about it unless he has a nose like a pig or a dog.

What? !

Train four dogs to find truffles?

Ha ha…

Friends, do you remember what kind of product it is?

Rather than training the four dogs to take their own humiliation, it is undoubtedly more reliable to discover the potential value of numerous hunters.

Seeing that Lin Chou was a little distracted, Ma Chuanhe smiled wryly.

“Linzi, I know you are kind, but like ours squad, even the wilderness of Pingchuan has to put two hundred kilograms of Yuanjing fuel in the trunk before they dare to go out with confidence. That Zushan really dare not go. …Obviously Zushan is rich in resources, but historically only a few powerful evolvers, teams, or talents from the garrison generation committee like to try their luck there, alas…”

Ma Chuanhe thought for a while,

“It’s better now. After Yan Huishan, a few hundred kilometers away from the mountain, it is actually a relative’safe area’ of the Ancestral Mountain. There is no other animal demon plant that exceeds the fifth order daring to be active in this area, even the fourth order. Rarely, even my squad can occasionally take a turn around the periphery. It’s because of the fact that it’s really awesome, awesome!”

Generally speaking, the majesty of Billowing extends two steps downwards at most, and those below the third rank are not ignoring the golden brilliance of Lord Billowing, but-how interested do you think dragons are to ants?

The low-level “weak” people know this well, of course, provided that they do not have a particularly boring soul and extremely interesting body like the rainbow hazel rooster.

Lin Chou squeezed his chin and said with emmmmm, eyes flooding.

“Mr. Ma, you said that if you let Gungun take the lead, Dage, and lead the hunter squad to go hunting in the Ancestral Mountain, the conditions are, of course, by the way, organize a group to help me find truffles. The whereabouts of these precious ingredients are very simple. Oh~”

Ma Chuanhe’s face was almost purple.

Everyone knows that even the sixth-tier places like Zushan are not capitals that go sideways. Let’s not mention whether there are higher-level existences—there are too many ants and they kill the elephants!


This familiar sound is not Ma Chuanhe’s smile, but the sound effect of the uncle Warlock’s sudden apparition.

The warlock perfectly expressed all his expectations and pleasure with a “(✪ω✪)” emoticon,

“Why don’t I lead the team, this warlock character guarantees that there will be absolutely no death or injury… er… Death, Lin Zi, you only need to pay my security guard’s salary on a daily basis.”

Lin Chou blinked,

“The security of the upper city or the security of the lower city?”

The warlock’s emoticon pack was replaced with “ψ(*`ー´)ψ” and said,

“Are you from Queen City…”

“Go, roll slowly, don’t pay attention to the car.”

It is said that since the warlock went to sea this month, he has only received so many business deals, so he is still poor.

In fact, even Lin Chou can’t understand how the existence of the level of Uncle Warlock and the top big player in the industry has made himself so poor as a ghost-it is reasonable to say that his deposit and inventory are simply lost. The operation feels completely impossible to make the pocket cleaner than the face? !

The warlock stretched out his hand to lift Sanhuang out of his sleeve and hugged him up high.

Lin Chou suddenly said in doubt,

“Where is Old Zhao?”

The warlock said casually,

“I’m leaving early…”

Lin Chou banged the table and said in a vibrating voice.

“What?? Go away!!!”

Sanhuang was almost so frightened that he blew all the feathers out of his body, and his small eyes were always frightened.

Warlock: “…”

What’s the situation, I left and left, what is this excitement?

Lin Chou turned around in place,

“Who is that blind old man!”

The warlock thought for a while,

“The old man drank too much and fell asleep.”

Lin Chou breathed a sigh of relief.

Su Yourong reminded,

“Grandpa Zhao settled the bill before he left. The money has been transferred to your card, and the card is on the counter.”

Lin Sorrow,

“Why didn’t you say it earlier?”

——Bai was excited, and almost thought that someone was eating Overlord’s meal. Didn’t he see that the kitchen knife in Lin’s kitchen was already hungry and thirsty.

Su Yourong reminded again,

“By the way, Wet Tiger, the snowman’s food seems to be gone again!”

Lin Chou’s eyes were silent and his expression was dull.

“What? It’s gone again? The ones stored in the incubator are gone too?”

It’s no wonder that Lin Chou’s mentality exploded. He had put almost a whole adult waste wood deer in the incubator before…

The key is that you can’t always eat the black mountain wild boar waste firewood deer for the snow dumplings. Eating bran throat can really fill your stomach, but the lobster king crab can also be full…

The food treatment of the snow dumpling boss, even if he has no objection, so many eyes are still staring, obviously he can’t pick and search like a green potted plant, he Lin Moumou is not that kind of person~

Besides, the Gao family settled an account for the Xuetuanzi boss!

Keke, I just don’t know if they are ready for the next checkout…

Su Yourong hesitated to speak but stopped.



“I…I think…”

“Don’t hesitate, just say, today’s potato shreds haven’t been cut yet!”

Su Yourong said grievously,

“Master, do you think the Snowman can’t get enough to eat this kind of food?”

Lin Chou’s brows gradually clustered together.

Yourong’s voice is getting smaller and smaller, hesitating,

“I have eaten so much…but nothing has changed at all…When the snowman eats hot pot…I always feel as if it can only be filled with a taste that can surprise the snowman…”


Boss Lin was actually aware of or somewhat skeptical before, but he just didn’t dare to believe it all the time.

He feels that if this is really the case…

When the Gao family comes to check out the next time, they will probably yell at robbery and then run away, and move the family to a remote place where the King of Heaven cannot find Daddy.

Ha ha…

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