Chapter 995

After finally putting the “huge” black gold abalone meat into his mouth, the unprecedented satisfaction made everyone sigh with enthusiasm.

Crisp and tough, sweet and smooth.

After the clear clicking sound between the teeth, there is the lightness of the ocean flavor that overflows.

The deliciousness of the abalone meat is fully expressed in the mouth through the oyster sauce that is also concentrated from the small black golden abalone, which is lingering.

Large and thin slices of meat can attach more sauce and double the flavor.

Wu Ke finally ate the last slice before the abalone shell was emptied.

“So crispy… so sweet! It’s like a bite of seafood-flavored ice cream, so refreshing abalone meat.”

Wu Ke’s damn adjectives made it impossible for the people present to understand – they couldn’t understand it and couldn’t say it, otherwise the researcher Wu would be dissatisfied to replace all the descriptions with the chemical formula style and repeat it again.

Chi only took a huge bowl of soup from the earthen jar and surreptitiously placed it behind him.

Lin Chou glanced at it, but he didn’t see it.

In the shadows behind everyone, a fat mountain swelled vaguely,


Then there was a smacking sound.

Lord Gungun was very dissatisfied,


Lin Chou had a good time,

“Oh, I can still taste it without adding salt? Just add it yourself, drink so urgently~”

Lin Chou brought out a bowl of dipping water containing chopped green chilies, shallots and coriander.

The style of otter meat is actually completely inconsistent with the appearance of otter meat. The stewed meat is smooth and tender, and looks much more delicate than rabbit meat.

The white otter meat has no fishy smell at all, but has a small fresh feeling.

Lin Chou took out a piece of meat and dipped it in some water,


The piece of meat slips into the cavity and sips.

The plump meat flicked slightly, and then the gravy came out.

The hard-won otter meat is completely worthy of a slightly exaggerated description, which makes even Lin Chou amazed.

“Simmered in clear water, it is indeed a top-quality ingredient, so it’s extraordinary in the end.”

Lin Chou stored a lot of otter oil at the time, but not much meat. Now that I think about it, I feel a little regretful.

He was only thinking about using these incredibly fragrant otter oil to make a kind of shortbread that had lost its light, but he didn’t have time to put it on the agenda.

The tender otter meat is perfectly matched with the soy sauce, green chili, green onion and coriander dipped in water. The freshness reveals the eye-catching aroma of otter meat, and you can’t stop bite after bite.

“Oh, wet tiger, you have to finish it! Leave a bite for others!”

Lin Chou smiled unkindly, but still moved the pot to Yourong.

Wu Ke is full of expectations for the roasted leg of lamb and hazel chicken that are turning back and forth on the fire. Come to eat.

If this thing gives it enough time to grow into a rainbow hazel chicken, the price will even hurt chefs in places like Bafanglou Yishanfang.

Wu Ke gritted his teeth viciously.

“Thinking about it, it makes me feel, it’s so extravagant, it’s so wasteful…but I like it!”

In order to take care of the flavor of yong and croissant, Lin Chou specially made the roasted hazel chicken into a honey flavor. In addition to looking golden and shiny, the meat will be more tender and taste slightly sweet.

But there is still a little time before the hazel grouse matures, and Wu Ke has to fiddle with the charcoal from time to time, which is a bit boring.

“Um… this roasted papaya… it’s very different…”

The big-chested sister dismissed Wu Ke’s tone.

“What do you know?”

The papaya selected by Big Breast Sister is the “sour papaya” on the mountain after Lin Chou. For Lin Chou, the best way to eat this papaya is to use it in stew or shredded salad-because even after it matures, it is not at all. Sweet and not soft.

Sour and astringent, with various dry and wet chilies to stew the crucian carp is a good meal.

Chi just flipped the charcoal and said very happy and looking forward to it,

“It’s soft, it’s baked!”

During the cataclysm years, the sour papaya completely became a wild species, each about the size of two fists of an adult, with green and red spots on the surface, and a huge thick skin.

As soon as the roasted sour papaya comes out, the rich fruity aroma immediately permeates.

It turned out that after the violent cooking of charcoal fire, the peel of the sour papaya had partially cracked, and it was steaming.

Lin Chou said,

“This thing might really have something to eat when it’s roasted, it tastes really good…”

Big breasted sister Tsundere snorted very much.

“When we were in Tiankeng before, people often fought over roasted papaya. Grilled papaya is more popular than barbecue!”

Several roasted papaya were placed on the banana leaves, and the big breasted sister neatly tore off the skin while it was hot. Seeing this extremely well-rounded action, it must have been eaten before.


We all marveled together.

“It’s so pretty~”

The roasted sour papaya pulp is like crystal clear emerald. To describe it intuitively, it is very similar to the texture of kiwi pulp. The bright green pulp is steaming and rolling, and the smell of sour pulp is extremely refreshing.

Wu Ke swallowed a big mouthful of water very loudly.

“This…cough…this smell, it seems a little fragrant.”

It was the first time that Wu Ke saw someone roasting papaya to eat. He was still beeping in his heart before:

Why don’t you go to heaven? If I have durian on hand, do I have to roast it directly?

Big breasted sister took out a spoon, cut a spoon on the roasted papaya and put it in her mouth.

“Ha…whis…still so delicious…the boss has room for you, do you want to try it?”

Lin Chou has an extraordinary ability to accept anything new…cross out…food, besides, there are still few apples, pears, and pears that he has baked before!

So Lin Chou gladly took the spoon.


Seeing Lin Chou’s surprised expression, Big Breast Sister said expectantly,

“How about boss…”

Lin Chou raised his eyebrows and praised again and again.

“Not bad, good, delicious!”

The flesh of the roasted papaya is piping hot with a smoky flavor, and the flesh is as delicate as creamy.

No, it’s actually more textured than cream, like the pulp of some overripe avocados.

The lingering sourness in the unripe flesh has fundamentally completed the gorgeous transformation, the sweetness has not increased, but the sourness has mostly disappeared.

The sour and sweet taste in the mouth with a slight tingling sensation of sulfide is very strange, like drinking a sip of old fruity sparkling wine, mellow and very irritating.

Wu Ke took advantage of the big breast sister not paying attention, secretly took a roasted papaya, opened his mouth and bit.

“Ahhhhh… so hot…”

“Hi… this thing… there is something…”

“Eh, who is it? Don’t snatch it, Lord Billow, isn’t there any more!”


There is definitely a lot of food beside the fire, and the last few roasted papaya and roasted potatoes almost caused a group of guys to fight.

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