Chapter 254 What is yours is mine

I saw that the power of extreme ice that Yue had condensed for more than ten minutes was instantly spread on all robots, including the silver-white robot.

Although it failed to reach minus 273.15 degrees close to absolute zero, it also reached minus 199 degrees.

Extreme heat and extreme cold suddenly met, and the robots, which were two temperature carriers, instantly shattered into pieces.

Francis was so confident that there would be no problems with the robot, which only lasted for less than half an hour before it all came to nothing.

After trying for a long time, Tang Tian, ​​who was still unable to drill through the protective cover on the sky carrier, gave up the idea of ​​continuing.

He thought of another way, when the attack inside the air carrier passed through the barrier and reached the outside, seize the momentary opportunity and let the unparalleled realm that permeated the exterior of the Zhengke air carrier infiltrate.

When the firepower passed through the protective cover, the positions that were attacked must be the weakest places in Tang Tian’s eyes.

Aim at this kind of place to attack, and some force will definitely enter the inner layer of the protective cover. At this time, you can fully urge Wushuang Domain to analyze and deconstruct, and find the weak point of this protective cover.

In fact, for Tang Tian, ​​it would be best to go directly to Francis, regardless of this hard, tortoise shell-like Aerospace 29 mothership.

But when he tested that the protective cover was so hard and so resistant, he had other ideas.

“Such a good thing, analyzed with supernatural powers, can I use this protective shield at will in the future?” Tang Tian whispered to himself.

It was with this idea in his heart that he wanted to break through this hard protective shield. If he could really analyze the energy composition of this protective shield, then his energy control field would have another ability.

In this case, even if he couldn’t kill the Francis Devouring System this time, he wouldn’t come home empty-handed.

Driven by this idea, Tang Tian persistently studied and analyzed the shield.

The situation is deadlocked here.

All the attacks of the air carrier were blocked and could not cause any effective damage to Wu.

Instead, he was hit by Wu Dang’s large boxing bag in the fight with Wu.

Every time this air carrier wants to fly up and attack other people except Wu from a higher place, it will be punched at the top by the towering giant ape with a height of more than 1,000 meters. Hit it down.

However, as time goes on, the protective cover absorbs more and more kinetic energy, and the energy pool storing kinetic energy is almost bursting through passive energy.

Immediately, all the power that has just been punched will be reflected through the shield.

“Hum! Stinky monkey! Keep fighting, keep fighting! The harder you work, the happier I am! You’ll know how good it is later!

Francis was actually very concerned about this towering giant ape.

After all, after Wu’s complete transformation, his body is extremely huge, but he doesn’t look bloated, and his body coordination ability is excellent.

Frappiss couldn’t handle this creature at all, especially when he found that the monkey was getting more and more frantic.

Since he got the system, he has devoted himself to occupying major cities, and is very keen on various combat technologies. As long as it is a technology that is conducive to improving the comprehensive combat effectiveness, he has in-depth research.

Before encountering Tang Tian, ​​he had never encountered an opponent, which made him think that he was well-deserved invincible at the same level.

It was not until he met Tang Tian that he knew that even in terms of individual power, he could reach the level of combat power he had developed for many years.

Just when Tang Tian blocked the space and slowly played with the turtle shell, the siege team of the Power User Alliance rushed to the vicinity of the decisive battle position.

“You feel it? Right ahead!”

“I have long felt that what kind of creature is fighting, how can such a strong energy fluctuation break out.

“Whatever you are doing, quietly touch it and see what it is!

“That’s right, anyway, Lord Lingyu is in the Mizhou Continent. If the situation is not right, just call her directly! 35

The four-person team of the Power User Alliance sensed that the energy fluctuations in the battle between Tang Tian and Francis were rapidly approaching the main battlefield.

“It’s better not to think that Lord Lingyu can save us when we are in danger. She seems to have found some interesting toys, haven’t you heard?”5

“I also really want to be a toy for Lord Lingyu!

“Go away! Can such a good thing be your turn?”

Several people did not take the previous matter to heart, after all, they are all SSS-level powerhouses.

Even if the energy fluctuations ahead are far more than ordinary SSS grades, they still think that it may be a phenomenon of heaven and earth.

In the eyes of the local people in the Central Imperial Capital, the garbage place of Mizhou is completely a garbage dump, and there can be no strong people.

Even if there is, it is the tallest among the dwarfs, and it is also a dwarf, and it does not pose any threat to the noble people in the central imperial capital.

Just as these people carefully found the place where Yang fought at the beginning.

“There is still a hot breath in the air! But there is no trace of fire!”

“It’s a person with high temperature ability, don’t worry! I’m the best at dealing with people with this ability!” The man wrapped in a milky white robe said in a loud voice.

“Yes, don’t be afraid if you are here!”

“Go, keep looking ahead, the battle ahead is still going on! Check it out!””

“Maybe some of the remnants of the Hundred Ghost Academy are fighting infighting here!

A group of 003 people quickly identified the direction, and then quickly rushed to the place where Wu and the air carrier were fighting.

After fighting for so long, only a few of the weapons on the helicarrier could still attack.

Francis, who has been watching the battle, originally planned to take back the helicarrier whose firepower was running out and use it to reload the system.

But I didn’t expect that even though Wu had changed back to a height of more than two meters, he still held on to the air carrier and kept chasing and fighting, so that he could not be in a state of being out of battle.

This made Francis very uncomfortable. System loading is required, and the helicarrier must be out of combat.

“Dead monkey! How annoying!”

Sitting cross-legged below, Tang Tian, ​​who had driven the Unparalleled Domain for nearly an hour, finally showed a smile.

“Damn it! It’s really hard to finally parse this turtle shell!

Even in the upgraded Peerless Domain, it took nearly an hour to analyze the energy shield on the air carrier.

The time used is almost close to the last purple lightning crazy thunder.

“Next, it’s time to counterattack! Francis, your helicarrier is mine now!

With a grin, Tang Tian manipulated the ability to change it into the same source of energy as the shield, and gradually merged into it.

When Francis noticed something was wrong and wanted to let the mothership explode, Tang Tian’s ability had completely penetrated into it.

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