Chapter 982

The croissant braid was particularly surprised,

“It’s so complicated… It’s amazing… But how did you know?”

Wu Ke muttered,

“There is a saying, good things don’t go out, bad things spread thousands of miles~”

As a result, Boss Lin almost pinched oracle bones on his shoulder blades.

Wu Ke screamed and insisted not to run away, holding his job but not letting go, very hard.

At least two of the people watching next are full, and Ye Feng doesn’t eat these things. Her recipe is quite special. As for Ye Yu, she didn’t change her ferocious black armor from beginning to end. The meaning of coming down, he didn’t even take off his helmet and mask.

——General Ye made Lin Chou feel a little guilty and guilty.

The croissant said a few words, and the general of Luan Shan was unmoved.

Lin Chou was entangled for her. When drinking tea and eating fruit, he raised the mask a little bit to expose a gap, and he didn’t feel bored and troubled?

Finally, there was Loli who was smaller than Xiao Yourong, and Yourong seemed to be delighted. Big Sister’s gesture was quite good, and it was a dish and soup.

The croissant’s mouth was so busy that he didn’t forget the words of thanks.

Suddenly the croissant said,

“After dinner, let’s play hopscotch together~”

“Good duck, good duck!”

After fixing the croissant belly, Lin Chou went back to the kitchen.

Such a leisurely day is really not suitable for Boss Lin. The leisure time during business hours will make Boss Lin have a sudden poverty pia on his face.


There is not much stuffing for Buryat buns he had saved before, and now he needs to replenish it urgently.

Buryat steamed buns need more complicated materials, such as the diaphragm of the swamp fox sheep, the slab intestines, minced lamb, and wild horse meat.

Of course, these things don’t need any tricks. They are carefully cleaned and cut into small dices to work together.



Fresh and lively, with a full sense of rhythm—Lin Chou can even use a kitchen knife and cutting board to compose a less complicated song if necessary.

Lin Chou processed the heavier marsh fox and sheep diaphragm first.

The cooked diaphragm is very tough and sticky. After each cut to the end, the knife has to be slid to the side to bounce the diaphragm wire away from the surface of the knife.

At this time, there were two more small heads at the kitchen door, and he was full of food and drink with a smile on his face.

The croissant asked crisply,

“Wow, so fast, so strange action, what Saber Technique does the boss Big Brother use?”

Lin Chou answered,

“I can’t talk about Saber Techniques. Saber Techniques are all used to show off their skills. However, some people call this method of using a knife as a’water knife’, which means Saber Technique which specializes in cutting animals into the water. ‘inside.”

“Oh,” the croissant nodded.

She was a little shorter than Su Yourong’s head, and when her head moved under Su Yourong, the croissant braid poked Su Yourong’s chin playfully.

The croissant said a little admiringly,

“It feels so powerful, but the boss, Big Brother, knows so much…”

Lin Chou scratched his head,


Croissant fast track,

“Boss Big Brother is simple, let me ask you, do you know Saber Technique?”

Lin Chou stumbled.

Pill, this little girl doesn’t seem to be a fuel-efficient lamp.

Boss Lin tried to pretend to be expressionless and said,


The expression of the croissant braid is a bit strange and incomprehensible,

“Ah? But it’s not right. I see the video record left before the cataclysm. There is a place called Beep Station in there. Everyone can pinch the Saber Technique!”

Lin Chou: (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻

I was wrong, my underwear was wrong, I just knew that bringing a child is definitely not an option that normal people would order.

Lin Chou’s affection for the croissant braids just accumulated was instantly blown up a lot, and it was sad.

Fortunately, the little girl was quickly thrown away by the unspeakable and weird animal entrails, and Lin Chou was able to breathe a sigh of relief.

After processing enough bun stuffing for a week, Lin Chou rubbed his wrist and sat down behind the counter.

“Emmmm, the days without business are too damn long.”

When I usually have business, I always think about finding opportunities to go out and find ingredients to cook on the spot.

But when there were no guests, Lin XX completely lost this interest, and looked sadly at the direction of the door.

A bit sluggish.

Suddenly, a shadow enveloped Lin Chou.

“Uh… Yeyu you…”

Ye Yu’s muffled voice came from the black armor,

“Why don’t you give me wine?”

Lin Chou is always embarrassed. The feeling that this person has been holding back because he is still reading the article in anger?

Lin Chou coughed,

“You can’t blame me for this, the guy who gave you the wine is also unreliable, I…”

“You promised!”

Lin Chou: “…”

Luan Shan didn’t have such a thing as a lie. He promised and agreed, and spitting was a nail, and it was more than a hundred times the compensation contract. In Luan Shan, warriors who dared to violate their verbal promises generally died on the spot.

Lin Chou rubbed his eyebrows and said from his heart,

“It’s my fault, what? Bring some more home this time. I don’t know when the unreliable green-haired guy can think of it.”

After thinking about it, he said,

“I made a batch of good wines some time ago, and the taste is strong, do you want to taste it?”

People pay the bill with gold and don’t blink their eyes. Of course, Lin Chou has to be polite to win over him.

Ye Yu said dullly,


Lin Chou was even more embarrassed.

Ye Yu said,

“To guard me… my king’s safety, tomorrow after my king enters the city… well…”

The face behind the black armor must be red, and the general of Luan Shan is a bit addicted to alcohol.

After drinking the snake wine sent by the potted plants, she and the soldiers around her could say that they were thinking about it day and night, and they were almost crazy.

The more you drank without alcohol, the more angry you became.

Because after drinking Lin Chou’s Sancai Snake Wine, I feel that Luanshan’s self-produced wine is even more tasteless than plain water.

Lin Chou nodded,

“That’s it.”

By the way, he glanced at Ye Feng,

“I feel that Yefeng’s strength has risen a lot, so I should be able to drink it.”

Naturally, what Lin Chou was talking about was the colorful Snake King wine with added ingredients—the grade 6 upgraded and upgraded golden thread guts. Most people don’t have the blessings of tasting this thing.

If it were converted into an evolver like Bai Qiongshou with fragile and agile physique, at least he would have to drink a little bit at the sixth rank, otherwise the whole person would be blown up directly.

Lin Chou himself hasn’t been willing to taste the effects of this wine, and the old dog of the system hesitates even more.

It is reasonable to say that this wine should be a homemade product, can you give me another idea?

Last time Nagouji sneaked himself to improve the formula of Sancai Snake Wine, but when he got to Lin Chou’s side, it was confused.

——Hey, what is it, bad character.

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