Chapter 977

For the first time, the fences of Yanhui Mountain were intertwined vertically and horizontally, sealing the gate at the foot of the mountain.

This is the first time in its history that Xiaoguan has closed its doors in a true sense.

Usually, even if Lin Moum is not on the mountain, at least he still leaves a thought for people, but this time it seems that there is a kind of rush to run away.

In the small restaurant, Yeluan Yeyu Yefeng croissant braided big-breasted sister and Su Yourong sat on a table, relish tasting Luanshan specialties—don’t think about it, it’s definitely not the rare antlers, but some There are no beautiful fruits near Mingguang that Lin Chou has ever seen.

The Queen of the Night said that she didn’t have the share of the three men, and she looked very greedy.

Next to the counter, Lin Chou and Wu Ke and a shivering bald prince choked silently.

When others ate and watched them, the scene was once quite cruel.

Lin Chou stabbed Huang Dashan with his elbow,

“I said, what kind of wind does your family have, come Mingguang this time?”

Huang Dashan’s face was almost tangled into briquettes.

“I know nowhere, I ran away from home to earn a living, know how to cut…”

Wu Ke laughed ha ha ha,

“You obviously don’t have enough waist, right?”


“Little Beep, daddy, you might die with this punch!”

Wu Ke is not afraid at all,

“Come on, come on, all have a look, our prince, the fifth-order boss, is proud to kill a weak scientific researcher who is not even an evolutionary-Would you like to find a skilled craftsman after you pass away? This brilliant record is advertised on your epitaph?”

Lin Chou squeezed his eyebrows.

“Don’t be noisy, Lord Shan, you have to think of a trick. You didn’t see the expression on General Ye when he left. You’re so ferocious, I’m afraid there will be good fruits for you.”

This is no longer a question of whether there are good fruits to eat.

General Ye Lao didn’t order the Yuanjing Cannon Birdwing Ballista on the spot to set the fire queen, and the Queen had to be considered full of tolerance.

Huang Dashan also understood in his heart that the “cooperation” between Mingguang and Luanshan was just a taste, at least there was no clear move up to now.

This kind of knotty eyes is on the Queen, you mean to say that it is a complete coincidence to break the big sky, and no one will believe it-Mingguang is almost exhausted by the rebellious party.

Rebelling against the party has never caused much trouble, but their news channels and penetration of Mingguang have already caused Mingguang’s high-level staff to suffer a myocardial infarction.

If you want to say that Luanshan has this ability, Mingguang’s senior executives have to convulse on the spot.

How bad is Mingguang? Is it a dictionary with a table of contents? Anyone who sees it can turn over a few pages and take a look?

People rebelled against the Party and went to the dark under Mental Energy’s control. The news is flexible and it is not so unexpected to tell the truth. When do you Luanshan hundreds of thousands of ferocious iron-blooded women have this ability?

Huang Dashan hesitated with drooping eyebrows.

“Do you think I can be her master? So why am I running away…”

Lin Chou thought for a while,

“That’s right, after all, you may be acquiesced by others if you can run out.”

Huang Dashan can only pinch his nose to recognize these words-the master is there, after all, it would be a shame if the refutation is exposed again.

The Queen held a red fruit that resembled grapes but seemed to glow in her mouth, and looked back at Huang Dashan.

Huang Dashan: “…”

Hey, I’m not letting people chat anymore, I haven’t had time to beep!

The Queen throws a square gold brick,

“Lin, the last time I was here for free eating and drinking for so long, it was regarded as interest.”

Lin Sorry took over the gold bricks.


The surplus this time is a bit big.

“Well, just wait for these words, turn around and come first with a crock pot chicken Ascension Ascension luck value?”

The Queen looked at Lin Chou in surprise, and said for a long time.

“Hey, is that enough? Has Mingguang’s prices always been so low?”

Lin Chou: “???”

The night queen’s eyes rolled sloppyly,

“Well, I mean…is this thing so valuable in Mingguang…”

Lin Chou: “…”

Yes, you still don’t explain it?

Boss Lin is a little sad.

Your house is so big, so big, so big and so big, so many problems…

You are a little bit cautious, Queen. You have to learn from us. They are all city bricks. Our bricks are super big, but we Mingguang people never make a fuss about one, two, three, four walls!

The Queen of the Night sighed,

“I’m going to be a’prisoner under the order’ anyway. Stay with you for a day, and the Left Bank will accompany me into the city tomorrow.”

Huang Dashan said,

“Didn’t you talk about it last time? Just take care of Dongguapi…”

The Queen of the Night swept her eyes,

“Blame me? You Mingguang is born suspicious. If this is Luanshan… Forget it, then people go by themselves…”

Huang Dashan’s wailing voice,

“How can it work? Daddy’s, Daddy will go with you! See who dares to move your finger, I will be… uh…”

Shan Ye couldn’t continue, because Lin Chou, Big Breast Sister, Wu Ke, and Su Yourong were all staring at him with very strange eyes.

Shan Ye frantically scratched his shiny head,

“Then what… I am not… Actually I… alas…”

This is a dog in the gap between Luan Mountain and Mingguang. It seems that the scenery is boundless and the hard-working Shan Ye occasionally feels that sending a few grays is often embarrassing.

But this guy obviously misunderstood everyone’s meaning, because Wu Ke squeezed his eyes at him and said in a trivial way,

“(キ`゚Д゚´)!! Oh, I’m going, it’s such a showy and brazen Lun’s scalp and numbness and gold stars. I’ve heard this, my masters are all excited-you didn’t come back from running away. Isn’t it the Huang Dashan who speaks righteously? What about your dignity? What about your backbone?”

Huang Dashan: “…”

The corners of this man’s mouth twitched and the blue veins on his face violently.

(who am I?)

(Where am I?)

(Where am I from?)

(What inexplicable plot have I ever told these goods before?)

(It must be Hong Dashan posing as me!)

Huang Dashan’s brain is in a mess and his heart is tired.

The two little yellow chickens finally finished eating the cores, jumped off the table, and flew towards Huang Dashan.

Then he jumped on his bald head, and closed his eyes in a comfortable nest with full hiccups.

Queen of the Night,

“Lin Chou, remember to take care of my little pets. They can just gnaw their bones. There is no need to worry about cooking.”

Lin Chou opened his mouth.

“Um… can I ask how many bones they gnaw…”

The Queen gave him a blank look.

“Sniffs, they are not picky eaters.”

Lin Chou patted his chest.

“I’m relieved.”

The two little yellow chickens really left a certain psychological shadow on Lin Chou when they were just born.

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